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Amy Bayliss

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Heart of the Matter Online is more than just a homeschooling site. It is a site dedicated to bridging the gap between the child and the parent, a relationship designed by God. We hope to accomplish this by presenting parents with motivational posts, encouraging articles from “real” moms, and resources so that the parents can take 100% control of their child’s education. We provide a magazine, online conferences, videos, how-to tutorials, reviews and more for the busy mom. I think what sets us apart is that we are women of an eternal God, placed in this day and time for a reason, so we are not living in days past. Heart of the Matter was formed in January 2008 by the team now known as “The Amies” and the writers are made up of some of the home schooling community’s most popular bloggers. Each brings their own passion and style to Heart of the Matter Online giving us an edge on whatever educational endeavors you choose.
