Listening To Your Heart “Awe” I yell leaping 10 feet in the air. The hot sands make it feel like I am walking on the sun, but a lot less painful of course. The sand grains rub against my feet as the waves crash abruptly at my toes. “Bridget!” My sister hollers across the crowded Cape Cod beach. I turn my head swiftly and see my sister running so fast I think about moving out of the way. I watch her jump up into the air. Gliding until she dives head first into the clear salt water. She gradually lifts her head as the water cascades like a waterfall down her strawberry blonde hair. I lift my sweat-‐drenched arms above my head and dive into the cold refreshing water, swimming out to my friends. Unexpectedly a thousand pounds of water hits my face .Courtney, Lucy, Leo and Charlotte splash me so hard that I giggle, taking in water through my mouth and spitting the water back out continuing to laugh. “ Guys it is the last week of summer are we really going to stand here in this dirty water and watch Bridget choke ” Lucy says rolling her eyes “ I mean we need something better to do, like something actually fun.” “What are you trying to suggest? We are at the beach .I mean swimming or sitting under the hot sun are really our only options” I say thinking of what else we could possibly do. “Your only options!” Leo say pointing over his shoulder. “Hold on a minute. I am only 10 years old” My little sister says holding up her fingers “I am confused” “There’s nothing to be confused about” Leo replies
“ There are three hotels about a half a mile down the beach. I know that they all have pools. I know we are all dying of heat, so our problem is solved. We walk down the beach act like we are staying at the hotel and hop into the pool.” “AWESOME “ Courtney says “Yes I can not wait “ My little sister Charlotte says with excitement. “Am I the only person who has their head on right?” I ask “ We are not going to go pool hoping that’s crazy. I mean it’s not like we are going to get caught or anything but walking all the way to realize that there’s a gate around the pool is stupid. What if you need a hotel card to get in?.” “Exactly my point” Lucy says smiling at me. ‘’Walking all that way, just to have to turn around.” “ Fine I mean you guy did just say that you wanted to do something exciting for the last week of summer, but whatever don’t come. I mean clearly you guys would rather swim in this dirty water” Courtney says throwing her hair back. “I don’t feel comfortable doing that. I wont be pressured into doing anything I don’t want to do, and I don’t need to break rules in order to have fun” I say as politely as possible. “Wow I am sorry I just really want you to come and pressuring you is not the way to get you and Lucy to come with us please forgive me? “ Courtney says. “Of course I forgive you Courtney . It just does not feel right .“
“Ya , I don’t want to hold you guys back I mean the three of you Courtney Charlotte and Leo should go” Lucy said dunking under her hair under the water. “ Okay then I guess it is final you guys are going to go walking down the beach and hope to get inside the hotel” I say trying to figure out what they are going to do. Charlotte says with a smile. “I hope there are cute boys at the pool.” I roll my eyes as Leo says “your looking at a cute boy right now, he says as her picks her up.” “We better start walking if we are ever going to get there.” Courtney announces. “We better start RUNNING” Charlotte screams. “I am so hot.” “Then Goodbye.” Leo yells running out of the water. Charlotte and Courtney follow behind him running and splashing until they reach the sand. Then the three of them run for their colorful towels and wrap them tightly around their waists. Throwing on the closest pair of flip-‐flops they can find. I watch them start to run down the beach. As they continue to run I start to loose sight of them and turn to Lucy. “We did the right thing.” I say to Lucy. “Ya.” She replies. “But…..I really want to go now.”
“I know you really want to go.” I say. “I want to go a little bit too now that I think of it. What’s important is we listen to our heads, and our hearts .We did not let anyone else persuade us. We knew that what we did not feel comfortable in the situation so we stepped out.” “Ya I guess your right . I mean the thought of pool hopping to me is crazy. I mean walking 1000,000 miles to get there sounds so fun. We listened to our brains and we did what was best for us and that all that is important.” The two of us turn around to look at the blazing sun and the ocean which seems to go on for millions of miles. “You always have to listen heart. I mean we defintley did the right thing. ” Lucy said with a smile and pointing behind her. I turn my head to see in distance the sun blazing in the sky. The rosey red sun in the distance made it look like a movie. Beneath the sun I saw three children with colorful towels hanging over their necks. They slowly walk closer step by step, exhausted and sweating. I knew I did the right thing. I listened to myself and nobody else.