“Hey Shira, should we go to Sur la Table to get cooking supplies for our cupcakes?” I asked. We were going around the mall wandering around and thinking what to do, since we were bored and still had about an hour. “Hi, welcome to Sur la Table.” A woman greeted us at the entrance. Walking around we noticed that the prices were pretty high, even for a good quality store. We only had about $78. We needed food coloring (to make the rainbow colors), frosting, frosting bags (to put the frosting in to frost the cupcakes), and a little extra for fun cookie cutters. They were each $1 so we got 8 of them. We got a unicorn, crown, heart, palm tree, butterfly, star, flower, and dog bone. Then, my dad picked us up and we went home. We made some plans and pictured what they would look like. Shira and I sat down stairs watched a movie and went to bed. When we woke up, we went on the rope swing, and then headed towards the kitchen. Taking out all of our supplies, we separated the steps and assigned thejobs. I mixed the batter and divided it by 6 bowls and put different colored food coloring in each one. The colors were red, orange, yellow, green, pink, and blue. Then I stirred the batter. Shira then put the colors in the tray in rainbow order. The oven was preheated to 350ºF and I placed the pan in the oven. While that was cooking, Shira did another batch, and I worked on the icing. You take the icing separate it into 6 bowls and choose your colors. Then you mix the icing around thoroughly.
“Beep, beep, beep, beep!” “The 15 minutes is up?” I exclaimed and so did the microwave. The smell of the cupcakes is just the best! It’s so sweet and sugary. “Oh my gosh!” I said. “WHAT?!?!?!” Shira yelled. “THEY’RE SO PRETTY!” I expressed happily. “Here’s the other batch.” Shira said. This was the cookie cutter batch. I put them in the oven. “OOOWWWW!” I screeched in pain. “WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?!” Shira said concerned. “THE CUPCAKES?” Wondering if they were ruined. “I BURNED MY HAND!?!?!?!?!” I swiftly ran over to the sink to wash it. It was such a relief to rinse it off. As Shira was taking the other batch out of the oven, I was mixing the icing and food coloring. It was so pretty and rainbow. I then put the frosting in the frosting bags and Shira and I started frosting the beautiful cupcakes. They were so pretty. When we ate them, they were so warm and fluffy. Theses cupcakes were the best one we've ever made!