Eli Zip Lining in New Hampshire I was in line with my dad and my two brothers. Waiting to go zip lining on Loon Mountain. I knew that zip lining was where you attach yourself to a wire and then slide down on the wire. I was nervous because I had only gone zip lining once or twice before, but I couldn’t wait to do it again because last time was a lot of fun and I was very excited to do it again. The line was really long so I knew it was going to be a while. I was talking to my brothers and they said they were not nervous, but were very excited. I looked over and saw my mom on the ground with my sister waving towards me, so I waved back. My dad said, “ It’s going to be a lot of fun don’t worry.” I said, “What if I fell off and went into the river that is a hundred feet below?” My dad said, “You’re not going to fall off.” I was next to go and realized that we were high in the air looking down on the ground. The person before me went flying off of the tower and was screaming till he reached the other side. Then the instructor told me to step right up. He attached me to the wire and said in an evil tone “Have fun”. He then said, “You may go when you’re ready.” In an annoyed tone I said “Ok,” because I didn’t like how he said it. I felt my legs glide off of the tower and I was hanging only by the wire. I heard screaming coming from my mom, cheering me on. I could feel the air on my tongue as I was gliding through the air. It made my mouth start to dry out and I was starting to get uncomfortable. I started to scream as I speed across the air and over the treacherous rapids. I was started to look around and saw my mom on the ground waving at me again. I waved back and started to smile because I realized I was having fun. Then I started to slow down and I was at the other side of the zip line and the instructor lady had caught me and was starting to detach me from the zip line. I said, “That was so much fun.” She smiled and laughed,
and said, “I’m glad you had fun, and have a nice day.” Before I went down the stairs I looked back at my dad who was about to take his turn on the zip line. I looked at him with big eyes and could not believe what I was seeing he was backwards and was about to start zip lining. I thought how crazy he was, then he pushed off the tower and was going through the air and starting to spin around. He kept spinning faster and faster until it started getting me dizzy. I was laughing so hard at what I was looking at because my dad is pretty funny looking because he is just has that face that you would see on an old man, but when he is spinning around and screaming. He is even funnier looking. I looked at the instructor lady and she was starting to laugh. My dad was about halfway to the end of the zip line, when I looked back at the starting point of the zip line. I saw the instructor guy and my two brothers laughing too. Then the instructor lady started to get ready to catch my dad who was about to land on the platform. My dad was starting to spin faster and faster. When he got to the platform the instructor lady couldn’t catch him and he bumped into her and she fell back. The smile was wiped off her face. When my dad was finally stable, the instructor lady said, “How was it?” My dad responded with “It was really great.” She smiled and said, “I’m glad you had fun.” When my dad was finally detached from the zip line. He got off and walked over to me, but was walking back and forth because he was dizzy and looked sick from the zip lining experience that he had. I said, “What were you thinking?” He said, “Next time we go Zip-Lining I’m going to see if I can hang by my legs and go down on the zip line!” I responded with “ I always knew you were crazy, but I didn’t think you were that crazy!” He started to laugh and said, “There is a little craziness in all of us.” After my two brothers had gone zip lining, my dad, my brothers, and I went down the stairs slowly and could hear the steps creaking. When I got to the bottom I was greeted by my
Mom. She said, “How was it?” I responded “I just found out that dad has become completely crazy!”