The Best Moments
The best moments are not always the big ones. The best moments are the ones you look back at remember, smile, laugh and cry about. The moments when you are doing nothing, really seem to be the best moments. When you are lying on the couch as your mom yells to you. “Broccoli Soup for Diner” Thinking to yourself I HATE broccoli and I HATE soup. The nasty aroma fills the house. As the broccoli soup sits there like gross green gunk in the shiny silver bowl. Then you pause as you realize you’re having dinner tonight, tomorrow and the next day. So you stop and think again about a girl or a boy down the road who might be dying for that broccoli soup, who might be dying for a mother who cooks dinner every night. . Then suddenly your world feels perfect because you realize you have all you need. You listen to your sister singing into a spoon in the kitchen only dreaming to one day be a star. She prances around the kitchen floor leaping about without a worry in the world. The song comes to the end. She runs as fast as fox hunting for their prey and jumps in the air. She lands with a loud thump on the wood floor. Without missing a beat she picks herself up finishing her marvelous melody. You sit there smiling because you know deep, deep, deep down somewhere you really do love that kid. She really does mean the world to you. You open your bedroom door and listen to her break out into song . Why?, because she is your sister. She is just a girl who has dreams bigger then the world and goals big enough to circle around the universe. Then you watch your dad’s car pull into the driveway as he slams the car door closed. His face looks frustrated, puzzled and confused after a long rough day. But, he quickly smiles as you tap twice on the window and his face lights up. You run to the front door so fast to give him the biggest hug on the planet just, just because you love him. Just because you know he got in the car today to go to work for you. You know he worked hard today
for your family. You know he is going to worry tonight when he goes to bed about what they next day will bring. So you stand there hugging him as your body slowly becomes warm. His arms wrapped around you so tight like glue. You know you are safe, you know that you’re right where you are meant to be. Listening to your sister’s (fabulous) singing, waiting for the hot dinner that your mother spent time to prepare, nestled in your dad’s arms. That moment, those moments are truly the best. The unplanned Tuesday nights when your family all comes together. Finally the night ends with your mom rushing to set the table, with a SURPLUS of food she prepared. The food taste fabulous, because the people you are with are ones that make the meal. You know you are the luckiest girl in the world and nothing will every change that. Any moment planned or un-planned is the best when it is shared with the people you love the most.
5 READING GOAL Bridget McMahon 8C
1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.)
To enjoy reading and to be happy when I pick up a book. To learn how to stop fake reading. ( making connections to my own life and forgetting about the book and reading ) When reading out loud adding emotion and tone to my voice. Reading different books out side of my comfort zone to push myself as a reader. To look up works or phrases that I was confused on well reading.
5 Topic ideas 1.)
Going to baker after school. Waiting to picked up my Emmas mom then realizing that she can not pick us up . So calling all my baker friends and saying I can not come. Then getting picked up by my mom and realizing that I can walk from my house to baker So running to Putter Ham Circle. I get a call well I am running that Ian got off his bus and that he was going to start running . Well I am waiting at Putter Ham I text Annie to see where she is she is biking and is going to meet us at baker so me and Ian start running to baker.
Soccer game Bret helping be get ready for the game as I a nervously practice in goal. Sitting on the side line texting and playing games on my phone because I am so not look forward to playing next quarter. Cheer on my teams who are coming off the field as get into the goal sweating.
When I got my iphone my aunt where coming over to our house I they needed to pick up something up. My mom went out to the story with me to pick some stuff up . When we got back to the house my aunt’s car was parked in the front. I knew she was coming but I thought later and I did not really know why. I walked in and gave her a big hug as I helped my mom carry in some bags from the car. I
Placed that heavy bags on the table when I heard a phone ringing a cell phone I took my phone out of my pocket and I was not getting any calls. My aunt then goes to pick up her bag and pulls out her phone and I knew she ad the Iphone I thought of course the phone was hers but then see said call for Bridget and I looked at her puzzled and run over to give he the biggest hug on the plant because I was soo happy and I new how lucky I was to have the iphone. 4.) It was the last week in Agust and I was actually waiting and couting the days till the first day of school. I HAD bean a long FUN summer but I was ready to get back to school to and see friends who I felt they I had not seen in years. We where down at the cape house and bored it was the last week in agust and I was getting colder day by day. Me my sister Courtney and her mom where down at the house and we tired to make the best of the last week of summer. We went to go and get our nails done and we went to the beach and the acrade at the bottom of the street and we went for ice scream EVERY SINGLE NIGHT!!! We went out of the boat and for banna boat rides and we went out to fatty dinners but we course mangged to be bored. Intill finally we went pool hopping and changed our lifes for every. 5.) Courtney’s tent party it was like near the end of the summer and I had not seen my friends in a long time I was exited to change up and see them all. Though of course after we struggled putting up the tent and eat 10000 pounds of ice cream and cake we where more then ready to go to bed. Even tough is was the end of summer it was still pretty hot out and the tent was pretty small. It was me Charlotte Courtney Lauren and Jackie. 5 girls in one small tent we had all made a beat to see who could stay up the longest and we chatted all night on our phones and we textd syped and facetimed 1000th of people . Then after 6 hrs of texting laughing chatting and skyping it was 2 am and we all where soo treid and soo we decied to lie down and lets just say that tent was too small for everyone.