Emily The Story of My Life My parents have many rules for us kids to follow, too many if you ask me. Although I seem to follow the rules the most out of the three children, it always seems like I’m the one that gets in trouble. Don’t leave the mudroom door open; Make sure to actually lock the door- not just close it; Yes, you have to read to your brother before he goes to bed and no, he cannot go to bed all by himself; All of the lights have to be turned off before you go to bed; Don’t yell at your sister even though you are usually right; Its ok for you to leave for school before everyone else because your brother and sister are almost always late; You must set the table with your siblings even though they usually just end up sitting on the couch while you do all the work; We (the parents) will still yell at you when the table isn’t fully set even though you did all of the work; When I, your mother, is late picking you up from soccer practice there is always a reasonable excuse; Generally just avoid your sister in the morning for she is grumpy and not worth your time; When you lose something it is almost always in a very obvious place; Yes, because you had your bat mitzvah you do not have to go to Hebrew school as long as your sister doesn’t find out, but if she does you have to go. You can watch Glee late at night as long as you don’t tell your brother and pretend to go to bed; If I have lost something I will always blame it on you, even if you aren’t even in the house; You never seem to find things you have lost but I always can;
Being the oldest makes me always in charge, which is sometimes good… and sometimes very bad.
This is the Story of My Life.