Da Mids By: Chris

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Da mids, camp slang for the Tri Pyramids. The Tri Pyramid is a mountain in New Hampshire. They are called the Tri Pyramids because there are three points on the mountain. Therefore there are three ways to get up the north slide, south slide, and the middle. We were going up the hardest, the south slide. On day one, we packed and left camp. We drove for about twenty-­‐five minutes (we passed a medical marijuana farm). When we arrived at the mountain we had sandwiches in the parking lot and hiked in. We were divided into two groups; the first group had Griffin, and Fagan, as the counselors. Fagan was a funny British guy who could easily pass as SAS. My group had Nikolai, Will, Ben, Joe, Jeovan, and myself. Out counselors were Cam, Sawyer, and Brad. Their group hiked in and found their campsite. When we found ours, which was about 5 minutes, and through a knee-­‐high stream. We set up our campsite and spent two hours gathering wood. After this we got a fire going we played mafia for 3 hours, ate dinner, played more mafia, and went to bed. The next morning we got up at six o clock. Today we were going up we all made a fire. It was hard to do because it had rained the night before so it was a wet wood fire, but we pulled it off. We then ate breakfast and packed our daypacks. Once were had put out our fire, packed, and ate it was 7:30. We started up. Our goal was to get to the top of the middle pyramid (which was the tallest) by 12:30. That way we could have lunch and chill on top. Although it was dark, and wet because it had rained the night before, it was quite humid out. Because we camped out towards the base of the trail so we were on the beginning of the incline. Luckily at this point it was still like stairs but once we got up about ten minutes it became difficult. We had gone up this way because it was the hardest but we all started regretting it. Although the ground was flat other then at few rocks, and roots sticking out from the ground, this trail was winding steeply up the mountain. Sawyer tripped over a slippery rock that he had not seen because we were in a shaded area because there were trees everywhere. “$&*@!” He cried as he fell over the rock. “Are you ok?” We all shouted almost in unison. Although brads loud Australian accent, and Nikoli’s German one rang out over the others. “Yeah I’m fine just the surprise the really got me.” He replied getting up and wiping off some of the mud form his hands onto a tree nearby. We continued to walk up the mountain we asked each other some questions (some stupid some serious). “Hey Nikoli!” I yelled back at him. “What.” He replied almost immediately. “ In Germany when they play a song by an American singer is it in English? Or German?” I pondered.

“A mix of both it depends.” He replied. “Why do you ask?” “Just curious.” I said. “What about hear, when they play an American artist what language is it in?” He joked. “Yugoslavian. Why were you thinking Yiddish?” Sawyer replied instantly, and sarcastically before I could come up with something clever to say. We continued walking for another 30 minutes with the same rhythm of silly/stupid questions, and serious questions, both with mainly sarcastic responses. We got to a small clearing right before a steep incline that had a lot of loose rock on it. We elected to take a water break before going up it. We had all had a few sips of water going up but we had not really stopped in the past hour and a half so we thought that right before the hard part would be best to drink. After 10 minutes of sitting we started up. Bard being the strongest, and the most mountain experience went up first he was followed by Will (a competitive rock climber), myself, Ben (wills friend from school), Nikoli, Sawyer (councilor), Joevan, and Cam (Councilor). Brad tested a couple of rocks looking for the most stable he found if and grabbed it he climbed up and the train people followed. He then grabbed onto a tree branch that was sticking out into the way and pulled himself up on to another rock. “WOW!” Joe yelled he slipped but managed to grab onto a branch. “Are you all right?” Sawyer called. “Yep I just gotta pull up to here.” Joe said sound strained. We continued to climb until we got to a narrow trail. Brad pulled out a map and pondered where were on the map. “Alright boys not much longer.” Brad called out. About 5 minutes later we reached the top. The top had really awesome views all around. It was really cool to see all of the ski slopes without any snow on them. We took about 20 minutes on the top before we continued on. We were heading off the first summit and we were heading down a very narrow trail. This trail was crowded with trees and was very slippery. There was rock on the trail so that made it worse. We started up to the middle summit. The middle going up was the same as going down the first. When we finally got to the top it was awesome! We found a small area on the top to sit and eat lunch. We had meat and cheese, and peanut butter and jelly. We kept joking and fooling around on the top. We spent about an hour on the top and 40 minutes with the other group who came after us (they had started later then us).

Going up the third was basically the same. When we go to out campsite we were all tired. It had been a long day. We sat around and went swimming in a natural water slide nearby. That night we went to the other group’s campsite and played mafia. The next day we packed out and headed back to camp. We went and got ice cream. I had chocolate; the ice cream was cold and refreshing. It also tasted really good since all I’d had the past few days was campfire food. When we got back to camp we all took a shower and relaxed. I saw my brother and talked about the awesome time we had. He was getting ready to go whitewater canoeing in three days. Overall I thought the trip was AWSOME, I had lots of fun and made memories for a lifetime.

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