MOTHERS!! I’m sleeping and its 6:40am in the morning before school! I’m already awake but I’m taking my time to get up so I’m just lying there. And what breaks the peace and silence? Mom a dukes! Well if you didn’t know Momma dukes is my mom!! That’s what’s she likes to be called! It’s really dumb! So anyways, she comes in and starts tickling me! And I hate it when people talk to me and bother me in some way in the morning. So I tell her to go away and I get ready for school. At 7:12 I leave to walk to the school buss down the street. I walk down the street and I turn around to look back just because. And there’s my mom staring at me through the window! It’s so annoying she acts like I’m still 7 years old; I’m 14 goodness gracious! I don’t need to be watched while walking down the street! I mean I can \’t even hang out after school with my friends who I never see at Baker! I mean come on it’s a school where little kids are! I remember I asked her if I could and she said she wanted to talk to the principle and talk to my friends and meet them! UGHH! Next, if I go over my friend’s house and she hasn’t been to the house before, my mom has to go to that house and check it out! She’s so sketchy! That aggravates me so much! Another thing, once I’m over my friend’s house she calls every few hours to check on me! I’m not a little kid, well I know I’m still a child but I’m not immature and I know what’s out there in the world! Oh yea, and following that…my mom she’s obsessed with the news! For example: she watches random things like cases on children getting kidnaped and such! That’s basically why she’s always so paranoid about letting me do things with friends and being by myself! I know what your thinking, I’m crazy and she’s my mom and maybe that’s true but you have NO idea! My mom is so protective! Its too much! She doesn’t let me stay home alone with out my neighbors checking up on me! AHH! Some times I just wish she wasn’t my mother! But at the end of the day she is my mother and I love her even though I don’t say it that often! I love her so much! She’s my best friend and she loves me that am all that matters! I know I’m being all lovey dovey!