Learning To Ride A Bike

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Learning to ride a bike Thomas I was about 4 when I started to ride my bike with training wheels and as soon as I got good I became the fastest kid around. My friends and I always used to pretend we were riding motorcycles and that I was the leader. As soon as I reached my 3rd year of preschool a few of my friends started to learn how to ride with ought training wheels, but I thought they were just joking so I didn’t care. Next week when we met up the three that had went off came back with there bikes without training wheels. We decided to have a race to see how good they were. Me being leader of the “bike gang” raced there leader. As soon as we started I know I was \going to lose. He shifted a few gears up and took off. I pedaled as hard as I could but I couldn’t catch up. I was devastated because I had lost. After that I kept riding my training wheels but slowly my other friends started to learn how to ride without them until I was the only person left. I was determined how to learn without training wheels. The place I learned to ride a bike with ought T wheels was a little field off of Oxford Street in Cambridge. I was excited because all of my friends could ride without training wheels so I had to learn to keep up. We started out on the grass with my dad pushing me and I was pushing the pedals. “AHH” I yelled as soon as I realized my dad wasn’t pushing me any more. As soon as the words left my mouth I was l lying face first in the sand box thinking how did I get here? Then I realized my knees hurt and I started to cry (I was only 5 so this was normal). My dad came over to me and said “what are you doing silly?” He picked me and my bike up and we headed back to the field. I decided to try again and this time my dad promised he wouldn’t let go (which was a lie). I started pedaling and as soon as I knew it I was going pretty fast. I looked back and my dad was halfway across the field yelling “YOU DID IT”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so proud of myself and then I realized I would have to turn in a few seconds. Being 5, I didn’t know much, but I knew turning the handle bars to the right meant I would go right, so I pulled right as hard as I could. I closed my eyes and braced for impact, but it didn’t come. I reopened them and saw that I had made the turn and was heading towards my dad. As soon as we got home that day I told mom what had happened and she said “good job Thomas” I was so proud. Being a kid I decided to brag about it to my brother, who was still using training wheels and he got mad at me and started to chase me but I was faster and got away. This was beside the point but I could bike faster than my brother so he got mad and went inside and cried. I realized I was being mean so I went to try to help him. I told him I would teach him to ride a bike, but next year we moved to Brookline and I forgot how to ride.

Since we had moved I had never been able to completely master my bike riding skills. One day I decided I was going to give it another go. I was stupid to go up by myself because little did I know I had completely forgotten how to ride my bike. I went up to Larz Anderson Park and brought my old bike with me. I thought I would remember, but I didn’t. When I got up to the field, I hoped on my bike and started to pedal. As soon as I started I fell over. I was determent so I started again. I pushed off with my right foot and pedaled as hard as I could. Amazingly I maintained balance, well only for a few seconds than I fell on my face. Once again I pushed off and pedaled and I knew I could do it. Pedaling as hard as I could I zoomed down the field and than turned. I rode back to the house and showed my family what I could do. The next day, as promised I taught my brother to. Through hard work and determination I completed the thing I had set out to do.

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