4 minute read
New Homes Needed for Flood Buyback Properties in Northern NSW
The NSW Reconstruction Authority (RA) is seeking new owners for around 30 homes in the Lismore and Murwillumbah areas, available through an Expression of Interest (EOI) process as part of the Resilient Homes Program (RHP).
This initiative offers a chance to relocate and restore homes affected by fooding, providing them with a new lease on life in safer locations.
Key Details of the EOI Process
• Homes on Offer:
A diverse selection of properties, ranging from charming old timber homes with traditional features like front verandas and high ceilings, to others requiring renovations to return them to their former glory.
• Submission Deadline:
The EOI is open until 5 pm, 14 February 2025.
• Real Estate Partner: Local real estate agent PRD Northern Rivers has been appointed to manage the marketing and sale process.
Assessment Criteria
All eligible EOI submissions will be evaluated by a panel, with oversight from an Independent Probity Advisor. Submissions will be assessed against the following criteria:
1. Buyer Type (40%): Priority may be given to buyers who align with specifc goals, such as local community needs.
2. Buyer Readiness (40%): Buyers should demonstrate preparedness for the relocation and restoration process.
3. Financial Offer (20%): Competitive fnancial offers will contribute to the assessment.
The highest-ranked submission for each property will proceed to contract negotiations with the NSW Reconstruction Authority.
About the Resilient Homes Program
The homes available were acquired under the buyback stream of the $880 million Resilient Homes Program, funded by the NSW and Commonwealth Governments. The program aims to enhance community resilience by facilitating the relocation of homes from foodprone areas.
How to Submit an EOI
For more details about the available homes and the submission process, contact PRD Northern
• Phone: 02 6624 7700
• Email: NR.relocationhomes@ prd.com.au
• Web: PRD Northern Rivers Relocation
Additional information is available on the NSW Reconstruction Authority website at nsw.gov.au/ relocatable-homes-eoi.
A Unique Opportunity
This frst release of buyback properties offers a range of sizes and styles, providing buyers with the opportunity to restore and relocate homes to safer locations while supporting community resilience.
For further details or to submit an EOI, act before 14 February 2025.
“Leemo has views on just about anything”

‘Mum, I’ve bought our mail in for you; give me Treats & Pats please!?’
(It’s ‘Leemo Cat’ back)
She took the letter from my maw with a frown.
‘Leems, did you run into an echidna on your way from the letter box ‘cos this letter is chewed & has holes in it? Never mind; let’s open it & see what AusPost have delivered for us shall we? I made tea & waited.
Mum’s face took on a look of elderly confusion as she read it. Hmmm? What’s going on? ‘Mum, what does the letter say?’
She did one of her old woman dumb swoony things…hands clutched to bosom & a look of horror & upsetness.
Eeeek! Tea with a sni of brandy to the nostrils is needed here..all done.
‘So Mum, what DID the letter say to cause that ridiculous swoon pray tell? C’mon, out with it.’
(Pause) ‘OMG Leems, the letter is our Home & Contents insurance renewal. We’ve been with this rm many years with nary a claim ‘cept for $180 food spoilage when we lost power in the ood of ’22. e letter is telling me our monthly premium will now be $312! (It WAS $237 per month!) OMG
Leems, I’m relieved we don’t have extra cover for ‘Valuables & Speci ed Contents’ via a Rider/ Endorsement on our Policy ‘cos it would have been higher! Hmmm? I had a ash-light moment & needed to ponder her words intently. NO VALUABLES or SPECIFIED CONTENTS cover? OMG…I’m going to do a swoon myself very soon but remembered boys don’t DO swoons! ‘MUM, WHADDYA MEAN we don’t have Valuables & Speci ed Contents cover? WELL? What about all MY stu ? Are you telling me if a burglar steals my things, or our house is burned or ooded I won’t be able to claim for new stu ?’ (I copped her erce stare-glare.)
YOUR stu is covered under our ‘General’ Contents cover Leems, as I don’t believe you own anything that would fall into the category of ‘Speci ed Valuables’; this also applies to my own stu . Gottit?’ (NUP, I don’t gottit!) I spoke very loudly. ‘MUM, what about my plush blankies, pillows, beds, stu ed bears & mousies; my Feathers on a Stick game, my chirping toy canary, my BLUEY DVDs, my travel carrier, food & water bowls, my Boar’s hair brushes & OTHER stu . WELL? ese are MOST valuable to ME?’
Well as usual I got a look of total exasperation from her. ‘Alright Leems, answer THIS for me will you. IF, per chance, you had enough time to rescue just ONE of your so-called valuable items in the event of a threat, WHAT WOULD IT BE?
‘MUM, that is the most preposterous question I’ve ever heard. I love all of my stu so you’d better buy a Beach Buggy with wheels and pack all my stu in NOW in it now so I’m prepared. AND, MUM, what would YOU (smarty pants!) choose to take..Well, truth or dare, out with it!’ ‘OK Leems, bring me tea whilst I ponder.’ DONE! She spoke; ‘Righto my boy, sit & listen. I have given this much thought. ere are things I might TRY to save like books & family photos but realise there is only ONE PRECIOUS thing I own..And, guess what Leems, IT’S “YOU” my ni y, u y, crazy, di cult, clever, mauling wee feline...you are beyond value to me...e.g., uninsurable!’ e rest of my stu is just ‘STUFF’. Let’s watch ‘Bluey’ OMG, I’m so so contented. Purrs & Nitey, Leemo.