The American Dream
We have an American dream. People say that everyone is born equal and can create their own fate. However, children are born into a certain kind of family and will most likely stay in the same position in society their whole life.
Some families rely on one parent, which gives them control over the entire family. For example, when a mother chooses to leave the father of her children, that decision will change the whole family forever. These children grow up without a father figure. Someday if one of those kids has children of her own, she might make a similar decision. Your parents are your role models and their decisions can also be yours.
We always say that your decisions make you. What if the person you are makes your decisions? How can we start a new, fresh life when things like our access to good education, safe neighborhoods and healthy environments have already been chosen for us? In order for someone to truly start anew they need equal access to everything; money, clothes, race, housing and lifestyle. That isn’t always possible so there is no easy way to accomplish the American dream.
The American dream can never be fully achieved and not every decision can honestly be yours. In that way, we are our parents children and always will be.