It was the first day of shooting sports week in Boy Scout camp. I was pulling up to the parking lot when I saw Phil the range instructor. He was in his mid-twenties and had an army type haircut and short stubble. Phil and I were good friends at the time but I never could have guessed how the next week could have changed our lives and brought us so much closer together. “Hey Phil how are you.” “I’m good. Hey are you in shooting sports week by any chance?” he replied. “Yah why?” I said. “Well because no other kids signed up.” He said. “Wow that’s so weird.” I said. “Not really every year there is only one or two kids. And hey, don’t you already have all the badges you need?” he said “Yah I do.” I said. “Well I guess it’s just going to be me, you, and all the ammo we can shoot through.” He said. And that’s how it was, just him and me, for a whole week at a sleep away camp. What more could I ask for? The next day we went to the ranges and he lay out all the guns and said. “So what do you want to shoot?” “Well how about the shot guns?” I asked. “Fine choice my friend.” We went to the range. Everything was dead silent but not for long. I loaded the first ten rounds into the clip and cocked the pump arm forward then back to move the red slug into the chamber. I clicked off the safety. "PULL!" I yelled. Phil let fly the first clay pigeon. I lined up my sights and pulled the trigger and with a crack that shook the whole camp it burst into an orange smoke and fell to the ground. Before I knew it shells were falling left and right and clay pigeons exploding in the sky. The day after that we took out the bolt action rifles and set up a shooting gallery. We took out a speaker and played dubstep as we emptied round after round into our targets, the sound of brass clinking on the ground after the explosion of fire coming from the muzzle of the beast. After that It was throwing knives. The blades spun through the air and into the wooden targets with a thwack, embedding deep into the hard wood. They were the best days of my life and now Phil and I are best friends.