The Beach, Walmart and S’mores It was July, Elizabeth, my family and I were staying at my family’s Cape house for two weeks. We go every year together. The house is in Falmouth Cape Cod, but today we were going to go to Hyannis Port, which is about a two-hour drive. But it’s okay, because we always have fun in the car. Especially long car rides. I love spending time with my family, and it’s really important to me. I also have so much fun spending time with my friends. I sat up in my bunk bed too quickly and hit my head. I reached behind me to get a pillow, I threw it across the room at my friend Elizabeth. She rolled over and said “what?” This was her usual response to someone waking her up. She looked up at me and rolled her eyes, then went back to sleep. I jumped down from my bunk, and didn’t bother climbing down the ladder, which was a bad idea because I injure myself much to easily. I walked out of the bedroom and went over to the deck that was off the house and watched the ocean and the beach. Then I heard the door open and metal dog tags clinking, my mom was home from her walk. “Come on, come on girls! Wake up!” She said hurrying the dogs into the house. “I’m already up,” I replied walking back in the kitchen and closing the door behind me. “Ok, but wake them up. We have to go!” “Alright,” I answered. When I walked in, my sister Georgiana was sitting up in her bed on her phone. “Mom wants you to get up and get ready,” I told her as I made my way over to Elizabeth. “Elizabeth, Elizabeth it’s time to get up!!” I shouted. She got right up.
After Maria got up and we were all ready we walked over to the living room where my mom was reading a magazine. My dad was back in Brookline for work, he would be coming back a little later. “Soooo” I said, looking at my mom. “Yessss?” she replied. “What are we going to do today?” I questioned. “Remember, we are going to the beach, you know the one where we went last week and people were barbequeing? Well, first let’s get breakfast and then we have to go to the market and get food for the beach.” “Where are you gonna get food? There’s nowhere that sells stuff near here,” Georgiana said, she sat on another couch and went back to her phone. “We are going to Walmart,” My mom announced. Realizing that yes, my sister was right. There is no market around here. “Walmart?” I was surprised. “But the last time we went there it was all dark and creepy!” Remembering the time we went and half the lights were out. “You’ll be fine. Let’s go,” She answered not happy with my complaining. We drove to Daily Brew, our favorite breakfast place. We had breakfast. Then we made our journey to the nearest Walmart. Which was about forty-five minutes away.
“Let’s get these,” I said. I held up a huge bag of marshmallows for s’mores we were planning to make. “No!” Elizabeth replied, “How on earth on we supposed to put those in a s’more?” My mom went shopping to get a small grill, like the circular
type and some coal. She sent us off for food. “You can, and besides they don’t have any other type,” I answered her. “Yeah, she’s right, look, they either have the really small ones or the jumbo size, so you’re gonna have to deal,” Georgiana remarked. “Ok, ok. Get the giant ones. We need graham crackers and chocolate,” Elizabeth replied. “And other food,” announced Maria, she was the one holding the shopping cart, which was empty. “Come on guys, you’re spending twenty minutes on deciding the size of a marshmallow,” She was right, we were. I went over to the other aisle and got chips, salsa and some other snacks. Then we all went over to the refrigerator and got hot dogs. “Alright,” I said “looks like we’re done. Let’s go find mom.” We walked around and the around the store but we couldn’t find her. She made us leave our phones in the car, stupid idea. Finally we found her standing in line, after about ten more minutes of walking around. “Where were you guys?” She asked. “Where were we? Where were you?” I replied. “NEXT IN LINE PLEASE!” A loud voice interrupted us. After we left Walmart we went back to the house and waited for my dad to come home. Honestly I didn’t see why she rushed us so much to get ready. I mean we waited for another two hours. “Go down to the beach if you’re bored.” “No, cause we are going to get all sandy. And I don’t feel like get ready again.
“You’re not two, you can go to the beach without playing in the sand.” She always urges us to go down to the beach. “There’s no one there, and its twenty steps away.” Was her argument. Which was all-true, it was private so no one was there and it was literally twenty steps away. So I went to the beach with Elizabeth. We collected sea glass and shells. “Let’s go girls.” My mom yelled from the deck down to us on the beach. “Alright, lets go.” I told Elizabeth. We ran back up to the house. “HI!!!!!!” I said running up to my dad to give him a hug. “Hi Eleni!” He said as he put his things away from work.
We were driving for much longer than two hours, which I thought would happen because our car has the worst navigation system in the world! “I thought you said it would be two hours away.” Maria said. “Yeah, I know,” I added. “Girls, come down we are almost there,” my dad replied. Finally we arrived at the huge lighthouse so I knew the beach was really close. After we parked, I jumped out of the car and unloaded all of the stuff. Blankets, food, BBQ grill and a bunch of other things. At the entrance to the beach they have a message board where there was also a large sign that said “CAUTION: RECENT SHARK SIGHTINGS AT THIS BEACH.” In big red letters, wow…that made me fell a whole lot better. We set our huge blanket down on a spot near the water, although we had to move it because the water came closer and closer.
“Here, why don’t we start the grill?” My mom said. I knew here is where everything would go wrong. “How do you do this?” My dad asked. He was crouched over the grill. Another bad idea. Trying to light it, every time he got it, it would either be huge or just one coal would catch and then it would go out. “Here.” Said Elizabeth. “Light it with the grate on because once you have it lit, I don’t think you wanna reach in the fire to put the grate on top. Of course, she was right. “Oh, smart idea.” Said my dad and then after a few more minutes of trying, we were out of lighter fluid but we had successfully lit our grill. While waiting for my mom to cook the hotdogs, we went down to the ocean. It was dark and really cold. But we went in the water anyways. “EEEPPP!!!” It’s so cold I said. The water was crashing up on my knees. “I know!” Replied Elizabeth “I’m going back!” And just as she said that our dad said to come back because the food was ready. “This is fun!” I said as we were all eating. The hot dogs were really good, and it was very fun! “Yeah, I just don’t understand why on a public beach they allow grills and dogs. I mean doesn’t that just seem odd?” My dad questioned. He had already said this about fourteen times since we got in the car to come. “Yep” We all replied in unison. “I’m done,” I said. “Can we make the s’mores now?” “Yeah, so am I” Elizabeth remarked. “Yes we can, but wait, a second that way we can clean up.” We went back down to the water and watched the water, it looked so cool with the dark sky, but also scary, because you
couldn’t see through it. We were running back and forth doing cartwheels, until we realized that we couldn’t see any more because it was so dark. The water had come up so high that our hands and feet were soaked. “Yay! It’s s’mores time!” I said, as I got a marshmallow out of the bag and put it over the fire. We all made s’mores and watched the moon go into the water. It was truly amazing. Everyone on the beach was taking pictures and cheering. It was so neat to see the moon just disappear into the water like that. It looked like it was sinking.