Chakra Healing To Awake Your Spiritual Energy The things which are present in the universe radiates energy. The mountains, oceans, grass to big plants, and each cell of our body. All the cells of our body emit energy in different ways and the energy which is emitted from our different parts of our body are of different kinds depending on our parts. There are different channels that are located in our body through which all the energy can flow in and our. These points are called chakras. The word chakras are also known as a wheel. These chakras spin in a clockwise direction as they move the energy of our body to the outside. The chakras spin anticlockwise when they bring back the energy to our body from our surroundings. It is the way of spin of our chakras which determines the energy flow of our body. The chakras exist for thousands of years. These are used in the Ayurvedic and Yogic traditions and they are also used in the Chinese concepts of qi and meridians. The Chakra and Energy healing work is proved in the traditions for the patients who go for this. The influence of this energy on our body which makes the life force flows through us and the power of quantum field make us believe that our body can achieve many more things through them. There are about seven chakras which are present in our body at different points. The seven chakras are Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. A chakra may be represented as the wheel but it works as a ball of energy in our body. These chakras cannot be seen on X-rays or they are physical. They are present in the form of consciousness and they help to maintain our physical and energetic body power. They interact with the physical and energetic body with the help of endocrine system and nervous system. Each of the chakras is associated with nine endocrine glands and with a group of nerves called plexus which make them an important element in healing. These chakras need to balance in our body. a perfect balanced chakra helps us to attain a great energy within our body. This can be attained by meditation. Meditation is very beneficial for our body as it makes our body, mind, and soul relax. It helps to clean our negative thoughts and energy from our minds. The best way to heal your mind, body, and soul from these negative thoughts is by doing Crystal Healing Meditation. This crystal meditation is the most powerful tool for us to do meditation. when you do meditation with crystals it raises the consciousness and awareness of our mind and it helps in making our intuition better and brings insight in a clear way. There are different healing crystals tools to do meditation like Quartz Crystal, Selenite, Incense and palm Stones. If you use them while doing meditation they will help you to achieve better peace for your body, mind, and soul.