Rain, Rain, Go Away Come Again Another Day- Sara

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Rain, Rain, Go Away Come Again Another Day The rain was like a river, and it was flowing up to my knees. I trudged through the storm as fast as I could, rain flowing onto my head. My glasses were covered in rain, and I was drenched to my bones. I remembered how excited I was just that morning that I was finally going to Six Flags for the first time, with my friends from camp. I should have gone to the movies instead, I thought to myself as I sprinted under a gazebo, which was already filled with other kids and counselors from my camp. But, that’s too late to change now and I guess that I had a good time here, until it started pouring. While I was waiting under the gazebo I thought about the events that led up to this point. “SAAAARRRRAA WAKE UP!!!” yelled my roommate Olivia at 7:00 AM on Sunday morning during the summer of 2012 when I was at Explo, a sleep away camp. I yawned and sat up as slowly as I could. “I don’t want to get up Olivia… I walked 10 miles yesterday and I want to sleep,” I said in a tired voice. “We’re going to Six Flags today…” she said. “I’m awake,” I said quickly while hopping out of bed. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and went to breakfast as fast as I could. I was just so excited to get to Six Flags and go on their biggest and newest roller coaster, Goliath. “WE ARE BOARDING BUSES FOR SIX FLAGS STARTING NOW!” shouted a counselor over hundreds of excited voices waiting in the gym for Sunday trips to start. About 100 excited kids stood up in anticipation. “COME ON OLIVIA!” I shouted over the voices. “WE WANT TO GET SEATS TOGETHER ON THE BUS.” We both sprinted as fast as we could into the growing line, and ended up being in the middle of it.

I felt like a sardine in a can. The bus was packed so full that I couldn’t move. I was sitting with two other kids, and so was everyone else on the bus. “I guess we underestimated the number of kids who were going to Six Flags…” said a distressed counselor. “Ya think?” I said in response. “Ok, kids sit back and relax because the bus ride to Six Flags New England in New Hampshire will take two and a half hours from where we are in Massachusetts,” said the head counselor of the trip in a voice that was obviously trying to sound excited. Collective groaning from the entire bus, including the staff members, followed this statement. Two and a half hours later, after I had read an entire book and had talked to my friends for a while, we finally drove under the giant Six Flags sign that read: Six Flags! More Flags More Fun! “Finally! Were here!” I said happily. “I’m sooooooo hungry!” exclaimed my friend Olivia. “I think that its time for lunch,” I said. “But if we eat now, were going to feel sick on the huge roller coaster that we saw coming in…” she said in a disappointed tone. “I’ll be ok. I never get sick on roller coasters!” I said happily. “If you say so….” She said. After attempting to eat the grossest lunch in my life, consisting of a soggy whole-wheat turkey sandwich and a soft apple I grimaced in disgust. “I don’t even think that I have enough food in my stomach to feel sick on those roller coasters,” I said. “Me neither. These lunches are disgusting and I can’t even eat mine because I’m not even sure if it’s kosher…” said Olivia, who is a conservative

Jew and keeps kosher. “Putting that behind us, I am so excited for that roller coaster! Lets go!” I said excitedly. “You don’t have to tell me twice!” said Olivia. Exactly thirty seconds later Olivia and I were hunched over panting, but we were finally in line for Goliath. “Finally… huhhh were here uhhhh after waiting for so long,” said Olivia in between breaths from sprinting all the way to the roller coaster. “I’m so excited!” I said about a minute later after I finished panting. “We will be riding Goliath in about… an hour and a half…” I said while looking at the sign that was posted on the wall next to where we are in line. “Ooooh…” we both said sadly. “Well, at least we will get to ride Goliath… eventually,” I said. “Yea, I’m sure that it will be awesome!” said Olivia excitedly. After the line had shrunk during the one and a half hour wait and we were in front, we got on the ride. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” I screamed so loudly that I couldn’t hear myself think. I was parallel to the ground, suspended at least 70 feet in the air, waiting to be released by the roller coaster and go down at super speed. It felt like the roller coaster was suspended there for minutes, but it was only a few seconds. I felt like I could touch the sky. I gulped as we went straight down, the roller coaster diving and then going straight up to the sky, spinning around and upside down. My hair flowed behind me. I was smiling as widely as I could. Less than a minute later it was over. We had waited for an hour and a half for a minutes worth of fun.

“That was awesome!!!” said my friend Olivia excitedly once we regrouped next to the roller coaster. “Is everything spinning or is it just me?” I said in a confused voice. “Oh wait, I’m ok now,” I said after standing still for a minute. “Well that might be a problem…” said Olivia pointing to the sky. As I looked up a fat drop of water landed on my nose. Than came another drop, and then another. “RUNNNNNNNNNN!!” I yelled as the rain started coming down harder. We sprinted as fast as we could for the gazebo, which was the nearest shelter. But, the rain started too fast. Within ten seconds my clothes were soaked through and my glasses were so covered in rain, I couldn’t see what was a foot in front of me. And if it was even possible, it started to rain harder. Snapping back to the present, I realized that the counselor was making an announcement. “I am sorry to disappoint you, but Six Flags will be closing because of all the heavy rain. We will be getting on the buses as soon as the rain clears up a little, and we will be heading back to camp.” A chorus of groaning followed this announcement. "Really do we have to" whined many campers on the trip. “Well I guess we are stuck here until the rain clears up…” I said disappointedly. “Looks like it,” responded Olivia, who was just as said as I was. “But, I’m sure we will be out of here soon. I mean, how much harder could it rain?” After starting at the rain outside for about thirty seconds, I responded to this statement by saying “Apparently, harder because if its even possible,

the rain is coming down even faster than it was before.” “Were gonna be stuck here forever,” groaned Olivia. “I hope not… But, at least the day wasn’t a total waste… we got to go on Goliath, which was pretty awesome,” I said, trying to lighten the mood. “Yea, Sara you’re right. Even though we are rained out, we still had fun today,” said Olivia. “I know. But, I just thought that my first trip to Six Flags would be better than this. I mean, I have wanted to come to Six Flags for years and I know all the rides that I would have liked to go on,” I said disappointedly. “It’s ok Sara. We can always come back next year!” said Olivia. And, I knew she was right. Even though Six Flags wasn’t everything that I expected it to be, I still had a great time with my friends and got to go on the ride that I was anticipating the most, Goliath. And even though, Six Flags wasn’t as awesome as I expected it to be, I still had a good time and enjoyed going on the trip with my camp, even though it did end up with me being hungry, soaking wet, and very dizzy.

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