1 minute read
Noisy Pitta
WITH A STUNNING technicolour plumage, the noisy pitta is always a delight to spot in the bush.
An elusive bird, it is found in forest habitats along the east coast of Australia, from the Torres Strait to the Hunter Region in New South Wales. The noisy pitta spends its time on the forest floor, flicking through the leaf litter for insects, snails, occasional fruit, and other invertebrates to dine on.
When it comes time for breeding a nest with a side entrance is made from branches and twigs, roots, plant fibres, mosses, strips of bark and feathers, and is generally placed on the ground at the bottom of a large rock or stump of roots.
Both mum and dad incubate the eggs in the dome-shaped structure, and feed the chicks.
Unfortunately populations of noisy pittas have declined due to the destruction of forests and attacks by household pets, but if you’re quiet and watchful you may just see one while in a forest and catch a glimpse of its stunning colours.
– cooloola city farm PLANT OF THE MONTH –
Swainsona galegifolia
COMMONLY KNOWN as Smooth Darling Pea, Swainsona galegifolia is a species of flowering plant from the Fabaceae family and is endemic to Australia.
A small attractive evergreen perennial shrub to 1m that is easy to cultivate and has a long flowering season. The flower spikes are up to 15cm long with colours from white to deep red with mauve-pink the most common.
Cut back old stems after the main flowering season in autumn to encourage stronger growth.
Grows well in a sunny position but does not like very wet soils. Seed is plentiful and easy to propagate. After planting out they will flower about 1 year later.
They provide a quick cover in difficult situations as a group planting and are also excellent as single specimens – useful in a rockery situation. Generally pest and disease free but Swainsona is poisonous to stock.
Cooloola City Farm Nursery is located opposite the Community Centre at 17 Amity Place off Tin Can Bay Road.
Opening Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays 8am-3.00pm
Cash or EFTPOS acceptable
Phone: 0422 215 953
Email address: ccfni09@gmail.com
Trading Hours
7 days a week
Mon - Fri 7.30am to 5pm
Saturdays 7.30am to 3pm
Sundays 7.30am to 1pm
Left: Sarah & Dean from Rainbow Beach Learn to Surf will continue to provide weekly gym and beach activities for the Learning Community.
Cooloola Turtle Care will be joining us at the Learning Community this term to share their new Turtle Talk booklet