Hiking at Quinnipiac Ari Lerner 1/10/13
When we had arrived it was early afternoon about 2 o’ clock. It was a fairly sunny day, it was windy, the Mountains looked beautiful and it was chilly. My family and I had been driving for almost 3 hours, but we were all cheery to get arrive, especially me because I was excited to finally put a SIM card into my new phone. We had arrived at Quinnipiac University for the second time in three weeks. Now it was time for lunch. When we had finished eating we had decided to go on a hike on a mountain that overlooked Quinnipiac. Well, we had not decided it was more of my parents deciding. After about five minutes of my brother and me complaining we were on our way. Since I was still starving my mom let me take the salami from the cooler onto the hike. It wasn’t gourmet but I would live with it. While hiking we had passed many families who were as well hiking. At one point my brother had spotted a small shortcut, and he said he would meet them soon. Since I had not really spent time with him for a while, I had decided to follow him. We had evaded many trees and rocks and about five minutes later we had met our parents. Later I saw another short cut. I said “I will meet you guys at the top”. I had then reminded myself that all I had was salami, and no phone, so I knew that I could not get sidetracked. I had started to go up instantly, and seeing only one way up I had went on the path. After walking for about ten minutes I had become slightly worried. I did not want to think I was lost so I began to slightly run, and whenever I would see people or hear them talking I would tell myself that I was fine. After about twenty minutes I had started to get thirsty and worried. But, I knew that I would soon see them. At one point I had gotten to an intersection between to paths, and not knowing where to go, I had gone left. Soon after that, I had gotten to another intersection, this one leading four ways. I was about to turn right when I heard voices. I thought they were coming straight ahead, so I had went straight. By then I was running. My heart was pounding. I then saw the main path. When I got there I was panting. About two seconds later my brother walked up. He saw me, smiled and said “Mom has a search party after you”.
“Who?” I said He had kept saying “It’s for you”, but when he had finally realized that my question was who did her call he said “Dad: and with smile we continued to the top. That day at Quinnipiac will always be remembered. It was a dull trip turned into an adventure. But, I was to make sure that the next time we were thinking of hiking I would just remind my parents of the adventurous trip to Quinnipiac, and they would instantly say we would be better off at home!