The Hunger Games of Minecraft Neil Over the weekend I usually play minecraft, minecraft is games were, you could build, survive, and play online with friends and foes. Minecraft has different servers that you can join and play in such as, hunger games servers, survival servers, raiding servers, and creative servers but one of my favorites is a "Hunger Games" server, in this server you spawn and wait for 4 minutes till the game starts, once it starts you are all next to the cornucopia and you must grab as many items as you can, after that its a fight till the death like in the movie and whoever is the longest survivor is awarded coins, I play it with many of my friends and it’s based off the real thing. I play it with many of my friends like, Matthew, Josh, Devon, Chris, Bryce, Timmy, Jack, and Thomas. During the weekend we wanted to play minecraft so we all got online and formed are career team. Since we all have watched the movie we knew what a career team was, it's a team with all of the best fighters. This is one of the most important strategies that got me a win over the weekend.
“5,4,3,2,1” The chat read as the games began, we all rushed the cornucopia and the battle was on! Our team grabbed all the supplies we needed; I looted 5 apples, 2 arrows, a stone sword, and 10 enchantment bottles. The items I got were really good I said. A sword was used for fighting, the enchantment bottles were helpful too if you broke them they become xp and you can enchant your armor or weapons. Also the apples were really helpful incase I got hungry, lastly the arrows weren't such a big help at that moment because I needed a bow to use them. After this we grouped up and headed to other chests around the map, Matthew and I stuck together and managed to kill someone following us with 3 hits with my swords. After we finished him off, we looted all his items and put on our armor we looted. Matthew and I realized that in order for us to win we had to betray our teammates so we started to search for them.
About 2 minutes later it was just my career team still alive in the hunger games so Matthew and I went rogue and started to betray are teammates aka backstab, I killed Devon first by knocking him off a cliff with my sword, but I risked almost dying at the same time because Jack was behind me punching me. Luckily I had many explosive eggs that when you would throw them on the ground they would explode kicking everyone in a 5 block radius backwards or even off a cliff, I got these eggs from the first guy I killed and threw them at everyone blasting them away from me because of the explosion. They took massive fall damage because they fell off a cliff so I kept on throwing eggs at them, soon I ran out of eggs and then I realized it was just Matthew and me I was so excited maybe I could win! But Matthew was a good fighter so I had to be careful and think smart. Since we were the only two people left we where teleported to the spawn like in the movie how there was a feast at the end.
The last fight played out like this, I had chosen a class called snowman in the beginning of the game this class gave me snowballs that were like eggs but when they hit other players they made the other player(s) delusional and knocked them back. So I started to throw them like a psychopath at Matthew. Once he was stunned I started attacking him, then ran away and pulled out my bow thinking he had no chance. He started to charge and when he hit me I was knocked back a couple blocks so I threw another snowball and since I had all that range from his sword hits I shot him with an arrow in the chest and finished him off. I felt awesome, I just won a hunger games for the first time in my minecraft life! I thanked my friends for playing with me and we played the Hunger Games for the rest of the morning. When I logged off later that day I was proud because I was better then my friends, which made me feel really great. Â