Ty Shark Attack On July 1st, 2010, at a small beach on Cape Cod, a young boy named Bob said that he had seen a shark while he was swimming in the water. The weather on the beach was beautiful. There was not a cloud in the sky. It would be hard to believe that anything could go wrong on this perfect day. Of course, nobody believed Bob. They were even making jokes in front of him about sharks being in the water. He was not happy; he just wanted people to believe him. Everybody thought that he was telling a tale and he wanted attention. This is because Bob was notorious for telling tales and lies. Nobody could take him seriously anymore. The next day, the family went to the beach again. Everybody was going in the water, but Bob wanted to stay behind. “There are sharks in the water so I don’t want to go in”, he said. “There are no sharks in the water!” His father tried to assure him. Again, the boy refused. “Don’t be a baby,” his sister said. They were starting to create a scene on the beach. Soon after, a lifeguard walked by. The boy said, “Help me there are sharks in the water, but… nobody believes me.” Like everybody else the boy told, the lifeguard wasn’t amused. Once again, Bob went back home and knew that nobody was going to believe him. On the third day of going to the beach, Bob spotted the shark once again. He decided not to say anything to anyone because he knew that they wouldn’t believe him. A few hours later, he saw a group of lifeguards and EMT’s going into the water on a boat and pulling somebody out. Then the lifeguards made sure nobody was in the water because a shark had just bitten somebody. As the ambulance drove away with the girl, the beach was being shut down so nobody could go back in the water. Bob did not see the girl other than the leg that had been bitten. That was a gruesome sight. When his family came out of the water he started crying and ran towards his car. His father tried to chase him. When his family arrived at the car, he did not say anything. Instead, he sat in the seat feeling bad for the person that got bit. He was thinking… was this what it took to get people’s attention?