All About Past Life Regression, Chakra And Energy Healing With every individual appears to reside in the events of the past lives. A severe lower back pain, migraine or knee problem may be conveying a story from an old wound or accident. A chronic sore throat might derive from hanging, choking or strangling. As the returning of the soul takes place to life over and over, the bad and traumatic memories are created again in our present life that often makes little sense and prevent us from having a peaceful lives. Past lives are brought the awareness at a conscious level by panic attacks, depression, anxiety, anger, obsessions, phobias, unexplainable physical pains and nightmares. Past Life Regression facilitates us to look beyond the illusions and confusion of this life and allow the healing process for the past life which resonates in our present life. Past life Regression Therapy provides access to the memories of past life that are below the level of our awareness at conscious level. It facilitates the conflicts from the past which have been disrupting our emotional, physical and mental well being to be resolved. An instance from the present life may appear to be a phobia and more complex aspect right after the traumatic stress from any life threatening situation or childhood trauma. The symptoms may also include the emotional outbursts, panic attacks, blocked feelings, numbness, recurring relationship issues, self harm and unexplainable physical pain. The therapy for these issues works by getting to the roots of the issues, by gaining the access to the wisdom, healing and learning while releasing and getting rid of the intrusive and negative energy that has been affecting the wellbeing and health. What is chakra healing? Chakra healing is the specific kind of energy healing work. The main points we strive for facilitating such types of healing are connection, flow, balance and harmony. Chakra healing works with the system of chakra. It is a system that has energy wheels that serve and spin as translation and integration points between the physical and spiritual aspects of the being. There are seven key chakras which are situated through the central line of the human body right from the tailbone till the top of the head with many more chakras below, above and in the joints of the human body. Chakra healing honors the gift of every chakra and functions to
ensure that every chakra is open in a perfect way, flowing in a balanced and harmonious way and associated and communicating with other chakras for allowing balancing, communication and alignment of the entire existence. What is energy healing? Energy healing is regarding tapping into the frequencies of the human body as a kind of alternative medicine which is being considered very seriously by the practitioners of health who are trained in both western and eastern modalities of medicine. There are many kind of energy healing such as reiki, reflexology, tapping, and reconnective healing. Physicians specializing in western and eastern medicine agreed regarding the power that these energy healing therapies have and seconded the statement that science is beginning to understand the way in which the chakra and energy healing works.