“Investing In The Nature Of Southwestern Illinois”
Commonfields www.HeartLandsConservancy.org
What’s Inside The Mounds................................2-3 Highlights....................................4-5 Board of Directors......................... 6 Upcoming events.......................... 7 Farmland Protection...................BC 2013 Annual Report....................BC Become a member.....................BC
Directors Robert J. Hilgenbrink, Chair IL Green Economy Network Frank O. Miles, Vice Chair Southwestern Illinois College Lester Harnetiaux, Secretary Bond County Realtors Ronda Latina, Treasurer Environmental Operations, Inc. William Boardman Firehouse Contracting, LLC Ronald J. Foster, Jr. Schoen, Walton, Telken & Foster Dennis (Denny) Kirkham (Land Owner) Charles Meier IL State Representative Robert Nelson Nelson & Nelson Ron O’Connor O’Connor & Partners Cliff Schuette Schuette Seed Company Justin Siegel Deli Star Corporation
A Quarterly Publication of HeartLands Conservancy
Spring 2014
Earth Day and Our Weather Future At HeartLands Conservancy’s Annual Dinner in March, James Kramper, a NOAA Warning Coordination Meteorologist, depicted how our climate has been changing, and what our weather might look like in Southwestern Illinois in the future if contributing factors were not addressed.
Make Earth Day Every Day of Your Life
Three scenarios were provided: SCENARIO ONE: We as a society immediately address the contributing factors associated with climate change. In this scenario, our climate future will likely be similar to that of Arkansas. SCENARIO TWO: We as a society start to address our contributing factors, but do so with less energy and commitment, and therefore prolong true action. In this scenario, our climate future will likely be similar to that of Louisiana. SCENARIO THREE: We as a society continue to delay action. In this scenario, our weather future will likely be similar to that of Houston, Texas.
April 22, 2014
Most scientists have already concluded that we’ve crossed the line and we have no option other than to adapt to a changing climate. The key questions between these three scenarios is WHEN we chose to truly address contributing factors; which will dictate how extensive our adaptations will need to be. As Earth Day approaches please consider how your actions may contribute to factors associated with climate change. While having a “Houston-like climate” may sound appealing after the winter that we’ve endured, the droughts, extended heat waves and intense rain events would not be so desirable long term. Make Earth Day every day of your life, and encourage family, friends, neighbors, colleagues and others to do the same. You are HeartLands Conservancy, and with your action we will ensure that we retain communities with healthy and sustainable air, land and water resources for current and future generations.
Investing In The Nature Of Southwestern Illinois