Taking the Horrific SAT It was 7am, time to go take my SAT. I thought annoyed but excited. I went downstairs to get my cereal and tea. “Hi dad,” I said in a lazy tone. “Neil hurry up it’s almost time to leave,” he responded giving me my toast and cereal. I was so hungry, so finishing my food wouldn’t be a problem. I got in the car with my sister. The ride was silent… no one had anything to say. I got out of the car at Brookline High School. “Bye dad, wish us luck.” I said “We will meet you here at 1,” my sister said. We got inside and the high school it was packed with high school students sleeping on their shoulders. We decided to stick together looking for the sheet that told us where to go. We found a small sheet of paper with “Neil Yajnik and Nitasha Yajnik,” on it so we decided to go there. We went upstairs, and found the class there were lots of kids our age there. I felt a lot better since having tons of older students makes it worse. The teacher came to show us where to sit; we had to sit one row away from each other so no one can cheat. We were waiting on someone to come and tell us when we may start the test. After 20 minutes the test still hasn’t started. What a waste of time, I thought. Just start the test! I held my 3 sharpened pencils “Start,” she said.
Everyone opened their packets and started to make their essays, which we have 25 minutes to make. I looked at the prompt. It was filled with tons of high school vocabulary. Ugh, I thought to myself, this will take sometime. I finally realized that the question to the prompt. Was given to you in 1 sentence under the 5 paragraphs of pointless writing! I started out my essay as fast as I could having 20 minutes left. I forgot how to write an essay during the SAT! I was so confused since I just blanked out. I started to write my opening sentence. Time flew by fast; it felt like I had one second to write the whole thing. After the SAT giver said time was up she told us to stop. I looked at my writing it literally was a bunch of sloppy handwriting. We took the next section of the SAT of course. It was another English section. I looked at it, it wanted me to replace two words with better fitting ones. I was good at this, but the only problem is I barely knew half the words! I had 25 questions and 20 minutes to do them all. I answered the first couple to my best knowledge of words, I had to use some Latin roots to figure these words out. What type of person knows what abjure and adumbrate means? Time was running out and I knew I had to hurry since I heard people flipping their pages. I turned around and saw a huge high schooler still on the first page, which made me feel relieved that I was ahead of the group. The test giver said time was up, I finished all the questions involving these stupid words that no one should know.
The teacher said we could have a break. I was looking around for someone who took the practice SAT with. I found 3 people, Serra, Amand, and this Chinese kid. I walked over to Amand “Hey Amand didn’t you think the English section was impossibly stupid?” “Yeah, I disliked having to learn what these words since I was forced to practice the English part,” Amand said reluctantly. “You're so lucky I had to wing it, but I feel pretty confident because I was doing better than this High schooler,” I said staring at the 5’10 boy sulking in a corner wishing he studied. “Well you're lucky, because you don’t have a group full of idiots who talk all the time,” he yelled with an annoying tone of voice. “Time to go back,” the test giver said half asleep as I walked in waving to Amand.