A Perfect Ride “Mayaaaa” I shouted. “WhAAAHHHHHHt?” she said, clearly pronouncing the ah. “Come on!! Please!” I begged, giving Maya my puppy dog look. “I do not want to be embarrassed again.” Maya complained. “I know, neither do I!! But the door is about to open!!” I protested. This year was my year, and I knew that it was going to be a success! My second cousin Maya and I were in line to go on the bumper cars at an amusement park in Rochester called Sea Breeze. This has been our tradition together for the past 8 years. I have been going since I was 2. My aunt gives me passes for my birthday every year and I invite all of my second cousins who live in Rochester, 9 cousins in total. Because Maya and I are the oldest we always trail off by ourselves with one adult. I see my family at least 3 times a year. But every year I look forward for this day, the day I get to go to Sea breeze and have fun! Maya was 9 and I was 11. Last year when Maya and I tried to go on the bumper cars, our car would not move. It was so embarrassing! I kept pressing the pedal but nothing would happen. My mom could not stop laughing; she was laughing so hard she started crying! The monitor kept telling us to spin the wheel and press the pedal, like I was not trying. I was getting frustrated because it was so loud, and the cart was not moving, I wanted to scream. I felt like a bear getting his honey taken away. That is how upset I was! My car was obviously broken. This year I was determined to go around the track! The gate opened and it was time for us to ride. I was nervous. Was this going to be another fail? Note to self, do not pick a car that is facing the wall! While in line, I was eyeing a blue car. It was going really fast, it was responding to the wheels action, and now, it was in the middle of the track near no other cars. When the monitor let me in to the track I sprinted for the car. “I call blue,” I said as another person jumped in front of me, but I got there first. “WOW! Watch your back,” the boy stated in a half playful voice. “It’s just a game.” I said calmly. He rolled his eyes. His brother or friend told me that I was too short to ride. That made me upset, so I made him my “target.” I was going to bump his car like crazy!! “Maya,” I whispered loud enough so only she could hear. “Let’s get him!” The monitor told us the rules and we began. I pushed the pedal and I went flying. I felt like arrow shooting across the forest, searching for the target. BOOM! I hit his car. He rolled his eyes and said: “Good for you, you bumped me, like I care.” I ignored that comment. The volume of the track was increasing, and it was really hard to concentrate. There were about 25 people in the track, people were screaming and laughing. Everyone was bouncing off each other. The track was in a threewall room, and the fourth wall opened to the outside. There was an oval in the middle of the track that cars would circle around. “MAYA” I shouted across the room. “I lost control!!” She said. She kept thumping into the wall, Boom, thump, boom, crash, I looked back trying to figure out how to get Maya out of her pickle. Instead I saw the two guys, and one guy was gaining on me and was on my tail. I knew I had to get away, so I zoomed around the cars. Ekkk. The car screamed as a made sharp turns around people. I stopped paying attention… Then, someone hit me out of the blue and I went flying. My car started squeaking, I glanced back and the guy and his friend were behind me. I knew what I had to do, drive.
I pushed the pedal and steered around all the traffic. Right, left, right, I felt like a person stuck in a maze at night. Then my eyes spotted Maya. Along the way, I hit Maya’s car so she could get out of the corner. “Let’s go,” said Maya. “Family powerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!” I said holding the r until we rammed into the boys’ cars. “YES!” we said. “1-1,” the boy said. I made a sharp turn and hit their car. “YES!” I said. “2-1” “Thank you for riding and I hope to see you soon. Please do not step out of your car until they have all completely stopped, and thank you for coming to Sea Breeze!” said the monitor. All the cars were slowly stopping. They made squeaking noises. I felt like I was in a cage of panicking mice. Squeek, squeak. Then everybody jumped out of their cars and ran back in line so they could go again. The boys came up to us and said good game and no hurt feelings. And of course we were all just playing around. “This time I’m going to drive like I am on the real road” I stated. “You are not driving me around,” Maya said sarcastically. “JUST KIDDING,” she said. “ I bet I am a better driver,” Maya teased. “MMMHM,” I said. Let me just say NEVER let Maya drive except for if you want to go the wrong way on a one way street, and maybe even DIE. This day at Sea Breeze, on the bumper cars, I will never forget.