The Evolution of Movies Owen There was a time when the movies were black and white and had no sound. The first movie to ever have sound was Don Juan made in 1926. From then movies had evolved in many different ways, content, color, and story. The movies that we have today are all filled with violence and horror. The only comedy is the use of sex and drugs. The movies that we have today use profanities and make billions because of it. If movies today were more like movies in the 1940-1980 era they would have so much more quality. We are only heading in a worse direction. Another thing to add is that the movies that are becoming increasingly more violent, and are appealing to more kids. The explosions, the blood, and the violence are what kids these days want to see. This thought is always strengthened by many violent video games.
I’m not saying that I don’t like new movies frankly I love action/horror films. I’m saying that movies are becoming more violent. Another aspect that is evolving are the special effects in movies. Because we have computers we can digitally put images into movies, unlike making them by hand and using them as props. Also more musicals and plays are coming onto the big screen. For example Les Miserables written by Victor Hugo (published in 1862). This was a really good movie and there were hardly any words in the movie that were not sung. The point of this story is that movies are not what they were before and are changing and evolving in different ways all the time.