Bonds by Jack

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Bonds A bond. A bond between two people can mean more than just being friends. A friendship can mean more. It means you understand the person. (What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Are you sad? Tell me.) You know the person. (Hi there! You want to come over later today?) A friendship can help pull you through those times where you are alone and scared. (Do you need something? Don’t hide. I’ll help you!) They will believe in you. (You can do it!) You will believe in them. A wise man’s quote comes to mind: “Don’t believe in yourself, believe in the me, who believes in you!” -­‐Kamina Littner. A Blood Bond. These can be as precious as life and money to some. (I’d choose my family over anything!) A family is essential to feeling safe and at home. (Don’t worry. Everything will be okay. We’re here too.) Another quote comes to mind: “I’d rather die than admit that I don’t have a family. These are the only people I have left…” -­‐Bellemere Sangùre. Imagine the dark, cold loneliness of having no bonds. A freezing pain, deep inside. It would slowly gnaw away at your soul and make it feel empty. The longer it takes to make a bond, the harder it would be to mend the wounds or loneliness. A severed bond can hurt. It burns like a deep slice, filled with salt. Weather it be losing a friend, family or some other relation; it burns. (Goodbye…) “The only way to obtain true happiness and joy, is for it to be shared with others.” –Rayleigh Silvers

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