Above The Trees Charlotte “You made it!” my grandmother exclaimed as I got out of the car. We were going zip lining for my sisterʼs birthday. I stepped out of the car and stretched my legs. It had been a long 2 and a half hour ride. The warm air touched my skin. I was very excited. “Happy birthday Annie!” “Hi Grandma!” I said. “Where is everyone else?” “They couldnʼt wait any longer so they got started. Letʼs go catch up.” she said, already starting to walk off. I walked down the curvy rode to the registration desk. I got registered and was ready to go. All of a sudden I saw my cousins. “HEY GUYS!” I said happily. I donʼt get to see my cousins often because they live far away. We have had so many fun memories together like jumping on water trampolines, going on Easter egg hunts, and swimming in a brook near my Grandmaʼs house. “Hey Charzard!” my cousin Jack said joking around. When I was little, my older cousins from my momʼs side of the family wanted to tease me so they called me that. Then somehow, it got over to my dadʼs side of the family. “CHARLOTTE!!!!!” my 7-year-old cousin Ava screams. “Hey little princess! Howʼs your new school?” “Great!” she replies. “Well if it isnʼt little Charlie!” my Aunt Heather says joking around. When I was little everyone in my family called me Charlie but I really hated it. Thatʼs why I named my dog Charlie, so they wouldnʼt call me that anymore. They still call me that for fun sometimes. “Oh, are you talking to the dog?” I say, also joking around. Aunt Heather shoots me a look. “So are you ready?” she asked. “Letʼs go!” We hit a big patch of zip lines. I wasnʼt nervous because I have zip lined before. I did it in Costa Rica, 120 feet off the ground. Here in CT we were very
high in the trees. It was fun to be up so high and swinging around.
We all had a great time. Imagine taking your back yard zip line and putting it 40 feet above the ground. Thatʼs what it was like. Some of the zip lines had obstacles such as hoops you had to go through. Whenever we completed one there would be a huge smile on our faces.
It was so green. It was like I was a monkey. I felt very free, even if I was hooked onto a wire. Zip lining is something I like to do because it is different. I liked it even more because I was with my family. Zip lining in Connecticut was different from Costa Rica. In Costa Rica I was 120 feet off the ground! In CT I was only 40 feet but it has obstacles. It was like going through a big puzzle high off the ground.
After a while, it was time to leave. I had so much fun that day and I will never forget it.