Heath flag football super bowl
I was sitting in class waiting until the clock reached 2:20; I was ready to go to Eliot for flag football it was the super bowl. I got down to the gym took things to set up the field. I grabbed a belt with two flags on it to be ready. The field was done and we were ready to go, the whistle blew and we had our game faces, this game was ours. We started with the ball, I said hike the play was on Ari and Tylen start sprinting down the field I threw it, waiting for one of them hopefully to catch it, the other team intercepted it. We took his flag. The look on my teams face, they’d looked at me, they knew I could do better. I felt like I let the team down on the first play. I thought to my self, why did I do that there was someone wide open!!! We looked up at there quarterback we all thought lets get this back. He threw it TOUCHDOWN! We all looked at each other its ok we got this there happy they scored well get it back. Were better than them. I didn’t want to throw the ball anymore because I was scared they would catch it again. I told Ari if he wanted to do but he suggested running it, he said hike I ran up took the ball and gave it to Tylen they looked at me if I had the ball but Tylen was already running on the other side. Tylen got his flag taken, we got this Ari yelled hike we all ran to the touchdown Tylen ran back caught it and dogged everyone’s hand going for his flag TOUCHDOWN. We were yelling of excitement but it wasn’t over, they had the ball it was there turn. We were all happy we knew we had this. We couldn’t let them get a first down, Nick kept on taking there flags like it was nothing, fourth down Jonathan didn’t wanted the first down but we couldn’t let him, I had to cover Colin. Jonathan throws it to Ben; he caught it and got the first down. Ari said to all of us “its ok, he can’t get another touchdown” trying to boost up people confidence. Time was running out it was almost the end of the first half they aid hike he threw it someone caught it, they got another touchdown. The first half was over the score was 713. We were ready were coming back, were better than them. “We can do this” Ari said. We all put our hands out, we yelled “49ers” we ran back on the field. Tylen was quarterback now, first play he throws it to the touchdown and Ari catches it right about to drop it, gets control and runs to the touchdown. We had this we didn’t get the extra point but it was fine. We stopped them they didn’t move a lot we had them at half court when we got the ball back because they weren’t able to get a touch down. Ari was throwing it, I came out of the side not realizing my teammate was going to catch and I get it anyway. I felt bad but I told Ari to give him the next few plays. The game was down to a minute and it was there ball there were close to the touchdown but it didn’t matter we already one. They were on there fourth down when we get smack the ball down the game was over, we won!!!!!! We were trying really hard to play good defense, so they would get another touchdown. We were happy; we shook everyone’s hand on the other team. We were hungry we went back to the art room to get some pizza.