What Basketball means to me
One thing that means the world to me and is a part of me is basketball. When you put a basketball in my hands I’m in a different world. When I started playing I stop thinking about other things, and I focus on the ball and what other people are doing on the court. Basketball is a part of my life because I started playing basketball when I was 5 years old. I walked up to kids older than me, asking if I could plat with them. They were nice enough to let me (a little kid) play knock out with them. I don’t know how to explain it but when I tried to shoot and I missed, all I wanted was to get the ball in the hoop. Once I got the strength to get in the hoop the sport kind of just there and I didn’t want to pick something else I liked playing. That’s how I started to play basketball. Every time I play I like to push myself to a new level, I know when I don’t push my self because when I’m not breathing hard I know I haven’t pushed my self all they way. I run harder and keep going until I can barely walk home from the park or when I’m walking home from practice. I started to feel weird playing basketball with another person, I started playing with one other person and then another and then another until we had the 5 on 5 which is the amount your suppose to have on a basketball game. I had to get use to playing like that because if I was going to playing basketball that’s how it was suppose to be, I always play basketball with my brother and his friends. I’ve always loved a challenge because it helps become a better player and pushes me hard than a person my age would. My older brother learned basketball from playing with his friends at school and ended up getting really good at it. He taught me what he knew and so did his friends. My brother has taught me all I know. I learn from watching, I watch basketball on TV and if I like what there doing. I try to match it the next time I play with my brother. Sometimes I learn it really quickly but sometimes it takes me a while to get it. I just started playing basketball for the team at school its cool because I can play the sport that’s apart of my life and hangout with my friends that are also a part of my life. Sometimes when I’m playing on a team is weird and awkward for me because I’ve gotten so use to playing with a 1 or 2 people, not 4 other kids but the experience is still really good if I want to keep going and practice more and become a better player and maybe even one day play in the NBA. When coach tells me to show people how to do things it makes me feel good because he knows I can do it and I’m familiar on what were doing that day. I like trying my hardest at practice. If it seems to me that I’m running slow, I speed up, if I’m shooting and barely trying I start to. I have to its just the way I look at things. Basketball has always been there for me, when I’m angry or sad or whatever I’m feeling, basketball helps me calm down and to not think about things. If you were to hand me a basketball there’s no way to get me off the court. Until I’m called to sub out or until its time to go home.
Some times when I’m with my brother he tells me I suck but I think he says that because he knows that the next time we play ill show to him that I don’t!!! I practice every day and the days I don’t I make it by running or play double the time I would practice out side. I like getting that feeling where you’ve run as fast as you can and stop and begin to breath hard. When that happens I know I’ve pushed my self but I like to go farther than that so I get use to it and have a better stamina. I don’t know how far I’m going to into the sport. I’m not sure if I’m going to play in the future but it doesn’t worry about me. I let the ball and I decide in the moment of me play for the high school or just playing in collage even if I don’t play on those teams doesn’t mean I think basketball means less to me now, its just me not wanting to continue to play but its all ways there for me, and it always will be.