The Trip to Errol Me and Dad, Spongebob and Patrick, Woody and Buzz. Where do I begin to describe him and me? I guess I could say, we are best friends. We do everything together, we are inseparable. I remember, that him and I would go on camping trips to Errol. Errol is a small town right on the boarder of Canada and Maine, and there is a mountain where him, my uncle and I go camping. I hadn't been there for two years, but my last trip to Errol was one to remember.
“Bunny, wake up.” Dad shook my shoulder, trying to wake me up. I waved him off, and pulled my incredibly soft blanket over my head. “Go away,” I moaned. I heard him laugh, and pulled the covers away from my face. I hide my face in my pillow, he laughed again. “Come on, Bun. Time to wake up.” “Can’t I just sleep for five more minutes?” “Sure, but then we won’t get to go on a boat ride.” I shot up out of my bed, not caring about the numbness in my legs and my head spinning. I needed to go on that boat ride, I haven’t driven the boat in a long time, over a year. I missed the feeling, of the clean air blowing in my face and the water splashing up in my face. “I’ll be ready in five minutes!” I said in a rush, I was urgent to get out now. “Okay, I’ll be waiting in the truck.” He walked out of my room, and I started to get my clothes together. Which only took me 30 seconds since I didn’t care about what I was wearing, driving was the only thing on my mind. Believe it or not, five minutes later I was running out the front door with my bag of stuff and sprinting towards Dad’s truck. He was just hooking up the last chain to pull the boat along with us as we drove. When he saw me come sprinting out he smiled. “Well, someone’s in a hurry.” I continued to sprint to the backseat car door, I threw it open and put my bag inside. I removed my iPhone from the outside pocket, and stuffed it in the backpocket of my jeans. Then I closed the door, and caught my breath. “Phew,” “Tired already?” he asked. I shot him a look that says ‘are you crazy?’. “Not even close.” “Well that’s good, because we have a long way to go before we even get to the boat ride.”
If you ever sat in a car for more then five hours, you would probably be climbing up the walls and screaming to get out. It was different for me because it was just me, my dad and my iPod. It was a fun ride, because we kept ourselves entertained. “But it still doesn’t make sense!” I protested. “But that’s the point. They don’t tell us who his father was, so we can
be drawn into the story.” “I just think that they should have told us who Anikin’s father was.” This way our way of entertaining each other, we talk. We could rant on and on about this topic forever, because we both loved Star Wars. Though we both stood on different sides on who we love in the series, he loves The Dark Side because he thinks Darth Vader is awesome. I can sometimes imagine him as Darth, because he try’s to act evil and drama that Darth portrays in the movie. Me on the other hand, was apart of the brighter side of the force. I was a good person, of course, and I wanted to stop the dark side from taking over the whole universe. It was later that we stopped at a gas station and filled up the car, this gave me an excuse to get out and look at the boat. I skimmed my hand on the side of the metal boat. I saw that some of the letters and paint job had worn off because it had gotten taken out a couple times, and ruined it. But neither me or Dad cares about the paint job, this boat was Family. It didn’t need to be done up and made to look pretty, it just needed to be driven. I started imagining me driving it, the wind blowing in my hair and the water splashing upward. “You miss it?” Dad says, breaking into my thoughts. “Miss what?” I asked, confused on what he was asking. “Driving the boat.” He answers. “Your looking at it like your in love.” I laughed at his remark, he always made me laugh. “Anyways, I’m going inside to get some stuff. Do you need anything?” “Can you get me a Diet Coke?” “Your twelve, get it yourself.” He said, before walking towards the building. I groaned, I hated when he did that. Reminded me of my responsibilities as a twelve-year-old. Even though I sometimes tried to act like an adult, I could never let go of being a kid.
After we pulled out of the gas station, I had fallen asleep in the car. I dreamed about my Mom. We were talking and watching TV in my old apartment, she was smiling. I missed her already. It was only a few months after she had passed, and I’ve been going through a tough time. Errol was the only thing on my mind besides that; because when I thought of Errol, I felt better. I felt Dad shake my shoulder, trying to wake me up. “Bunny, wake up.” He whispered. I opened my eyes, and yawned. I looked out my window, it was night. And I saw the lake, Lake Umbagog. I felt my heart jump out of my chest, I could feel a huge smile come across my face. Lake Umbagog, Home. I practically jumped out of the car and ran towards the shore of the lake; I stood at the shore and looked across the lake. Then up at the sky, stars were splattered across end the sky. There was no touch of black, just white glowing stars. I sucked in my breathe, I was astonished. I had forgotten about them, I had forgotten the stars that showed brightly in the night sky. I remember that last time I was here, I would stare out the window of the cabin and look up at them.
“Bunny,” I turned to see Dad unhooking the boat from the car. “We’re going to leave the car here, and come get the stuff in the morning.” "Okay," "Great. Now, get your but over here and help me unchain the boat." I hated unchaining the boat. I mean with a burning passion, HATED unchaining it, it was so much work. And, I was still tired. I didn't want to drain everything out of me. Because, that's when I thought I would literally fall to the ground and pass out. But, I couldn't get out of it. Because, if I didn't help, we couldn't really go anywhere but back home. "Fine," I groaned, Dad smiled and chuckled. "Your such a teen," "Am not!" I protested. He started laughing, which only lead me to get annoyed. Even though, I loved Dad anyway, I would get uncontrollably annoyed with him if he even made one remark about me. It took us a while, but we finally got the boat in the water. I remember jumping on, and feeling the boat wobble from underneath me. I felt tired, i wanted to rest. I layed down on one of the seats, I loved the feeling of the rough but smooth leather. The surface was cool, and it relaxed me. I heard the engine start up, it loud roar ringed in my ears. My head started to hurt, I was so tired. Even though the engine was really loud, I started to drift off. I remember that I was about to close my eyes, but I kept them open for a few seconds. I looked up at the glowing stars. Then, my eyes fluttered closed.
I woke up inside of my room in the cabin, it was cold. I sat up on the bed, to get the blanket from the end. But, I nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw the wolf skin on the wall. “Jesus Christ!” I yelped. I thought for only a mila second, that it was going to jump out and attack me. But, then I realized that it was dead. I calmed down, and got up. I had gotten dressed in some warmer clothes, and put on my hiking boots. I exited my room in less than ten minutes later, to find that the cabin was empty. “Hello?” I called through the house. No answer, just silence. I saw something move out of the corner of my eye, I looked over and saw a huge animal that looked like a wolf. I stepped backwards and was about to scream, when I saw that it was just Thor. He was my uncles German Sheperd, and he was pretty big for a dog. Chloe walked next to him, another one of his dogs. She was a German Sheperd too, but she was smaller than him. “Hey guys,” I said. They walked over to me, and I gave them a pat on the head. I walked towards the windows, I looked out and saw the lake hiding behind talks trees. There was a small circle like fire, surrounded by fold up chairs. I saw Dad ad my uncle (I call him Fronz) staring a fire; I also saw Fronz’s daughter Alison and her boyfriend talking to each other.
I waked out the door on the patio, right next to the windows, and joined everybody at the fire sight. “Morning Guys,” Dad looked up from his labor, and looked down at his watch. “It’s almost noon, Bun. I didn’t know if you were ever going to wake up.” “Jim, she a had a long car ride last night.” Fronz butted in, as usual. “She slept most of the way,” “But it was still long, so either way she must have gotten tired.” “Whatever,” Dad brushed it off, going back to the work. During the time Dad and Fronz went out on the boat and got the supplies, I talked to Alison and her boyfriend. They were nice, they seemed really good together. It was around one o’clock when Dad and Fronz came back from grabbing the last load of food, Fronz grabbed the stuff and headed into the house. I saw Dad waving to me to come on over to the boat, I walked over to see what he wanted. “What’s up?” “Are you coming?” “For what?” His jaw practically dropped to the floor, his eyes grew huge. I had no idea what he wanted and what he was trying to refer to. “The boat ride!” He said, shocked. I couldn’t believe that I had forgotten, I waited ages for a boat ride; and I had forgotten about it. God, I was an idiot. I jumped into the boat, and was about to grab for the steering wheel, wen Dad grabbed my wrist. “Easy there tiger, we have to get out of the shallow water first.”
We had taken a while to get out of shallow waters, there were a lot of rocks so that made it complicated. It took us a good fifteen minutes to get out, then I could drive. “Can I start it?” I asked, eagerly. I was itching to touch the steering wheel, to feel the vibration of the engine, and have the feeling of adrenaline pulse through me. “Go ahead,” he said. “I’m here, just in case something’s goes wrong. Don’t get too excited, try and stay focused.” “Does that mean I can’t punch it?” He gave me the ‘Gibbs Look’. I you don’t know what that is, then imagine a forty year old raising his eye brows and looking at you with a face that surprising and yet the ‘Yeah right’ face combined. “Just drive,” he smirked. I laughed, and finally, after a year; I touched the wheel. I stood up in the drivers seat, because I didn’t want to sit down. I turned on the boat with the key, and felt the vibration feeling come to my hands. That’s when I felt it, the rush of adrenaline. I smiled to myself, I wouldn’t get tired of that feeling. Ever. I pushed the gas lever, slowly forward, starting out slow. This is where I get Dad to think I’m not going to go fast and hard, he didn’t suspect anything. I did this rarely, so I had the element of surprise. I drove us out to the middle of the lake, and nobody was on, which was surprising. This was it. The moment had come. It was time to get wild.
“One,” I said. Gripping the lever tightly, Dad looked over his shoulder. His face grew worried. “Uh, Bun?” “Two,” I said, more excited. I gripped the lever tighter, my nuckles turned white. I heard the engine roar, and got an extra shot of adrenaline. Dad looked scared now, my smile grew bigger. “Oh my god, don’t do it!” He warned, I could detect sarcasm in his voice. “Three!” I shouted, and that’s when I slammed the lever all the way down. The boat went flying forward, at galloping speed. Wind smacked my face, and my hair flew backwards out of my face. Water from the sides of the boat, splashed upward and flew in our faces. “Woohoo!” Dad and I screamed into the open air. The sky was clear, not a cloud in the sky. The sun was shining brightly, making the splashing water shimmer. The tall trees that surrounded the lake were all a blur as we speed past them, the only things I could see clearly; were the small islands of land in the middle of the lake. “Bun! Look!” Dad said quickly, pointing at a tall tree on one of the islands. “Stop everything!” I slowed the boat to a stop, and looked up at where he was pointing. There, up in a tall tree, was a huge nest. Perched inside of it; American Bald Eagles. “Whoa,” I breathed. I nudged Dad in the shoulder. “Dude, we have to get this on Camera.” In a matter of seconds, his iPhone was out and he was taking, what seemed like a dozen photos. Then, he finally stopped and put it away. “Alright, now, lets get back to that ride.”
We had spent what seemed like minutes, were hours on the lake. We arrived back at the cabin right at sunset. We ate dinner, Poptarts and S’mores on the fire, and then I went to bed. I layed down on my bed, and looked up at the ceiling. I was made of wood, just like the entire cabin. I thought about the boat ride, I had never felt so alive in all of my life. I never wanted to lose that feeling, ever. I smiled to myself, because I knew tomorrow would be exactly like today. I would get out on the lake again, and I would get to drive again. We would be up here for at least a week or more, which means I get plenty of time to go drive the boat.