Video Games Short Short
Video games, like books, open doors to new worlds for you. You get to travel around the world either helping people or fighting them. This is why I like video games, you can do whatever you want. Horror– games such as Slender The Eight Pages where you are trapped in a park with a crazed man with no face and tentacle arms chasing you while you try and find pages to help you escape. Games like this invigorate your senses and bring you into a new realm of fear.
Strategy– control your armies, Lead them to victories in great battles and defend your castles. Games like the Total War Saga put you in control of many different situations. Like the Civil war, fighting off the Goths and defending your mighty roman empire, and trying to bring together the warring states of ancient china. Things like this are what you try to achieve in these games.
FPS (First Person Shooter)—these games put you in control of your character. You control your own characters and fight battles against your enemies. Games like the Call of Duty line. In these games you can wage large multiplayer battles or just fight with your friends. Face down the Nazis in Berlin or face down the Russians in WW3.
These are just a few genres of video games I will summarize for you but remember they aren’t all the same. Some from one genre you won’t like and some you will. Just keep pressing on and gaming and you will continue to learn about new types of video games and, you might find one you like.