Eli The fight I was just about to get on the ice to play with a team that was older then me. I was going to try really hard so I could get a reward. I was a little nervous because I knew that hockey was a very physical game and people could get hurt. I was looking forward to a good competitive game. I saw some players on the other team while I was walking into the locker room, one of them looked like he was about 6 foot tall and had a mean look on his face and was staring at me. The Zamboni took the ice and started going around cleaning the ice once it was finished my team took the ice. We started skating around and warming up waiting for the game to start. Finally the horn went off which meant the game was about to start. My coach said “Guys we can beat this team and I know you can.” We responded with “Yes coach.” The ref said, “Get your teams on the ice.” My team put their hands in and yelled “Go Brookline!!!!” The game was slow for about five minutes and then my line went back on the ice. I got the puck and skated with it and beat the defenders I took a quick shot at the net and scored. I put a lot of effort into it and the goal was my reward. When the buzzer rang for the end of the first period my team huddled up and talked about what we had done and coach congratulated me on the goal. The beginning of the second period had begun and the other team was a lot more physical and towards the middle of the second period my teammate had gone to the net to shoot and he got into a fight with the goalie and was put in the penalty box for four minutes. The game went slow and nobody was scoring after that till the third period, when the other team was still mad that they
were losing. Then my teammate who got into a fight with the goalie earlier was ejected from the game because of getting into another fight. The game ended when we lined up to shake hands and I was headed off the ice, someone from behind me had pushed me down. Then a group of kids on the other team started punching me, and then my coach pushed them off of me and lifted me up. I tasted the blood on my tongue. I also heard screams coming that were Horrid.I could smell the sweat from the other players. He said to me “are you alright”. I said “yeah”, and then he said, “Why did they go after you?” Some players on the other team got in trouble and couldn’t play the next couple of games because of what they had done to me. But after everything was done the game ended in my team winning by one goal, which was good because I felt like the other team, deserved to lose because of what they had done to me at the end of the game. After the game I went to watch the video of someone who had recorded the game and was surprised too see what exactly had happened. I really didn’t know why they targeted me at the end the only thing I can think is that they were just angry with my team and I was the first to be seen. Also, there effort was very little so there reward was losing the hockey game.