Jack Ford What is Team Fortress 2? A free game that make tons of money? One of the most fun games I’ve ever played. Ranked “Most fun you can have online.” “10/10” This is Team Fortress 2. It has many aspects of gameplay, and quite a few different uses. It is rather violent, but very fun and dulls the violence with humor and gameplay. It also has a wide diversity of characters in it, in more than one way. There are nine classes of people in: Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Engineer, Medic, Sniper and Spy. My personal favorite character to play as is Demoman (Short for demolitions man.) His attacks consist of a grenade launcher, a stickybomb launcher, and some kind of bladed weapon. As you may have guessed he is best with explosive weapons. I find that the best strategy is to shoot a grenade into the air and wait for it to fall, and hope it hits something. This game has a strategy for the company Valve that created it to make money. The game itself is free to play, but there is a shop in game that uses real currency to buy in game weapons and hats. I myself cannot resist this and could have basically bought a game for all that I’ve spent on it. They make it really tempting because they give out weapons as gifts, depending on how good you are and how long you’ve played. You will always meet a player who is extremely good with a certain weapon and think something like: “Whoa, that weapon’s super cool and powerful! But I don’t know how to get… I’ll just buy it!” *Spends Five dollars* “Ok let’s try this out. Oh… this isn’t that great.” By then it’s too late to realize that the guy has probably been playing longer than you and is just really good at the game. They have a system where you can try out the weapons from the store, but that you can only do once a week. It basically means something like this: If the weapon is old and was not recently released, you can add it to your inventory and you can use it for 1 week. It’s free instead of paying for it, but it’s temporary. It feels better though when you own the product. They give you these boxes full of mystery items that could be super rare. However, you must buy a key in order to unlock the box. These keys are not always worth the buy because of obvious reasons. I’ve seen people make fun of this method, showing a player buying a key, getting a stupid weapon and then cuts to Valve where they are swimming in piles of money. My friend Dr. Green is gifted in unboxing though. He always unboxes the super-‐rare item and then brags about it. The money you spend in the shop is totally worth what the game would be if you were to pay for it. They’ve recently made a way so that people can sell items from their own inventory to other players for actual money. Valve always get a cut of the money you make though. The items can only be sold if they are Genuine or Festive quality. I can admire valve giving players a way to profit off of free items, but that’s not always true. If you want to sell genuine or festive items, you have to preorder a game in the steam store or buy a festive key during Christmas time. I mean people could give people these things for free, but I doubt anyone would. The Currency system that the players and Valve have created is this: 3 scrap metals are worth 1 reclaimed metal. 3 reclaimed metals are worth 1 refined metal. 3 refined metals are worth 1 key. And lastly 15 keys are worth 1 Bud. If you have a lot of unusual hats or buds you are considered very rich. I would highly recommend this game to anyone who wants to meet some nice people and have fun playing online. (If you’re willing to spend money.) Just watch what the personality of the place you play
is. If you play somewhere like a Lazy server and you actually try to kill and play the game, people will get mad and kick you out. The irony from this is that if you act lazy on a serious server, you will get kicked from there. This free to play game, can end up being expensive, but is totally worth it.