“MY BOAT” Courtney “My boat” I was so happy that I could finally say those words. When I found out that my dad had bought a boat I was so happy! My dad was known buy my family for saying that he was going to buy something. Then he would dissect it and dissect. And after months of him say “I’m ganna buy it. I’m ganna buy it. I just have to find the right one.” And he would never end up actually buying it. But when my sister told me that dad had just bought a boat I flipped out. I was so happy. I had always love boats and swimming and going out on the water for the day enjoying myself and taking in the sun. I was so happy because I would get to sit on the boat all day and go tubing and water skiing. The boat was a 30-‐foot well-‐craft walk around. I loved the walk around feature because that meant that I could go tot the front of the boat and sit down and go fishing. My dad told us that he was deciding to buy a slip at either marina bay or Dorchester Yacht Club. I wanted marina bay because it was so much more fun there. There were stores and restaurants and ice cream shops. I did want to go to Dorchester Yacht Club…it was nice… I liked it… but there were not shops and the only people that were there where very old. It was a battle but we ended up choosing marina bay. I like it a lot there. The nightlife is very nice and the docks are beautiful. On our first ride out as a family it was on my birthday. August 25th .The water was prettying ruff, we all wanted to go tubing really badly. Because it was really hot out. But in Boston Harbor it is very hard to go tubing because of all the dinner cruises. Also there are a lot of big boats there, and lot of sailboats going around. That day we went just cruising around. My family friend named Paul Pender is a lobstermen and his dock is right off the harbor. I have known him since I was born. He is really funny. We went to his boat. It was so big. The dock had many different holes and there were broken clamshells all over it. It also smelt really bad and there were small guts everywhere from the bait. I could tell this was a lobstermen’s dock. There were old men walking around. They all seemed very friendly. We next had lunch my sisters made many different sandwiches. I had a roast beef sandwich with mayonnaise. I love roast beef. His boat was really big. So we could pitch a canopy. And sit in chairs under it. If your getting an image in your head that it’s a large nice boat…you’re wrong. It was nice but it smelt bad and wasn’t really for company just for work. We had a good time we were talking and laughing. Soon it was time to go though. So we got off his boat. By the way it was still docked we didn’t go out on it. Then we went back through the locks, which was always a fight because there were so many boats in it. For anyone that doesn’t know what the locks are. They are the connection of Boston harbor and the Charles River. What they are there for is if the ocean has high tide the river doesn’t overflow and go onto all of the parks. So you pull in your boat and then they close the sea door behind you. Then they change the water level to what the ocean or Charles is at. There are then ropes on the sides on the concrete was so your boat doesn’t move when you go up and down on
them. We messed up when grabbing the ropes so it then soon became a screaming match. Then we went up the Charles. When we got out of the locks, I could smell the gasoline of the duck boats going by.