water skies by BenR

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writing prom 2 water skies final wp2 B Y B E N R I, O N N O V E M B E R 2 8 T H , 2 0 1 2

I am water skiing. I get up and take my post. I wipe the water from my eyes.” “Ready set go”, I announce. Water starts rushing at me. I’m holding on to the rope. I straiten my legs and look to the water and see the foam starting to form by my legs. I’m up and then I’m off. I get my back strait. I start to laugh because my dad starts twisting and turning the boat like a bull trying to kick its rider off. It was funny because I kept staying up wave after wave. To add insult to injury, I kick off my right ski and start skiing on one foot. Then to go even further, I start sitting on the back of my ski and I relax. Then I see a huge boat going by us really fast. I look at my dad and see him rushing right for it. He starts making a super wide ark of a turn to get me out of the shelter of the boats wake. I’m about to go over the huge boat’s wake. I brace myself for the big wave. I bend my legs, then suddenly, I start falling forwards. I see the water whipping by my head. I reach out to touch the water. My fingers slide on the water and it creates a spray of foam. I start skimming on the water. I feel my body rush forwards on the water and then something strange happens it feels like all the air in my body disappears. My mind starts rushing then I’m under water. I start the short, 6 inch swim to the surface. As they say in books, it felt like an hour when I finally reach the surface. I grasp for breath as if it were the last glass of water in the dessert. When I finally realize what is going on, I think I’m over reacting. I just got winded and I have my life jacket on so I was fine. Except for the fact that there was seaweed around me, I started screaming bloody murder. The seaweed was coming closer. It was all around me. It was like being in a pit of snakes. It started

touching me like slimy goo, it was terrible. My adrenaline was rushing. I start to think really fast. I try to find a way away from the seaweed. I try going under it but my life jacket pulls me up back to the surface. I try to splash the seaweed away. It is not working. Finally my dad came by on the boat but instead of helping me, he started circling me laughing. So I start yelling at him and swearing. He finally came close enough for me to climb up. I rushed up the ladder on the boat as if I were Ricky Bobby in the last race scene of the movie Talladega Nights Ballad of Ricky Bobby. When I got up, I grabbed a towel and cleaned my self off. I was so cold. So I walked to the front of the boat and I lay down in the sun and went to sleep.!

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