My Journey to Boston College By Tylen

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My Journey to Boston College Tylen I arrived at Courtney’s house with Andres. We got there and she was dressed with all BC gear on. She had a sweatshirt, she had a jacket, she had a scarf, and also a hat, all burgundy and yellow. Andres and I looked at her with a stare wondering, “Where did she get all of this BC gear?” Courtney called her mom and asked when she was picking us up to go to the game. Her mom said she has to work longer so we had to walk, I really didn’t want to walk because my foot was stinging a lot. I had recently broken it during football. I looked at Courtney with a “are you serious?” face but then we left to BC. Once we got there my foot was stinging so much. Me thinking all the walking was over, we still had to find her moms security office. After walking around the WHOLE stadium we found her office. When we got inside I noticed a door in the back that says “keep close” I wondered what it was so I asked. Court’s mom said it was a cell for people who were getting into trouble, and it looked really cold and uncomfortable. I whispered to Andres as a joke “you will probably be in there after today” he laughed. After we went to her mom’s office we went to our seats all the way on the balcony area. I couldn’t wait to sit down because my foot. When we sat down it felt really well but one thing… the sun was directly in our eyes. we all got annoyed so after half time we moved to the other side. But during the game Boston College did a lot of passing, there were a lot of long passes for huge gains in yards. When Boston College was up by two touchdowns the other team came back in the fourth quarter. I knew BC would win in the end. It was tied 14-14 but then BC threw another long pass and scored. Everyone went crazy. The other team couldn’t score with the remaining time so BC won. Boston College does this toss thing where after they score a touchdown they throw someone in the air that many points. For example the score was 21-14 BC was up so after the touchdown they threw a cheerleader 21 times in the air; it was really cool to see that happen. Another cool thing seeing in BC was the band. In the 4th quarter we went down near the band and every time there was a first down for BC they would play this really catchy song. The band seemed really into their music and the crowd as well. Overall going to Boston College for the football game was a lot of fun. And even though my foot was hurting like crazy I still managed to have fun and I wish I could go again.

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