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Redfeb 2023: Heart Research Month
HEART RESEARCH MONTH raises awareness about the devastating impact of heart disease and the need for ongoing research. Heart Research Australia’s focus is to obtain funding for pioneering, first-stage research to find breakthroughs for treating heart disease.
Did you know heart disease is Australia’s leading single cause of death, with 18,590 deaths attributed to heart disease in Australia in 2017? Heart disease kills one Australian every 28 minutes.
So what is classed as heart disease?
Heart disease is an umbrella term for a range of conditions that affect your heart.
Diseases under the heart disease umbrella include blood vessel diseases, such as coronary artery disease; heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias); and heart defects you’re born with (congenital heart defects), among others.
The term ‘heart disease’ is often used interchangeably with the term ‘cardiovascular disease’.
Cardiovascular disease generally refers to conditions that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to a heart attack, chest pain (angina) or stroke.
Other heart conditions, such as those that affect your heart’s muscle, valves or rhythm, also are considered forms of heart disease.
Is it possible to reduce your risk of heart disease?
The short answer is yes.
By improving your lifestyle, including your diet and level of fitness, you can minimise your risk of getting cardiovascular disease.
90% of Australians have at least one risk factor for heart disease. The more risk factors for coronary heart disease you have, the greater your chance of developing it.
Risks you can control:
• Smoking
• Cholesterol
High blood pressure
• Being inactive
• Diabetes
• Being overweight
• Unhealthy diet
Risks you cannot control:
• Age: as you get older, your risk of heart disease increases.
• Gender: men are at higher risk of heart disease. Women’s risk grows and may be equal to men after menopause.
• Ethnic background: people of some origins (e.g. from the Indian sub-continent) have a higher risk. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people can have more risk because of lifestyle factors. Family history: if someone in your family has cardiovascular disease, speak to your doctor about your risk.
Ÿ Is the technician fully qualified & licensed?
The good news is that for most risk factors, you can do something about them. Even if you have two or more risk factors, you can still make changes that will reduce your chances of developing heart problems.
Ÿ Has your room been measured & sized correctly?
Ÿ Have you seen any recent work from the installer?
How can you support Heart Research Australia’s REDFEB 2023?
Ÿ Can the installer provide ongoing support & service?
Ÿ Will the installer use premium products, provide quality workmanship & leave the jobsite clean & tidy?
Ÿ Does the installer know the local area & environmental conditions?
Getting involved is as simple as wearing red during February and donating to heartresearch.com.au
Who will you be wearing red for?
Source: heartresearch.com.au any tricky spots the toothbrush might be missing.
WITH CHILDREN now back in the classroom, the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service (SCHHS) is encouraging parents to make use of the free dental care available for eligible students in prep through to grade 10.
Getting children comfortable with getting their teeth checked will help set up positive life-long habits.
For children aged up to eight parents should be helping with brushing at home, and for older children if recommended by a health professional.
We no longer provide Auto electrics service so no longer wish to have any in our advertising. Also if you could just remove the recommendation in the advert. Also maybe just try it with a light blue surround.
Oral health therapists will take a good look at the child’s teeth and gums, assess how adult teeth are developing and advise if there are
Ÿ save:
Ÿ Disinfectants & Cleaning
Ÿ Portable Hand Wash
Your child’s school will notify you when the dental van is due to visit and will provide the forms required. To check eligibility and book at a clinic, visit www.sunshinecoast.health.qld. gov.au/services/dental and enter your suburb.