What It Means To Be A Team Ari
There are many things that make a team, and there are many things that donʼt. First, a team must play together not independently. A player canʼt always rely on a teammate, and he canʼt always rely on himself, but if he believes and rely on the team, you will play and think better. Second, your play style should compliment the other players on the team. An athlete must play as himself, but he must play with his team. If a professional only plays with himself, he will not succeed because nobody with an attitude of: “I can do everything myself” will ever do better than they would with the help of others. A real team is a family, and you go through thick and thin. The definition of team is this: A group of players forming one side in a competitive game or sport. My definition is a group of players who want the same goal, who put others first, and who most of all understand that there is no ʻIʼ in team.