The Adventure of Shima the Cat

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The Adventures of Shima the Cat Hi, nice to meet you. You probably know me as Shima, P.J. or Peter; all names that I have been called before in the 2 years I have existed in this world. My favorite things include chasing my favorite fluffy white ball, sleeping in cardboard boxes and eating beef jerky. I think you’ve figured out by now that I’m not a human, but a cat. In this story, I will tell you the perks and perils that I experienced during the adventure I took from the moment I was born to the life I live today. I don’t have a clear memory of when and where I was born. All I do remember was that my mother was the mother of a litter of 12 cats! I remember that as a kitten, me and my brothers and sisters never had eno ugh food to eat. Unfortunately, when I had just turned 2 months old, our owner decided that she couldn’t afford to keep all of these animals. This was when my adventure started. One day, I was playing with my brothers and sisters when our owner looked at us with sad eyes, and got ahold of us one by one and loaded us into a large, moving box. I was startled by what my owner had done, but also was completely oblivious to what will happen next. The giant box stopped, and we were carried into a strange, large building that smelled very much like cats. Being the shy cat I am, I was scared of this new, strange place and desperately tried to go back home. Our owner signed a few slips of paper, and just headed out, leaving us behind without even saying any goodbyes. All of my family was split up, and I was dumped into a tiny wire prison and was provided a gigantic bowl of cat food. Starved as I was, I devoured the food thinking, “This place might not be so bad”. Unfortunately, things changed. Quickly. Although we were provided with plentiful food, our cages were barely enough to walk 3 steps in each direction. All of the volunteers working at this place were very kind, but also very busy, killing any chance of me being set released out of my prison more than once a week. The place was not just occupied with cats- There were dogs, birds, rabbits, all homeless like me. Bored, depressed and craving for love, I dreamed of the day I will finally be able to escape out of this place every day. It was a cold, February evening. It was like any other day, as nosy people entered the buildings to stare at us homeless cats. I saw a family of 4 headed towards me at the


The Adventures of Shima the Cat cell in the very corner. They took me out and carried me. It was a long time since I had felt warmth from a human being. They stared at me until they walked up to one of the volunteer people, and talked to them while pointing at me. I was nervous about what was going on and suddenly, the volunteer snatched me from my cell and attempted to carry me out of the room, and into an infamous door. The door was famous between the animals, and we had seen many of our kind being carried into the door, never to return. By this time, I was terrified, and tried to wriggle free of the volunteer’s iron grip. Regardless to say, my attempt ended up failing. Soon after, the family signed lots of paperwork and gleefully put me in another moving box- similar to the one that I rode to go to the prison. I had no idea what was going on or was going to happen. After a bumpy ride, I was released into a new environment. At first, I had no idea where and what this place was. However, it was cozy and large enough to run around. I stayed here for day after day, never to return home to my prison. I still live here today with this loving family, who plays, grooms and feeds me every day. This was the story of my adventure.

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