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share your elcome home to Stampin' Upf'\ where tl common thread joins us in our love for families, .friendships, and beautiful artwork.
Im always thrilled to present the new catalog, but this year, Im more excited than ever.' Truly the best yet, this 2000-2001 Idea Book & Catalog weaves together a tapestry ofwonderful new designs, fabulous artwork, and an array of accessories sure to inspire the artist within you. I hope that as you look through these pages, you'll be open to creativity-creativity you never thought possible.' For the first time, we've included a project index ofStamp in' Supplies- a list of stamps, exclusive papers, inks, and accessories-that details everything you need to complete any sample you see in this book. Stampin' Up.' is experiencing tremendous growth, thanks to your embracing our philosophy, our products, our art. We believe you can make a difference in people's fives through the art ofrubber stamping when you express your feelings in a handmade greeting, decorate your home, scrapbook special events in your life, and share Stampin' Up.' opportunities. l invite you to find a comfortable spot, browse through the Idea Book &
Catalog, and begin sharing your passion for creativity.'
From R(lt<>: Snge, Sidney, 7imun; Crm1e,v11 SÂŤtmd Row: Smn. Sn11,, M'"!!fm, 1111d N1!11' &tck Rnuc Shm11111. Shelli, Stnling. (I/IdS/J11/,1e
Hearts & Valentines
V ictorian Romance
Spring & East e r Summertime
30 35
Gorden Gatherings Fabulous Florals Intro duction
Bock to School
Our Prod ucts
Two-Step Stompin
Thanksgiving & Harvest
Stompin ' Around
C hrist mos
Def initely Decorative · Stompin ' Memories Hostess Recru iting Hostess Pion
© /!)!)fl-.!//flf.l<.- ✓/,n,,1,r",,·/'/y,/
12 14
Ch ristm as & Winier
Artis t i c
C reat e
In s pir e
Natu re
Sports & Hobbies Stamp in' Kids
190 194
Labels. Names A ll Seaso n
I 00
& Addresses
Borders . Co rners & Backgrounds
Stompin ' Memories
Invitations & Celebrations 134 Soy It w i th Stomps A lphabets
Worm & Wonderful
Stampin' Around ¡ Accesso ries
Catalog Index Recipes
, ,:
Strpin' Up!® is proud to offer the most beautifol, , . afforM;ble, high-quality stamps f: :·and accessories you can buy. ,,'i',.; Designed by artists who • understand the art ofstamping, our exclusive stamps and acc.e9so_ries provide you with the · . right tools, coordinating images, •, .and design elements you need to · make a variety ofnew and imaginative projects. ™-•make our stamps of pre!}'iium wood and rubber to guaranJee the best impression possible. Because you assemble the stamps, you save dramatically on cost. Andyou can position your stamps to suit your style. With Stampin' Up! sta1Yfps and accessories, you will · .t;>f]>~rience newfound • · imagi,nation and creativity.
Two-Step Stampin'®, a unique design feature ofman~ ~f our exclusive sets, provides a fast and easy way to stamp vibra'nt images. Two-Step Stampin'® enables you to create a single multicolored image using wo stamps-it's quick and easy! An alternative to coloring with markers, chalks, or pencils; this method Lets you layer image on image, coLor on color, quickly and easily.
.... ~
Statt Two-Steppin'! Just Look for the stamp sets with the TwoStep Stampin'® logo in the 2000-200I Idea Book & Catalog.
suit any Our exclusive Stampirl Around® wheels offer the perfact solutionfor those quick stampingprojects. A
patented$JSfem keeps the wheel inkedfor nonstop stamping. These wheels a~ handyfor borders,
backgrounds, custom gift wmp, scrapbookpages, and whatever else you can imagine. We offer more
than 70 coordina:dngdesi,gns that •
, yot, can mix and match with OW'
stamp sets. You'llfind sometmngto :suit
any occaswn. .
-< . •.; -~
§25r~➔ Ylkco~rawe ®
quick and We designed these bold patterns and images to cover wall space and brighten room decor beautifully and quickly. Definitely Decorative kts you weave a rich tapestry of color and design for warm custom home inw·iors-walls, fabrics, and furnishings. This line is also perfect for creating quick and distinctive scrapbook pages, album covers, and picrure frames. Look for Definitely Decorative~ sets throughout this catalog.
·..-·· . ·<···· ·. .. .. ···
.. :_::.
You can combineyourpassionfor stamping with your desi,re to preserve precious memories when you introduce rubber stamping into your scrapbookingprojects. Stampin' Up! productsprflllide a terrific wa:y to create your scrapbooks quickfJ, economicaUy, and with gorgeous persondfiai,r. Stampin' Up!products include " beautifal/,y coordi,natedpapers, markers, and inkpads that makeyour , pages come ali.ve with color. Punches, die cuts, brass templates, stencils, and bnckgroundpapers-all, desi,gned to complement our stamp sets-make creative .rcraphooking a snap. And yr;u'll love our StampiriMemoriesÂŽ stampable binders and our new 12 x 12 a/JJums and card stocks. Our high-qualityproducts meet the archival needs ofscrapbooking enthusiasts. Wlen you see the Stampin'MemoriesÂŽsymbol you'll k-,ww that these products areyour best chmcefor kmg-termpreservation. This symbol indicates cardstocks andpapers that are tlCid and /i,gnirz, foe and inks that are tlCidfoe, fade resistant, and nonbleeding.
At Stampin' Up!®, we love our hostesses! Hostesses open their homes, allpwing us to share the art·of stamping. To say t~r,tnk ·· you, our hostess inc;niiv~,. . program offers free exclusive hostess stamp sets and free catalog merchandise that hostesses may earn depending on worksh.o,p sales. And don't forget the Stampin' Up/ Idea Book & Catalog, another, , free-,' hostess benefit! And ifthat weren't enough incentive- we've added an exclusive ' quarterly Hostess Appreciation Special that will be new each· quarter! Please refer to . the Stampin' Up! quar_te;b, :\ · Catalog Supplemen_~fo; ·:·:. .- ,\· . the details. ' : : .· .... In addition to building a fabulous collection of stamps and accessories through the generous hostess plan, Stampin' Up/ workshops let you, your friends and family learn new stamping techniques, project ideas, and ways to express your creativity. Contact a Stampin' Up/®demonstrator today, or call I -BOO-STAMP UP, to schedule your next workshop!
Level 1 ABCDEF
Free Mercha ndise Totaling up to:
Level 2 ABCD
Choose 1 or Choose 1
Choose 1 or Choose 1
Choose 1 or Choose 1
Choose 1 or Choose 1
Receive a free Hostess
Choose 1
Appreciation Specialnew each quarter!
Refer to the quarterly
Catalog Supplement for details. Limit one Hostess
Appreciation Special per quarter.
Choose 1
Choose 1
= - + Cho~sel Choose 2 $600.00 ¡
Choose 1
Choose l
S75.00 Choose l
S650.00 â&#x20AC;˘
S700.00 -
S750.00 +
Choose 1 No shipping and han d ling amounts ore charged on hostess benefits.
S100.00 plus 15%of amount over $750.00
Receive a complimentary catalog and choose one of these six terrific Level 1 sets as your gift when you hostess a workshop (with a $150
minimum order).
level \-A- TinY Teapots ')}79-l-lS (Set of 4)
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•• .•·'!'-••. ~*· • J ..
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, -s. sackground sos\cs 9312-HS (Set of 4)
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Level 1-E. Stamped with Love 9382-HS (Ser of 4)
DO NOT OPEN 'TIL CHRI5TM.A5! Level 1-F. Festive Friends 9375-HS (Sec of 4)
• •
iou can choosefrom among these channing level 2 stamp sets when your workshop totals $300 or more. (Or selec, a Leve/ I set i_/yo11 prefer)
Leve/ 2-A. Seasonal Sprays 9378-H s (&t ofJJ
Leve/ 2-B. Hedgehog Happiness 9404-H s (&t of 6J
• @ @• I '
Level 2-c. Brushstroke 9373-HS (S H f_ummingbird er o 7)
® •
Level 2-D. Vi .d ~ 9384-1--! Sv(,S Greetings • C [ of 6)
.Ji,,,,y,,,, .'If, /
, ) /_7_JO- ~ {100 <-1
Beary be~t wn<£he<£ l(Dij y l(D llllt '£fpe~nali dayl
A jr!elI]lcl li ~
~([lf[ije(])ije yolllr <eaij }eaij (])ij.
Only available to hostesses whose workshop totals $500 or more, one ofthese stamp sets wiff be the jewel ofany stamp collection.' (Or select two Level I sets, or a Level I set and a Level 2 setwhichever you pr~fer.)
Level 3-A. Beary Best 9380-HS (Ser of 9)
. .
0 ~··· ,~... ,·=~-~ Jq ~~ ~· ~
level 3-B R 9381-·Hsott Rhrapsody er o 13)
Sweetheart Candy II (Ser of 6)
9261-00 S9.95
8T5-00 Stampin" Around Hug.s & Kisses $5.95 (Wheel only. Handle Jnd ink cartridges sold separately. See page 208.)
8 125-00 Sr.unpin' Around Daisies SS.95 (Wheel onl~·- I landle aml ink carrridg<'S sold scpJra1dy. ~e page 208.)
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Love Yo\ (Sec of 8)
9329-00 SI 7.•>'>
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From the Heart (S~1 of G)
9339-00 SI4.95
8 I42-00 Srampin' Around ' Bold Hearts S5.95 (\'vl,_,d only. H.111dle and ink can ridges sold g :para1eh-. S"c p,1ge 208.)
8 169-00 Sra111pin Around · Stitched Heart S5.95 (Whed only. Ha ndle and ink canridgcs sold 1<1:parardy. Sc" page 208.)
Send1n2 a kttle Valentine thought to let you know you're. loved a lotr
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j Nice Mice (S,·, ofll) 91 58-00 $16.9'i
Key to My Heart (Set of'))
$ I 'J.95
Ribbons & Roses (Set of 4)
9285-00 $ I 5.95
l I
Floral Wreath
~869-00 S I O.9)•
Wi$ki,1J'f~ ill the /O'I~ a11d ha.ppi,1e55 I·
•• 6hiire.
Hear~ . ') I 18-000U (~cl of 4)
Gentle Th
91'>2-~~gh,ts (Scl of 4)
$ 16.95
9j1~oce Heart . - oâ&#x20AC;¢IIO SI I _ u,,)
Victorian Frame (Ser or?)
9131-00 526.95
Kindness Shared (S"'r of 4) 9l3'i-00 $l'i.9'1
Kiss Me (Ser of 7)
9209-00 S 14. 95
me ... lVe got you.r
Lucky Me! (Ser of 6)
94 16-00 $14.95
8 175-00 Srampin Around Stitched Shamrock $5.95 (\X/hcel only. Handle anJ ink ca rrridges sold scp:iratcly. Sec page 208.)
(~--✓--:7J) L\:0.,,:::/
. Days (Ser oi" 6) Rainy 9160-0 O $14.95
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Bunny Buddie~ (S<.:r_of 8)
934.1-00 5 17.9)
Hoppy Easter (Ser of 8)
') I 44-00 S 15.95
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• • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • • • • •
Easter Egg (Sel or 7)
•)345-00 SI 5.95
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8277-00 S1:1mpin' Arou nd ' Easler Fun $5.')5 (Wheel only. 1-lamlk and ink canridgcs ,old scpar:udy. Sec page 208.)
- -
Wreath of l?oses (.\e, "F 7) 941/4-0() $/9_95
~j([))ac~ bu tfue
%rd! [lesus rose that CE:aster morn, I anc[ in our ftearts
new hope is born.
Easter Mom (Ser of 4) ?15G-oo s15_95
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9849 0 e \' c:t of 4) . 0 $ 15.95
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Forel , · (S , c·c, ol. (i) 979 )-00 s 17.95
fistlin' lS.:c oi ')) •1-q, .l)\) $\I:\.')">
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Gone fistlin9 lS~1 of 61 7 <)<)') .,-00 S\ .')">
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Roughing It ( 9/0J.oo Serof/7} $28.95
~mmer" VIIC4no11 J•Wf
ii'! ~tllowst,u IJ~hom I Plltf(..
'fir, CAver,d ~
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B bies (ScL of 6)
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Fourth (Sci 8) Happy 8 00 $ I 7.~5
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Al'\erica! 9 19 •
Ride 'Em, Cowboy (Sec of 6)
9425-00 $19.95
Wishin~ you calm seas amid Sl gerrnt!e breezer
Schooner (Ser of 4)
9 164-00 $15.95
tr --- - - ~
SUN!--~, Fun in the Sun (Ser of 17) 9 146-00 $28.95
8288-00 Scampin' Around" Leap Frog $5.95 (Wheel only. Handle and ink cartridges sold separacely. See page 208.)
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8293-00 Scampin' Arou nd • Under the Sea $5.95 (Wheel only. Handle and ink cartridges sold separatdy. See page 208.J
• •
Aloha! (Set of 7) 9385-00 S l 9.95
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f ish frolics (Set of I 3) 'J6S7-00 s24.95
•. ►•
Bon Voyage (Sec of9/ '>?03-0o S24. 95
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l)di11i1dv Dcrnr..11ivc· Shells (Sc1 of9)
. 9187•00 $24.95 Don't mii..\ rhc Cla."'} lkti..\ c·mbo:..,in~ lcmpbre that m.nchcs 1hi\ ,c1 un pag,: 214.
r· finif C')
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8154-00- Scampm · 'Aroun-d" Checkered $5. . - 95 (Wheel o nly. -H . an d lt: a nd .111 k -carcn.dges sold separateIy. Sec page 208.) ''"'Ufl v,//,.✓o,/un I / © /J/J/O-~., I • ·r;(j',
Definitely Decorativeâ&#x20AC;˘> Lighthouse (Ser of I 0)
9407-00 $32.95
8279-00 Scampin' Around" By the Sea $5.95 (Wheel only. Handle and ink cartridges sold separacely. See page 208.)
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Basket of Blossoms (Ser of 7) ')336-00 $ I 5.95
~~) ~... ,
Ddini rclv Dcco racivc'" Posy & Bee (Sci of 10)
')857-00 $26.95
- --
-- ..
·. ..·
~-cQUnwµ, ~ WU ~
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Brighter Days (S<:r of7)
9457-00 $ 19.95
Bitty Bouquets (Sec of 4)
9183-00 $ 11.95
;~~ ..,;;,,,,
Topiary (St:r of9)
9159-00 SIS.95
Sweet Herbs (Ser of 6) 9242-IHl S 1-_95
Sunflower 9082-00 $6.95
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.'~ 'i Dcfinirdy Decorarivc·•Branch (Ser of 9) \ ~,~·
9597-00 $18.95
lntt~~ lhy Tiatt~®, ((]}fly by illlfll~ lPrnenrlls andf1~weir5
grow thflllWfly
Little by Little (Sec of I6) 9672-00 $27.95
· "'!..~ Odinitdy n~..:or,11ivc Fine \line
-.;;.,· ..i,",."'° ~,·
')4•B-00 S}'.'..'l'i
(Set of l 2)
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-~ Feathered Hope (Ser of"')) 9008-00 $24.95
Birdhouse Mini (Ser of 4) <JS:17-00 $ 10.95
A friel'ld rnay \,Jell ~\\,
¡4 ,
Nellie the Nest Lady (S~r or¡ I O) ')528-00 $ 2(,. 'Vi
,:ie rec.l<.ohecl
t he rna~te~piece
~rzalr"" Wa:d0Emer5on
l)d,nitrh- Dc.:nr:ni l'c Fabulous Fruits (Set
or I 'i)
<J'i'l 1-00 $28.')'i
·. . . t ·,:;
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Cherries, Checks & Posles (~~, 01· 4) ')'i~')-00 S l 0. ')'i
.,' .
~~~ •~~•
I )dini rely Dccor:11i vc Very Veggie {Ser of 15)
9 155-00 S28.')5
J . ...,-- . .....- - -_ - - _- - -- -- --
') .
Dcfini1dv' Decor.iu,·c . 9867-00Hydro $2G ,~gea (Set of IO) 1
;~.'q:f:::.;_~ Ddinirdy D. .'>4.%-00 Spri . ~'il~~;ansy (St:1 or6) "1;1\4,
cco r:111vc
i~~ Ddi11irdy D.:corariw Cottage Rose (S<11 of 13) ~,..,,
C) I X(,-00
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of I Ol
Ddinitd v D<.:co r,u ivc Beautiful Blossoms (Set , 9 161-00 $26.95
or 10)
813'.)-00 Sr,unpin' Around Ivy Vine S5.95 (\Xlh,:el only. Hand k and ink canrid~~s sold ,, p:trardy. S<.:<' pe1gc 208.)
-: e
;~~ Flashy Florals (Sci of 8) -.;;:,,, 9651-00 $ 17.95
_. .,.,... -.-·.o·· . --,A. - -~ o~o~o- o~o-. 8243-00 .S1ampin' Around' Beautiful Blossoms $5.95 (Wh~d only. I landle and ink c.1rrridgcs sold scpar;11dy. Sec p.1ge 208.)
81 27-00 S1a111pi11' Around Posies $5.'J') (Wheel only. 1 landle ,111d ink t~1riridge, wld ~l'para1dy. St:r p:tgl' 208.)
81 1)0-00 S1.1111pi11' Around Vine $5.')5 (Wlwcl o nly. Handk ,rnd ink cm ridge, "ild ,<'.para1dy. Sn: page 208.)
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peltle posies lS~c o! 14)
9\37..00 $ \S.9, . cl C\:i.,;sy Brass en1bossing iemp\Jtc
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Brushstroke Blossoms (Se, of 4)
9267-00 SI 1.95 miss rhc Clas,y Brnss embossing t<.:mpl:11<.: d,ar matc.:hcs chis st:t 011 pag<' 2 14 . D011'1
. , .'
; ~~ -..;;'.,'
Fanciful Flowers (Sec oi" 13)
9332-00 $24.95 Do n't miss chc Cb,w Bras, e nibossi n<> tempbrt' 1ha1 m,ttchn, rhi~ S<:t ()II page: 21 4.
8187 -00 Stampin· /\round Sunflower Bold $'i.9'i (Wlm.:l 1J11 ly. l·Lindk and ink canridgcs sold ,<.:parardy. Sec page· 208.)
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Sum mer Sunnow .3-00 S32. ?'i er (Ser of 12 )
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Hand-Painted Petites ISt-r-of 20J 9 I'J7-00 $2"". 95
Summer Spray 9 lOS.OQ .$8.95
Romantic Rose 90.:?7-00 S10.95
Victorian Bouquet 9963-0() $10.95
Go Team! (~l'I 8) •>236-00 SJ8.9')
Aa .
NEATER, }:)LEASE' Teacher Talk (Si:r nt (,) '.1421-00 S l 4.9')
.. : .& ·.. - .~ .;~
. :- . ·. 8272-00 Sr.11npi11· Aro und Back to School $1.'Vi (\X' lwd o nly. l l.t11d ll' and i11k cm ridt;,:., ~o ld sc·p:1r.itdy. Sec pagl.' 208.l
8247-00 S1all1pin' /\round Cheers for You $';.'l'i (Whl·el only. 11.,nJlc and ink c 1nridgc:, sold scp.1r.nd)'·
s~e p.1g,: 208.)
lo I
Golden Rule Do , . t_) I')' 00 _vs (S,t ol 9)
,, _
5 18.')5
l 2 34 School (Sec or /4) 97J7-00 $ 10.')'i
Bats about You (Sc·t of 8)
9189-00 $2 1.95
Happy Fright Night (Ser of 6)
9297-00 :I 18.95
8241 -00 .S1an1pin' Around Skeleton S5.95 (Whc·d only. H:indlc and ink c:irrridgcs sold separately. S<:c p,ig<: 208.)
Haunted House (S<'r o( 4) ')/491 -00 SI 7 .95
8 166-0() Sw11pin' Arou nd Stitched Halloween $'i.95 (Wh..,d only. Handle anJ ink c:inrid~es sold ,cpamdy. S.:c p,tg_l.' 208.)
------ -A Haunting We Will Go tS~1 of ..il ')8---00 SJ',,•)',
s cMY -WITCl-lES
AT YOUR 1)00R ...
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Spooks Galore l'-.:1 oi •tl 99-1-00 $:!l.'J')
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t'IM?llNS coli\l
t.l\~ yUl,\Hl~S GO 111H, ;nc.t-15-l.t.~TllN &Tlt.l.S TI\E. Sl\0'411
?UM?klNS COME. AN1v ?UM?klNS GO SUT A JACk-O'-LANTE.RN STE.ALS THE. SHO\llt Jack-O '-Lantern Fun (Set 9234-00 $18.95
8273-00 Stampin' ArounJ
or 1 1)
Halloween $5.'J5 (Wheel o nly. Handle and in k carrridges .sold s eparacely. See page 208.)
8235-00 Sram pin' Around· Jack-O-Lantern S5.95 (W heel on ly. H an d It' and ink carrridgt', so ld sep,u arelr Sec page 208.)
Grand Cornucopia (~t:r of 4) 'J 178-00 $15.</'i
Fruit of the Harvest
9446-00 S9.9'i
~I~ ~
I 11111
82')0-00 \1.1mpin' i\rnund Primitive Prints S'i.'JS (Wheel only. Handle and ink .:anridgc, sold scp.1r:udy. Sec pa)(c¡ 208.)
/3ountijuf /3fessin_JS to!jou ~~::::,;,; ·- ~ and!/ours
Bountiful Blessings (Sn of 6) ')_1 15-00 $18.95
Harvest Hello (S<:t of 6) 'Jti03-00 $ I CJ 'J'i
()2 pwve t0 tl)a17k tt}?, I9rd atdk
for fan-;t1Y $fr ieJ:;<l50to ~ve tJ5 TQ\£1
Tuaci<sk for thee!
Thanks Be for Thee (S~1 of 4)
9973-00 $15.'J'i
Foll for A ll (Set oi" 6)
'Jl5l-00 $ J 4.95
76 .
/f/711•..L{l(IIJ (
/1,,,,y,ii, . 'If, ,
., )
:.) (
f. Simply Seasonal (Set
or I 0)
9327-00 $17.95
Harvest Blessings (Set of 4)
925'i-00 SI 5.9'i
8 J0j-00 Siarnp in' /\ round Swirling Leaves $5.95 (Wheel onl )'- 1-b nd lc and ink e-irtridges sold scpara1dy. Sec page 208.)
Stars of David (Ser of 4)
9290-00 $19. 95
wit/2,poWv M/n(j,
iti the 130012 oj- C.ij-e! Jewish Greetings (Ser of 8)
9299-00 $26.95
~208-00 Srampin' Arou nd Pine Bough S~.95 (Wh..:d only. Hand!~ :111d ink canridi;cs sold ,cpar,irely. Sec pagc¡ 208.)
~t warm memories be the fruit
of th.is
Fruit of the Season
(S~, or5)
9 191-00 $22.95
tlfe 4cyte a/?d/ teace o/tl!e deaJon /f/(;;ouP ka//t wilk/O-jl, ~ (DJ
Joy (Ser of 6)
9352-00 $ I 9.95
Tc: f,u,~:
~__,! ' ~·~ wl
• sJJ.i;..,r or 8)
Christmas Gift Ta 99 1i-oo
Happy ~inter (Sc:r of 4) 920)-00 SI 0. '>5
,< .
Night before Christmas (Ser of 6)
9461-00 $] 4.95
Tags, Etc. (Ser of 8)
92 17-00 $19.95
}{i\Fl?'Y }{OLL'i-
M.ElUf~ CJfRlSTMi\Sl
·$· . . '*.. ·· ·* •
• °SL·
~··. •
Ft', ,w ~,.. . 0i(~:-. ·!Hli ·.
~.. .;~~ ~w. =·~... (fj//_/J:.· ... =1<.~ ·~. .-~
Christmas Bulb Mini (Set of' 4)
9244-00 SI0.95
•• •
Holiday Hello (Sci of 6)
9406-00 S19.95
Christmas Fun (Set of 8)
9208-00 S21.95
C-fiRDT~ qR_EElTN0 fI<PM oUK HDQ5E lo '(oU85
0 0
0 0
.o 0 0
0 0
Happy Holidays (Set of 4) 9825-00 $ 10 .95
Gingerbread House (Set of 6) 94/48-00 SI '>.95
8 145-00 Srampin' Around Gingerbread Man $5.95 (Wh<:d only. Handle and ink c:tmidgce, sold separ:ttdy. S<:e page 20~.)
8245-00 Sram pin' Around ' Candy $5.95 (Wheel o nl v. Handle :111d ink carrrid gcs M)ld s~par,udy. Sec page 208.)
n .
Christmas Peac on1 miss (he CT 'JI 90-0ll _e _(Scr ol" 4) , .1ssv Brass . b OS\Jflfl' . S I ) · 9)' •11 rn,Hc ii:s rlus• SCf ( · <.:Ill "' lcmpl.i1c chI
pag~ 2 ) /4
Christmas Ch . 9889 00 e~r (Sec oF 2)
. "Mlaythe 1oy and wonder of the season be yours. Reindeer Greetin
_9308-00 $ p.s (Sec of 4) Don ~:95 Brass . cml,l miss - · rhc C l.,ss,· OSSln" [
I .
. ..
marches d · "' emp ate rhar . 11s scr on page 214.
·*. .· t
Celebrate the Seaso (S 9187-00 - et of I 0) 52 .9 )
ofthe Chrisfmt1s c5et1SOn
1 ~, j ~ :,) . 11 I
J]inger in your9learf Dhroughouf lheCJY(2(])cyear
Christmas Joy
s:8.95~ - - - - - - -
A Christmas Wish (Set of 6)
r-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - - L- - - ~9392-00$14.95
• ••• •• L - - - - -~~::--:--:-- : - - - - - -- - - - - - l {~}
Definitely Decoracive• Pretty Poinsettia (Ser of IO)
9258-00 $26.95
Miracle of Christmas (Ser of4) 9951-00 S 15.9')
lhtistmas is a yifft fmm he,mm ab®tem~yY@IIJIB• ~ea&@n be ffllJ~d
WitbjU}y all/tbaff ff@we. ----
'I r~,,.. •··•- "- --. _- _- ,;:A G itt 9875-oo from Heaven (Ser o,ff,,ffl) s15. 95
· - -
~ -----
~~N t!" ~B._ u--t4 t.i;},1::, . : . .~~- u,Ji1..~ . . ac;,1\ ,~ut .t. \'eJu\ :. -h~~.,~ Nt\f.,.••:
. ' .
Brushslroke A 94 I 3 oongel (Scl
$ 17.95
or 4)
.. ..
cfrom~ ~ry
Chri§tmas Nature's Ch • 1
; .;---- - - - - - - - -
9256 o nos ~OS (Set 019) • .o 18.95
'°"' ./
~ /Y.!10 ·-
/. 1"" · r,Iry,/
'IO <-Y'kon/, ·
r, . May tfie tnB.gi~ ·of
Cnrwtrne~ . .b@ your~ t_ bi~..~@a~?h.
\1<=>~(!)1H<57 • .
* 8263-00 Srampin' Around.,
Santa Stars $5.95 (Wheel only. Handle: :ind ink camidges sold separarely. See page 208.)
r: o!< iJ.Z~f,[1J~l-"~ ();!.• 1,,, ,-.
-~ %"
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-;;:JI)~ •j('- i,u,.: • p~Cl1l.1• -~-::• t ;1ov. 1J.ie - you're. 0 ' "
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·"Jov-f~; :r.a
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penguin Pols (~el of '1) 1J\79-00 S\"i.9'°l
o ... "'
" 0
• l'l'JfJ•.!Nffl, /1,,,,y,;,,
JOY .,
' \
Christmas Cardinals (Sec of 11 ) 93 18-00 $19.1)5
e Winter Patches (S1.:1 ,1f 4) 9049-00 S I 0.95
81 ! 2-00 Srampin' Around Stitched Christmas 55.95 (Whed onlr- H andle and ink carcridgcs !'old sep.1r.11ely.. e<.' page 208.)
II /9?U..:20flf'I (
Vfin,yui, â&#x20AC;¢ 1/f, .'
Favorite Frame (Set of 6) 9324-00 $24.95
May Your Joy (S~c of 2)
$ I 1.95
11184-00 S1:1111pin' Around Stockings S5. 95 (Whed only. Handle ,111tl ink carrritlge~ sold separardy. Sec page 208.)
* Lace Snowflakes (Set of 4)
9943-00 SU.95
\Jv't£hitJg you a fil>®si.iry ~®1r1ry
(G)rnIrli§ ! wrJlSl. § ~ Beary Merry Christmas (Sci of 4)
9397-00 $17.95
,. .... 0
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81 15-00 Srnmpin' Around ·• Snowflake $5.95 (\'(!heel only. H:1n<lk :md ink camidges sold separately. See page 208.)
Peace on Earth ($et of 7)
9-i09-00 S\9.9:,
-c, l.'l:IIJ ..J'(Jl/(I
-Eleganl Angel lSec ofll '
i.- \:::;.
17, ,
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J\ ~ ,~o ,($
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·* · . x· ,, + · >/· )( ,;,~ LE;T IT SNOW! LE;T IT SNOWJ LE:T IT SNOW! X ,;
_- :/( . ,,
+ Let It Sno w (Set of 6)
$ I 7. 95
Stitched Snowman (Sc, of Ii) 9220-00 SI 5.95
8 178-00 s,~mpin' Around Stitched Snowfriends $5.95 (Wh<·d only. Handle .ind ink canri<lg<·s sold ,cpar~1d)'. Se<' p:tgc 208.)
Th~ season c~me, th~ Season vvent ... oar Christm.as wi£hes were not sent I
ftaPPJJ ~Rfpg~ •
6 ~.~
i/9 .,, T
heartfelt thoughts We send to yotI,
with t10'£)e that all yol..lr dreams come truel
May tht ~ year be one of
~a.ppy memortas
D21t ~:
and dr~zlrnS .falf ill@d1
TimB :
Place: Ring in the New! (Set or 8) 9.388-00 S 19.95
Sassy Seasonals (Sci of •I) 'JO 16-00 $ 1I .')'i
R~PP9·►·ft&\V:/~iCff'{ . .
-~ .
. .
82'\'i-00 Si.unpin' Around Happy New Year $5.95 (\'v'h~>cl only. Handle ,111J ink c;inridges sold ~cpar:udy. Sw p:ig,· 208.)
Iriend~ are.
m,arshmsllo'Y"fc;, in the cocoa oj life.. Love, ]:w_,; t[i.e. v-l'JJ.rmt\i, to me.lt a,_W?,::f 0
-;. 0
the. }ro<;;ty G\ri.ill oJ & ~n~s d2;J"1
Winter wuma lSet of 6)
9330-00 $17.9)
~ ~~ l
0 -
. .
snow Angels tSe1 of 6 9288-00 $\4.9'>
, - _ ~ /'v ;;
}-lave an
路路udderly路路 wonderf ul Cbristrnas r
Cowboy Christmas (Ser of 6) 9 4 01 -00 $ 19.95
Polar Bears (Sci of Gl 1 )469-00 S 19.95
81 18 -0 0 S1~m pi11' ArounJ Mittens S'i.95 (\Xlhcd onlv. H and le a nd in k cartridge, ,old separardy. Sec page 208.)
.. '
tr1~51\'W ~
4}1 '~
• •. . . • .
~ :
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si=,9-00 Sr:1mp1t' . ·'/1f,!
lluu t/1 ' 11
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Iv I l:ioJlc ""
on .
J "n,k carinq,
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,.:,,,r.11cly.~-c\ ' I
·• ·
miss you
Get well ,Soon!
of You...
·-./ ~ ~ '
1 PILL.t 2/)Hu(,', DA, LY
Bow Bear (Ser 17) 994 1-00 $28.95
Button/ Bow Accessories (Set of IO} 9 185-00 S I7.95
... ..'
Seasonal Shelves (Ser of 4)
9314-00 $22.95
/ 02
~~£€> f',;, ~~
e:-~£!, "2 -
Funky Favorites (Si:t of 15) 9011-00 $28.95
. . :_,}~, J:,,,' . .-
-. S _. >· \ ·= ·.·· . -- - - - Seasonal Images (Ser of 4) 901 7-00 $] 1.95
. .
\ . ' ' ~ .. . , . : r~ '-'k9 ....·. ...
Seasonal Patches ($er of 4)
9218-00 $ 1195
. /y,.
© /;l;/0 - :/(/f/fl <:.· :/. // ,-,1171,11 • ( ' ) /
~m~'\ ~ r~~
Pian.le SUAS of hllppiV\£,SS,
_ ~ wCL1~h
t rimdship qfOW.
In the Garden (Sec of 6) ~ I 9.9~
~~u ~~u
~~u Little Somethings (S<:c ot 12)
.,•·:.· --.,•. _._
□ ,·· r···-- · · ·-_ ■ · ·· . - .-_·. ': D . . . □:' . . . . . . . .
·. .
. .
. :
. .
999~-on s 14 .<JS
-~. □, ---- ·· "C ■ < : . . . . . . ·. . . ... .- _, • r ·:.- .. .. . :.··· ~::·:
.. •
8239-00 Sca111pi11' Around Pindot $5.'!5 (\X' hcd onli·· Handk- and ink can ri'dg..:, ,old ,..:paracdy. Sc:c page: 2.08.)
The Portfolio Collection (Sc.:1 tif 8)
lJ"i,~ 1-00
0 ~ ~•••••* · ' . / ; .... . •
• ••••
~ -:.:·: .... ••••· ...... ::.": Sun, Moon & Stars (Sci
9364-00 $ I 7.9';
/ 06
/'1'/fl•✓f1(l(I , .
,/,',,,,y,,,, 'If,-'
, I _ : '::::-:)
. / '
.. . 0
-~ · ~
All-Season Wreath (Sec of 8)
9465-00 S 15.95 i<l /J)fli?-:?IJOU
r.--// m,yo, , • f/f ,/
seasonal Si1dnouses ( ',,:1 •)4",:!-00 $ ,- _')'>
G1eol G1ouplngs Cwt •)l •)',-00
S \ 6.'l"-
l,r .'>l
of .\\
O o
'-0 0
Les Fleurs (Set of 6)
9464-00 $19.95
'fime§ am«l sea§oll1l§ change, but mot the ways of friendship.
Times & Seasons (Ser
93 17-00 Sl8.95
or 6) .. ,
/Jl~a-✓rKHJ (
.//r,,"f"" · 'If,/
Portfolio Collection II (St"t of¡ 12) 9J54-00 $22.95
Ornamentals (Ser of 4)
8274-00 Sr:unpin' Aru1111d ' Bold Baroque 55.95 (Wheel only. 11:rndlc: anJ ink carrridgcs ~old ~t'panudy. .Sec po1gc 208.}
K 9im8o 8no (Set of 4) â&#x17E;&#x201D;
-oo s1-.')-)
9~a~ji (S..-1 of 4)
8 -00 SI l.9'i
Ornate Ornaments (Sl' 1 of 8)
987 1-00 S 17.95
Feel the Warmth (S~r of 4) ')273-00 Sl 1.95
"r\ (Sci, of~ Sl r,,.nc1·enl ,...
9207-00 S\ J.9-i
__J ~-----
1uni pottel'/ $ l I .•)'i
I) .?..'10-0I)
seasonal Solids tScc of 12) <)1f7\.00 $24.l))
â&#x20AC;¢ \tty Sitties tSet of I 2)
9034..00 S \4.95
. d Gloss (Scl 5or ti) Staine ') I 02-00 322· 9
Thts is tr..e day theLotdf
hath ma~ let ~ tejOice and be gl~~ tn it. ·P.sa/m.s l!a,24
,,, Nit/II' -/llo.11/,,,, 'Ill,' "" /99,,.. I
~ ~~
Fabulous Flourishes (Set of 11)
'•iw•' 9474-00 $ 18.95 Don't n,bs the Classy Brass embossing n:mpl:uc chat marchc~ 1his set on page 21/4.
Bitty Bolds (Sc, of 12)
9989-00 $ 14.95
1:1227-00 Scampin" Around•· Bold Blocks S5.9S (W heel only. 1-bndk· :ind ink carrridgcs sold scpar.m:ly. Sec page 208.)
¼~~o~e~ f!) ;C~i ,, (!J~b
" '-I
seosonol so1ders 1-10. \ Mini lSc• of 4)
<)46S-00 SI';.')~
A p
• ..
Fun Fillers (Ser of 4)
9383-00 $21.95
• •
• •
0 0
• •
0 0
..-· . • • •
ltty Bitty Backgrounds (Set of 4)
905 1-00 $ 10.95
*· ·
• ...
• ~
. t..' J
4' • •
tY /.f \;)J
Petite Patterns (Ser 4) 92 I 3-00 $ I 1.95
.·ff~fr.flj .ff~ll1'~f,tltl .. .'
i~.,~ •~ ..
Perfect Plaids (Ser of 4)
9390-00 $21.95
Petite Frames (S<:r of 4)
9024-00 $ 1 I. 95
= =
= =
ffilllll\lll l\l ll\1111 111111 llffi
,----- --- --
• D
I> •
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'I I I
Corners Mini (Ser of 4)
9393-00 $ 10.95
Borders Mini (Ser of 4)
$ I 0.95
._ • .- r
7 /h /
I'•~ /1
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/4 C
afo deu,
e, ;,,,,-,e>J ,r'afacf?,wun,:h, An11roximate -.rr
dimensions _for all stamps on this page:
4-l/2" by 5-3/4"
© ,@ t'Q)
,}'l',,~i .:.., ~t .., ~
w,0 «'i (;,e,v_
o~~ . ..,/, ~ .
l. French Script 9445-00 $14.95 2. Musical Score
9478-00 $ I4.95 3. Swirls ')454-00 $ 14.95
Use background stamps for an infinite variety ofpapers that look handmade. The possibilities are endless_!
1. Bamboo
9473-00 $14.95 2. Ivy
9358-00 $ 14.95 3. Victorian Lac e
9075-00 $ 14.95
think of the
0 Approximate dimensions for all stamps on pages 122-123: 4-112" by 5-3/4"
, ,
''" '
~L (,
...,, l
0 .
·..__.,.,,~. .... {.
7 4. Chicken Wire
9293-00 $ I4.95 5. Old World Map
9165-00 $14.95 6. Script
93 12-00 $ I 4.95
tr-t-- r;t'~ ,,~ ' -
ff!~•· .I •.. -· ·n· .,
• • • •
,; m~~ ·-· ~
t- uf', t,f, ·~
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m~:~if-!tf~ . ·~ ·-
♦M .-J +: '-~ ~
~-+ • :,~
♦ ""'V. ~
..,-· 1
'~ !c:
Homespun Plaid
9065-00 $14.95
9040-00 $14.95
9070-00 $ 1/4 .95 Petite Print
9055-00 $ I 4.95
background stamps on pages 124-125: 4-112" by 5-314"
Decorative Dot
dimensions for all
t~ ,.
-. H-» K
·' , 4
.. ,. •
. ....
Popular Plaid 9050-00 $14.95
Speckle 9045-00 $14.95
;!~tJ.- . ..
Checkerboard 990')-00 $ 14.95
,,:<.•,'.: (:
Stripes 9104-00 $14.95 Antique Cracking 9893-00 $14.95
~, / !j,!IO-;//Jl.111 ( J/1 ,,,,,,,i , .
Swirl Frame
929 1-00 $1 1.95
Darling Dot Frame
9270-00 SJ 1.95
Creative Corners (Ser of 12)
$ 19.95
~ll~rli\~llll IIRIJBlllllllJ 11tll1ilm£111H Seasonal Borders No. 2 Mini (S<.:r
or 4)
9477-0U Si 15.?'i '·
Four-Season Borders (Sci of 1)
905(,-00 $21 .95
t-iotuie' s seosonol so1ders \Scl oi L1) ()014-00 S!\.9"i
counlry sorders tSe1 oi ..\) ,n,i'l-00 S! L9'i
- - ·---.-..--
Shooting Stars (Ser of 6) 9351-00 $27.95
---- -·--
--- ~
c:JoCJ•o ooac::, Clc:,c:, 0
a c::r o-
[~l□□I:J□DL□□clCJ[:Jc□lC - · ----· =..:;------.- - ..____. 8283-00 Srampin" Arou nd ' Filmstrip $5.95 (Wheel o nly. Handle and in k ca rtridges sold separately. See page 208.)
0 ♦ 1-
-~· **:*:® Mini Medleys (Sc:1 of 12) 9346-00 $14.95
Bold Check Frame 9342-00 Sl4.9'i
1,,;, ,'If, /
© /:)yo-2011r1 v ,//,,,,
he6 the
* **
Holidays (S~r of 6)
9433-00 $ 14.95
~,A~ I ,, ,~
The Shape of Things (~er of 4)
94 ,4-00 $26.9) / 3,.tJ
I • (i) /f/:J(J - :./(l ll/1 (, .-.,'l,, , 11y1r11
' 'II'/, / .,
Celebrations (Ser ?f 6) 9428-00 $ 14.9) ~
!l!!~~~- ~in~woo ""•••■ • • ■• ~ \:,el'W ~ •
·•• ~ . -o o•• •• ••
r..,.,.~' v'v,;( "ct.f. -'\\' ~i~ j
cm? -~ ~" ■
Just Journali~~ 94')3-00 $ 14. h
t.t) / fl;)II·~"(IOI/
. ''///,.' I
c,. ,//rnu/un /
Cuddles & Tickles (S<:L of 7 )
9262-00 $l5.9'i
:ti-' . ,
- ~~ '
-0--9-0-0-0- 9 _
- 9 - 9 ~ 9 - 9 - 0 - 9 -Brides & Babies (Ser of 9)
9259-00 $ I 8.95
82(19-00 Scampin¡ Around"' Sweet Feel $5.95 (Wlied o nly. Handlt: "nd ink carrridges solJ scpar:ncly. Sec pag<.: 208.)
.g 0
l"CS i"\.. I.
DATE. r,I V, \ ,' -
:- I
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; r(.t. .
\ 1·• vh , ··• ('1
· • d • A imal Babies $5 95 (Whed only. Handle ,111d ink carrridges sold ., eparardy. Sc.:c.: 11agc- 208.) ., / 8 172-00 Sra mp111 Amun n ' · ,.. /fl.f/"• ·NJr10 , • ./1,,,,,/''" If•·
-g:.~r tlie E,riAe fr
Cjr~~141, Heart & Soul (S1:1 of (,) 9149-00 Sl 7.9'i
1f&~ ~ eo.M @Jf©vewrJ24~) ~~J4wrJ. eveh c{¼ ! ~Ve)~ ~
Oh, How We Danced (S(•r of 6) 9303-00 $ ]8.9'i
d~ - - - -- - - - t///11; - - - - -- - - - - -
/kf:t;_ _ _ _ _ _ __
/4 (/{ ~?/G/'(/) Elegant Invitation (S~t of 21 ') I08-00 $1 1.')'i
.. -
. ...
, . ..
--~,.:;:._ - ~
~ ~:
~~ ree7~
&'~=>=~ y
Script Heart (S<:1 of 6) '1490-00 S 19.'l'i
/fl!,/1"1 • :.!f l(.lfl
M&t.y toJ&t-1 • holJ th• f,-o~is•
of ~f,.Yl1 br-i~ht ~• ' to,,.,.o,.. ,-.ows.
_.·on 1$~l uf~) ,9847-00 S\7. )">
•.•.. '111,.'
- -........•
~, - . '\
'' ..._..,,', --
\ . ~ ,. ✓
. ....: //
Baby Announcements (S~t 9394-00 $26. 95
of 13)
8286-00 Stampin' /\round ' It's a Girl! $5.95 (Wheel on ly. Hamik anJ ink ca rtridges sold separately. Sec· pag~ 208.)
828'i-00 Sranwin' Arou nd · It's a Boy! $5.95 (Wheel only. Ha nd le and ink carrridgcs so ld separately. Sec page 208.)
Bold Birthday (Se1 of 4)
9283-00 SI 5.95
Confetti Greetings (Sec of 4)
9286-00 $15.95
8205-00 Srampin' Around' Confetti Streamers $5.95 (Whed only. Handle anJ ink cmridges sold scparacely. See page 208.)
Contemporary Collection (Set of IO)
9004-00 S17.'>5
Party Animals (S<'t of 13)
9257-00 $24.')5
8136-00 Srampin' Around Party $5.') 5 (\Vhcd only. H;111dk· a nd ink Gmridgcs sold ,cparatdy. See page 208.)
..,. .• . t• • ,. ,
. .•' . • ..___ _ _ _',"(A"-fn- - - - - - - - - - -
;~~ Confetti Cupcake (Sci or SJ -~;;,,, 9280-00 $ I 7.95
TH3ANK )'<9U!
8 121-00 Stampin· Around Confetti Balloons $5.95 (Wlm:I only. Hand le and ink cartridge~ ~old scpararcly. Sc<.: page 208.)
Bold Greetings Mini (Ser o( 4)
9046-00 S l 0.95
. . 'f .
tD'RE INVntD! U\TE_ _ __
1ifv1E _ _ _ _ ltfCE _ __ ~
- - -
~ _8V _P_
Dot Invitation (Se, oF 2) 9251-00 $ I 1.9')
Bold Invitation (Ser of 2) 92/45-00 $1 1.95
8229-00 S1:unpi11· ArounJ Bold Doodles $5.95 (\X,'h ecl onlr Ha ndle and ink ..:anriJges sold sc:par.11dr. See page 208.)
~ , J& uvi~~
W/CPn ~w,
v 'I sh.~rr'~.
----:-: Al;--:: 1Th·a- •t Jazz (S-:c or2o) 92.'rl-00 527.9'i
L _ __ _ _
Love You (Ser or 2) 9/4 I 5-00 $11.'>5
t\oPe YOUR Dav iS iHe
f-laPPY-race KiNP!
vou MaKe
•• ~••
ttaPPy Bilc!1-ftDaY ! . . _ _ _ - - -.,1:•.,,..- ;~~ ,.,..,~
Smile (S~1 of 6)
9386-00 S 14.95
Hopeyou·r e back to your l\cool" self soon1 Happy Healing (Set of 8)
'):!7(,-00 S 19.95
~~~ ~©:::> '53..r.l~ ~'@ Bold Blossom Greetings (Ser of 4) 9054-00 $ I 5.95 Don'r miss rhe Classy Brass ~111bossi11g remplare rlm marchesrhissetonpag~214.
\ .)~c ~
7 ~~ '(~...
""/ ~
'JJ l T\.
(~ ?'1~~ ~?,A,f
- -
. .
or 4)
Notable Notes (S(·r 920 1,00 S18.95
ilA.P.PY·►BIRT~liDAY!• . I . . .
■ .
. .. \ •
. ~
*· . . .
. . ►_ .
. \ • -. .
8253-0 0 Srampin' Arou nd ' Happy Birthday $5.')5 (\Xlh~cl only. Hand!.: and ink carrridgt:s ~old sq,ar;ndy. Set pag~ 208.)
~ -~ Art_ft? .
_ :.
from me to ;jOo Hand-Stamped By (Sci of 4J 9:H0-00 SI 0. 'J'i Feathered Friends (Sci ot 8)
9174-00 $26.9'i
Just a Note Mini (Ser oF 4)
9041-00 $10.95
82RO-OO S1arnpi11' Around Dancing Mouse S5.'J'1 (\Vht:d only. Handle and ink cartridge, ,old ,cp:1r:1.rdy. Sc·e page 208.)
Mv,;1 ;1our dv,;1 6e t?tS
Wonderful Day (Set of 4) <)292-00 $14.95
We\1e Movedr New Address:
New Phone Nornbe.r.-
We've Moved Birdhouse
997')-00 $ I I .95
8231-00 Sca111pin' Around Flower Powe r $5.95 (Wheel only. Handle and ink c:1rcridgt:, sold ,q,,1ratek . .Sc:c p,1gc: 208.) {â&#x20AC;¢ ) /Yfll/- ..!tl(lfl(~ ./h, _n f1/n
i 0u
FO& YOUR. l3U$l'NE$$!
!C9f ~<9Ul paii@.ceA
Business Memos (Sec of8)
9248-00 S2 1.95
827 1-00 S13mpin' Around' Thank You $5.95 (Wheel only. Ha nd le and ink canridgcs sold separ:1tdy. See page 208.)
© /_Jlytl-;/I.Jl/ll(- ./l,;uyui, • t'/1,.'
,~ .:, •
t;, !:1 .. •
,; , '
Ml 55 YOU ...
,1}! I
. c,:. ••
'\ Mice Messages (Se.1 of 4)
92 10-00 S18.95
Whol's Brewln' (Sec_of 9)
9228-00 S l 8.9,
fta't- toda.'r lt_app'r f"1.€1'f'l.OY"'j-f.Jith._ tli_e. protr7..i5t-
r.,f .
.... ' ::;;A ~- '· - •. '
t"t ah. 't
(;e,a.u.ti fu..l -to~orrow.s.1
V11inr Cblt'-tfv11/, /,c; fOtf't, hea1,t al'tdmind.
- - -----------.....1
./S .2
~ /[1,'J(l• ./fl/JIJ
,.:11,,,,y,,;, ''i'f , -'
Peace & Comfort (Ser of 4)
91 4 1-00 $ 15.95
//~ fr ·.-7:i~
t~~trr~) ~l • r,)
y ...
r:::::, -.\ • ., ~ =zl • \
Sweet & Simple Salutations (Ser of H)
?214-00 S26.95
Simple Wishes {Ser of 4l 90 I9-00 SI !.'Vi
(i l /99(1- .!IJ/J(J (
i//,,,,1"" . f'/f1 /
Great Greetings (Ser of 20)
9319-00 $27.95
??J,dztAd~ C1retuity5
J""\'-C a WiSH 11Y G,Oop fr"ittil) wurVl Vv1sJ{1c3
([]rruetn1t1c1)b tocYOUI 1~
~\c\4 tlh~
.is :YoCJtl
Jv~T fo~ Y@U ~c~
fl[(tJltr]; Just for You (Set of 4)
9945-00 $15.95
Warm Wishes (Set of 4)
9 107-00 S I '5 .9'i
1i a;Jf; Gt 1vO'fu«!iJuf £.-t
ff~g 1/a6,zlh4J ~
Happ; fctt~e r:S Day Short Sayings (Sec of 4) 9915-0U SI I. 95
Wonderful Wishes (St;t 9937-00 $ 15.9'i
of 4)
Sweet Sentiments (Set of SJ 9215.QO Sl9.95
Happy OOrry... Father's Day
) l/&t?~
Q.p vilat~r;, 1
Happy Birthday!
<i)L,,1 .,,
ffapplJ HAP PY St. Patric~.'t1 NEW //4itj( YEAR!
;iftllerrp ?fappy
, 0asfer ~bnstmas JW,'Jiui"'J
~~ _ ~::~~
(f;ib;J;;idjjf))a;f -
Great Greetings (:-.m 1)2J8-00 .$27.'J'\
ur 20)
Dot Greetings (Set
or 8)
'J.304-00 $2 I.95
Greetings 4 You (S..-1 of 4) lJJ0?-00 SI 1.9'>
Special Greetings (Se t uf 20)
1301-00 S27.9'i
feke,e. tYc U k e - ~~«un-z,FiJ •
Your thou3htful11 ess warms my heart a11tf /Jrijhtens my day! Maj the simfle /oYs of!tfe fiII this Sfetial day and heyouYs thYou3hout the tomi113year.
Se11tlt'n3 warmest wishes for a futuYe that wdl bYi113 all !tfo ssimfle pleasuYes ancl the best ofeverytht·n:1!
WishtM!jJou merryclay0 a hearl that's /4jht family andfriends, a season bri:Jht!
Wt'shin3you all the love a11cl haff t'11ess two f eo11le ca11 share. Best wishes
on this woncle1ul occasion/ Hof in3 that each day finds you feeu'l1J more ancl more /4.'keyour wonde1ul self! Just wan tee/you to know how Sfeda/you are/ Versatile Verses (Si:r
0 ~ 8)
9227-00 S26.95 Elega nt Greetings (Ser of s)
9296-00 $16.95
Everyday Expressions (Set of 8)
9295-00 $2 I. 95
q(!Od Hfvf'P'!
r-----. ---__i___
l~ !H ~ Gracias Cumplearios
ct ~
H"PP'l l,'
Bold & Basic Greetings (Sc, of 8) 9315-00 Sl9.<J5
.!ilniversario Spanish Greetings (S,·1
'1344-00 Sl 1.9">
or 8)
l~ ~·: •
, ~,-r! V · X .,, ?I ,6 11111~ ettt
Outrageous Alphabet (Sec of28) 9281-00 $26.9'i
Outrageous Numbers (Sec of 12)
$ I 5.9'i
All nlphabet sets contain 28 strzmps. To save space,
IA mrr
lD lb
IDTJi al (R (7)
representative samples are shown for some alphabet sets.
Bold-Line Alphabet Upper (~1 of 28)
Bold-Line Afphobel Lower (S..-c of 28)
').198-00 S26.95
9J') 1-00 $26.')'i
Bold-Line Alphobel Numbers (5t't of I >J IJ,i I 2-00 SI 6.9'i
/:/f/fl-./lHHII / / , , , . / ' " '
/f'·' 76/
All alphabet sets contain
28 stamps. To save space, representative
sllmples are shown
for some alphabet sets.
Outline Alphabet Upper (Sel of 28)
9959-00 S26.9'i
Outline Alphabet Numbers (Sci ol I OJ
'>'>5--oo s13.'>'>
---Outline Alphabet Lower (Se,
9955-00 $26.95
or 28)
•• ''
1 2 3 ~101 ~,
Alphabet Balloon (Sec of 28)
9rl -00 S:?6.95
Alphabet Antiques Upper (Sci of 28)
Alphabet Antiques Lower (Sel of 28)
9.153-00 $26.95
935')-00 S26.95 Alphabet Antiques Numbers (Se, oi 12)
93'i6-00 S 15.95 (U5e thc ~ame S1;1mp fo r '"G" and "9."
Stitc hed Alphabet (Sci
95'i0-00 S26.9'i
or 28)
Alphabet Appeal Numbers (Set of 12) 9427-00 $ 16.95
Alphabet Altitude Upper (Ser of 28) 9883-00 $26.95
Alphabet Altitude Lower (Ser of 28)
9.365-00 $26.95
012 3â&#x20AC;¢1 Alphabet Attitude Numbers (Ser of 12) 988 1-00 $15.9'i
Teo for Two (~.:1 0 ~ <,) â&#x20AC;¢> l9'1-0<) SI 'J.9)
Fairies (Su
or 4)
9458-00 Sl7.'J">
!-Jof\\e-SpW'l \(Ale, is s-ti-te,~ -to~he-r a,rul -terltle-rlter sre/J-.rd ~i-t~ Cl, [(Alâ&#x201A;Ź, k'..vtot. Buttoned with Love (Set o r(,)
9494-00 S I'J.95
8295-00 Srnmpi n' Arcrnnd"' Teddy Time $5.95 (Whed o nly. Handle and ink ca rrridge~ sold separarelr- See
8 160-00 Srarnpin' Around Stitched Angel S5.'l'; (Wheel only. Handk and ink canridgcs sold separnccly. Sec page 208.)
_, Thinking of You (Sci ni 4)
94:!.!-00 S 14.9')
Fabric ,offriendship (Sci of 6) JI -,5.00 SI ~.'l'i
Yij1!D "WIEllE lHIJEtlE!
Wishing Well (Sci of 6) ')4,10-00 Sl'!,9'i
~ a £ ~;
~ -¥ ~ ~ ~
English Cottage (Set of 4) •)240-00 .$ I 'i.9'i
1,;,, •'lf,."
I, /,YJlll-.lllll(I c. •//,,,,
· _7t!fY
~ - --J
Secret Sister (Ser
ur I 0)
9219-00 $17.95
{} .
o . .o . .-0
'Nothing is as comfortable iÂŽv as an old friend. G[f;g Old Friends (Ser of 4) 9348-00 $ I 5.')5
; ,o~~:~ ~= f
, ' "~
_(i)"' c- go tc\C.c <>
c/o .0?.:iJ 'o-::i HAND . STAMPED BY
MOVE ...
m '
lo · l
Stello Stamper (S~t of 16)
9222-00 S27.')5
Country Collection (Ser of 4)
9188-00 $ 11.95
:-··. ...
:__ . _..
.. :.:..........
C 0
Teacups (Sn of -) 94-i'i-OO $19.CJ'i
~ >
.. ...,..A
-- --•-o1-•• 1!"'•"
- ~-
~JE. _ J(GGITJP]E from the li
0 0
' ,i
- ..... ,.
Recipe Fun (Set v C-)
%30-00 $24.95
tlchen of_ __
serve5 ___
Label II (S..-r oF 8)
96 I 8-00
-s I • ') ).
TO: 0
r1Sfr I FROM:
Gitt Tags (S . ')47'i-00 S , 4 <r1 - er ol (,) -
(~ramp set on ly)
a's Pocket (Sci of(,) Pap9479-00 $14.95
/'"' ' ~7--
·~7'~ /9/ ,17-f'e
(Sci of 9) Letters fro m Friends <t? I 95
9466-00 "'- ·
@ /.f)_!/ll • .!l)f/(/ (·
i//4,,,,1,,.,, . ' '/!'/, 1 ~'
Birds (Ser o f" 6) 9367-00 518.95
Soft as a Feather (Set of 7)
9482-00 $19.95
Cats Mini (Set
or 4 )
9792-00 Sl0.95
l ·.·:''".\ r~ . I
Dinosaurs Mini (Set of 4)
9783-0() $10.95
8287-00 Sr;impin' Arou nd · Killy Kapers $5.95 (Whcd only. 1 land lc: and ink carrridges sold wp:1rarely. Sn : page 208.)
82/4')-00 St.un pi n' Around Dinosaurs SS.95 (Wh.:d only. H:111dlc: ~nd ink can ridgcs sold s.:pa ratd i• See pag.: 208,)
Bow Wow (Ser of 9 )
9789-00 S 18.95
L Meow Meow (Set 1 )
I 'i0-00
MY CI\TJ or 9)
S 18.9'\
828 1-00 S1:1mpi11· Around Doggy Days $1 91 (\Xlhed onl)'· Hand k- and in k carrridgss w ld scp;1 racely. See pag<: 208.)
Wildlife (Set
or 20)
9795-00 $27.95
[)cfinird y Decorative Pines (Ser of 6)
9919-00 $24 .95
. ' .
~~ ~:
Nappy /citIv:f';J Day .\ '
Sea Life (Set of 8 )
9216-00 $ I 9.95
Wild Things (Ser of 6) 94 10-00 $ I 9.95
Safari (Sel of 9)
9 17.1-00 S24.95
~A 4t.o
- - -~~ 7
Ddinirdy D.:cora1iw Flutterbys (Se1 of 10)
9275-00 526.')5
Don·r miss 1hc Classy Brass embussin!:; rcm plarc dwt 111:ud1c·s rh is sci on page 214.
827(,-00 Srampin' Arou nd Butterfly S5.<J'i (Whcd only. Handk and ink c.:arcrid[\<:S sold separardy. Sc~ pa~e 208.)
Fantastic Foliage (Ser of 8 )
9863-00 $ 17.95
Sensational Scenery (S..:t of 6 )
9SJ7-00 $1 7 .95
eugs & Slugs t -cl of 81
l)~(/i-0ll $ \ 7 .<>"'
~ture iJthe
of a f ovi115 ~od.
Beautiful sutterflies tS.:1 of 8)
<)633-00 $ ,- .<>5
Celestial Skies (Ser of 4)
%96-00 $1 5.')5
De1111irdv D.:cor:n iw â&#x20AC;¢ Southwest (S.:t of(,)
'>921 -00 S24.9~
Bunch o ' Bugs (Se1 of 6 )
9442-00 $16.95
Stipple Butterfly
9437-00 $9 9,
For Goodness Sake (Ser of 8)
9705-00 $2 1.95
Jiffay~✓ c:5ranf_you Jeace.
?u~ ~
~~M:ill, cl/- foi£nd [Ju you i~ a :Jift foom §od.
Love 3row0 ec1ch time it i~ ~hllred.
1/fou aAe m ~~ cutd~. Inspirational Greetings (Ser of 8)
9699-00 52 1.95
You are precious in His sight.
t/Vtcid the l£aht if [;od's love 3u£de dour yctth. May you ha'Je warmth in your heart. peace in your home.
~\\\\\\\\\\\\\111\1\11 /t////il!;,
¾~ ~
~ ~~ ~
¾1///////Ii 1/////11\\\\\\\\\\\\,,~'
m "~!/IJ.!J!iii-~
Inspirational Images (Ser ol S)
9278-00 $26.95
A f rfe1h)Q11 l~veth
at ann tftlM.<2.§. -Proverbs 17:17
PKea.§8lt1111: wot(I]\§
With (G(l)d, the 1Lo1rtdl lh.mth mad~, a JU t hi lTh gs ll@1t lUI£ rejolite~ ailTh& are ]P(!J)§i§] b] eo ThMi i1..§ the (Ij]ay
be sn~u11 Rll1l.. irlt.
~Psalms 118:24
1illr43 ru;
lh~fil'.2yc olhnll!:D, .§Weet to
tlh.@§OIU!t -Proverbs 1624
§nfrll~ to
th~ 1L@lt'dI widn li th sum1k my G@a.11. 1thaiIl11lkJ llii Im~att\:§. 1lll]tD@il11 ~v@iry ir@miBm lbran(Ce of y o\Ul.
~Colossians 3:16
-Phi lippians 1:3 Say II with Scriptures (S.:1 of8)
9110-00 S19.95
tS\Bt thy lh1lllt~@Jl1l.~ llll jpl(!}1hl 1th@ LiDtr!rll silThd h~ slhaitR .§!LU§U;a n1111 the@.
~Psalms 55:22 'flt'1Lll§°t ftlll\
the lota:ll
wfith ant th.a !tile 1hiesiiri. -Prov~rbs 3:5
~~ Oefi nitdy Decora tive· Nooh (Ser % I 5-00 $28.95
.· ~
\...\-....., \'''':/ \
6~:? ~ \J
(?;~ - ....::::,
c::: -
\''''} ~'
a~" /J'J'
/!Jfl(~~..?(/(/IJ f..
//,r,uy,/u · 'lf~/
A~ POSSlllLf:
fAI~. ¢1~
.t!Q, .
or 9)
vt ·)~ <~~~:, f@"~ ~3 \.. V "'~ .J
tli LIUJ d1
:0): -
Lillie Inspirations (St:r of 4) 9460-00 $ 18.9';
~T!i Wl fll W HAT
It] D O?
IfNoah - .-. L__ &. .• ' ,. ,i, bad ~l'lWtse ··•.... :..:. . -
If Noah bad been wise,
~I\. creatures, •eat arid sroB1\, the.Lord God
. he'da
·· ·
swattedt~ twofliesf
swatted t'riose. twothesl
rn:ade them aL
Noah & co. (Scl ol 6l
9300-00 S\l\.').C,
~\\-~s-.1i\ro9 VG u '"" · ·i'~o Cil-.,_ C,
b~2§§1'Th~S V
oi GGG)i. §
WlID You!
for 'Baby'§ Special Day
1N\ey the
promise oi new \tie in. Christ
fiU JOUil° \M~att with]O"Y'
Ma\Y (God bh~§s ;.~ ttme IU)f your wondedult new begilnniogs. new baby with all \iife A dayoi ~f.ia\joy, A {,e\ebrat~on
o\t God's iove.
jorWuir 'Bapti§ffi
of happiine5s!
On~ur §pedal 'Day1
W1shinQ '{ou S\essings tS.:l of 8) 92(.,4.0ll S\<).9.C-, '
1,,,,,1"" 'I')•·'
Have a Ball! (Ser of 13) 9807-00 $24.95
8167 -00 Sram pin' Aroun d ' Super Sport $5.95 (W heel only. Handle and ink carrridgcs so ld sepJrarelr. Sec pag,¡ 208.)
Fun on Wheels (Ser of 13)
Dance! (S<:1
On the Go (Ser of 8)
9305-00 -~16 - . 9-)
or 6)
$ l 7.9'i
Musical Medley (Sc, of 6)
?476-00 S 18.?'i
Juot e note ... Music Speaks ('><·1 of I!)
'J/l.~4-00 $ I 'i.95
t,) /flJlll - ✓fll/lJ' ✓/,"'1""
·- ·---=·-
•ai, SUf£R1
Woy to Gol
lSer of 16)
':i~\: lW SlifIRl
/ .,,,,h_ . , V /• / ® v~uL,,y1vn vl,edJ
~~ ~ )
Kids at Ploy (Sci of 10)
"279-00 $2/4.95
More Kids at Play (~.:1
of U
9451-00 $24.95 , /!/!Ill -.N/ll(J t
:/1,,,,y,,;, .'If,/
' tiJRf. /Nv'I]E~ . . r
lifvlE l1\1E_ __ _ ftl\X?-- - -
FtfZ.---_ __
(),•fini1,•h· Dc.:or.11ivc Kid Prints (Set of'J) . IJ'J l 5-00 S2.i.9~
. ~-a·, ..... ~ .... ta . -,~i--
.. :.·.o_:.-,:Ll.
8289-00 Sr.unpin' Around Nursery Time $~.'J'i (Whcd nnly. H.111Jlc anJ ink ,.1midi:c'\ solJ separardy. s~e p,1i:e 208.)
( (J .
0 0 0 ~ "
0 Cl
(__J I/
Baby ' ' -F"irsts (Sel of 8)
JJh-00 Sl9.95
\. \(J)
• ,,·-~'". •,. ' /v •v ...../ ''Ill111111; '·'•.
~. ~
\ Q8 f
• •
.. _,~,,__-,•'
.,, ~ t
F~n F9ces (Se r of 8)
J7<b-OO S1 7.'!')
: :: •. · .
Your little girls wiil love decorating these adorable paper dolls and their clothes.' With these imagiruztive stamps, your budding fashion designers can create different looksfor each doll and ouifi.t. Twelve charming dolls and 52 items ofclothing will provide your little stampers with hours offim creating the dolls oftheir dreamswith Stampin' Kids®Paper Dolls.' ,.
. . ,...
~ .
-•. ..
" ..... ~
~ · ® •@V0 V~ .® ·@· e V 0 @·@
V \
@WVe ~ ~~
~ ~ ~ Paper Dolls (Sci of 28)
9:106-00 S29.'l'i (l11dudes 12 dolb and 52 ircms of cloching) Paper Dolls/Clothes Refill $2.9'i 6040-0Cl ( I ndud<:~ 12 dolls :111 d 52 irems dmhing)
---------- --
8265-00 Srnmpi n' Aroun<l ' Smiley Face $5.95 (Whcd 0111v. Hrndle and ink carrridgcs sold ~eparardy. Sec page 208.)
cons11ucliol'I l~1 oi ·\l ,r"lo-oo s10 .•l"I
• '/fl, I
i nrllJ c.
t//,.o ,'f''''
I ·
B~ar Hugs (Sc, ol" 8)
)771 -00 S 15.95
-~ r-~, .
/s.. __;;i;,) -
Happy Bear
9013-00 $6_9.:;
--'Li J
" l ...::_ . I,...-'
r....,~~ ; tf ( ~ - ...:..J
Year-Round 971 ' 0()Fu~ (Sec of 28) - ->· S2(>.9'>
' ' /Y:,JII - ....,(I l l /I
W,,,,y,,;, 'If,/
Going Somewhere (Ser of-i) r11.oo s10.95
Going Places (S1:1 of 4) 9449-00 SJ 1.9~
Tool Time (Sec of 4) 9801-00 S 10.<)5
Nuts & Bolts (Ser oF 4> 9804-00 S l 0.9'i
82'4-00 S,amp;.,· Am,od Zoom 55.95 (W1,w/ ooly. H,.,d/, ,.,d fok ,,.,,O,lg" ~Id~"'""'-''· S" l''g<' 208.)
For business or Christopher & Julianne Wood 2590 Tolman Creek Road Houston, TX 77352 (514) 643-1905 Up to 32 spaces per line: 9111-00 Fout Lines $19.95 9l13-00Three Lines $14.95 9 114-00Two Lines$ 9.95
Amanda Up to 12 spaces: 9 1 16-00 Your Name $6.95
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP QRSTUVWXYZ&
When choosing your font, review the
zlphabet and examples shown to decide
uhether you lilee the positions ofthe
'etters in the style you've chosen. ALL
iddresses will be automatically centered.
Bob & L-ue Ann Romain 1256 Nor+h 47e>9 ~a~+ L-ane,a~+erJ uA 93534 Up ro 32 spaces per line: 9 129-00 Four Lines $ 19.95 9 13 1-00Three Lines $14.95 9 132-00TwoLines$ 9.95
6andra Up ro 12 spaces: 9134-00 Your N:m1e $6.95
abc.-dePehflklmnopq,r~tuvwxyz AB~C7i;i:"&~lJKL-MNOP aReTUVWXYZ&,
rrhe Smiths 6675 (jreen :Bay Pa[m :Beach, 'J£ 32546 Up to 32 spaces per line: 9 1 17-00 Four Lines $[9.95 9 119-00 T hree Lines $14.95 9 120-00 Two Lines $ 9.95
personal use, personalized stamps make just the right impression! With your name stamp or narne and address stamp, you can crectte personal st1ttione1y and desktop memo sheets. You can stamp personal belongings, such as lunch bags, school papers, and books, as well as greeting cards and Letters. Personalized stamps make it fast and easy to make fl great impressiou!
Up ro 12 spaces: 9122-00 Your Name $6.95
Dlease refer to your Pen-onalized Stamp
r,iformation Form for style Limitations.
~etter sizes may ua,y slightly fi·om
a6caefghi.jl<JmnopqrstuVW?(JfZ Jl.'BC'IJ'E!!(j:J{IJ'l(L'Jvfr;,{OP Q:R_STUo/W.X9"Z&
amples shown. Use up to 32 spaces per
'ine in two-, three-, and four-Line stamps
choose 11 single-Line name stamp with
,p to 12 spaces. Follow these guidelines
·o ensure your satisfiu:tion with your
)ersonal stamp.
Lorraine Kramer
(801) SSS-0067 Up to 32 spaces per line: 9123-00 Four Lines $19.95 9125-00 Three Lines $14.95 9126-00 Two Lines $ 9.95
Dr. A. Wayne Up
12 spaces:
9 I 28-00 Your Name $6.95
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP QRSTUVWXYZ&
(No rerurns on personalized sramp,.)
. ··.·· - 1······0.·• ·· ··· ··.•. ..
You'll love Sta mpin · Around with o ur exclusive
sto mps on wheels! Fast a nd fun, Wheels ore
. . ..
perfect for borders a nd backgro unds. Ha nd les and inks a re sold separately (see page 208),
: ,
·• '
.. .
o .
.. ... .,
. ...
. .
' 11
• ...
... •. . . .. : ... .
' •
827--0() '>r.1111 pin' :\round Easler Fun $"i.9'i
827'i-00 Srampin' Around Hugs and Kisses $5 ')'>
8273-0U Srnn1pin' Around Halloween S'i.1)5
_, i ' - . . . --·.... -.. ; - --«J'. .--
. +,·.
____ , A
.· - -,0 ..0
·.•·---- .
. --
-~ _ / 0~ .,.~~
, __ lj27(,-II() Stampin' ArouncJ • Butferfly S'i.'JS
"l - · ·- •~
- 4
· ' -- ~~ ~ ~- ~ - t:
8294-00 Swmpin' Around ' Zoom .:55.9'i
8182-00 Srnm pin' Around Dragonfly S5.'J5
8191-00 St:unpin' /\ ro1111cl Snowman Fun $5.'J'i
8188-00 Srampin' Around Leap Frog $5.'/'i
8 21/U-()IJ Stampin' Arou nd Primitive Prints S'i,9'i
:JJ..,..A@~··m· -©. i~: · o : · , · · . ' · · ~<?~~> ·-~ ~>· " c ~ .• •. -0 ·11.L •
8284-(l(J Scam pin' Around Hedgie Play $5.')5
8289-00 Sr.1mpi11' Around Nursery Time .S5.')S
:-1 ···_·- _. ·,5. ·-... _.. · .. ·.·G· :1•·. .-._- . L· :··, : .: . .:_. ... : ·.. . .:· . .. . ..
.... .: '
8?.IP-00 Srnmpin· Around Kitty Kapers S"'i.95
·' A·· ····& .... .
.· . . . :
. . ..
. ·..
R286-00 Stam pin' ,\ roun,I It's a Girl' S'i.'Vi
· 1·· .. ·. ··,_.·_-~~ .··- ..·... .- :·--n:.- ..--~r·1· 11:. ... ::T:'. ·Li. :~ . . ' . . .r.i... . . :.O .·.-.i . .·.::•.·. 8281-00 Srnmpin' Around Doggy Days $'i.')'i
828'>-00 Sr:11np i11' Around It's a Boy! S'i.'l'i
-~-~-·&· ·· ··~ :.··:·__- ··-J1..·:.·_-. :·~ ·.·.· /JA · ·W.· -' . ' .. ii! .· ·:• · . .. . , .-~-io
~.·.- .. 8280-00 S1:1mpi11' Arou nd" Dancing Mouse S'i.95
82'J.3-UO St;<lllpi,i" Around Under the Sea $'i.9'i
.. ·~
-~ -·- -.- ..
. ·.· . .
8272-00 Scampi n' A round Bock to School S'i.9'i
8279-UO St:1111pi11· /\rou nd By the Sea $'5.'.;15
Wheels ore shown at 50% of their actual size.
828.l-00 Stampin' Around Filmstrip S'i.115
111 III 11 I I\\! II I I \11 1\II II I\\ 1111111 I11 I III I 8218-00 Sr,1111pi n' Arou nd Long-Stitched Plaid S'i.9'i
8142-00 Sr:1111pin Arou nd Bold Hearts $5.95
·•·~-•·.·Ii!. --~A·. .. ... .. . .. :a.. . .•.
8 I03-00 Srampin· Around Swirling Leaves $5.'J'i
•• • a • •
e •••
I • • • •
• • • •
8239-00 Stampin' Around Pindot $5. 'l'i
8139-00 Srnmpin' Around Ivy Vine $5,9-'i
~--,,.~-.. :x,o .-..* -~ · -·o...,·-0· ·-o. o -;·o,'.lJ.·o- - -·...~.,.. ,. .~ .._. ,... 0-·· a : . .o .
8127-110 Scampin· Around Posies S'i.'J'i
. - .
8205-00 Stampin· /\round Confetti Streamers 55,'J'i
0··.0 000 · · ·-oo · · .o
• •
8109-00 St~mpin' An,,und • Bold Christmas Trees $5.'J'i
8 I 87-00 Sta111pi11' Around Sunflower Bold $5.9'i
827 J-00 S13111pin' Around ' Thank You S'i.'!'i
.... ·,. .
8 l 'i7-00 Sr:1mpi11' Around Splatter S'i,\)'i
81 1)0-00 Srn111pin' Arou nd Vine S'i.95
• /y-~."-
.~~-·· -~---- - . ~~.c:. :;/~•-_; ~ ►' o- .-
8241-00 Srn111pi11· Around Beautiful Blossoms S'i.'/'i
,6 • -•
b , ♦\
· -
!' + -~ ?. · . - .:· _ . - -~,~ - ~ ; ·-: ---. .·f!!!!J'(I~~ --•
. ·.
8121-00 Siampin' i\ruunJ Conretti Balloons S'i.'Ji
-~·M·~··•·,,-·~-·•··· .. .•
~- .. ... -
•• . =.. ~ • .,, ~- •• .,, ~ . ,. .. • . ·. * ..... . f•
:. •
. . . ..
. .
823 1-00 S1:1111pi11' Arou nd Flower Power $5.'>5
825 1-00 S1a1 mpin· ArounJ Gym Shoe $'i.9'i
8233-00 S1,1111pi11° Around Stars & Stripes S'i.'J'i
826'J-OO Siampin' /\ round Sweet Feet $'i.9'i
Wheels ore shown ot 50% of lhelr octuol size.
8125-00 Scampin' 1\rou11d Daisies $5.95
8112-00 Srampin' Around Stitched Christmas $5.9'i
□~□m□~□~ 8229-00 Srampin" Around Bold Doodles $5.95
8166-00 S1ampi11• Around"' Stitched Halloween $5.9'i
8184-00 Sra rnpi n' Arount.l Stockings S5.9'i
8169-00 Srn mpin' t\ rounJ Stitched Hearl $ 'i.95
- "
~: .
82'i9-00 St:imp in' Around · Paw Tracks $5.9'i
' ~.=-:--L.--. ;
.:. .:• -
8227-00 S1;11npi11' Arount.l Bold Blocks $5.95
.~:. f:-•
~ . - ,._ r ~ F ; ' i . ,"'t"\t-, l ' I ) ,......, '---1 ·-• ~ ;
I ·-- .,..
,. f
8 I 18-00 $1;11npin· Around Mittens $5.95
81 72-00 Srampin' 1\round ' Animal Babies S'i.9'i
\.\·. 81 15-00 ~rampi11' Around " Snowflake $5.')5
814)-00 S1a111pi11' Around ' Gingerbread Man $5.95
8208-00 Srnrnpi n' Arou11d Pine Bough $5.95
8274-00 Srnmpin' ,\ rou nd Bold Baroque S5.<l5
8 178-00 Srampi11' Around" Stitched Snowtriends $5.9'i
8199-00 Sra111pi11' :\ ro und Easter Blocks S"i.9'5
8 1G0-00 Scampin' Around Stitched Angel $5.95
8261 -00 Sra111pi11' Aro und Penguin Party $5.95
Wheels ore shown al 50% of their actual size.
, /£-~,,,,,-~ -A,,:_, - . ~ -
.- - "'" -~" ~
j . .A., ,' ' v~
'•· . W . ~ - . . ,. .• r r
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,i'I,1·-~ - •.
v'' ;A¥ ~ 7, . ~
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8 l 'H-00 S1an1pin' Around ' Wedding Bells S5.9'i
- •
. \4t ,
. -
. ;
8253-00 Srnmpin' Around ' Happy Birthday $5.95
8267-00 Srarnpin' Aro und Super Sport S'i.'>5
8257-00 Srampi11· Around Makin' Music $5.95
8247-00 Srnmpi11' Around Cheers for You ;,l;'i.95
81 75-00 Stam pin' Around · Stitched Shamrock li5.9'i
·. ~·. :~. ..*'... ·~-..·~·· 821 1-00 Sr;,mpin' Around Triple-Line Plaid $'i_•)'i
8235-00 )mm pin' Around · Jock-0'-Lantern S"i.95
~~· . ·. ..... . . .. .* . .. 8245-00 Srampin' Around Candy $5.95
• •.•··•· ,. -.~ ,
I ;
Around'' Checkered
-' -
-■-■-■-■-■-■-■-■ 8154-00 Sr~mpin' $5.9'i
8255-00 S1ampi11' Aro und ' Happy New Year 55.95
8263-00 Srnm pin' Aroun d' Sonia Stars $ 'i.9'i
8237-00 Sc.unpin' Around Candy Cone Christmas $'i.<J'i
8241-00 Srampin' Around Skeleton $5.9'5
~. • . . * ...
I •
I ~·
_ •
' ,
8265-00 Scamp in' Around Smiley Face S'i.9'i
ll\llll\\11111 lll/llll\lillllllllll1\\I Ill\\!IHI1111111l\111111 111ii\1111111111111/\\I I1111111111111 Ill i\11111\\11111111/1\11 \11l\11111111111111/1\111\IIIii III 11111111ii1 11111111 Ill Iii111111I1111 1111/111111/ il22'i-00 Stampin' Around" Double-Line Stitched Plaid S~.95
Wheels ore shown at 50% of their actual size.
l'L-4 I y,-,/
11, , ~ OU
Sta mpin' Around ·s self-inking handles c ontinuously ink the wheel for nonstop stamping. A wide variety of designs and colors coordinate beautifully with exclusive Stampin ' Up! stamp sets and acc essories. 1. ! I(, I IKI White Cortridge ond Refill $<),•)'i Rc.:-ink 1hi-. \.MIi d~c.· u t'tl..'ll 10 ,11.. hic.·, c du: dc,li..:J \\f1J1..h, \ cid f ti.."\',
2. ~.!•1•1.rn, Stompin' Around Self-Inking Hondle , .l.7'i (l)oi..·., 1111\ uu•.ludC' t ,IIIIH.li!v.)
3. Cortrldge Reffll Bottles I I o,.J ,lll.'\.iJllv forn1ul,1h:~l 1nr u'M..~ \Hrh ,1,._.. !',1.1mp11t Aruu11J Ink c:..urnl~C"(,, 1mly. -\4.K) frn.
;,00-1,11 Sage Shadow s~_.,,
!\I I 1111 Orange S!.'l"
!5CK).(IX Boroque Burgundy s!,<J'\
J'\CJ'\ C HI Green ~1.'I'\
!'\OIJ Ill Night of Novy S.!.•t'\
.!'\II l IHI Brown s.:..•t'i
!'ifl(l.fJ t Eggplant Envy $1.'I\
!'illl -4ttl Block
Forest Folioge s!.•t'\
!'\rnl-H More Muslmd ::,!.•/'\
!'>110-1 x Rose Romance ~1.11,
!'i1MJ ·x Really Rust ~! •1,
!'ifHJ. I! Bordering Blue S!,'l'i
!'iOO ! I Token with Teal s !.'l'i
!,IKI-~! Pole Plum S.!.•!'i
!'>UO-'it, Mellow Moss S.!..'I'\
1,110-!o Ballet Blue \J '"
1,011.1x Pink Posslon S!.'"
1,1111 !~ Green Galore , 1.•!'i
Brilliant Blue ,!.•J'i
!'i(MI-X(, Summer Sun S.:!.'I'\
!'ilKI I! Yoyo Yellow ,1.•1'\
!,110.•1.! Gorden Green , l. 01,
!'illll ! Pretty in Pink ,!.'l'i
1,1"-4HI Blue (Turquoise) S!,•1'\
!'il.1 IH! Orchid S!.•1~
,.:; J lJ.ou Violet "I.,•>~
:,,•1.00 Andent Page-Cool Block Refill , I •1,
!';o-.uo Hot Pink ~!.•/'i .!"J:;.fH1
IHl Clea, Embossing Ink Reml $ 1.•1,
Red ,~,,~
4. Ink Car1ridges •\.,J li:w
!l1~1-<~1 Sage Shadow 'I '\O
1!1HI •1,:.
'" -
Gorden Gleen
These cartridges come 1minked, !IIHI
~x Really Rusi
\ q,'i()
!110!-W\ Baroque Butgundy -
!IIIHI Blue (TUIQUOise) $ 1.'iCJ
!IIKI-III Night or Novy
!ll'IIKI Vio let $-t,'ill
!IU0-0-1 Eggplant Envy
!tt.1-1K1 Orchid
!11~1-llh Forest Foliage
110~1111 Hot Pink S4.'i!I
!I0CJ !X Green Galore
:11K1-11, Rose Romance
111,.1111 Red
! 11111-.I! Yoyo Yellow ~ 1.'iO
1111 .1111 Orange
! 1110 -1 Pretty In Pink \ I 'ill
,,,;o ~1.,n \1LiO
, ,1. ,11
!llHt ! 1 Token with Teal
s-,., o .!10CJ
ready to create your O/Vll color combinations. with any of the inks listed above.
Brilliant Blue
! ltHJ !Cl Ballet Blue '"· 'i(I
~i.'\11 230.H IO Three-Cell Empty Cartridge S4.9
$ 1 'ill
2301-00 Two-Cell Empty Cartridge S4.95
21 21.00 Single-Cell Empty Cartridge S4.~ 1111(~1! Bordering Blue !111(1,'i! Pole Plum
!'·L~O .!lOll--"ih
Mellow Moss
!lt>O-.lS Pink Posslon
$4 'ill
! 11111.x,, Summer Sun \ I 'ill
!ICl'\1111 Green S-i'ill
! 111,\ tHI Brown I 'ill
1111 11111 Block 1,11
!11111 x, More Mustard 'ill
~ f' ~~ "
..- .. /
/ ~~11- ./lll/fl (
! I 'i.\.1111 Blue/ G reen (
~ -
! I 'i'i 1111 Blue/Violet
l lo l 1111 Red/ Green
l I , - 011 Clear Embossing
'•·''" !1,•1-1111 Ancient PageCool Block $1 •1'i I hi~ 1111. ,, fX"Tn\,Uk'lll.
c;eativity was never easier! Sta_~pin' Up!®scolorcoordinated family ofstamping supplies makes it easy for anyone to create beautiful stamped projects! With dualtipped markers, heavy-weight card stock, and raised ink p'afi;s-in all ofour exclusive 48 ·'; . ~olors-Stampin' Up!®has a .,,. 'paf.ette to fit your every stamping whim. Made with only the highest;quality materials, our ,exclusive products will give your ~tamping projects the rich Look andfeel they deserve. Our pads and markers are nontoxic, acid-_ji-ee dye ink, and our ca,d stock is acid and !ignin free for both c(!rd making and scrapbooking.
soft SLJbtles™
,~.l0-00 Sott Sublles Stampin' Write Markers S2•J.•Vi I:!, tr1du1lm;,: , nulr'-!Of_tl!i· t.1>.1~. l
6910.00 Rich Regals Stampin' Write• Markers S29.9S
; 1.111-UO Soft Sublles Stampin' Pads S•1J.'\() 1~,
6110-00 Rich Regals Stampin' Pods' $43.50
;.1_111.110 Soft Subtles Assorted Card Stock S6. 9'\ :.,.~ ' 11 I ~h. l ,·.,~h U f I.! l ..l,,h1
5410-00 Rich Regals Assorted Cord Stock S6.95 ~ - 1/2 :c 11 (36. .1 cac:h of 12 colo rs}
,,l,\11-0(l So ft Sublles Stompin' Spots' 521.'\I)
6310-00 Rich Regal s Stompln' Spots" $21.50
I.~ !
( 121
(12. indur.Jing ~mall storage ca.sc)
earth elements
,920-00 Bold Brights Stompln' Write• Markers S29.95
1,9~•0-00 Eorth Elements Stompfn' Write" M arkers S19.9'>
12.. inJudln1; s-ni:tU s:torngc c:ise)
1l .?. mt.ludint,: \ 111;1II
, 120-00 Bold Brights Stompln' Pads' $43.SO
l,t ,10-011 Earth Elements Stampin' Pods $'1 .1511
i420-00 Bold Brights Assorted Cord Stock $6.95
~•••0-(>II Earth Eleme nts Assorted Cord Stock SC..'! 'i
i-1/2 x 11 06. 3 (3ch of 12 colors)
~ 11:!.,
;320-00 Bold Brights Stompin' Spots• $2 t .50
6.140-00 Earth Elements Stamp in' Spots· Sl 1. 'iO l .!1
1 M
, 1oi ,1.~ t· CM"t
6900-00 Many Marvelous Markers $119.95 (48 m:u-kcr.,-casc included)
11 1,lo, ~ ~·-,,h "' 111t•lnr,l
Perfect Plum
Soge Shadow
6130-50 6530-50 6930-50 5430-50
6130-60 Pod $3.95 6530-60 Refill $2.50 6930-60 M.arker $2.75 5430-60 Card Stock (24) $4.50
Pad S3.95 Refill $2.50 Marker $2.75 C,rtl Srock (24) $4.50
6 I 30-52 Pad $3.95 6530-52 Refill S2.50 6930-52 Marker $2.75 5430-52 Card Stock (24) $4.50
Lavender Lace 6 L30-62 Pod $3.95 6530-62 Refill $2.50 6930-62 Marker $2.75 5430-62 Cart! Stock (24) S4.50
Blush Blossom
Mouve Mist
6130-54 6530-54 6930-54 5430-54
6130-64 6530-64 6930-64 5430-64
Pale Plum
Pad S3.95 Refill $2.50 Marker $2.75 Card Swck (24) $4.50
Mellow Moss
6130-56 6530-56 6930-56 5430-56
Pad $3.95 Refill $2.50 Marker $2.75 C~ Smck (24l $4.50
Almost Amethyst
Bliss Blue•
6130-66 6530-66 6930-66 5430-66
6130-70 Pnd $3.95 6530-70 Refill $2.50 6930-70 Marker $2.75 5430-70 C,rd Srock (24) $4.50
Pad $3.95 Refill $2.50 Marker $2.75 Card Srock (24) $4.50
Sorely Bonono
Mint Melody
Pretty In Pink*
6130-68 6530-68 6930-68 5430-<iS
6130-72 Pad $3.95 6530-72 Refill 52.50 6930-72 Marker $2.75 5430-72 Cw Stock (24) $4.50
AUCart! Srock is availabk in 8-1/2 X I I. 7 • I2x 12 Card Srock also .-'.lilabk:; { " ,:::-::.: :( sec P"ll" 212.
Pad $3.95 Refill $2.50 Marker $2.75 Gud Stock (24) $4.50
i,I 10-02 l'.,d $1.'>'i 6510-02 Refill $2.50
Bordering Blue 6 110-12 Pad S.\.')5 6510-12 Rd ill S2.SO
69 I 0-0l M.irker $1.75 '\411~01 <.'.ml S.,xk (24) S,1.'ill
MIO-I:! H ,rkn S2.7'i 54 I0-1~ c ," IS,,.:k (24) $s.50
Eggplant Envy•
Rose Red 6 1 10. 1,, Pad $ 1.') 5
Nol Quite Novy
6110-01 l'.,J S.\.')) <,,10-0,, Rd ill 52.511 (>')10-lh Marker $1.75
6510-l•t Rd ill $1.50 MI O- I,, ,\,brk,, Sl.7'i
'i410-IJ/4 C""l ~uxk (l4) $4.'\()
'°1 111. 1-/4 C tnl S1« k (24) $4.'\(l
Foresl Foliage• 10-IJ(, l'JJ $.\.'/5 (,,10-CJ(, lklill $2.50 (>')10-0(, ,\ larke1 S2.7S
Brocade Blue
6 1IO-t6 Pa,I S.I.IJ5
,110-(1<, Cm:I ~,,._k (24) Y150
';4 IC~ I6
Baroque Burgundy• /,1 10-0H l'.,J $.l.' 1'\ (,'i 10-()X Rdill S2.'i(I <,•JI0-08 ,\larh·r Sl.75 5-110~l8 C trd Swck(24l S~_'io
Rose Romance c,1 10- 11! l'cid $.1.'Vi
Night of Novy• /,11 0-10 l'.,J S.t9'\
Ballet Blue 61 111-20 ""' $.1.'Vi 6'ill>-20 R,·rtll $2. SO
6'\ 11)-1<, Rdill $2.50 (>'Jill- If, Mork.-r $2.7'i
(>') 10-10 ,\ l.u·k.•r S2.7S
<.-110-1 0 Card St<,d d24l
Marvelous Mogenlo 6 11 0-ll 1'.«1 SJ.•1, 6'\I IJ-22 Refill $2.50 C>'J I 0-22 M.1rk(.·r s2.-:; 'i/411~2:>. Cord ' '"k (14) '.--i.'iO
S4 l!~llJ C,rd ~ «.:k /2-1) $1.'iO
Token with Teal c,1 I0-H l'.,<l S.1.95 C,5 I 0-~•l Rd ill ~L '>0 <,1JI(k:!4 !\•1.irkc·r S:2.7i <;41(~24 Cud S«xk (24\ $4.'il)
/,~ 10- 11! ,\ l.1rk,·1 $1.75 54H~l8 Ca.rd -k (24\
(,<) I 0-211 ,\ ,b rk.·1
All C.1rJ "i10~. k L, .l\';libhk~ in X- l/ .:! x 11. '; r.., ~ · '"T • I2 x I.! Cml Sto.l .1l"O ,l\':1il.ihk:: /:":};_!!'!,J
C-11, I $1<1ek (l4) $4.50
6'i !O-IX Rdill $2.50
6'\ 10-10 lldill $2.'ill
Cw Srock (24) $4.50
6130-58 Pad S3.95 6530-58 Refill $2.50 6930-58 Marker $2.75
5430-58 Caid S<ock (24) $4.50
\(,.'\.' f).1gt' 112.
Pad $3.95 Refill $2.50 Marker S2.75
earth Chocolote Chip (,\ 10---l l',hl S.l.'J5 <,5,,1>-7s Rdill S2. 50 <,<J/40-74 M.otk,•r S2.7S S-i-10---1 Cml ~,..-k (2,l) '>1,'iO Close to Cocoa• l'a,I $j,'!'i
<, I·Ill- -r,
/,'i-111--1, Rdill $2.'ill (,9,10-...6 i\ 1.trkt·r S:!.-i S.tiit).-c, Cud ."it1~k (~·II ~150
Really Rust* /, I •tO-- g 1'.1d S.l.'J,
Creamy Ca ramel ltl •11l-8- 1'.nl S.1.'!5 Rd,11 $250 (,4).'i0-8.,. i\1.1rka $.!. 7 )
/,'i/411-78 Rd.II S2.'iO (,')411-78 ~brker $2.75 >'1·10-~s Cu,I S.ock (2C1) !><150
Old Olive (d ,0.90 l~1d $3.')"1 (,'>-10-'J() Rdill $2.'\II h'H0- 1lO ,\l,1rk..·r S.!.-'l
<, I 10-~0 l'.,d
$,i. •JS <,'i-10-80 ltdill $2. 'ill M-111-SO ,\ l.irkcr $1.-, '\-\- 10-80 c:.,,,1So'-k{l-11 $-150
Ruby Red
c,t-10-S.2 P.u.l 55.9'5 /,'>411-82 Rctill S2511
/>'140-82 ,, 1.irkcr 'i-HCl-8~ Cu,1~rud, (lsl ,-150
',,1,i0-8'? Cud ,,ock 12·11 S ,.SO
a;.1,10-')() Cml ,,.,._-!: (2-1) S 1.'iO
Gorden G1een (,I 10-9~ P.ltf $J.'J"'I c,'i-ifJ-92 lt,·lill Sl. '\O l.1Je10.91 .\l.11'ka $.!.7) '\-HI\.')~
( :ml Stock 12·1> $1.'i0
More Mustard r, I•Hl-R/4 l'.,d S.l.'J'i l,'i-10-S-I Rdill Sl. 50 {)l)10-S-1 M.1rkt:r ~2.-1
Going Gray /,l -10-9•1 l'.,d S.l .•>5
<,~·H).<),1 Hdill
C ud Stock (!•H $·150
'.ud St.-·k (l ,l) $-1.511 .~ :~~N'1~
Summer Sun 6 I •10-XG l'...I S.l-~'i
8osic Sla ck,. A.. :::::-···.:,
l<'i40-86 ltdill $!. '\O S.!.-:-~ '\,\/40-H(, ( .ird '>10, k !21> ,,,.'\O
(,tJ,10~~6 ~l.ir~":r
AIIC:U\l~u,o;.ki>.1,.1iL1\ik·1n8•\/..! ., 11. • 1l), 1l ( :uxl Slu.:k .tl!<,{i .1Va.il.1bk: st\'. l'l:)f:_l· 212.
52. )0
(,91.f0-94 ,\ t.1rk\·r S.!.-)
/,1 -IO-% 1';1,I $J.•)5 (,'\,\ 0 -')<, Rdill $!.'>O (l')-10-')6 ,\1.uh·r $.!.-'"'I ~-10.'>6 <:ml ~od. c:?-n ~150 I lK· 111t.. in thl, tu;l o \\.1tcr111,_..a -11>i.l 01,11hL..,,fin~
~!.ti"'Pr,\"""l L. •.:;;:!--~1
bold Glorious Green•
Goble Green
Positively Pink
6120-26 G520-26 6920-26 5/42<~26
6 I 20-30 6520-30 6920-30 5420-30
6 I20--40 6520-40 6920-40 5420-40
f'ad $3.95 Refill $2.50 Marker $2.75 Cw Stock (24) $4.50
Pad $3.95 Refill $2.50 Marker $2.75 Ci"l Srock (24) S4.50
Pad S3.95 Refill $2.50 Marker $2.75 Cud Stock (24) 54.50
Green Galore
o,chld Opulence
6 I20-28 6520-28 6920-28 5/420-28
6 I 20-32 6520-32 6920-32 5/42/1-32
6120-42 6520-42 6920-42 5/420-42
Pad $3.95 Refill $2.50 Marker $2.75 Cml Siock (24) $4. 50
Paci $3.95 Refill $2.50 Marker $2.75 Gml Stock (24) $4.50
Pad $3.95
Refill $2.50 M,trkcr $2.75 C ud S,ock (24) $/4.50
Only Orange•
Lovely LIiac
6120-34 6520-34 6920-34 5/420-34
6120-44 6520-44 6920-44 5420-44
Pad $3.95 Refill $2.50 Marker :12.75 Cud Stock (24) $4.50
Real Red*
6120-35 6520-35 6920-35 5420-35
Pc,d :13.95 Refill S2.50 M,rker $2.75 C-ml Stock (24) $4.50
Pad $3.95
Refill $2.50 Marker $2.75 Ca,d S,od< (24) $4.SO
Brilliant Blue• Pad 53.95
6120--46 6520-46 6920-46 5420-46
Refill S2.50 Marker $2.75 Cw Srock (24) S4.50
Pink Passion•
Tempting Tu1quoise
6120-38 Pad $3.95
6 I 20-48 6520-48 6920-48 5420-48
6520-38 Refill $2.50
6920-38 Marker S2.75 5420-38 C,rd Stock (24) S4.50
All Gird Stock~ 0\-aiL,blc ;,, 8-1/2 x 11. !J:!~~ * 12 x 12 Card Stock also avJ.iJabk; ...,,:::-.. '! "'"page 212. •
Pad $3.95 Refill $2.50 Morker $2.75
C,rd S1ock (24) $4.50
0f/a u y1,e·u ' ~{; ,,,,,,,o ~e'e..i® Introducing our d istinctive line of archival quality 12 x 12 bondedleather a lbums for preserving those specia l memories. Each post-bound album includes 10 sheet protectors and 10 sheets of Ultrasmooth White cord stock. •11.1--0o Burgundy Leather Album .S.l'J.•)5 ~ -1 11,)~.oo Blac k Leather Album $.ltJ.")) \,~~~~--~ ,, I .I'! 00 Forest G reen Leather Album S.N.'Vi '" • rh<.'' l" .tlhum~ hold 12. ).: 12 r,1µt· p r11(c1.:rnr.;; and l ,1H1 , w<.k. 1
12 x 12 Cord Stock 1!111 0Lu hi!!h.t..·,, tp1~1li1~ 80 lb. c.u-J ~wtk 111 :, 11 \ I.! lnrm.tt. (\ i lO O I Eggplonl Envy S.,.'I" (,, 111.111, Forest Fo liage s-.•1, (, 1111-0~ Baroque Burgundy ~ (>1 I 11, 111 Nighl of Novy s-_,)'j (,11.111-l(, Glorious Green 6 t.!O-J:! Yoyo Yellow (, 12.11-J I Only Orange $""'.t,-=i (1120.y; Reol Red s-_,)(j (,,120•.\," Pink Passion s-.,,.:; (1 /211 l f() Brilliant Blue s:-_q-;
s--.",~ s-.,,~
(, 1511
<•·1'111 -N h•t 10-'U, () t•I I 110 (1 /
Bliss Blue S'"". tJ.:; Prelty in Pink .s-,l}) Close to Cocoa s-.9.:; Really Rusi $7.')'> Bosic Block s-.'H Ullrasmoolh Vonlllo "',h. "1.:; Ullrosmooth White $ti}))
Stampin' Memories®Video l'J,j 1-00 Slompin' Memories• Video S 19.95
T his ,•iclco pro\'idc..~ idc;1s and information to help you (.Ti,.-ari vtl}" Jlf\.'.'l(.'rVC )'Our cl1eri.'ih<.:d monh..'ltlS.
fo.pproximatdy ]0 n,inut...-s)
Stampin' Memories® Binders
.J 11 '). (lfl White Oval Frome Slompin' Memories· Binder Sl'/.95
Coll~·1.·. 1 your p rl-...iou-. 11101111...·m, 111_om S1.rn1p i11' 1\kmvrit:'hmdc~. Fl·.uurc:"I it1d~1e.h'. .lll ,11, id-ln..·l', w.1,;h:1hll', li1wn-likt· ui\L"f pt·rkd 1;,r '-l.rn1prn~; f<:.'nl0\',1h ll· lud,in:; D- nnp, ,111d ,hi..· npti, 111 l,fframin~ ,1 favc, rih· pliot,1o r ~t.1 mpn{ .1n 1m ( h t: UJ\l·r.
,1 11.::; OCI Kratt Oval Frame Slompin' Memories" Binder $1').1)')
·1 h1.·. ,\' hiodc:r\ \11,ld .~- 1/.'.! x 11 p.i~t· protl"( 1o r-. .md c...m.l ...111i..k .md 1..u n H.: wi1h nhb\Ht hole,. (l~ihhcm n ol iudml ·d.)
.JU--011 White Stompin' Memories Binder s1 - .11, 4 12.\ lilt Kroft Slompin' Memories Binder $ I ~-'/'\
'/·t'l.1-IHI Journaling Stomp & ~ Templates S 1/4.'!5 (indulk·s 4 lt:ntp l.t11..-..) ( :n.·.nc pc1 for1 101muling linl·, 111 ~our ,cr.lph11ol- with 01w q uitk "h.'p, \imply pl.J-1,.l· dK· IL'mpl:Hl' o n ,·otir p.1gc .11H.I ... ,.unp il1rn111;.h t ht_· opt:11in:,:..
4,fill-110 Stompin' Memories· Photo ~ Cropping Temploles ~--•i'\ (.!) L\~· ,\ilh om' ufl\\:t p.t~~ pro1ntor-.. showu on p.tgc .:! 1.t w ~rop .rnd hwl'.1 n,ur
2 /2
embellishing &
I 1. ·1X'i.:?-UO Photo•Mork™ Permonenl Mmkers S65U l \I.' ilu.·,.t.· f.l,Hfr~in~ nu, kcr"- 10 l.1h,:I dti:
Exclusive to Stompin' Up! , these great pens beautifully accent
hoLk uf.11! ~·nur pho11,,! £2. l\l:u:k, 1 lkd\
scrapbook pages. Journaling and borders o dd that personal touch!
2. •12(,()-11(1 Photo Twin'" Markers-Soll Hues
Get the right pens for the write job!
$22.'i() (1
phn1l1-,.1!,·, .u, id-frl·t~ 1n.1rk~r.i,.
a2C,2-00 Pholo Twin™ Morkers-Nalurol Hues s~2,=;o '1 phmo-,.t"-·• .u. id.fr.:t· 111,irkt· r,.. 1\,ltl :\ tine 11f tolnr 111 hl.1d.:-a1hl-whitl~ pho1rn,
Scroll n' Calligraphy Bt·.mtit'ul pl:1HnJ11., hip
1> 1..:.1,~·
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whl·n }OIi u~I: thi, ,·,,.-r~:uilc pc:n. lt;:nurirl.i,.:.
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Walerprool • Fadeproof • Nonbleeding
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Writer l"hi, P"ll f~•.ntm....; 3 tin~ prc:c:i!oion poi111 .rnd ., hrc,;11.I hull\!t poim for tr\·,u 1v1..· k·tt{.·1·111~ and ;h.'(.Yllh . Pigment Ink • Acid Free • Woterproof • Fadeprool • Nonbleeding -ISl')-(1() Black Writer $1.\Vi
48211-00 Wriler S20.95 (~ 111 ,.)1101'
, hm\ 11 lwlo\L t
0 scrapbook h1..·n you :-.1..'l'. thi,
1 \'\
4 . •,2-11.110 HERMAfix Vario Tabs Sls.•l'i
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1h1..·""· p1'\lcl\h.· 1, .m.:
:\ t iJ IR•;.•.
9. I 'J.25~00 Permanent Mono Adhesive Cartridge Sh.Yi I)oul,l1.·-,1id, .1.Jlu,:,.iw 111 ,1 ..,omi.·11il.'1H
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di~~c.:mc.·1. .-\1..1J fo•c.
1000 ,lt..llu.·:-,IY\" ,.11,, in ,I ._·om·,-nir.:-m di:-.r1.:11wr.
>.kmorit."1- , \'mhol. ~·ciu'II
lwh,1 thJ1
t I
5. •l- l -110 HERMAfix Transfer $11 .'/'i
,·our hc,t d\11ic...1,,• fm· ln11c,- l\."r!ll f,rl"-t'n,1tii1u. lnJi,.uin~\J,.11 ,,:.m..l ,l111,.k ,inJ
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.m: .it.id .111d Ji::-:nin fr1..•t· .uhl inl.. 1, ,h..ttJ frt.' \:, faJ1..· n.-..i,tJIH, .uu\ nonhk-•t:d iug..
Tiny .ttllu.·.,in: c.101, in .1 t"Pll\'t>llil'lll \lispt·rN,.'r. .., l '>:i,; 111.) ,t:i.l
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19.'.!)-llll Permanent Mono"' Adhe5,ive Cartridge Refill S.1. -,
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6. 1.! •1H-OO 3L Memorabilia Pockel Assorlmenl $4.2'\ ·\ti\! l"n.·t·. H ,,.."-kll,•l\\11 ~ ,
nu~~'- l ,111~- ➔ ~ \ I ~ I
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Page Protectors P!ff:~' - _.,J-· T hese :irchl\·aJ•qu~liry sheet pr<>tcctors .showc:m: your pho,ogr.iphs and arrwork. The slots arc ,op looding. E,11:1 spaces ;1rc indudc."d for photo dt"scriprion.s and fun stamping~
Ancient Page"' Ink Pads .
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1 1 \_11lor,/ .".~id li-t.'t' \rah:111 P,,!:!C' \:•:✓-- ..i p,itl~ µI,'-· th\.· t·;N.' Jntl, ihr.111\.y ~-011 Ion.· m dyl'" h,h<:J ink \Vith dH.: p1.:rm.111i..•11u..· ~-ou w.1111 !(.r ~-our ,tr.1phook~. Colon. ,,c.·rl· ,i..·h.·...tL·~I 111 4..oordi 11:ln· wnh o ut· I] ~ 12 c.-.1ril ,,ot k .u\4j \~'rin:r .rnd ~.. roll ~11· ( :.1llitrapln fl'itm1:111 pl·ns. L'k otu B.1,k Bl.h.. k \t:1mp111' P.1tl. .H, ,hn,," on p.1p· ~ 11 . t~,r .1 pv-tm.mt'tll hl.u.·k ink. ·" ( 1\\
.H.1il.1'1k· 111
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i: 4201-00 6-1 / 2 x 11 Packel
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.12,,.00 Ancient Page'" Night of Novy S·1.~'\ ,21 1)~00 Nigh! of Novy Ink ~efill fl /,; llZ. I '\")511
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t!t:I OIi Ancient Page'" l'relly In Pink $ •r.2'i )JllHHI Pretty In Pink Ink Refill I 1/.l ..,.) S., .'iO
J .~ .;,9 00 Ancient Page ™- Brilliant Blue S-•1.~) .12')').fl(I Biilllonl Slue Ink Refill I Ii.I uz.) $ l.~11
12~.l-1111 Ancient Page™ Yoyo Yellow , 11• .!") .l.l l l -1111 Yoyo Yellow Ink Refill 11/J .,,_) ,_1:\1/
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,12/, 1-11(1 Ancient Page""' Only Orange .1.\1111-1111 Only Orange Ink Refill 11/j ..,.1 \1511 12/,.1.1)(1 Ancient Page'"' Real Red .:::, t..!') .1,I0!-011 Reol Red Ink Refill 11/j 111, I S.5.~0
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.\265~MI Ancienl Poge'" GtoriousGreen $-1.l'\ _1_1()/4.flll Glorious Green Ink Relilt ! i/5 IV.I S 150 J.!h--OII Ancient Poge•M Really Rusi , ,1.25 5.W<,-1111 Really Rusi Ink Refill ( I/.\ ,11.j $.\,'\()
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(i} /J)jlf/ - . lllflfl t
./h,nyu·u · 'If,/
2 73
~a.1.1rin, , ¢k,.,zoil.f Finally-exclusively designed brass templates to match some of our most popular stamp setsi Classy Brass TM gives just what its name promises-a classy. embossed image for all your stamping projects. Te mplates are sized to fit stomped images and some templates have a designed edge that coordinates with your decorative scissors.
2. •l'/05-0t) Slylus Tool Sl5il
1 '/09-011 Light Tobie $49.91
Eml1-",ing ha~ 111.· , ..·r lx:c.·11 e;1,ia l Clur li~.:Ju ~.1hlc: ~in:_s you tht: 1wrl~'\.l l.n~t•, Ii.it ,uttl"-'t' tor 11w ,, uh our C.l.1,,) Bras., tt·mpl.Lh:,.
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Classy Brass ' Templates ~ -,-,--1111 Tree and Dove Templote $'/.•)) •
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J . •,-•1'>1tll Squiggl e & Dots Temptote $-'1.'/'i
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4- I - -till Dots & Stripes Sponging Stencil S-1.95
,-2.1-00 Envelope Templotes $•). ,,,
-,-21 -011 Ctoud Stencil S.:!.'l'\
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1. ·1.lll.l-1/0 6 x 12 Acrylic Graph wilh Grid $8.'iO .irt.:,l.'. ,:.1s,·•to•n.·atl numhcrs in rwo c.lirt->Ction, l'limii1Jh.'~ ch1..· rie:c,I 10 rnrn tlw ruk:r. I1w· compuh:r~~l·m:r~ut·d grid c..·11-.11r1:,., 1tt...1..ur.1ly ·:m<l 1..n1hi'-ll'nc. y with ~•otu l1<>hhy blade. I
2. ii.101 -00 12 x 18 Cutting Mot Sl~.•)5 ~1lfr, nu,slip m.H .allows fc,r .-.::dC ll1mng while: pmrn1ing dc.)k:r-. rJhln . .rnd c..om11,.:r~ top,. (;ri<l linc"l- will ,,rovidt" a guiJc for ~X"rfo.. l c..utting wi-1h your hohbr hl.1d1,.• L·WtJ 1im1:. The.· wlf- 1c.:Jling m,H m'-"·"'' 1hai un 1..111 111:1rk, will .1fl~<.I ~·our
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Linc· an of curs arc nor shown actual size.
Stampin ' Up! is
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o n the cutting
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edge when It comes to
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4415-00 Maxi Zlg-Zog Scissors $6.95
and 44 17-00 Maxi Ripple Scissors S6.9'i
p recision cutting
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tools! 4421-UO Maxi Wove Scissors S6.95
7 . I S•il-0\1 12 Poper Cutter Sl'/.'l'i lndutlc, I refill hl.l<k-.
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Fib 8- 1/z·· & 12·· Ullh..·rs.
8 . I 8-,--00 Oval Cropper' wilh Cutting Mol $_1-1.•1, <.:111~ pi:1fc,t o,,.d .. L·H·t~' ,imc. lm..lutll''- j hhdl..'\ .ind ;:i t..nctin!! ~1,1id~.
9 . I R•rS-00 Circle Scissor™ with Cutting Mol S1'/.'>'i 11rc,!> liu.htly rn uu p~:rt~·t.t cirdt·\ l'vny ,im('! lndLJdc..·, ~ rdill l,b,b. H{)0~04J Circle Scissor""' Refill Blades S.!.95
10. t x2~ .()() 8-1 / 2" x 11 Personal Cutter S12.'!, lrh..lodc, I refill hbdt.·.
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@n TM
Add just the right touch to your scrapbooks and cords with our new Designer Series and Background papers! Made with archival materials. these papers
were designed to coordinate with our color palette •
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· 'i
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Designer Series . . B,h,.kg.roun<l p.1p1.T\. Jr<." .tcid .uu.l lig!lin frt·t· ,u1d ht1n~n.-J . .S- 1/ !. x 11 (!.fl ,hc1,:t~. ') <:id1 of •I p:1w:rm) 1. ,~xl-00 Summer Selections $7.'J'\ 3. '\78/4-110 Autumn Additions S-.•1'\
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card stock &
'i '\o+l)O Lg. Vellum EnvelopesRadiant While $'\,'/'\
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, ,ms- H.:., 11 •\.i1lfrc."C. 6+1~-00 Card SlockUllrasmooth White $!,,')'i ! .?Ol I~ x t.! ,\,.ul Ire~· '\·189-00 Sm. EnvelopesUllrasmoolh White $'\.9'\ I
/JI 1 1 rll11111
I \ l 1d,-1':.
c. , ,1-1.1-0ll ca,d Stock-Kratt $1,.'\U H IJp/{.1/,! ,-: 11 ::.
19.!-00 Sm. Envelopes-Kroft $~.''"
\lHH •t- VX' 4;-Jl•t
D. 'is-, 1-1111 Card StockUllrasmooth Vanilla $1,.'ill
➔ -\I~ \,;; . ~, I
l ·il~I X I / .!\ 11 .-\._1,! fr1."-
'i-1'/'l-Oo lg. EnvelopesUllrasmoolh White $(,. '\O
Card SlockUllrosmoolh Vanilla $(,.'/5
(,-1'1 I -011
MO) 11 ,S/•t x(i 11.!
{~IHI.!, l.!.\nJ lrc.v,
8. 5(,8--011 Vellum Cord StockRadiant White S5.9'i i !Ol ~- I ."!,,: 11 \1 J 1re1.·. '\,,-o-Oo Vellum-Radiant While $-1.'\0
,,,.~ I -OIi Sm. EnvelopesUlhosmooth Vanilla S'),\)'
r...m •• Vff, .=.-.l ·'-t
'i-,.~~-ou Lg. EnvelopesUllrasmooth Vanilla % .511
t.!11)~.lf.!x II
'i'iOl-00 Sm. Vellum EnvelopesRadiant While $-1.'>'>
,.v,, ,,,1:
t !Ol 4-J/ K ~ "i- \ / ,1
The handdrawn, watercolor look of these papers will enhance all
of your stamping and scrapbooking projects. 1-
printed vet!f:.-1~zdExclusive Stampin' Up!· images,
1. 56').l-011 Printed Vellum-Foliage $5.•/5 \101 :1-1/2, 11
2. 56•!-1-!IO Printed Vellum-Ivy $5.'J'\ 3. 56S•J. (10 Printed Vellum-Snowflakes $5.•/5
translucent vellum. make these whiteon-white papers an elegant choice! Acid free.
4. 56Y54HJ Printed Vellum-Lace 55.•/i ( 11118-t/~ , I I
5. 56%-IXI Printed Vellum-Swirls S'i.9'i 11m s-11.! ._ 11
6. '\698-(XI Printed Vellum-Oragonfties S'i.'J'i (IU) 8• lf.! x 11
G - ..
83ckground papers arc acid and lignin free :1nd buffered. ,- ..__ Ea<:h p:tck.-igc ~(•ntilins 20 shcc,s (5 each of 4 p:mcrns) [~•?!!::t."'.f
!IOI :-.- 1/.1 '- II
!l!II .S-112 , I I
overlaid on fine
--..-1 (
5799-00 8ackground PapersEggplant Envy S6.95
5791-00 Bockground
Lavender Lace SG.9;
5788-00 8ackground Papers- ■ 5792-00 8ackground Pretty in Pink SG.95 Glorious Green $6.9~
5789-00 8ackground Papers- ■ 5793-00 8ackground Bliss Blue $6.95 Real Red $6.95
5790-00 Background Papers- ■ 5794-00 Background Sage Shadow $6.95 Brilliant Blue SG.95
5797-00 Background PapersForest Foliage $6. 95
5795-00 8ackground Summer Sun $6.95
■ 5798-00 Bockgroood Papers- ■ 5796-00 Bockground Baroque Burgundy i6.95 Night of Navy S6.95
1. , .,- , .1111 Postcords-Gtossy While $~.'Vi .!'>1:. I :._, -t-1 1-t
.--\l,o .n .11L1hk·:
0 0
>.IX 1-1111 Cord Stock-Glossy White $s. 7'i 2. 'i(> 12-1111 Gilt Enclosuoes with Scalloped Envelopes- Ultrosmooth White $'.'Vi
!.!'11 \
'i ' --~ ,f
3. , ,,- 1-00 Raised Edge Notecords wilh Envelopes- Ivory $~.~)) .!'i1 ,1 "'IS ~ \ . I
-\hn .n-.1ibhl?: >➔-2 OU Raised Edge Notecords with Envelopes- White S'i.'l'\ l.:!"il t-~f>,;, \-ti.!
4 . ,,,t .\ .lJ(l Square Cords with Envelopes s.,_tJ.:; 1lo1., 1. .!, {. I :.
5. ,.,- 1-00 Notecords with Envelopes-Glossy While $5. ~'> 1~•H,, ; HK
Al,\I ,l\',tibhk·: ,(, l~-011 Notecords w ith Envelopes- Ul hosmooth White $'-.'J'i !!"i i .;,
{. \ IX
6. , ,,-J-1111 Greeting Cords with Envelopes-Glossy While $6.95 I~'SI 'i. t / ,!
~ t4
I,' I
.-\ ho .ff,Ul.lhll·: 561(,.C)O Greeting Cords with Envelopes-Ulfrosmooth White $/,.•J'i ! ~°'I ,r; 1I .' \ t l f,l
7. , .,.,•)-1111 Cord Stock Assor1mentMelollic S/4.-5
~-11,! ;. II { 1.?. 4t,1~h11f\ \ul11n,J
5,,,,•J.0 1 Cord Stock-Gold S-1.-, 1l ~l :-!•I t~, 11 5+1')-115 Cord Stock-Copper
I l.!l S-1/~ .._ 11
5-1/4'/-0J Cord Stock-Silver $•1.7'i fl.?) s I /~ ... 11
Velveteen Paper
A..:-id ~ind lignin fr~,:.
, - ::..,,-00 Novy Velveteen 510.1>"
~,s,.,.,.u,,,_.'i' L·~....1 ~
I 'i.1 ' ' , j ~
-- ..
1-~x.oo Avocado Velveteen .S ltl.tVi !~• •t, l.l ,-w.110 Ruby Velveteen SIU.'!, t .. i ,, , I~
, ....6.!-00 Cream Velveteen $10.1 ~'1 1-;1 I ) ' 11. 5-(,11 110 \ I II\·~
Mocha Velveteen $ 111.'/>
, -h(,.110 Cronbeory Velveteen SIil.'!'\
r\1-.., kul.1hlt,-: ')-h~
on Velveteen Assortment St\,.!~
(,I ~ l ul· "l
\.,,,h H 11111 ,h"\~ll ,,h,,u·.
Card Stock 9.
, --o.oo Cord Stock- Noturols-tvory
\ 11J1 S
II.!' 11 ,\, 11!
Ult s.lf~ i 11 A.i,I It,'\'. ,-80-00 Small Envelopes-ConteHi-Creom
'\r2. 011 Small Envelopes- Noturols-lvory S'i.'J'i r !Ill •I ~,x ~ ... ~JI .;--•HIO Lorge Envelopes- Naturals-Ivory S65o ["f{ll t • \; I , (,.
11 . , ---.ou Cord Slock-Conletti-Creom ,- ')'\
1·~0\ ➔• HS ~ i \f.1
,--1, no Cood Stock- Confetti-Ton )-.-1, 11 \ ..,111 lri:-. ,-- <J-00 Small Envelopes-Confetti-Ton s-.'" 12.
101 ~ )i.! \
10. ,-1,•1110 Cord Stock- Noturols- Wh/te $(,.'iO
1•10) -t-\/S, '\.\/•I
, -~1-00 Smoll Envelopes-Notu,ots-While S'i.')'\
,--,.on Lorge Envetopes-Noturols-White 10
I ~; t , (1 . J ',?
13. ,~- 'i-0(1 Cord Stock- Confetti-While ~-.'l'i , lOJ :,:,11.! , 11 \li,I
, --8-llll Small Envelopes-Confetti-White ! iOI 1- lX \ '\ i1 I
s-..,, 2 /7
1. %05-011 Smoll Squore Doily SJ. " 'i
2. ';W'i-ft(I Oval Doily 53.J';
7, 'i6ll<J-O() Mini Bookmork Sampler S'i.<J'i f.\fi) I~ t,.,;:r:1h. IJ. Crc.•,1m. I.! <..:111,w \X1hik
8. 'i<,•J•J. IJ(I Cleo, Envelopes ,.1. 'Ji
t.!UI ', '( ~ ·\t iil ih·c.· i; 'i
X \, 1"'1 ilt·t·
3 . 'i(,0 I -llll Medium Squore Doily SJ. 'ill 120J X, X ,·\ c.111 trn·
4. I %2-011 Sanding Blocks S \.'ifl L!)
5. 5910-011 PolyShrink' MPlostic Assortment S-1.</'i (~ ,hc..'\'t", .! ol {',11.11 tulur, ..Jt<mn l~l111\,
(1;01 ·I- ~I X~ 'I- \ f.1
9. 5·•8\J-110 Stompln' Sampler Cords $2.<J'i (l ( n:,1111 .111d (, \'<1rn..: t'c,ldnn-1 ,.mh ·I'~ 10. 5(,/41 -fl() Circle Slickers SJ,'l'i f.?}) 1\1,.ul Ir-.,:-, 'iM.l-llll Heart Stickers $2.'15
i11du\lmi: Bl.1dd :-s x llJ-l/2
I J',I ,•\ttJ ln't'.
l ·,.{. ~nllr l"mhu"m~ ~\Ill lo m;ikt: c fi;111n, .111J l111Ho11~~
'i'JO'J-llll PolyShrink 'M Plastic-Cleor ~-1.'J'\
on s '( 10 111
5(,4S.()(I Reclongle Stickers $2.•), 1\till 1r~l'.
Ab«1A\'.1il.1!,t<.·: 5(,.l'l-011 Ovol Stickers $!.'!5
'i907-0(I PolyShrink™ Plastic-White $/4,'l'i 8: X 10-JJ.?
(.!5, J\..i~I ifl'('.
'i')06-00 PalyShrink >M Plastic-Translucent S4.'Vi
( ~) S-11.!
S \ I0- 11~
(.II S-1/2, 1 1
Sheets-Glossy White
$.1.95 (!I G '( <,
6. 'i(,S'i-flll Magnetic Photo Frames- Nalural $5.9'i r_! ) i , J -·~'- II
5') I .HIii Window Sheets S!.'l'i
Aho A,·.1ibhk;
,91-.no Magnellc
,•i I , . 1111 Slicker Sheets $ l.'15
) •.i,j
1I. 5')(,'J-110 Gift TagsUltrosmooth White S.1.511 (2)) ! . lhi,. .?#7/K 12. )(,I IJ-110 large BookmorksUltrosmooth White S~ .50 ( .!"ii 2.- lhi
'i,. ~IX
'i6~5-llfl Magnelic Photo fromes- White
S5.9'i (.:! )
;.1 /t,; \
. I ..
Use your favorite stamps a nd inks to
create beautiful gift tags. frames .
boxes. and mo re with our great selection of Stampin ' On"' products.
1. 'i I 711-00 Erasable Fabric Ink Pad $X.7'i Tum '1.1mred .lil in11, ,I lll~'\ll(·\\(l rk ln,l\\L"tpit·......· ..d,h 1hi, ui,~°'I p:iti. Rt....i\lu.11 111k \\,l\h~·, olt l'J, 1.,
\, ith
2. 'i(,i 8-U0 Fun Frames and Tags AssortmentUltrasmoolh While $4.•J'i H~/ \ ..\/•I:\
\ r I.!
,1,.1! II.nm·, .mJ 1.1t:'· L! 1..:1..1.111fh- Ir.mu:,
.md 1.i~, 1
56811-110 Fun Frames and Tags AssortmentNatural Ivory S·L '15 l ,181 .l j/11 \
S 11.! ,J,.ll lr.lllH'\ .uni
t.1i:.,. I~ n:,1..1111;:.lt• fr;1mt:"-
.in,! 1.1r., t
3. 'i;;')0-00 Sampler Paper Packet 55.9'> wln.111)11 lll,I) \".It}
4. 'i~C,0-00 Door Hangers and Tags-
Glossy While $4. ',() OM :0: s
j.( J~ I :s 1l!1orh.,11~t·1~ J.n\i
59M-OO Door Hangers and TagsConreHi White $/4. 50 061 X N \. JJ.! i
dc~rh.111~t."t, .mJ
5. ';%7-00 Door Hanger PouchUllrasmaoth White Sa.25 , ; , fr \ l-1, J-l .! 5968-11() Doo1 Hanger PouchNatural Ivory S1.2'i «,; 1(,. \f I \ _\-I .?. 6. 5/,.Vi-OIJ Gingerbread Men- White 11(,\
5(,.1.'\-IJII Gingerbread Men-Kratt $3.'l'i 11"1
7. 'i(,O"'-OU Rectangle Puzzles with Envelopes $6. 50 I t::.1 ) - II.!:-.
8. '\(, 17-UIJ Bear Greetings-While $.\.'I> H 1,f t·.1, h \h;ip~l
~(.11)-00 Bear Greetings-Cream SJ.9'1 (l-i
:,;l,lllt.!in!,: l\{•,ir, . ~ t lt·.111,I
562 J. ll(I Bear Greetings- Kratt $.1.95 (S 'iuu\fi11~ l~·.u,. XI lt.•,m\l
9. 51,.11-00 Halloween Greetings-
While $3.95 ol t.·.tlh ,!upcl 10. S(,IJ-00 Christmas GreelingsC ream S.l.9'i 561 1-00 Christmas GreetingsWhile $.i.9;, 5615-011 Christmas GreetingsKroft $.!.'l5 (1nduJt·, -.i I r('t.,,, \1.1r,. I r."•wp Sur, ,mt! ~ -,.1~, .m,I Booknurk..) 11. 548<,-00 Circle Gift TagsGlossy White SJ.•!5 l.:?-t, .!. 1/ .? \hl,Ul·t~·, 5965-00 Circle Gitt TogsConleHi While SI .'JS (4
' 1. 'i'l.% -ll'i Lorge Goble Boxes- White S6.-, H,! X , 4 ,\J.1, '\-l /·1
';<137-0'\ Lorge Goble Boxes-Kroft $(,.- 5 \l,1 N x+.\/.1 ~ 'i-1 '-•
2. 5').l6-II.\ Medium Goble Boxes- White S'\.•J H,) (,
c;,,5..... <n Medium Goble Boxes-Krolt S).'J~ lhl h
I, 1
3. 1•1,l r,. 111 Smoll Goble Boxes- While 54.'iO U,1 l• ll ·l 'I .!-II.: '\ .!-I~ w_;-.01 Smoll Goble Boxes-Kroft S-1, '\() ({,) ' I 1/·4 ~ .! I/~ ".'! If.!
5•1,\6-00 Goble Box Assortment-White $'i.9'i .! 1,tl·.,d1,11d
W .17-011 Goble Box Assortment-Kroft ~5.•),
H,. .? vt' ~-.,,h ,i,'"•>
4. '\(,-(,-IHI Die Cut Bosket BoxG lossy White 9~ !OJ l-_\;~ \:; -,,.. ),. I t I
,,,11. '\921 1111 Kroft Gift Socks- Brown S2.9'i
5. ';l,i'i-011 Hexagon Box Y \.'J'\
12. '\9'\.1-00 Smoll Kit Carrying Cose $~.9'i A,""'·tnhl,,! ,1,1·; .!•II~ I ).., I .?- ii 1 \X'.), IU II ~ 11
6. ~r,.-:--5.00 Small C ube Box S~.9~ I I IIJ
13. '\6(,.,.,m Lorge Rosette Gifl BoxUltrosmooth White ~' 1.'l> hl J.J/ X , 1 ...I'S 0
7. :;.h)J.oo Pouch Box $).')"
'\(,l,C,-011 Lorge Rosette Gift BoxNoturol Ivory $ 1.'Vi r<.) .~•.\fX, i -1s
.\ bo :\\',1il.1hk:: --ilf).!.. OO Assorted Boxes S°l.'Vi 1_\ hn.t!;l••ll, ,ul-..· . 11hl pnu...h l llti.· \UC
h,hh 111
.11.'1.' llllllL.
14. 'i6-o uo Medium Rosette Gift BoxUltrosmooth White $-1.-, .! -JS \ I
8. ,•15-. 110 Mogozine File SJ.50 hwmhk,1 ,11,·: •j 11 , -1 \'X , I.' I I
l \
9 . '\1J2 1J. IJO Lunch Bogs- White $J.'J) r.:\! \ . J/.! ll , '1 \'\:' , 11 II
10. '\•JJ_\-110 Krofl Gift Socks- White $~.•!'\
%-2-00 Medium Rosette G ift BoxNolurol Ivory S-1.-, '"'' 1.-n-l ' ,1
... ••
;,J~Ja{ },e0 ~
I. Ii ,-.1111 Lorge Port,oit Frome s-.•J'i JI) II.:\ 1.;.. I}::, fi11i, J11.-.l ,1tl' , 1~\/.! \ h - li~ up,11111µ, fu., ~ '!,. - rh'* "
2. •• I s,.oo Duo-Portroil Frome S'i.9'\ JU, N 1/ .! tim,hul ,iLt' , ,\
I IJ ~ ..,,·mni:,
I\ 'I p l1111,1, .
3. ➔ 1"IJ-00 landscape Accordion Frame S6.\J'"l Ji) \/ 1 , lin1,h1r,:, l ,ill'. ; , I ti~ ,1pl·111n~, ht,-
;\ -i ph.,1,1,.
4. •U-:, 1-00 Portrait Accordion Fro me $·1.4 >-; IO, 1 l ,' .!lini,hc·J,1h'- I - q,1,.! -l , .!111,-.·um~'l-
fic., \\.1llt•1-,i1.c 1•h,,,o..._ S. 5'/.i'l-<~l Stompoble Memo Cube ~'i.'ifl ~.Jf --i ~ dlh< m.u1k 1 ..111 ~ ,1J..-, f1•( ,1.1111r1t1i;:. 6. 'i7'i--1l0 Birthday ColendorUltrosmooth White s-.•1,
";-I L! \ I 'I
110 Birthday Colendo,Confetti White $7_<J'i " I ,~, l-i
7. ,-s,1.011 Days to Remember ColendolUltrosmooth White S".'lS :-; ti.!, I 1- ll.! 1- , ., . uo Days lo Remember ColendorConletti White ~--•)<; S-H.!x 11 -1/ ~
8. s,,- ,1.011 Bottle Bog ~-dll , i;u••,, J\,t~\:",1,·1.l°"H'·.., (.. u1wn 1(1, I• 9. 'i'/77-00 Potholder ~,l.•J5 i :.o"fl l'olr1.•...1t'r ' ".iO"n (. · 011011, X: '( ,!,.; 10. .:;110 5.00 Vinyl Checkbook Cover . :;.,.l,~ L?l ~1.11111• .1111J 1~ ·r,\111,il11'-· 111,"'' dt,,U,rn·,k ul\('I '\..
11. '\'IO'i-00 Vinyl Credit Cord Cose S·t.'/'i
12. 'i'llli - 00 Stomp-A-Mug $,\.- '\ ( h,tn),!.t· 1h._ ,1,11111'\' ll in,~•,1 ro ,\·,1,1111
111,n._h ,,1ur n1t10J 01 tlk
&'kvnyvvn,, ,J2Ykcedd-o/v/e,J,, fabrico™/zc1;~ [':~,,_7 These water-b~
d pigme nt ink p~~s are grea t for
fabric , wood, pap er, a nd shrink p lastic ! With 16 stunning colors, a nd a rainbow pad you'll have ple nty of options. All Fabrico·· pads are raised, nontoxic, a nd acid free . Heat set for best results.
'il31 -011
'i 11,5. 00 Forest
51 5'/-llll
5 H,.l-011
5 101-011
Ash Rose
$7. 511
'i!M-00 Sky Misl
'i !ll'5-0ll Cherry Pink
5 10.l-OO
'ii ,-. 110
Cerulean Blue
Poppy Red
'i21'i-1JO Basic Set s1-_9, Sc, of (, 5 Il'i-ll0
5 11'i-ll0
lemon Yellow
Spring Green
Peony Purple
11 -llll
52/47-llll Winter Set $ 17.')'i Si:1 of 6
Vivid Rainbow
'i i 19-1111 Real Black
'i i 51-111)
~ 1840-00 Stipple Brushes $6.95
~ G re-sr for applying Radia nt Pearls! (2/padu&"'· No. 2 ao1d No, 4)
• radian~ Radiant Pearls™ is an exciting new paint that adds a shimmering luster to your stamped images and artwork.
Abalone Gray
Bitter Apple
Blueberry Bliss
Candy Apple
Caspian Sea
Crimson Nights
$4 .50
Fandango Green
Frosty Iris
Icy Mocha
1250-00 Lemon Chiffon
Radiant Pearls can be embossed for an enameled look or air-dried to a pearlsatin sheen. Apply with a
1252-00 $4.50
stipple brush, watercolor b rush, or sponge. Cleans \
up with waterl (l/4oz.)
Mint Julep
Morning Glory
Passion Flower
Summer Sun
Swee! Apricot $4.50
Tw ilight
nme S4.50
S4 .50
1266-00 Pumpkin Spice
lemon $4.50
126/4-00 Petal Pink
(,t 51 -110 Spectrum $tJ.iJ)
c,1,-.on Calypso
C, I 6.l-ltll Bouquet
/, 185-00 Desert Heat $~.'15
f, I 'i•J.Oll Royal Satin
(, I (>'i-1111 Postel
6 18--110 Fresh Greens
(, i, 5-011 Berry Blaze
6 l ~,,.110 Blue Breeze
<, 1--.011 Baby Powder
(, 18 l •<lO Cappuccino Delight S9.'I'\
These multicolor pads are a quick and easy way to give a burst of color to any image. Kaleidacolor's innovative and easy-to-use desig n prevents the acidtree dye inks from b leeding during storage. Create eyecatching rainbow backgrounds with a Kaleidacolor pad and a rubber brayer.
6 1W 110 Autumn leaves S9.'J5
c,1(\-.fJII Birthstone ~'). 1)~
(,IX•).(JII Melon Melody
r, 185-1111 Creole Spice
r, 1-,. 011
$') .'))
Coribbeo n Seo $9 ,')~
~ ~
VersoMork ' NI Pad
r,2,r,-<rn s-.'io
,ll,1~n 411 .1 11.m.·rm.u l dktt 1dth 1hi, uni111w p,.ul \,id fret· Non h\xii::. t:r1,;J1,- .1 1,11h• -on- hl11,·
(, J ll'i-0()
Conary/ Marigold
Brown/ Cocoa $1.9'i
Amethyst/ Raspberry $2.9)
62.'I ()()
Violet/ Heliotrope
Narcissus/ Seashell
Sond Beige/ Choteau Groy $2.'J'\
62J'i. l)II
(,2()'). (111 Cordinol/ Comellio
Petal Pink/ Orchid Sl.95
(,21 1-011
Royal Blue/ lavender Sl.'l'i
Cool Mint/ Pole Blue $2.•)'i
(,115-00 Green/ Fresh Green
<,lt'>•llll Lopis Lazuli/ Winter Green
do C,ZJ7-ll0
er C,239-00 ·uM Honeydew/ "UM Chompogne
Hyacinth/ Lilac $2..l)~
(,! 13-110
62-,1 -1111
Cyan/ Turquoise
"UM Copper/ ·uM Bronze
"UM Pink/ 'UM Purple S2.•)c;
rl21--uo Pink/ Apricot $1,')~
1>2 1.\-110
'UM Green/ "UM Blue
'UM Satin Rose/ 'UM Teal
(,21 1-011 lime/ Citron s~.?'l
(,ltt,\. 1111 Block/ White
s2. 1, ~
·uM Silver/ ·uMGold
·u111mole Metallic
For stenciling and rubber stamping , Dauber Duos are indispensable! A collection of Daube r Duos. each tipped with two small stamp p ads in d ifferent colors, gives you end less options. Acid-free pigment ink. ,I)_
encore !™ultimate meta llic pads & re fills Add a rich, metallic look to your stamped projects with these acid-free, fad e-resistant pigment ink pads and coordinating get pens. Metallic inks should be embossed when used in a scrapbook. These inks come in stackable . easy-to-hold pads. Refills come in 1/2 oz. bottles. (Colors are more brilliant when stamped.)
'i I OK-0 0 Gold $8.~5
51.18-110 Gold Refill s,1.2,
'i 1112-00 Purple $8.95 '\ l.ll-011 Purple Refill s,i.2,
51114-00 Blue $8.95 'i 1.14 -00 Blue Refill $/i.25
'i I 00. 00 Pink SR. 9'i '\ l.lO-Oll Pink Refill S4.l'i
'--------'I .___I____.I ~'~II...________.
i 11 2-Cl() Chompogne $$.•)'i
51 ,,2.00 Champagne Refill S4.25
'i 114-110 Honeydew $8.'J'i 5 I 44-00 Honeydew Refill $4.~5
, 11(,.ell) Salin Rose S8.')'\ 'i 14 c;.Q(I Satin Rose Refill S4.2'i
51 28-00 Ultimate Metolllc Gel Pens $10.95 (7) Cole!. Green, Purple, Whi1e, Blue, Pink, Silver. Acid-fr~-c pigment ink.
'I 10(,-011 Green $8.95 1(,-00 Green Refill $4.25
'i I lS-00 Teal $8.')5
'i I lll-00 Enchanted
'i 1-1 8-00 Teal ReCill S,i.l'i
Evening S 10.50
5 122-00 sw eet Dreams SI 0.50
~ .,-p/J' ~ u :,, u,yz,~n O n -16odd'" The acid-free p igment ink pods shown on this page ore on ideal choice for scrapbooks. Meta llic inks should be embossed when used in a scrapbook. ColorBox pods ore also great for applying ink directly to paper for Interesting and colorful backgrounds. 1. ,l illll~l(I Embossing Buddy $4.'iCI Ruh J , , ........ rj ,l \"f en h-.lUl f ..I .HI, . 2. Tinled Emboss Duel Pen II $.1.511 ~lct\\-clr~·in~ cl~>t· ink ~in·, ~-011 lllllt· lo \Hl h ' rn ll,.m . 1J1u1 eml,,1,.);, \'(',10.·r i,.;~l·d, 1..'111,1 ~.1k . lh)llt<1,it.. pl I n l·otr.,I.
3 121-00 Pinwheel S15.95
J 122-00 Wlld1Iower· S15.95
~~·@J~~ .. ColorBox2®Pads ~
■ .l!0- -011 METALEXTRA-
CopperSwifl SN.'in . . J!-I -110 Refill i I 12 o,.I $ ,.-, '
,i!O,HIII METALEXTRK GoldRush s~~.'>11 . . J17J-IICI Refill ( I /2 o,.) $•1,-,
-)~~?·00 ME!ALE~TRA. ~u~ckSilver ,,_ ~-OII Rehll ( l/_o,.)5·1. '>
3137-00 Regel· $15.95
, .l209 1111 METALEX TRA- Plclinum $~_-ii) ~ 5 2- -011 Refill (I/! 01 ,I 5.1,--; ~
4D □
,llX,l-00 Sieck S'i.'J'\ J 'il I 00 Refill I I I! ,.,_J S.1.25 l I N'\-011 Fros! White ;'i_<)-i .i'i-11 -IIO Refill (l/1<>1. IS.U'i
Top Boss®Embossing Pads
3139-00 Tweed ' $15.95
"These pads an: nclusiYC tO Scam pin' Up~"' The.~ mcrnllic
ink.s fi.'amrcd in lhc..-sc pads .m.· METALEXTRA"" pigmcm ink
II ( .l l 'Jl -00 Top Boss· Tinted Em bossing Pod $t, ..'5 ,1 1•1.1.011 Top Boss· Tinted Embossing Pod Refill $J.7'i
.~ I I 5-llll 8righl $1~.'l'i
( I I .' ,u I
\ 1•1'i-O() Top Boss Cleor Embossing Pod ,/,.!-\ _\ 1•1-
oo Top Boss' Clear Embossing Pod Refill s.;.- ,
(l/.! 111, t
.\ 11'-110 Coribbeon SI8.•J'i
,II 1'1-llll Fores! SIR.•)-;
Colorbox2'"' Option Pads'· Designed exclusively for Stampin' Up! Interchange individual Option Plates™ tor maximum versatility.
)20 I OIi Jock pot" $~. 'iO
~21 I IJII Block Tie
.>! l.l Cl<) Nigh! Sky·
, - 50
,I.! 15-110 Royo l Trio• 58.'\0
.12.l 1-011 Basic Brighls s-_,J'i
.l!J.\-00 Rainbow Sherbel $7.•J5
Stampin' Emboss®powder
Embossing powders add d imension and impac t to any image. Try them on your next masterpiece! All powders are acid free. J.l 1')-110 Sterling Silver (I oz.) \il,l- IJ1t1Jlli. \\Uh ..I t,•il Iii-... ,hi111.,
\.l(,--llo Glitzy Green (1/ 2 oz.) l\nJ:lil ~!A"\:r• li.u,· '"th m.n\.fw,~ f!IIHvt r;,r m .1~111111111
•1.111 -110 Gold Gtory
(I oz.) -'-'' ' 1-0() Gold Glory (d oz,) $ 11.95
C,11Jd ll!l'1Jllit \qd1
luil lil,l' ,111111..
\ \i ,.110 Roinbow Razzle (1 oz.) ( I\ ...·.11(11.•Jr
h.m· nuh 11h1.1t'im.•
.\.l-•1-01) Ritzy Red (1 / 2 oz.) l{l,tlh lt1•J h,N' wuh 111.11d1in~sli11\.t lor ulrr.t
l_\'i,l-110 Blazing Blue ( 1/ 2 OZ.) H1tllt.111r hlm· h.t--1: w1rh n1.11~h111c. ~11111.·, h,r J
l,uld. M.1,i"g dli....-:1
.1,\117 -011 Cryslal Clear ( 1 oz.) .\.1'4)-(10 Crystal Clear (4oz.) $11.95 \1111mlh fl1mm~. ~k·.u p,•~,Jcr to l\t' lhl..J 11,,T 1..ulur~,i ink. -1lluv.iul! rlw ~o1or 111 , lt1,\\ 1h1,1u~h
\.\(,'i 1111 Glimmering Gold (1 / 2 oz.) ( .. ,1,1( ;l,1t\ t,.1~c- \\ilh 1111!11.1111 J.'.,Hltl ~lllh"I t,,, ,1IN1l111" t:liuunl'r.
.,,1-.011 Really Red ( 1 oz.) HnJ.:,lit .... r.a,011-lil..1.• r.·,1.
.I.IN 1-1111 Shimmering Silver ( I / 2 oz.) \11.•rlin~ ,a\\'f h,bl.'"\l ich ,lum ,,,,,., ~lnu·r lur 101.d ,l11mnu..·1.
,1_;-,;.110 lridescenl Ice
_l,lfll -00 Sold Block ( I oz.) Jl1,ltl ,ui.f bu::hr. rruh ' 'l"-'llm·
(I / 2 oz.)
1145-00 Slampin Up!" s Embossing Heat Gun $1'!.'l'i
t ,,,ult. 'k.ir h,1•~· 1111h 1r11..h:~ntt p ukr l11r ,cu1m111i;~p.1r~k•.
.1.n-1 111 Hologram Highlights (1 / 2 oz.) wnh lmlu~r.1111 J:1111..·1 for ,l
.1.1!1-0() Winier White (1 oz.) ( n,,. ,,hn,· th.11 1' 1.omrk1d1 o p ,\lJU{.",
( 11,1,11 ( 'k.u· h.1:.1•
rdk-..tn·, 11.1,h~ ,hint·.
.I.\IIS-IIU Clossy Copper ( I oz.) ( 1lppt·r nu·c 1111, h."1' ,,1d1 • mh ,11111...
_1_r- -CJ\I Prelly Pearl
.l.111.1-110 Beloved Burgundy (I oz.)
.BJ'\.(11) Conletli Celebrolion (I oz.)
l{i;.h hur~unth· l•.N'.
l•.1~1d r,1rn· 1(,l,,r....
(I /2 OZ,)
l\...nmiul -..,11 tr.)11,luu:lll l"t.',nl h.1~,·
l,\J')-110 Bon Bon Brown (I oz.) Rkh ...l,owl.111..· h.~·.
.I.IO'l-00 Handsome Hunter ( I oz.) I .111 h, lon•.,c ll.N'
.15~--1111 Enamelware Blue (I oz.) ~.I\"\ h.1.\-( t,..·.1qh 'P'-"kk·-.l ""h \\ 111t1·1 \\ hie'" Im . 111 1,·11,1111~-l".ir,·
.1,;1•1.011 Enamelware Burgundy ( I oz.) n,11t:Ull lh l•-~,· lw.111h ~.\~•,J-1,·,I \\ i1l1 \\"illl\"J \\'h1t1. 11,t ,Ill ,·11;m1d1~.1n· lo11k.
.\.\U-00 Mellow Yellow l J,1d "'·!low h.1"'-·,
,l .l,l'i-110 Lilac lusler (1 oz.) P.11.td
1~10.00 St.a mpin' Up! Embossing Kil SU.•)'i
.l.lT-llO Sky Blue ( 1 oz.) 1 lp,11p11 him• h,b,:,
(I oz.)
l.1\1,:t11kr h.t,1•
,l.\.1 I -00 Pastel Pink (l OZ,) ''°h pint.. b.-,c
Get hooked on embossing with our easy-to-use embossing kit! C1.11Henr<i: 1/2 u,. "-1t>rling .Sihcr S1;1111pm· EmhCJ!s~ Pow1..ll•r, 1/.! 01.. Gold t ;Jory S1.1111pin" Emh,J~.s Ptiwd\·r. 1\ lini Top Bo!<,~ ' ri1nc.:d Emho~"ir,c P.1(!. i /""!. o,. "(i,p Hov, Tinu:d Emhlw,ini!.
-1.\!.,-oo Vinlage Verdigris
P.1(1 Rdill .md i11~1m1.. 1ions for U)t:.
(1 oz.J
l,H'1:n 1~uh i l)PPl'r 1•.u111.1
Embossing Powders
Slampin' Emboss Enamel ii t•J $J.()) lu;:.hct luh 1,, 111111 1 mh11"i'lf! ,ll1tl ,.4. ht<'\~· tlh 1nbhlt· ,1.1111,·il ~l,1" dkd1 1111h 1111, u lrr.1111,l. Llnl-..1,!i-111,-: 1•uw1k1.
( ll\l' .1
•lW.1-1111 Anlique Gold Gl<:,ze _;_w, 1111 Black G laze I_IS•J-\\11 Glossy Glaze
Stompin' Emboss Puff ( II.? ..,.1 $J.')5 l ,,. 1h,, l'"'"'•·r wuh ~-mh1 "111~ 111~ .111tl .1 1,,-.u ~ w l,)r ., pulh ..•111\1,wwJ l,.,,J. , - , 111-110 Woolly While 1-0~ 00 Browny Brown Stompin' Emboss Detail Embossing Powders fl•.! '" 1 S,\.I}~ 1 hh, 111!11""1•~ po"tkt p1\.,u, ~·, 111, 1111 ..• dcurl
Ill \<1111 ,ump1·,t 1111.ll!t•,.
□ ■ □
J.\'ll 1111
~C,/NYL,V.I~ ✓ ~Ced-d,O /Ued Stamp & Scratch Paper Kit
Get a surprise every time you use Stamp & Scratch paper. Simply stamp and heat-emboss an image on acid-free paper, then scratch inside the image to reveal a rainbow of color. 1'!70-00 Stamp & Scratch Paper S5.9'i
Co111t:111,: ~ whiit: ,hl·cts 3nd 5 bb:ck ~hc:crs (8- 1/.! ): ')- 1/2) .111<.I 2 wood,:n ~cr.ttching mob.
Stampin' Glitter® sJ.,'> 0 1! o, .J Apply ultra-fine g litter with our Stampin ' Up!· 2-Way Glue Pen for dazzling accents.
IJ 19-00 Slack Blasl
1329-00 Gold Glitz
t .121-0ll Rose Ritz
I3.l 1-0(1 Fabulous Fuschia
Mulberry Papers
135.\-00 Silver Shine
with Stampin' Up! •'s exclusive color-coordinated
Mulberry papers come in colo rs that work beautifully 1.\2.1-00 Red Razzle
papers, markers, and ink pads,
1.125-00 Green Glimmer
1.1.\5-0U Lavender Lights
1.1!--(IO Blue Brilliance
I .B 7-00 Seo Foom Splendor
t ., 1- -!JO Dazzling Diamonds
Liquid Applique ™ s2.75 AJ>ply .u1d ht'at for lluA)", <linic..nsio1i:'II color. pH 11~Uu.al.
1101-00 Brawn
I I I 9-00 Blue
(slighrly acidic)
1103-00 Red
I 125-00 Vlalet
I I 09-00 Yellow
I 127-00 Gold Ochre
1 I I 1-00 Light Green
I 129-00 Black
1 113-00 Green
1 135-00 Pink
<') /~_:,;11 -
f' _,
.11;1/11 c. . J.li:.-1117,,~, ' I'/
1133-00 Whlte
1. 'i,P'\-00 Rich Regals Assortment S6.?5 l•,,d, ,~f ""- color!>)
( I 0, .'!
2. ';,176-00 Bold Brights Assortment $6.?5 I IO. .? ~·:1d1 of 5 1.vlon) 3. 'i:177-00 Soft Subtles Assortment S6.'15 j lO. ;? L·;i,.h uf ~ ,ol,ih) 4. ,r?-011 Earth Elements Assortment $6.'>5 110, 1 L·a.:h l>i' Lt.1lt1n)
Also Available: l~H-lllx 11 'i.Hl'i-00 Forest Green SJ. 'iO H8C,-OO Burgundy $3.'iO
5.1(,5-110 While S.l.50 '\.F2-00 While Rayon with Gotd·Silver Flecks $4.50 (1)
l~ <t
Have fun with our temporary tattoo kit. Nontoxic, FD&Capproved inks will fade and wash
off within about a day. 1. 1640-00 Slompin' Kids' Tottoo Kit $12.95 C'..tltth•nu: nt:1d. p:td, 6 markers. :.rnJ 6 srninps i n a Yinyl pouth.
2. 1999-00 Stompin' Kids• Brush Markers S/4.95
:m ~OM\..J (',,lots
~ ~
iampin' Kids<'t Pads $2.75
<l rnrfacc, 1-7/8, 2-3/4
I 975-00 Popsicle Purple
1985-00 Robin Red
1977-00 Beetle Block
1987-00 Yahoo Yellow
1979-00 Princess Pink
1983-00 Bear Brown
1981-00 Gum boil Green
I 99:l-OO Boxcar Blue
Stampin' Flock'" (1 oz.) $2.75 Use flocking to add a fuzzy-wuzzy surprise to your stamping. Fl°'king will ;tdhc.re 10 :mr surfac:t
t'o.1 1cd
1611-00 Beerly Brown
1613-00 Ribbon Red
with :1dl1e~ivc.
3. 1838-00 Watercolor Brush- ~ Medlum $6.95 ~ 4 . 1939-00 Slompin' Up!' Blender Pens $9.95 (3) 2 brush 1ip:i: on each. u~ wich W:u('rcolor Pencils .md ~.un1,in' P:asu~lsTM to blend color. 5. t 836-00 Watercolo r BrushSmo11 S5.95
1627-00 Batty Block
~ ~
6. 4842-00 lnkworx® Air Ari Gun $7,95 Achit:w ~pcc1ac:ubr ;air-brushed effect.) usin~ :t m:ukt·r :ind (his tool. G r~ , ror use with SH:ncils
,m J for b;id.:grounds. (Marker nvl included.)
7. l 927-00 Watercolors S9.95 16 c;:oloJs with !:7 brush
8. 6705-00 Waterc olo r ~ Penclls S l 9.95
24 ~mt'<I coloD. Mad~ "'i1h dt.-c,op pigmcn1s, out brilliarulr colored pc:m:ils « nnc in ~ stmdr rin conr.;1incr. Use alone to color sr.1mpc.-d im.igc.s or use with a blender pen or d:an1pcm-d wari:rcolor hnl$h for lo\'ch• '-'..,1tcrcolor effects. Acid frc<, '
9. Gi 03-00 Ari Pe ncils S6.95
(12) l\cid free.
f?Y,,.~7 - - .I
1. I Sl.l-00 Brayer S l!l.'I, lnclu<ll" h,mJk .11'.d ~ntr ntblwr ,n.111 -in.
2. 18.,.\-00 Acrylic Snap-in Brayer s-.1, Aaylil .JnLI fo.1rn ~n.1p-in, lit 1la- h1.w1..·r :1.11hik ,IH ►\\ ll
k t't.
3. 183 1-110 Foam Snap-in Brayer $6.•J5 4. 1914-00 Stompin' Misl- Stomp Cleaner
SJ.'Vi a ...;.1
1920-00 Slompln' Mlsl- Slemp Cleaner Refill
DIMEA/tt \
. · o:v/ic
$8.l)') (S ,11_)
5. l'J 1/,-0ll Stompin' DimensionaIs·· 52.'Vi 100 L',lLh of J/8-in{"h l hKk .ind 1/1(,.imh d1id:. c..luuhlc..·..1d..:c.l. Jdlw~1\t· tQ.1m J,u~. :\uJ
6. I '11 ')-00 Creative Popercloy
;-_z, ,.~ ,.,,
7. I %1,-1111 Stompin' Scrub' " Cleon-Up Pod , I ,t •)'i ,- 11!, 1 i/:-1) I 111'1,·r p.1J " '11h 1•I.M1(; I r.Ont· J •J-1-t)(> Slompin' Sc rub"" Cleon-Up Refill Pods $7.•J'i
"' 8. 1'118-1111 Stomping Sponges $2.'15 11,
9. 1%8-011 Cryslol Effects'" $(>.25 I.? ,11,t A1l1l .1 1111111.·minn,11l.1u 1m·r1.'\l l1"•k 111 ,111f ,c.u111wd hu.1i:,c..·. 10. Zig ' Pointy·
I )11uhlr-1111p1.·J op.1ttllC1x·n~.
I '/! 1-011 Gold/ Silver I '//43-00 Black/ White
Stompin · Scrub™
I 'J4'i-0(1 Burgundy/ Foresl Green
features a unique design
I ')•1~-00 Pink/Baby Blue
with two rernoveable
11. 1'1 1'i-1111 Sponge Daubers 59. 50
stomp-cleaning pods.
12. •t85Cl-0(1 Stompin' Up!• 2-Woy Gtue Pen $ 2.') < h·olli~ .,II pu1puw .idh~·,iH•. .\-;;iJ lr""C
lJ. 1%·1-0ll Bone Folder 56.50 14. Ill! 1-00 Poper Corrugotor 51 1.50 15. I ~2,. 011 Poper Crimper S I 9.'l'i 16. 1Xl.l-OU Stomp Posilioner $2').</5 17. I 'l'\2-1111 Lorge Flot Cellophane Bogs $•>. '/5 f';O) (, \ X
11>'i4-01) Medium Ftol Cellophane Bogs $/4.'ill 1<:jOJ I
I % 0-00 Small Flot Cellophane Bogs S.l .'J'i l':iOI \ '- 'i,
I 'l'i/,-1111 Lorge-Gusset Cellophane Bogs S'i.')'i 110J"l,\x1 1•ll.!
l'J'i~-011 Medium-Gusset Cellophane Bogs S'i.25 l ~OJ •I , 2-1/2 x •) II:!
Sized to accommodate our largest stamps.
¢icvn,yivn , t.Ykced.do ~«u
Create intricate corners. fancy
1870-00 Circle $8.95 (Shown actu:tl size at 1-1/4")
borders. and whimsical desig ns
Acrual size of o,hcr Jumbo Punchc:s arc approxim::nely }.. J/4"'
with our selection of designer p unches.
···* ·~~# 1909-00 Trees
190 I -00 Swirl $9,95
1905-00 Fish $9.95
1922-00 Dragonfly $9.95
1899-00 Maple Leaf $9.95
Heart Corner $N.'i0
1903-00 Paw
1907-00 Moose $9.95
IS'/l-00 Snowflake $!,.•)';
1'>2'1 -1111 Heart $6.'15
I S'i/,-00
I 897-00 Oak Leaf
Tiny Scallop Corner
Corner Loce
Crown Corner
Deco Corner
Holly Corner
Clover Corner
1926-0U Star S(,.•J'i
poc key,,unek.o
1-00 Corner Rounder s-: 7 5
•••• .-- * 1912-00 Paw
1930-00" Star
l 8'!1-01! Bow Border $7.•/5
l~X0-00 Swirl Border $-_•),
■ ■
,I t
or .Ktu.11 )o.itt·~
Zig-Zag Slol
Ribbon Slot
$9.95 $9.95 (Shown :u approximately 50% of actual size)
1887-00 Hearts & Flowers Border s-.•15
1K'l'i-00 Checkerboard Border SX. SO
"(111 11
Scallop Slot
■ ■ ■ ■
l'J/48-00 Snowflake Pocket
c ornerslo~
l'/4(,.(XI Star Pocket .~N.')i
l'/4-r-OO Heart Pocket
I 8811-00 Ivy Border S8.'ill
I 8f,•r Oll 1/16" Circle Punch 5-511" •
l'/.l(,,111 1/8" Circle Punch SR.'>11" 1•1.1,,
no 1/4" Circle Punch $8,511"
I ~- r, 1111 Rectangle Punch $-51)' • 0
Ll,11!-:, Rr:u.11 P11nd1 ·· 1L1 ~1,I I k·IJ Pu1,d1
Add texture and fla ir to
I. ,f<,O(>..Q() Natural Raffia $'\.'/'\ (2 tJt..t 2. 4600-00 Raffia-Earth Elements SI II.'I'\
your sta mped a rt. These
(S ,.,.t;dn"-.1 <·olt•h) Jk,ll\' l{u,1, I\.,,!\. 1U.1d,, C>kl Oli\·tr:, R1tb~· R1.xl, ~icm,; ~h1,1,1n.l
• $6.25 (7/8 in.) 25 yds.
Add a sheer accent to your stamped art. Eight new colors!
3. 4604-00 Raffia- Bold Brights $1().')5
raffia sets comp le ment
{'S ~kt.·m~,
Sta mp in' Up!•'s exclusive fa mily of colors.
e:, Jrosgrain
-•.-,ar.,.,,\.' . ./~ · I
5 lOl(m} I owly U bi.:. 0 11h ()1.m,~i-. l'ink l':h::,1011, Bnlli;un Bluc.-, <.;J4m,m, l,11.'('fl
4. 4602-00 Raffia- Rich Regals $10.'/'\ (5 , k'-·1m., <. lO!or.,,i Rlt•l· Roin.111c~.'l.1kn1 \\Hh-f.:·.,I. l\.1rn(lll\' lh1rg11nil~·. llro,""a\k 1Uu1..·, ~1~111 oj N.l'"y
$5.95 ( 1/4 in.) 25 yds.
f5J.{ /II Light Pink
I 'i17-00 Celery
I 'i I 1-00 Light Blue
15 I 5-00 Mauve
I 509-00 Iv ory
I 'i.W-00 Yellow
I 'i_l I -00 l avender
t'i.l'i-011 Royal Blue
1'i3.l-00 Purple
I 5<,/4-00 LI. Pink I 5i6-00 Ta ngerine 1584-00 Yellow Gold I 'i66-0II M aize I 5%-00 Cream 1582-011 While
1552-00 Bluebird I 5 58-0() Delphinium 1562-00 LI. Orchid 1554-011 Cranberry 1568-00 Red I '\70-00 Rose
I 'i 50-00 Apple Green 1574-00 Spring Moss Vi78-00 Toupe I -F~-0() Royal J 'i/!0-110 Turquoise I 'i(,0-110 Frenc h Blue
l'il9-0ll Kelly Green
I '\%-00 Metallic Cord-Gold $'\.'l'i
Add a shimm ering a c cent to your stamped art.
I )<)g, ()(> M elollic I 1')l. lJII Metallic Ribbon-Silver $6.!'i
I 'i91l-OO Meta llic Ribbon-Gold $6.25 I 114 in.I l'i )'d,.
Cord-Silver $ ),')) 7"t rd".
Whether designing the perfect c o rd for a friend, adding the warmth of a border to your home decor, or packaging a gift with unique appea l, you will find in Portfolio II a variety of full-color samples, patterns. and instructions. This wonderful idea book will quickly become your favorite source of stomping inspiration. 1. I021-00 Portfolio II Book I S24.95 lrn.luch.', ;1 90~p:.1~c.·, s:pir.,I hourld book of ~ramping id,.-.1~ :mll in,truuion,. C:onll'~' with ,l .slipcase dc..•sigucd 10 hokl four i1,:<lirions.
2. I 023-00 Portfolio II Book II SI 9.95 AtlJ IO your co11"crimt ofSumpin' L"p! Portfolio, w itll Houk 11 The \l'1..und in a scrie:-. of four. Hook II IC.uurcs ,;.m,ples of incredible s camping projc:n-., alons with insmicrions and p:111cm.,, l~r n1:i11y un ique items M1i[:1hk for gifr~,, homc: dei..1•1. ;111d more.:. Bvok 11 .11,o indttdts a Ii~, of ,upplii:.·~ 11t:cdcd re complc1c l';:Kh projct.:t.
Paslel Refills S.1 .50
1425-00 Yellow
everything you need to odd a hint of color or a vibrant hue. Protected in a sturdy case complete with application tools and eraser.
1408-00 Flesh
1414-00 Mogenla
1426-00 Yellow Orange 1410-00 Gray
1427-00 Burgundy'
14 15-00 Orange
14 l.~-00 l ime Green
1428-00 Coral"
1420-00 Ruddy Red
1409-00 Green
1429-00 Eggplant·
1418-00 Red
1407-00 Dark Green
1430-00 l avender·
1402-00 Black
1424-00 White
1431-00 Moss·
142l-OO Tan
1406-00 Dark 8rown
1432-00 Muslard"
L450-00 Slampln' Pastels- $19.95
1404-00 Bumi Sienna
1417-00 Pink
1433-00 Olive·
~ Srampin'
11 11 -00 lighl Blue
1412-00 llghl erown
1434-00 Plum·
14 22-00 Ti.uquolse
1419-00 Royal Blue
1435-00 Rose·
1405-00 Dark Slue
1403-00 Brown
1436-00 Sage·
1452-00 Pastel Applicalors (15) $2.95
1423-00 Vio let
1416-00 Orchid
1453-00 Pastel Erasers (2) $2.25
·Th~t w lors arc :i,\..,..jl:iblc only ihroogh S1:;unpin' Up!"
Up?• Exd1J~i\'c! 35 brilli:mc colors, induding six:_pasrd :tpplica,ors ~nd :an CrJ.SiC'J, P:1.!ad~ :m~ 1c:1d fret•.
18:li-llll Cropper Hopper- Supply Tote Sl2.~5 Thi, qurdy Cl~,· rr1w1J,·, .A \HnH'lllt'III w.n· 111 ~-tr~· ,111 rom f.tvoritt· ,llu!')-.Oric, ,1iltl h\(11, ,in ,1m• ~,lie--, .mJ ,1:mp, .111d
~l~n11fod1m-..l,·xdu,ivd\ lur'\1.m1p111' l 'r
p..if>1."f vn I ht• ,nh\'I.
11•1' ! \X
JU.\f '-f H , ,t))
119484-011 Gift Togs Kit $!').'Ji
Com~m,: (, ._:.1111.1~ ,1.11111"• •I~ ~lo,\\· \\hill' k.i1d(' ~it( U!?' ,md o ut B.1,i, Hl.,,.I.. \t.11UJHU ~•Jd ' . The pal~l t ~iii l(,r .111y.._11w o n \'our li,t. 1n'l" .s,ampcd i ni.1ge" .uc ,i,cd (II Iii Otll
md< ~,r, r-'!''·
IO I '>·110 Portfolio I Complele S(,•!.'15 St.1mµi11' l'p!', 11rii.:i11.tl P1111foli11 i, .111 i1h.r1.•dihk i<lr l houk! h '-111n,um. ,1 '"vllc..iiun ol h.uhl~umpc.·d pro11..·1·r, 1h.11 .ll'l'..:.11 tu 1ht." m(l,t d ixrimin.1110~ ,1.uup\·r \'~, ..1h· fm•ncll~ f l h\11~h in 1.11l, ,,1r,1J;:_l' 1h,· 111wiu·. Pl".uurc, .in d(~.11n. t 11<.rom-1ll·, i~ncJ l•)- l/•1 " IO 1/<f h11,dcr. llni...mk:- binder. t:11\,. •rn,i .,11 l1uriti11iu I l'J~kc.:1~ I
f2!/tcPn~ $,z~km Code
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lk1tkj:rv1111J ll»i,,.11.,I h ,..,1i,c l·n,·nd,
•,:,-, l 'hr.L,moo1h \\·tm,: l~•''"l"~
llur~umh. ,1110 C..,,.1.-r. i ,re,·11 <.•irJ :-On1<k: ll.1'il llbck .111.j :,,•t:~ \IJJ<low ~1.11np111'
19 8
\ 'iviJ (, 1i,1.ti11~, .111d
Pod: <
'-rihhk,. Im B1111 11.11 kero1111J.,••mJ ll11IJ & 11.,;ic Creui11i:• ,;<r>= l'rnk l~1~,1or1 .111d Nat\11,1I, ( ..u-J '\iod,: Lm·,-h, I il.1l Jnd ~ lnrv1.•li111, ;\ l.1\:,vlll,l 'H.1111/'"( l'id,. ll..·1t1 111.i"· l\.1lrnft,,.1.,, I11k •,.,!: fl,.fJ llriµl'11., :l.lullxm l'.•p,,, \r,•rnr111 Ilim.:-n\ltlflJI,
llo" c:l<c.tr I "''"""nµ P.•,I: Rn l Ink l .rrtnJg,·: 11.,,,. lll,1, k .ind Rv" RcJ \1,1111pi1,· Wnr, \ 1.1Tk,•r,: l111ld <;111n· \t.un\1i11' 1 mh,h\ Po,\Ja: ◄\klt1ni,1i1·1
t >1.."\ L. ,· SCl ...,.nr,: \1;11npiuµ ~)lCHIJ!l."
L1imcr""''1,1I,. 11,,l,l llni:h•, lt•tli3
in 'iuk. :rnd Rc:11 ltl•d C.,,J S111ck. llm, Cl,.u I 1111~,,,in~ l'.,J: Prnl.. .
,l.Ull·t, P~ou\, .mJ \l.11-:.nnJ Culurll4u:;
l11k l';d" < n,i,I C:kir '>ram\""
I ml""' p.,,,;1,r: Ill!" t"irde 'u11d1: ReJ 1lt};,indy Rihhu,1 23 A
\\ mi:, oft 11«· .uJ Im ll1m 11••,ki:rmrm!, "~" :'\JIUrJk s,.'1, fllJ,k. .111.I lluh, lh·d !..ml ,11,,k, R,.-1, ll'f;,,I< .111.I brih l:l,•11•,·111, /.lulh,:m' 1',,pa: 1<'1' Bos, l' 111ho1"it11\ 1'.1tl: ll.,·,;, 111.,.~ .rnJ Ruby It.;.! \1.1111pi11· l'.1.J,: ( ,uld <,Im~ ~tJ111r111 h11ho,, f'uwdc,: ~t.-,.11" Thrc.ul: I/Hi' Ci«I< 1'1111,I, 23 8
Wi"f, "' of I ,w~. l111· lli 11, l\.1,kµ,.,,11,ds, .md >'-·tile 1•.1111.•01, \ t.•,,;. Rulw lh·d, l lt1.1\"1lkllh \.11111!.1, .md (,uhl :.i.-,.,llte t.1ul \1111.I..: Rn h R,-.:.,1, \l11ll1<.m l',,1-.,r: fo1• 1111" Lmi;,,..,•ni; l'•J: Ruh, R,,! ,Ind ,\l•irc 1\luS1,1r.l <;1..,mpi11' \~'ri1e 1\l.rrk.-rs; llle11.l,r l\ •11, : CnlJ Cl,.,. ~H.11111\1 11~ l mhc,.., l'O\\Jl·r: 1/1(,'' ( 11\.ll'. 1'1111, r: GulJ ,\li-1.,lli, Cnnl; D,·,ll,• ~l"-.\tl~
23 C
20 A
lk1r_1· lk-, ~r,J 'lpn,.•I L.1...-1111i:, , ,.,_, I•) ll.,.ki:ri11111,I S1.1111p: J•m111,dr l'in~. Ru,\: Ut.'J. "\:rn l~nu~ Xn,. Jnd'
I 111 ,. Y.,!-~"" lh•,11 lkd. I\,,;, l{l.1,k..11111 \ 'ltr.1>J11t1<11I, \\ '1111, C.ir,I Sruc~. 11,.,,c 111.ll l .tml R,·.•I Red \tJmp•n l•.,.J, 111.,,lc O_rg:111,h Rihbnn; .'>t,mp111·
'\,11ur.1I, ( .ml '11h.k: 11.,,. tfl.t<k, ( ,mni: CrJt C·1m,• '" ( uco.1. 7".rn <lum.· ;-.:,,, , ... Ro~c Rn!. Rt,w Hum,Ul\ t..·. .\lnu.:
!\ lu,1.11.I .111J l >Id l llh ,· \1,1111pi11 1'-"1,: Ru1-...- lkd \t,uitpin \v'rltc.· M.11 kcr: \X';u.:n.ulor liru,I,~ Lie.: ,,1-.."'-JU,! I ,i;lu
f'inl l \rpnJ, R,1,1, 111. I IN l 11d,· l'un,h. \ k,lium I 1,-.in l'•nd1: Jumbo C:ird,· Pu 1h:h, I mhnliJL·r~ I lq~, 20 8
I )m•cu,u►n.,li: ltl'\:tJu~k· Pund,
1~,uh; \~•.11~rcolnr l\n 1\.h; L'ltr,t,muu1 1 \\ Ince ll•••k.m.irl..: \111.111 Hc•n 1•1111..!1; \l~,l111111 I km 1'1111,11: II➔" Cir.Ir l'1111d1: I k ,m & l l»1«•r,, llm1lcr 1'1111dr;
( .om1.•r RounJer: L,l!..'l' ~d~M)r,;
( :ro,grJ111 Ribbuu 25 8
'li,r \'li,c -•nJ lrt1 H,111 11.,-ki;r,,un,I, ' "''· 11 ,nk 1•,,,~•11. ~li111 1\ldo;h , ~nd l'ltt,Nn"n•h Whi1<· ( ',1rJ Swd(: l'r11•d1 llo-, S.•i:,· sh.dow, 11.,.;, Bl.Ilk. ·""' t ,nmi: ( ,, ,I\ ~rampin 1'.1J,: \X'.i1<;<olu~<: \X,,~rwlor ttm,11. Iill 26 A
l(ilihnm & Ro«·, !'>er: l 'hr."11w111h \\ 1111, .in,I ,\ l.mw ·" "• C.ir,1 )•od(! ~1f• \1th•k, /llulh.:rry l'JJ•:r. l.:1<.~ l'ri11•cd
\'ellurn; l'al~-..., 1'111111. l'ak 1'111111. \IJu\\' ,\ ti,1. c;""'l' Cr.•~-. <11.t Lll11 c• •rnJ \ ,Jr.kn ( ,r,•,·n ~,Jmpi11 l'.1,L<: ( ;,,ldRu,h M,·1.,kX11.1 l'.•d: 'lhp Hns, l·.ml,.1,,ing Pad; <:,,l<f I >er.iii l·,111hn, "n~ l',,wJcr: \'\:.1,·1<.11lc11 u,h: ~.Jlllf'inc 'f""'!:t'-" ( ,ulJ/Sil,cr /,i; l'A<nl\ l',·n,' .\1.111"• \lri:.m.JJ R,1,1""" ,\ k1Jllk
J'l,n.,.J, l',;1p11urri
26 8
)11/,r l-l,..n11/1
l\c) tn \ h H,-arr "''· ',01 tJ11ik :S:J\\ .u,J !'.~pl.mi En,~ ! .1rJ \ u..,).; R.wi•n• \\'1111< \dl11111: l'i11,d1cd •nd \~ 1IJl1,,,_., l'e•,tl 1'ni111 Ink l'ad.,: Ci,ld 1"11.:cJr<"! ll him,11,· Mc•alli, 111~ l'.rt!: t :11kl <:Ion· I 111ho.,i11i: l'm1d,·r: lli.·.rati.i:le l'uud,· I ,nlJ I lti:.mJ,. R,l,J,.,11 26 C
Key It• ,\ 11 lkJrt \1•,: I .•u• I h:.111 \1J111p; l·gi,:pl.1111 I nw. ,\ l,·11,"'' .\ los,. and ~1111,I, t:,r,I s,,,,k: l<•p llo,, linted I .mh11,,ini; l'.JJ: I i:,.t;pl.1111 h,,~· .11,J l II.I 1111,., \wnpm l'a,h. Of..t Oli,,· '-1.•mptn \\ ril,· .\IJJkcr: lnk\\or\ Atr ,\n i ,1111: 1ln klc :-ic,w1r1: l,nltl t ;111n· \ 1.1m1>i11' 1"11,boss P11,..lcr: C11ld1,i;ih·c1 /1µ P.11111., Pen: C ur11t, 1.Ji..t• l'l1m.h: \r.unrmµ. \pungi:
h~.tn<h Rih~,n
27 A
1 lm.,I \\ re.1th !>c.rn1p; l ltr,1'11M11l1 \X hu,. l'rc1t, in 1'111k. ,111d ,\ kll"" .\tu"
24 A
I 10111 ,he I k.111 .11lll 1111• 1li1L1· 14.t'-kt:.rnunJ, ' ro.: 1':.111~rJ("i .lm~ \l.or,dou, .\IJ~<lllJ LtrJ ~,o.:1-. JIJ,1, 111.,,l \1Jmp111 l'JJ, \X.uucol,ir,: \\'..11<•,wl,11 llru,h: !IS" Cirdc l 11md,: \m,dl I b• t:dluph.im• 1\,1!(: C111l11,i; R1hh,1n
1.1...u·, 11,._. JnJ Im Hirn ll.1< ki;rouml, "-"" \mpa lb,kiroun,l !>•.111,p: ~.11ur.1l,. Im ch I ii.re. Ku,,· ReJ •nd !lJn•h !IJ11.11•11 t .irJ '>111<1,, ll.r,1< 111.,.-k. /11.,,,· .\ 111-r~td, I ,,1,·I\' I \:t11 t lu11c N,t\')'. l 'lr,'4: t o ( ,(h.,_'ni ( ,OIH~ ( :r.1r>111il R<N· Ile,, ',1,r,11p111 l'Jd,. I{.,,.. R,,1
Cirdt l1,1nd1: Gri.,i:,.1111 R1hhon
II t .111d,, .11,J heryd.,y l·~1lrl.'.~., i01h "\1,,· t,: c:,11,fr1ti \X'hi1c. l1rc ttV
,\ Im,· \ h,,.,nl. .•11d !lurS.-r111~
\;i,r \liu· ~,·,: . 1111><'' l!Jck••r.1111,J ,,.11np: ~lint ,\lt·lod~·. P111k fi:N,,m,, .1rnl l 1hw11111mh \Xlhi rc L.rnl lla,ic 111,1,k. ,\li11• ~lelod1, ~,g~ 'ih,.d,m, ( :oing C;111_,, ~n,J 1'111k l'J,sinn "•·•"'\'Ill'
ll1<kgrounJ 'li,1111p: 01,1 Ohw, ( ..111 «'{) ( or.,r. Eµspl.11 11 1'.nv,. :111d l\lml, 111,i-,on, C.,rd 'll><"~; <·,11nnl C,11.11 ,111J I )IJ t lh,·<> ., 1.1111pm l'JJ,; \un11•i11·
l\ruslt,11»~~ I /11111111i11~hi1d , flold IS.
:--..1\ v.
25 A
It,,-., llliap""I.. ~er: \ 'i.1mun I .i..,
22 B
l'.•»11111. <..,inir Cr,11 • •111d Old< II" <
I km L,lk. ,\lpl,,,1,.,. A1i1,,al I ,,,,.,r..tnJ 1\lphJh~1 App,·.,1 L'ppcr ~01;: Huf & '-i",·' -~•amrm· Ari,1111J \X'hcd: l,ulw R.-J JuJ UtrJ>nu•<Jth \\')ul(· C.u,I · '""-k: Rul" R,-J \•amr111· l':itl: 1111,
24 C
l w111 the I karc .111d lrl\· Bim ll.1d,gro11mls ~,-1,. '-.1111~;1, a",,J 11111k l'ax,iun C..ird uxk: ll,1,1< lil.ick Jlllf 1 f i11~ I',,"'"'' ~r•"'I"". PJ,t.: l'inl
21 8
\1,11npm I )1mrn<mn.1I: llurcun: l'JP<"•
'1'1111, -<·""I""' Write .\ 1.11·kt ": 1/~" t 'lrd~ r: Si l,,,., Mcr.,11,. C:urJ
~er.: ( '1111lrn1 .111J Nish • 111 i\,,w Ltrd !:irnck: Whn,· M11l hcrl'\' l'.•J•,•,: ('.rc1lk:,pi,<' " ·•lml.1wlor 1'11J: \prmi: .\1,>-,
,\ Ir~",..,
\II \c-1.,1111,. 1•r1i1l· Pitth.:m,. .mJ <.r,·.u <.Jrt.'<'11111!-" ,,-,: ,.11ur.1I,, Nighr nr /1.J•T• .\l11n. ,\hm.,rJ. J11J llmtk11ni: llluc c;,.,J \111<.ko :--/1,:111 nl
f(,,_,. RhJp><ali, '·'! Ir wilh \ ~1ip1111~,. 011J Im· tl,m IIJ<k!;J1111ml, Sci,: \ hnk.'.rhu.,rJ IIJ<ki:ri•und. 1.•1111" OIJ ( llwc. ,\ !dlo" \los,. C•m,1, C:m,•I an.I '=,n11rJI, ( -•«I ,,ock: \ )Id Olh'<' ,111.I <:·~11h'O . Cnr.1l ,,amp111' l\l\k \X.m·rcnlnr I!, 11,J,: \ 1,11np111i: 'p1111i:c:
!'lt'"J,nlt,tl "-ptJ\\ .md ld,•~.-111 l1rl"t"l1t1g,
1lnlµ,·lwi: 11.,\'1"""'' \c1 : l l11,1,n1,1o11h \\'hltv. ~Ii" II 1"·· .,11J ll.,ll.•1 11111" t ";11.I 'ltu,k: 1\.1,1,· 111.1,~. ll.m:h· ll•11Jn.1. \h•.J"" 11.•llc, 111,..., Cn:1,1,: 1 ,1.w. ,m
.~1.111rm,1 ~,.unpin l'Jtl,: W.u,·rrnl,,n;,
\X'.ncn."1"' llru,h, \kc•lht rlm·J,h ( 1111lp<1
2.1 A
I )mtt:o).i,mnl-<.. ,,.1mpin~ \pongt.:
18 8
<~r•~~r,un lt1hhu11
16 B
'•·"''/'in" \X.,i" ~1,rh·i: 1/H" Ci1dc J•mu. 1; \X:';m.·u.olnr Hm,11: \'\'aH.• ~.. i,'.«lrs: f•urpl,· L)~111th Rihl-,,m
( ind ~1,11..k: ;Ihp Bo"'• I m1L•1.l h 11ho,,i11~ l'adt l'r,·11, in Pink, :-..1,,uh· ,\Ii\!. 11.m"lu< lin~unJ,·, ,\1.-111," :,1.,". Ulcl
O lt1c. (,Jc.Im Cn·cn. ( ,oin~ I ,r,,. Jn,I l',111'; \X'.11cr«•l•" llrml11 ( ;.,1,1 Dc•.1il t:111h11ssi11~ l~1wtlcr; 1/ll" Cir.le l'11 nd1: Oli,, Cr<·c11 l lrgan,h l(il,hnn
't')" ,cf!,,., S1anipi11'
24 8
I"''" 1hr H.-.irt ""' 111, 1\1111
d, ,la,
l\.1, ki:rountl, ._...,,: l 111 I ~l.•nd1111, ,\l:t~cm.,. ,111d N.nrrr,11, l •rd ">11.. k: Bold llrii;l,1, /\ h dhcrry fl,1p,•1; 11,,.., Hlack. lrncl) i.,l.,,•.111J ,\l,11vdu11,
27 8
I k.m, • \m• ,,n<I \cr,•11lc \,·rs:.·,"''" I ,,., I, I 1!,1L. Ro,c Ile.I, ,n,I "J•ur.1!,
l ·,ml ·~rll,k; Tor """ l'.1111,,,..ini: l'o.l: 111.,..k ! "11lnrh11x 1111. l',rd: L,,,ch I il11,
It"', ll,•d, ( 11.J Uf,v,•, ,111(I llm,,11k llluo
St,1mpin' PJl,h~ C 1yi.1,11 < 'IL•Jr ,rnJ Colcl C,lor> St.1rup111' Emhuv" i'nw~l1.•r:
l )i 1114,.•11,icu1:1 I~
\X1.11l'rc,tlc,r Bn,. . h~'\1.1111pi1 1
30 C
I ) inn·11:.iwMb
\X'ri,~ tvL1rkN; s,~11npi11'
l.11,kv Mr! \ er; Ul1 rJ~m1>oth Wlii,e :111<l C lnri-ou~ C rL·c11 C.1rcl ~rock Bl:u.:k
27 C
( !l'mk· rlunigh1s ~en \Jltr,1M11001h \'ill,11,', 11.,rdv 1\.111:in:o , .111d 1.,>vd v 1.ilac C'.. ,rJ \1t1<k; lt",c llb ,k, Mo,~ Mu,1,,rJ , I pl'd,· I ii,,, , 01,1 0111'~, ( ,1orJ,·n ( ,n·cn, t ~oin~ Cr:1 y, Ck,,.t• 10 t ·11c o 11, ,1/H.I Alruo,t 1\n1td1vM :-.1:1r11/li11' l~1J,;
Colorbn, Ink l~1J: (:l11duus Crccn Srnmpln' l':t& Clnriuu~ Cn..'l.'11, c:7ablt·
t ;rL'L'rl, ( ~:1rdcn c;n·c.:u. Hlush Blossom. 11.tsi, lll;i.:k. c:1,,". 10 C.,co,. ,incl Realll' Rusi .\ l,1n1pi11' Write..· j\itarh·n.; S,an1pin
E:isttr Egg wd l'.vtry<l"Y 1-:xprcssoons Srn; Uhras111001h Whne. Mine Md()Jy. a 11d Almc,.s, Ame,hysr Cord S1ock; Mim Melody, fbrdy ll:111a11a , Mauve Misi, a_nJ A~n~os1. A11H.:t.hpa S 1:11_11\lin' _PrtJ!\\ ~tampm D m11..:n~1o nals, l.1g 1l Pink OrganJ)' Ribbo11
I )i1TJ«1,irn1als, Cry,t;il Clear Siam pin'
l.."·t:ndt·r pr~:;!,d)' .Hih >on,
l:.ntb11J.S Powder, \'<!;1u:n.:olor Brush, S1:impin' l':u;1ds
,,..1111pin' I )irnc-n~irnMI~
't1 ampin~ '11011g~. C..l;l111ual ( ,l1.ir111 \Li"'1'tl-lr..,,
28 A
El,•,1<1111 t :,w1111g., .111d lnr lin t) lhrkgrntt11d, ,e,s; I ,tu· I k an -~1:1111p; llltr,"momh Whi tt , 1'.1lt· l' lt11t1, l'<'l'lc•ct l'l1111,. an.I lt1di.11u \X'l111,· Vellum C.arJ '""·k, ·1,,p l\n,,. Timnl l(mbmsin~ !•ad: l:111.I C11l11rh11, Ink l':ul. l'<·rli:u l'lt on, ,1,11np111' l':id; Gold I >ct.iii ~1.1mpin' l.111ho,s l',,wder: 1-W,w l,lm· Pen: ~"l'l'lc llru,h l/ 16" t 'i1,k l'un,h. Mc1,11li. I hn·.1,I 28 B
l .lq,,1 11r ( ,r,•e1i11gs ~nJ Im l~itt1 HJt.lq;rb1,Jt1ll-r, "\tL'i; I... IL't: i'lc,1.f1 ~ 1~11np: EAAplrnL Em1y ..11u.l Jvkllmv l\~tL,s C,1r<l , 1<.,.k: Hl.,ck C:olorh.,, 111k P:1J; l'i11k. ( ;.,1.i. l\l11,·. ·'"" c;,n•n l·.nrnr.·! llhimlll" ~ lt-1allic In~ i'"d~; ,\ldl,,w Mu" s,.11,1pi11' l'a,I; Crys1.1l ("icar ~,.u11pi11'
Frnl,m., l'<>w(kr. St.ltnping '>p1111g,·, llt.·1..lde ~ Cl~(,01'\ , c:,ild/Sil\rt:f Zig ,~:i1my 1'<'11. 118" ( .11de l'und1, Olive ( :,cm Org.,11Jy Rihhon 28 C
R11.-.c Vim· \Xlrc.uh .111J lp y niLtY l\i1ckcrou11d)<. SLL-..; N.n111•,1I, anJ ( :old
Meta'llic Cud \u1ek; \'(lhitc Mull ,err)' l1l),·d "id, I i;.:J'l,1111 h1w Ink): <,olii 1
li~d-:- S1!\111p111~ Sp,,n~1..·,
I >111w11,inq.1J,. 1/1(,' Cir, le 1'1111d1: t 1◄ tfd
ku ll 1L (, :nrd
lt.1i11y l l.ty, ,i n,! ( >11di11c Alph.1hr1 Im\'l'r Sci'; Uh""""'"'" \-.il, i,c, llollc, Hluc, Brillianr m11e, Y11vo Yellow, !lnJ r;rceli c ,,ilurc C:.ird S,o~k; lhsir Black. ll.1!1,·1 lll11e, :111d ~u,11rtter Sun Smnt)in' 1'.1d.s: lllrn,Jcr l\·n•,, \'il:ncreolor Pencil, . S1Jmpi1•~ .S1mnge, \Xl;iv,... ,S1;.js_...,1rs 31C
lt1iny Da)'>, AJph:olw, A11i111d,· Lower. ;uhl ( .n.::11iv1.: Cornl.'r.-,. Se-,s~ Yuvn Yellow, BrilliJ11L lllne, J 11d Ulcras1nocid1 Wh i,e ( 'ard Sw,k; llasie 1\1,,ck, :mJ llrilliom l\hu: Sla111pin' (>;1J!'li ( ::,mL'fl ( Airal amJ 1'v1orc: M,l',mrd St:1m1u11' \'Qritc Mjrh·rs.; ~tan!ptn' P;1!\u.:l't, S1:rn1pinJ:4 ~pong.L-, /vlJXI ~,·,dl"r S~i»urs
Mirncl,· ol F.1>1L·r :>ti: UlrrJ>111ocnh Whi1,• and 1-\ardr lbnan:, Card Swd<: Whi«· Mull,errv l';ipcr: 'li,p Bo» r ,I nbo!\.,,; ng
p..Jd; ~:,g1: .ShaJ11\.\
Marvt•l111b Mage11r.1, -;i nd lvl,1r1..· Mu.srartl ~rumpm' l'Jds~ .)1unmc-r St1 11 , P;Lo,.;siu11
29 A
V11..tf1nan l·r,11nc. 1mJ lu, 13111, ll,1c~~rn1111d 'e1s: Uhr.1,,110oth \',mill~ ,111<! ikJII)' lt1L<t Card .\t<>,k: l·. 1nl1 l.lrn1c111, Mulb,·rry l\opcr; 'li,p 1111<.S ( 'lt-;11 E.1.11ho"i 11~ P:1J; .,\ lu.'l, Cn.:c11 , ( ,chcM, lnr.1 <:on:1, l',,r{.h,111:n, ..rnd 1\1111,er C,111, bo• Ink P.,d,: Cry>1.1I Cle.ir ,1.11npi11' l·,111l11J:-, l'owti<·r. b11·1h 1.1.-men" R.1lli.1, f/K" < 'ird,, l'u11, I, 29 B
l,;i nJnc,, \ h,1r,'<I .\,•1: \ lltr.t\1111,od1 V,mill,1 .111<1(;,,kl ~lt•1.illi, t ~1r1I S1<1,k; l\1\' l\n,~ b11h(".,,ing l\1d; l..~t,l,t ( .n nrhux Ink l'a<l: Col<l l)"wil 1~111hl1\.,i11~ 1111\,Jcr. \X-'a1L·rcolor ltn,sh. D,·ckk ' '' ' "'"· I I I<,' \ l'1111th. l,,,ld ~ktJi11, 1'111·,.,,J, hor) ( lrl\•'"'I)'
ltihbo11 30 A
1\.1-., 1\ ll• .:"L•1: ( 'hl ,.J ,·rh1)1II J lfa1,.kgrt1U1h.l \l,1111p: C!o11ou~ Cn:co .111d CliK~Y \X'hill' C11rd ~wck: { ;lorim1!- ( ;n.·t.·11 1
1010w \fft;~lri/11,r I kiln Sprin!; Sti: Lllrr.Lsmor11I, Whi1c, ~ i1gc ~h.1duw. ,and R;irc:IY B:trrnn:1 Card , 111rk: Sa11,· SliaJuw, Ba;·dy ll:111.111a, unJ 1\:iiic Hl:1,·k Srom pi11' P~J.s; '(,:unpin' 11.1.sa:l~. Hknde:r Pen.~. ~(]UJn.:s an<l PoJ1.i1..•~ ( 'la,y UrJss ~li:1npl;111.\ Ivory ( )r~rn<l;, llihhon. ~ 1:1u1pi 11~ ~pongr IIf( Circlt' 1'1111cli
32 A
C ulurl,P.\ l 11li: l·.~pl.1m l\nvy .\ t.1mpin
'>1.1111pin' 11.1,I: \ :10.,<1 Whn~ I >i,· ( \11 1
l\,1,l(i,;1 Um: . ~1.1n1pin [)1 111t; 11<:ion.1l, 1 l hf' Ci11..h: 1'111a:h. Kd ly C ri-· tu Rihhon
l·lowcr. a11d Mint Julep Ratli:1111 !'earl,; (~old lk1.1il Emho~ing Powtkr:
WJ(crwl"r llru, h. 111 G" C irdc Punch. l :old Mc,alli,· C,ml 32 B
llunny l\111IJic,, l11y llirL)' 11.tcki;rouuJ,, .rnd h1\'t>l'ilL' G~1.~1i li!!,~ Sc1:-i: rvy ll:t<.kgr1,11 nd ~'""'/'' l\a-i,· Bl.1ck. llr11<-Jclc 111,te, "" h ,rcs, foli:114c .\ L.1t11 11in' l'.tds; Mi111 Mdody. N:11 utJI<, 1\-rlc,1 1'111111, :rnJ l\rcll:JUe l\luc CJJ·J S1ock; 1\llin1 ~,'fclody S,ampin' Write "'tJ.1kl't'; .,,.1111pi1 1' I limcns1nn.1li.. I, I\ ender ( >rgand)' l(il,hu11, Watcm)lor,-, W.ucreolnr llr11,h, !silver S1ri11i;, I I I(," Ci,dc l'u11ch. 1/W' Cirde l'u11ch 32C
Bunny lluddic, ~e,; Ivy lb, ki;rnunJ ~i,mp; N.111,r,ls .uni Mi11t Mdndy C.ml \111..:k: ll."i'- lll.ick .on,J l'orc<o foliage '>1.11np1n' l'ads; Wd1,·r,11lt11,. \'\1.11crculhr llrmlt , 'i,·.tllo11 Soi"or~. I / IC Circle l'unch. lhf' C irt.k 1•rntc..h. l ..1vt.•11Jcr \ )r~,1,1dy Ribl,,.,11. ·1wiµ,,. Sih·c, Th r,"J, \'(/ir,· .'l3A
30 B
"-•·" '' ,\1l.', Alph.ih~t.t\u iuhJt
Alph:ihcr 1\11irrn.f r I owi·r..rnd 01 111im.· 1\ lphJIW1 No111her, )l'l>l C he,ke,'h. ,.m.l l\.1Lkg,nH11al "'1.11np~( a,nIOU~ ( :n:tn. ( :,L'l'll C .1lurL', .111J ( ,!.lvW \X'liitL' l ~.in.I ~ni~k: ( :h1rio11~ Cfl.'crt .11 ul Crl'Cll < ;.,lrm,• 1 !')r,11111)ln I 1.ub.! t ;1\~rlow, C rL·L'II 1
Siamp; C:lu~~)' Whiie (;:!I'd S,ock; M" 11ve Misi. lbllc, Blue, ( )n ly Or.ongc. a11<l Crcc:11 G<1l11rc S1ampi11' rack Pap,·r Crimper, I /8" C:ircl,· 1'1111d1, \'ilhi,c: O rgJndy Rihhn11. nit C111 ll:tskc, !lox
I l" Pl'l' lah1er '.c(: Whi1c Ui1 r,1>n1M(h, Mi111 M dndy, .111111.,v~ndn 1.,., C ord Swck: I.Jwmlcr I.Ile, l\li,s llluc, 11:ordy B,rn:ma , Prl'rry in Pink. :rnd Ml111 1\ klody ~13,npin' l', d.,a Wnw ',d;;<,r>
33 B
'/i1111 Nini/ 111,ppy 1._,1, l1.'r ~"·1; -~Hipt..-s B:1..:kgrnund
K"cy O,ild,
35 D
i\ndc1uc Collcc1ihlcs ~nd l11y llitty l~ackgrnu11,L, Sets: hrnch Scrip, and Vicrorian l.:i'."' lhck&rouncl_Srnm/,s: ' "'cc I lean S1:1111 p; (.nnrc!C t and •~rrccl Pl11m CarJ S,nck: Pak- l'lurn. l'crli:e1 l'l11rn, More Must:ird, Clo:.c 10 Cocoa, Mdlu,v Mos,,. and Old O live S1:11npin' !'ads: Top Buss Embo,,,;ing 1':id: C:olJ F.ncorc! Uliim:uc Mc1allic! Ultimate Mci,1llic l'ad; Cold Derail Emhu,..,i11g Powder; S1a111ping Sponi;c, W:11crn ,lor Brush, Oval D11ily. S1ipplt- Bn"h. Colonial l.1ec Sci~wrs. 1/16" C~I~ l'unch, Org:incll' Rihh,,11, Col,! Mcrnllic Thre:1dJ
34 A
Wn-c11h Ruse., .,nd h1y lliuy Back!(n)Ullds Sc1s:: Ul1 rnsrnuod1 Wht1,· a n<l B~roqttc llur11unJy Cm! S1ock; R:1di.111L Wl, i,c Vellum: 'J,,p ~oss E111Lu,-,s111g l'ad; lbroqur llurgundy ,111d Old Olive Sra111pi11' Pad,;; Cold Dc1,iil ~mh<>.~si n~ Puwd":.r;_\X'a wr(.'.olo~ Br~1~h1 Colon1al C h,irm Scissors, 1/16 Ctrdc 1'1111di: ( ;olJ/Silvc:r Zig l~1i111y !'en, G,ild 1'vk1allic Cord 34 B
Wrcarh ot Ro.1c, .ond ill\' lli11y lh,kgrm1n.!s !ici: Ul1ra; rn11oih Whirc, Old Olive, Mdl11w Moss. :ind Barrnpri: llur0 un<ly C.1rd Swck; 1':anh Elcmcu1s Mufi,crry P.,pc:r. "li1p Bc)SS l·:111bo,;,,i11i; Pad: llaroqu,· Burgundy and O ld Olovc Sra111/1in' l'aJs: Cold Dei:,il 1'.ml,us,i11.g Pow< a . H<..':lrt Su·ndl, Wan.:n:ulm Brush. 1/ll" C ircle Punch, 114" Circle Punch, Cul,I Mccallie Cun.I, Olive Green Organdy Ribbon, S1amping 5 p011J;!,l"
36 B
h,fl.·! Sci; T ieking Bu~kw<iun<l Sw n,p; Na, urals, 1:orcs1 Foliage, and E~pbno Env)' Card ~tot:k; Rici, Regals Mulberry l',1p,·r: Basic lll.1ck anJ Eggpla111 Em·y 1 S1:1111pin Pads: Stampin' P:1su:ls-. l!lcndcr Pe11,. Dccklc .'ic'i~surs 37A
Nim lu11d.t1u1m Fi, hin' Sci: Co11rc11i. llcall;- R11>1..111d N:u urals Card ~,ock: lk1liy Ru" Smmpin' Pad: E:irih Elcn1c111s llaflia. Decklc :;ch,~ors 37 B
E.1>1« Morn 011d lll'y 1-li11y lbckgru11nds Scl.!'l'i V it.:tori:rn Lire Background Sl:1111µ; Ulor:isrnoMh Whi1c, l\,rcly lla nana, .1ml l'crl~e, Plum Carel Srock; ·1<1p Bo;s ·111111,;d Er11bu.,si 11g: P11d: l'1;rfl·rt Plum.
!lardy llananC1. /\~·o re Musiord, O ld Olive, Cardc.:11 Cr.L·cn, :and Coing Cr;1y Stampin' f~ock Wa1crc11l11r llrr1sl1 . (:old l)c,:oil l't,wdcr, 1/16" Circle l'undi; McialliL 'J'lorc:id 35 A
Ph<:a, :1111 Tl1<mi;lm anJ liry l.lilrv B,1cki;rt•11nds Se1s; Uhrnsmoorh V" nilla. Conlc11i, nnd Re;1lly Ru.i Card S,o,k; l:.ar,h Lkm,:ms Mlllhc.:rry Paper; Basic 111,,ck. Close n, C:ucoa, lk ,11)' Rus,, Mure Mustard. C o ing Cray, Bordering Blue. C\IJ O live, Carden Creen, forc.,1· FoliJl\c, ,111J Ruby Red S1ampin' l'ad,; Really Rusi -~•:tmpin' Wri1c Marker; W:m:rcolor Brush 35 B
Pl,c:;i.1u 1u '\'hou~IHs Sc-1: { :i ,11f..•1ri :u,J
lhsic Black Card Srock; 1-\:~<k Black and R,"'lly Rust S1a111pon' l~11ls; Really Ru>< S1a•111iin' \Vri,.- Murker: 1111," Cl rdc Pu111•.:. 1,
36 A
Juli~ /'hilli/'I l.igh1hmlSc ~ct: llroc::tde Blue and N:11mals l~trd :>1ock; l-l.1ndmndc l'!ipcr on:idc from Brocade lll11c and Uluasmciot h Whit~ Card S1ock; llrocacle llluc ~l>mpin' l'od: 114" Cirde l'und,, While C:nr<l . ,,t:.111,pi11g Spu1lgl.'
35 C
1\111i<JU\' Cvllc.uhb. Mort· I:~•• Grn·dn~~. :mtl l11y Biuy Bi..,;.kgrounds !'lL 1s; I .:1n• I lc.·a11 S,:11np; Vicwl'i~rn Lu:t.· n\,J l:rtcnch Script lhcki;round Stamp,: 0
C.unbti, l'crfcu Plum. and Mure Musi:ud C 1rd Srnd,;; Oval Doily: O IJ Oliw. l'.,lc 111,,m, llerfrn i'lum. Mellow M()S~. nnJ 1vlurc..· Must:m..l St;1mpfn' l'ads; 'lh[' Buss l'o11bosStn~ !'ad; GolJ Em:nrL·! Jlrima t1..· Mewllic! Ultimau.'. Me1:illk r•,J; C:old Dc1ail l' rnbossinf; l'owd<'r. W:ucrcolur Bnish, Soipplc Bru, h. Lt.c an,I Colo nial Ch:irm Sds..,or'\, Sr:unpin' DimcnsionJls-, l~1lc.· Plum JnJ C:uld Silk Hihhnn
(,urn.: l~ishin~ ~er~ V:111 il1.1 Ultr.J., moud1, Clost" lO Cou,a, :mJ (htrd~n Crt'l'll C:ml Swck: C.:ln:,e to Coma ,md I :~rd( n <.: n.:cn Stampln· Pad, 38 A
Roughing 11 and Alpl,ak1 Anirttdc 1.o wcr Sc1s; Nigh, of N:ovy . nd Ult r:i.,mumh \'ilhirc (:.. r<l Swck; Night uf Navy, OIJ Olive, Mur-· Musi~rJ, Close to C0<..c:r.1. Reali,• Rust, and 13amque llnri:undy s,;,mpin' l~1d,1, Nigh, of Navy '\1ompi11' \'ilricc M,,rkcr. S1amping Sponge, lnkwnrx Air i\n Cun. Moumain Dccklc S,i,.,ors 38 B
R1Jut4hi11g Ji anJ Omlinc i\Jph,1hc1 1.r»vcr Sec,;; Uhrasm!lo1h V:inill,,, Mor(: Mu"ard, anu Old O live Ca rd Sw ~k ; 11:rsic 111:ock, Really Ru.« , ond OIJ CJl,ve Siampin' l'acl.s: Oki Oliv~ aml II.sic Bla-,k ~1ampi11' Wri1c M>rk<'rs; S1J111pi11g !iponge. 1/8'' C ircle l'un, h, Eanh l' lcm~nrs ltallia 39 A
Amtricana Cullctti1m ~cl: Re il R<•J, llrillia.111 ll lue. .11,d N,11urals C:trd Stock; l\bt:k Colorhm Ink f•ad: Real Red. llrilliar11 Him·, llurJerini: Blue, B:i,ic Bl.11:k. Su1nri11.·r $u,, • .,n~I Clns<t to Coco:, ~ rnmpin' \Xlriu.- Markl'rSi Crystal Clear ~1-:irnpin' F.mhus~ Powder. S1;1111pin' l':t~1d1,
W:.icL"re,,lor lSru:ih. l)ci.:kl1..~
Scissor.; 39 B
Julie /lhillil's A111l'rka11:1 CullecLio u .ind la:v Bi11 ~1 HackgrounJs Sc1.;: Chicken \'<lire • lhckgrn11111I Sr.imp: Night of' Navy • nd Nawrals Card S,o,k: Ni1:h1 or Navy, Chncnb1t Chip, and lh ,ic lll:1ck Srnm\>in" PaJs: Srnmp111., P:1srds. lllcnc er Pens. Srnm\' l'usi1ioncr. Rid , l~tgals Raffi:1, Deck c ~ci,sors . .'i1:1111ping ~p•mgc l•l /f)/){) -✓000 V
Yt',,,,y,,;, .'If',/ 2.tj'/
39 C An1cril·:tru Cnlkcrmn Sa:
JJrillia11L Blur
dlld Na111r:tb C:irJ Swck: 81.Kk C,1lorbox Ink Pad; lh·al Red .md llrilliw, lllt1,· $r;1rnpi11' Pads; llrillionc lllue. lllix, Blue, llc.1I R«I, :ind Sumn1cr Sun 51:unpin" \'(/ri1t· M.rrkcrs~CrysL,1l C:br S1:irnpin' E;ml>t"S PowJcr. D<cl<lc Sci$:<or,., S1ampin~ Sponge, lkd Org:mdy Rll,hon, 40 A
!leach fl:ihi,·s. l1ty lli11y l\ocki;rtll11uls, r\lphalm 1\11i1udc Upper, Alph.,bc, Ani1t1Jc l.nwcr, and Alphobcr l\l[itudc Nunihcrs Sers; I.ovdv 1.il:u:, Yuv,1 Ydlow. :111J Uhr:1,nmu1h \'l'i.i1,· C.1rd S1<1ck: Bright W hite llackgwund Papers: Bnsk lll.,ck. l\11r1bing Blue, .ind Ro,c Red Srn111pin' Pads: l\ask lllack J1td l.o\'dy l.ib,· Sr:o111pi11' Wri rt /'vl:trker,a: W.ir.-rcnlors. W:ncrcnlur Brush. I 14" Cird<0 l'und,. Stampin' Dim,' nsinnals 40 B
fourth ui'July a11<J l11y lliuy lbckgrounds Se,s: NJ1urals. Ro,c Red, .mJ llrilliJnl l\l1.1t· C:~nJ Stock; l\:isic l\bck. Rnsc Rc•d, anJ Brilliaru lllm· s,~mpin' P~1ll~. 2~W.1y Gh11.: Pen. Daz:dini:; l)i,monds (;Ji11cr, S,.,mpi,,' Di111cnsionals, 1/W' Circle Punch.
Brillian\ l\l11c. ·1,•mrnn~ 'Jiirq,mi,c..1ml Lovdy l.il.1..- S1nmpi11' Pad;; ~,unnwr .'iun .rnd R,·al Rnl ~,~mJ'in' Wri1c
:;,..,, Confc11 i, Ruby Red. :111il N111 Q1111,• Navy C"rd S11>ck: ·1.:rr.1 C1111.1. Brown, Cni.:,u, A11th.)t1t· l'('wter, I hmtt·r
Herl» :md ltl\ lliiry l\,11·kground, l.owlv I,ila,·, N.11urul,, .,ml O ld llliw C:ir,I ~,.,,k: lt,,i,· Black. l )Id Oli.-~. Mdlow Muss, l\ordcrin~ 11111,-. .md 1twdy I ilac S1:111111in' Pa.t."
l'ish Fmli,·s, Alph<il><·• A111111•k Upper.
( :1n.•11, [\110..)s ( ~l'l'Cll, l :n.:cn, ;\mha,
S1.1nlpi11' l )imcm,ion.tk \~11c,c1tlor
am.I Alph~hc1 Aniru<lc Lmvc.-r Sers~
·1i,p.11 , Rlack, Colonia l llluc, l<',,t, :11111 C111.1rv CL>hirhox Ink l'aJ,: lhsic l\bck S1,1111p.in' Wri« 11,Lirkcr; S,amrinJ.l -"1'"11):L': N:111ir.d. Old \ llivc, :,n_,I 1\nld !\right, R.,fl,:,; S,an,pin' l)im1111sion,1I,
llm.,h, S"unping -S'pon:gc-
tv1..1 rk1.,;n,~ S1:\111pi1,· l)j nicno;;ionah, \ V,\\'C S<.:issurs, l11kwun:- Air Ari {~ 1111 4J A
Uhr:Ls111001h Whice. 13rilli,1111 L\luc, (.;loriou; L:rccn. nnd Real lkJ t :.ml Su1'k: Hrilliani Him·. Glnrio11, CrcL11, l.ovdy Lil,,~. Real Red. :,ml M,uvd,,n., M:1i;<11tn S,:1mpi11' l'ali,: l)l'illbnr Blue Sr.1mpin' Wri1,· M.irkt·r
S,·,s; U1rrasmoorh Whm:. lla11c, 11111,·. ,1111I Ro,e Red ( '.,rd Si,,,·k: Skv lllm·. Mid11ighr, 1111.,,y l'ltlln, Chian ,i. ,tnJ Atl''·' CtJlorltnx Pads; Clvml ~,end!. ~1.1111p1ng Spu1,~t·. Sra111p1n•
·ICmpti11i; 1'11rq11oist· CJrd ~w~k; Blue
Brcc,c h'.:1leid:1culor Ink P,ul: Spnni;c Dauber, I >:inlin!: l)l:,montl, l,lincr. Papi·r Corrut:.irn~. .~qu:irt·" :mJ l'osit~~ Classy Brass li-mphuc, Cloud $,cncil
S,:1mr,iu Wri1c.· M.uka~
1lappy h111rrh ,,nJ liry lli11y
Aloh:t!, llnld [m,i1,11 ,u11. :ind llnld-1 im· 1\lphohc1 Upper S,·is: Ulir.ismrnH h \'VhiH·, Summ..:r Sun, :1ml 'll·m1·uing 'l'tm11111i"· Card \lock: Ba,i, I\ •~k, Summt.'r Sun, ,111d l~·1npcing ·n1rqm1ii.i,:
l\n1sh . .Sr;uup1n. Drnw11:c:mn~1t,. P111k1nt_>
Scissors, Ovol Sm,ril, I/If' Cirdc l'unch. St.tr< Garland
Phw,. !Iii» l\lue, ,rnd N,1111r.tls Ctr.I
1)I) l.il(hrhousc, lrrv L\iuv llackl(round,. 11ml i\lphalw1 ,\niiq'u,•s Upper ll.t;i, lllack ~lampin' \Vritt· Mark,·r: /\L·r_ylk l~ti11ts
48 A
51 B
N/u111tl11 /il,-rri11 1\:t, kci ,,f' ll!(>><"ms Set: N,1111r.1I.,;, L11wly
Fril'ndd1ip C.ird1.:11!'> .md luy Riny llm·kgr<111111l, ScrS< ll.1rclv Banon" nnd
Ubt, .,ml Mdl<,w Mo.ss CJrd Sw,k; l.cm·I)' 1.ilac .111.I Mdlnw Moss S1a111 pi,,1':1d,: ( lli\'c l :rwn 0'1\.md, Ribh1111. Sli1mpl11' l)lnw1blom1I:. .
41 C RiJc 'Ern Cowbov :md Dm lnvi,.uion
Sc,s: Umc rn Cn:•11:1, B:1ller l\lm•. :1ml Nn111r:1ls C ,r,I $lCJL k: 111:tck "'"' Corna l 'o.lorbo~ Ink i'ad~; llold 8 1:1.:k and lion 1\011 Hrow11 StJmpin' Fmblt~-> Pnwllcrs: \'v';ucrr1,lur l't:nrils, \X't11t.'rcolor Uru.'\h, I/~" Circle l'unch. Nnrural l(alfo,. $ 1:.1mpi1\~ Spongl'
Sr-Jmping Spongl· 44 8
St·t: N,nu rnls. lkm>LIUL." Buri;undv, ,1,1d Nut Quit..- NJI')' C.ml Srock: ll;1roquc ll11r{;undy JnJ Nm Qui1t· N"')' S1a111p11,' l':1,Ls: I >ccklc Scissors. S1:1mping Spor1gl" Bon Vuf:1gc
42 A
1:un in d1t· Sun Se1; 'll·mpri111; -nirtpmis1..·,
46B RonqlT :rnd l11y Bitty B.1d..~n1u1H,.I:,. S\.·1:-;
Chick~11 \'(/ire r,.llkg,ro~nd ~,,rn,p: Confr11i and lhsic 11l~ck ( ',trd Smck; Lhsic [\l.1ck. l\fon· M11sionl. and llaro,111c f1uri::1111dy S1.tmpi11' l\,d,: N:11ur.1I Raffo
42 B
Fun in die Sun am) no·ld lnvit:Jl'iun St"ts; Gh,,y Whi1c. M,m·d1111, M.,~crua, St1nrn1t.·r .S1111, and ·I~•1nprfng liir(1uoisc C.::ird Swck: Basic Black. M:rn•,-lous Magcr1L1. l(uby Red. Cloriuus t:r<·rn,
Yoyo Ydlti\\~S1.1nipi11· P.111" \V.11t-m,lor lln,sh. I /S" l ·;rdc l'1n1eh, S1lrini:; I-Im.., t:rosgr.tin Ribhu11
48 8
)11/i,• , t1111f l'i1t11
N11flllit· Tr,-u,is EwryJ, y Fxrrc~sions, I'm)' & Rec, :ind Pc1ltt.: P.:mcrhs Sets; Crt.·t:11 Cnt'c)n: .1iit.l
Roo,t<·r Jn<l l11y J\irty B,ck1c:1ounds S,·1,: Chicken Wire ll:i,kgm111ul .~1:imp; Confc,ti ,rnJ ll,,rm1m· 1\11ri:11ml)' C,rJ S1nck: lb,i, 81.ick. lhr,1,1110 llur"undy, ,md /\fort, M11~1.1rtl St.unpin' l':t~>: 11:tsic Hbck $1.1111pi11' Wri1c M:u·kl•r; 1/$" Circk Pu11~h, N.,11,nl R:,f'l,a. \Vhi,e ·r)'PIOJ( f'a p(•r
Pi11k l'as.sion, Grrcn GaloT<·, Ypy(, Ydlow, .rnd Uln,s111111>th Whi1t ('..,rd S1u.:k: 'ICmpring liirquoisc, Cn:n1 <.:.,Ion,. Piuk Pa,siun. Yilyi! Y<llow, Lovdr l.ilnc. and O nly Or.1111,;t ~,.unpin' P:1Js; Ba,ic l\lJck .>1J111pi11' \Xlri,c Marker
1\ldl,;w Mo» (:.11J 5,n."k: Soli ~,1h1lcs ~1tdb,•rr)' l~1p,·r; R,,i~ Roman~,:. /vlcllflw 1\ to~s. c:~\r,k-Jt l.i rl.·t•11 11:,le Ph1111 , llmc:idc 111110, Cius,: t11 Corn:,, Mor,· ,1111..i
48 C
1• •
Rum:mct . .1rnl Bl11!,ili f\ln.'i.'iii1;m S1:lmp11l 1~111~ W.11wrnlor l\ni,I,
R"d, C lose ro Com,t. :ind lt·mp,illg 'llln.1\Jlli~ .S1:impin' \Xlri1L· ~,.-1,trkers;
Bon V,w,,ge. ()111 li,1c Alphabc1 Upper, on<l O u'rlinc ,\lph:ibn l,0w,·r S,·u: Clu·(k Fr.um.: Sra.mp; N;11ur;1ls. Nlll Qu i1t· Navy. and Nigh, or N,1\'y Card Smck: N,ghr of Navr, No, Q11 ire N.11')'· Bn)1.."adc; Blue. t;uin)..:. Gr:t~ 111d lk,~lr Bhtck S1.1,npi11· l'a.f,; Br,,,a,I.· Blu,· Srnmpin' Wri1.c Mark,·r: D,·,.kk Sd.sors,
Powdc.:t, Spong~ l"'huhl't, S-tJ111pi11'
11.isic l{bck, l'a(L·n l'lum, l'.dc 1'l11111. Hliss llluc, l\.irdr Ba11.11rn. lvlt•llo"' Mo~, . Clolie ro Ct.u:u:1 Coin~ tira\'. Ro.M.'
lbc:kgwund~ St:IM R.1H·lr
/\ lphab,·1 Anirnd~ Upper ,mJ Ri,lc 'Em
l\,1ckgrou11d S..imp: lla,k Bl:1,k ,111J N4oiral~ C:tnl St(\ck: llla,k Colorl.Kl>'. Ink l'a(i; lllack Dmil lcmbossing
Fricud., hip ( ::inl,·11<:11,J l1ty fli11r H.H:"k~roumh 5~ts: Pcrlt"n f>lum, l\ilc
S1;1mpi11' l\ul.ll: C .mlt·o C rccn. R11hy
Cuwbnv Sets: C lo!-l" 10 Cocoa. HJ.1.ic lllack. :~,d Ulrras111oud1 Whirr Cird Swck: Rcoll)' Rm,. More Mnsiurd,
Sd1,1oncr Sci: OIJ World M.1p
51 C
44 A
j11/i1• 1'/,ill,j11
llaskL·, ,,f l\l1>1<oms ~"" Lllir:i,;mn1>1h V,1 11ill,1 C:.ml $10,:k; llas,, 11\,ick a11J
St..uopit,g Spn11gl', Wav~ Scis.,ort-
41 B
I k·rh, Ser: Bonlcring Blue. Mdlow Moss. 0 1,1 \llil'c, :ind N:11m:1ls 1·.,rd S,c,,k, llasi.: !ll.1ek. Bol'd,•ri11~ l~lu,·, ~ kl1011• ~ 1,,;s, O ld Oli,c, Pale Plt,m. .111d C losl.' w CoroJ .S1.11npi11' Palisi \Xl:ucn.::olrn l\rush, J111t·, Sc.1 11 111111'
<.~rn.·n C;,ilvrt· ~lJ1t1pi11' J>aJ~; .S1:1111pin~ :-ip•rn~L.·
41 A
Chocol:11c C hip. :111d B:i,;k Rla,k S1ampin' l\td,: S~1111ping Spr•llt:<'
50 C ~\\Wt
lllack. Brilli,111 Blue. Mo«· M11sr.ir,I, ,nd Rnsc Rnl :-imnpin' Pads: Sm:ill Kraft C.1hk llus. J-W:1)• Gh,c Pn,. D.112.li11s l1i,11!1\l11d, l:liucr, W:11':rco_lor '
~ ,·1~:
Sw, k: ~nfi ,uhde, ~ ltdb(·rry l'Jpcr;
47 C
43 D
lbckgruu11ds $c1:.: Hrilli.1nr Hl11~1 Rost.· Red. a1_1tl Na1ur.1ls C.ird Srock: Lh,ic
.,,,.,y/ S,11Hg,·
!Jm1 <;illtsp_i,· Hsli Pr,,lir, S,,1: llrilli:1111 1\111,·, Ul1r:isn11>n1h Wl,i1.-, (;f<K,y Whit<\ .111d
Rnmam.c. On~; t.)n111gC",., Su11u11c:r .S,111. CrL•t.1 u t,;tllt·;n:>, ;ind ·1t'mpii11~ T ur.,li..t<.•is.; Card Sux:k~ n~,.-.ic l\htck1 Hust' R0111:111n·, 011ly Or:1ngt.·, $u1111tu:·r Su11, (~rt·c11 Calrnc. ,md. Tt'mptinf; Turquoise
40 C
47 B
l )I.) Lighd1rn 1-.;t• .rn<l C.:rt"l•ii11gs
Aloh,11, \)udinc 1\lphabc1 Numhcr., ..md Alphahcr AHiwtl,· I ,uwcr Svis: Un·ck r:r:1111t· Sr.imp: ll.1.<ic 1\1.,ck, Ros,·
(>i11ki1,g Stissor~. Cnltl :-:itriug.
l,1gl1thmrnt.· aud lnspir~1tiu11.1I c:n:1.·1i11g~
43 B
43 C
WJ<ercolor flr1L~h
50 8
47 f',
t:h,siv Whi,c Cml S1,•t:k: 11,tsic !11,,.:k J1t<l Ilea! l{.,d Si:unpi11' P.,Ji; /.ld1111 Mdudy K:1lcitJ.1rulor r,ul: \%vc Sd.ssvrs
l'n·,1y in l'in k Card ~,,,ck: B.i,i, 111:ick. l(o,c Rom.,n..·. Old nth c. M<>n' /\1'1.<t.1rd. l.,wc!lv I il,tL, llrnc,, dt• l\l11,:, Cf.c_,sc to C.oroa-, :.md Coiu~ Cr:iy SLJ111pi11' l'"Js: \Xls1crrnlor llrush. I/ I(,'' Circle l't111d1, 1/.;" Cir< It· l'nnd1. l.igh1
l'ink Or~:mltv Rihbon. l..it..1:· >d~,ors. fvk,.llk l'h r,:.iu
49 A
l.lri!;hta D:t\'S St't; Yon, Yellow C'.,rd Sw~·k: Bold 'Brii;h1s /11ulbcrq': [\:,sic Hl.,.-k, Yoyo Y.-11"'"· l ;,,d,·n (;rt·on.
l.i11 le J,., l.i11le and l11r llin1· lbckgr:111nd, Sers: Lunlcu·i ·,.,,.t l,~rJ,•n C rccn C.trd .Stock; ll,1<i,· l\b,:k, ( :lo<e 111 ( '"eo~,. i\l,rn.: ~~u:-1.,nl 1\lt.:lk,w .\ l0.::~. C.irdl.·n Crn:11. lt1roq1rn B11rµ1111dy, Only
ct,,sc re, C,,,·ua, Ro,c Red.
l Md1•
Lil.tt S1~1mpi11' PaJ~ ~Hur.\\ h'ory ~ I)"\'.' ~'" "!;t'r l'rn,ch. \Xl~"·rcol"r !Irtish, 1/H Urdc l'1111d1, Ju1c
Ur:in~t. :111J Cui11~ t:rn~, ~1J111piu'
l'od;: 1/1(," Circle l'u11d1,Ju1t'. \'\~1racolor Brush. S1.1111pinl
49 8
1111\11:11., i~Hl,tls
l\rigl11~1· Days Sci: .N,11111~ ls .,11d l.uvdy I d:ic l.,rd Sm,·k: E:>rd1 1-.h·mcn" ~ 11111•.:.rry Pap.-r: 11~,;i, lll.1Lk, R.,,.. Red. ( ;,,Jcq c;rL·,·n. l..ovdy I il.1L. S11r11m,r S11 11 1 Yoyo Yel low, Clos\." to Coco11.
52 8
'i,11.ih l·i,llt'r llr:111ch S,·i: :ipeL·k)e J\.1,kgrrn1ml ~t,m,p: N.11ur:1b. N,H Qw,~ N:t>'Y. w,d \ ,f.,i,r
Coln~ Gr:w, and Hlu~h Rlo~:;om
~1:inipin' l'.11k W.,tcrrnlnr Brush, II I r," Ci11.. ll· Puw.h, St,tm1,i11· Di1r1t'1'1i,iv1hd'\, Wir,·, Jute
\Xlhitt C:u\l ~~hl'-~i Nl•t Qui,.,· N;W\l ~1,1111pin' l',1d: Bl.1,· k Col<,rbo~ l11k· l':td: \~liiw Emhn\Sill.l! Pl,wdtr. \Xlhi1c t lrl:\:1ndy l(il,bnn~ Bl:1ck Phuro (. orncrs
l'i11v Bouq~cr. Sci: i ;1,t'Lkc1hoarJ
ll.1ck~r1"n11I ,,.,mp: 1'vlorc Jv!11S1,ird. Old Olive. and N,1111r,ds Cird Swck; 1\.,,i,· Hblk ,111d Mrnc Mus1.utl .StJ111j,in' r•.1,h,; \V~tl'f(nlor' P,.-ndl,. Blcnt, ~·, l't:n~. lkarly Brown H,,ckiH/; 50 A
Roost,·r :111,j 1111• lli11v l\;1d,gninnds ~t,s. C011frrii and ll<L<I< Bhc:k ( :,;rd Swck;
S11111/i Niftlrr ·t.,pi:H")' Sci; Lll1r,L<n,uod1 V:milb, E)1.l(t)l:u11 Envr. :ind 1\lm,· Musi;ml <:.ml s,,,t k; Eggpl.1111 Em')'• More Mu,1.trd.
~1on.: fv111.-~c1rJ. l\.urn1m.: 01ir~11ndr, .md
OIJ Olive:, .rnd Ck,s:t.· 10 <. '.ntO!l .Smmpin'
Ba"L Ill.Ilk S1.1,11pi11' P1J,: lbsic 111:i,k
46 C
l·nrnJ.,h,p C,1rJrn.< .11,d lrry l\iur
I ,r 6ens,· 1\ lurrir llr:111.-!1 Ser: Mdh)w Mo», Krah. 1\lmn,1 A111ethv.1. ,111J B:1rdy ll:tii.111., ~ ~,,,I StP~k~ ti l,.u1tl!UiH.k P.1pa; Clo.$l" r(l Cuco:1., C.:ardc11 G1ccu ..rnd Nm <...{ui1L.'" N,,V)' Sr:1111pi 11' l'ad,: lkdly l(ns1 . Mun• lvlu~ro.rd .•111J t~.1rlk11 l;r..·(·n ~1.unpin' \~ri1t• ,\l.1rkt"rs~ .S1:uupi11' Dimt•1rsiun.als:
53 A
Mon: Mw,i:ml, :inc.I Old O live Sia11111111'
Pim.• Vi111.: $ct; N;u urals :md 1vtdlpw Mo$., Care.I S111ck; Whi1c, Mu,-,, Cr:,nbcrry, :\11d l~\'crCrccn Culorhnx lnk l'aJ<: L:olt!/Silvcr i',i~ l'aimy l',·n, Culcl Mcrnllic Cor,I. 111c,· Cirdt" 1'1 111d,. l'all<rll W07 r,11111 f'onfalio I
I'm!~~ Rc'-'langlc Punch, S1ampin' l}in1t.:nsiu11ab:, N;;it11r.1I lbffia,
Anry Flurr<
Crapes and (;rt-a1 GR·ttin~" ~r$-i Naru,..Jls Card Swck: R,1d1an1 White Vellum; Frost Whitt Colorho, Pad; Carch.:n (;rccn, and B:1rnque 13urgu11d)' S13mpin' Pac.ls; Whitl' Deiail F.mhns.~ing Powder. 1 lurner Green O rg.1ncly Ribhun, lltctanglc Punch
F:ttKiful Fl,)wcrs Set; Crcrn l;nlorc, l'os,tivd y (' ink. •nd Uhrasm(JOlh Whit<• Card St<•ck; J>ositivdy l'i 11k, Crcrn Colorc, ood Yoyo Yellow Srnmpio' 1':ccls; Yoyo Yel low lind Posit ivdy f'ink Sn1mpin' Write M:irk<:r;i;; (:Orner Rou nclcr, St:t.mpin' Dimcnsionals
53 B
Fint." Vine and F.h:wrnt ln-vita1ion Sc.ts; Ulua.,mood, Whi ,c, Ole.I Oliv.-. Md low Moss, wd Vellum C,rd 51,ick; 'fop Boss 'lina·d Emh<>.,li11g l':1(1; Mellow Moss :11u.J Old Olive S1J111pin' l'atls; Cold Clnry S,ampin' 1;mhoss l'ow,k·r, 1/16" Cir..fc 1'11nch. Cold Mcrn llic Cord 53C
Pinc Vine and l11y llirty l\ackt;m" nds Set>; Culc.1/Silv('r Zig 11ainty !'en. Acrylic P:aims 54 A
F«..:athcrc.::J Hop1.·, Naitm::'s· Scasonnl 1\urders, 111}' Bi11y 1;:i,kgmund,, :iml Sweet Semin1L·ncs Sets: N :11nr.1I:-, t :cmf:•11i. ;rnJ More Musrard Cird S,o.:k: lhsic llluck ~rampin' l 1.1d: Only Omngt, Summer Sun. Mort Must3rd. Close '" Cocoa, lb r(•<tUt l\urw11uly. llord,:ring 131uc, Yoyo Ydlow, ll11se R11m:111cc, Mellow Mo.ss, Old Olivo, l :ardcn Gn-cll. C:ihlc Crctn. nnd Going (;r,,y S1.1mpin' Write Markers: lllcndcr l'c11~. 1/16' Cirdc l'u11d1, Not11r.1I ltatlia, Twig 54 B
llirdhou.sc M ini .111d Jus, for You .Set,: t'\111iqw: Cracking l{ackgrou1 u.l Stamp;
llnrd,·ri11i; Hluc, l\mq,de l~l11c, Mure Musr:ird. anJ Cu11r,•11i C.,rd Stu<:k; Basic Hbck ,nJ Boulcring 1ll11,· S1:1111pin' 1'.1d.: l!rO,,ulc lllnc, Rose Rurn,,m;c, Sag,· .Slt:idow, and M,,rc Musi:ard S1:unpi11' Wri1c Marktr~: llkndcr Pens, I/ I (j" Cinlc Punch, Rieh Regals lblli.,. S1:1111pin' l)im,:nsiorwJs. Twig."-, Mos.-1; 55 A
U11d11 Ci//.-spi,· Nellie the Nc,,1 l.., uly Set; Cu11lrni, ll,1rdy Ila.nan~, :md 'Mellow Mo» Card S11Hck: fllack .md l'ril>1 White C:ulodmx Ink Pads, C howl:11c Chip Siampirt' f•.1d: l'crfoc:r Plum, f':ile Plm1l. O ld Olive, Crc,·11 ( ;;ilnrt, Summer Sim, llli§ lllut', lbroquc lhiri;undy. Clo., c .10 ( :ucoa. l.llu,h l\ ln.<.<i>m, and C11i11i; t:r:1y S1.1111pin' Wri1,· M'Jrkcrs; l.llack S1.11npi11' l\mhnss Powder, Bkmkr Pens, lllc:idt, W:11crcolo1 llru.,lt 55 B
Ivy 11:irki;ro.,nd :mt! I lomc 'l\vcct I lomc St:1mp,; Narnr.ils, Pal,· Plum. :ind l'erfoc1 1'111111 C1rc.l S1ock: Fn1s1 Whf1c C.,lorbux l11k l'ad: Basic 111:ttk 011d l~,I" 1'111111 Si:u11pin' l'acls; Cui11g Grav, l31i,, , lllu,:. Brnc:idc l\llle, l\urdcring Him·. l'alc 1'111111, l'erfcc1 1'111111, Mure Mtt,card. Rose· Roma11cc, <i,1rc.Ie11 C rwn. 01.I Oliv,·, Melll)w M<><S. YoyQ Y(•llow, Clo.<c Lo Cocoa. and U:-irotJUl' Uuri;umJy Sw111pln" \'\1ritc Markers: Hlcmlrr Pens,
1/X" O rde Punch, Org:111dy l{ihhon 56 A
h1h11lous Fruin, :1n<l l~Lcgn 11c Crc1.:1i11g,s
\c1s; ( :hcckerho.snl lkick~ro11nd S,a~p: l\.irm1ur Bmgu111ly, Mellow Mus.,., B.asic llbrk. and N,i11r.,ls C:ird $1nck; Basic 111.._k, Barnyuc 1\11,·p indy, and Old Oliw S1am1'in' l'Ju,: l\a;ic IIL,~k S"t.1111pin' Writt.: M,irkn, Stampio"" f )irm.·n~lonals 56 B
F:ih11lc111s Fruits Set: Script l\adgrocmd ~tr1111p~ 1\.1.orl' 1\1111s.1art.l. Mdlow Moss,
and Naturals C:ml Stll(K; lh,i, lllack.
Manzanita Lc:avcs and '!Wip.,..: 56 C
Chcrril'.s·. C heck. & Posic., an,1 luy ll111y lla.:kgrou nds Sets; Krali, lb,ic Rlack :,m.l Na1ur:iJs Card Swck: lhsic fllack, Mun: Musi,rd, Carden Crl'cn. nnd Clo>< to C.ucoa S1ampin' l'ads; Slarnping Spo11gc, S1~mpi11' l)imcnsion:lis. 1/8" C irdc l'und,. Black Cord 57 A
Very Veggie .111d W:trm Wishes Sets: Na,urals anJ Old Olive C:irrl Swck: Oki Olive Stampi11' l'ad: 'lhp llns.~ l'mhossini; l':id. Crystal C lear St.unpin' F.111huss l'owdcr, N~1urol lbllia. Envelope ·1~mpl:ir~ 57 B
Very Veggie and h 1y Biiry llackgrounds S,·L<; Eggplant Envy, More Mustard. O ld ( >live, aml N:11u rals C:ml S1nck: 'fop Hus. Ck-a, l'.mbns.sing Pad: Eggplant Envy, Oltl Olive, Mure Must:ird, and Really R11si S.,mpin'. l':,ds: f-l•wr.11 Raffia, llrass !Ir.ids, Starnprn
60 B
64 B
Julie l 1hillii1,
S11r11h Cole
Wildnowm, and Ev,·ryJ:iy Exprc,c,ion, S..·ls; Nigh, 1,f Navy, Ca/den Crccn, :111<1 UlirJ.,mn<>tl, Wh i1c C.11J Swck; lbp Bos.< Eml>11.s.sing l'atJ; C:irtkn Green, More M11s1:crd, ond Bordering l\luc S,ampin' P:ids: Sm:111 Square Doily, Enamdw:irc llh,c St.ampin' Emboss Powch.:r
Fancifril Flowers S"r: Glossy Whi,", Crct;n C alort.:, Cable.: Crccn . .1nd C:1mco CorJI Ca,·d Swck; C r,~11 C3lure, l'i11k Pas.<ion. i,nd Cameo Cor.11 St.unpin'
61 A
lk>J1Hiful Hlo~wms :ind Elc-gant Crct:tinA.s .SNs; Vitwrl:m L.1ct: Backgro11nd Sramp; l~:i.,i<; _Black. Naiur:1h, and Ole.I Olm· c.ard Sm,k; O ld Olive, Mdlow Mo,.,, Ha., ic l~lack. Baroque llurgun<ly, and J(qsc Rom.,incc· St;1111pi 11' 11:uh; S1.a1upi11' Dimcnsionals~ 111:tck Orwindy Ribtx.11 61 8
l)i 1ncnsitu1"als
1lydr:mgc-a .~ct: Lowly Lilac llarcly lbr»11:t, and N:u ura.ls C:ird Su•ck; l.ovdy Lilac, [lardy Banana, Y11yo Yellow, Mellow Mo,-,, and Old O live Stampi.n' l~uls: Sr:tmpin' Dimcnsionals
llca111ifiil lllu.,scnns, luy l\iuy 13ackgro1111cls, and Elcg:u11 Crcc,ings Sets; Naturals. Mellow Moss, .r nd ll:i,ii: Bia.c k C1rd $iock, lhsic Blnck, Old Olive, ll:1roquc Burg1111Jy, anJ l(qs,· Rom:mce S1an1pin' P:id.: Antique Elegance Scissors, I /II" C:irdc Pu u.:h, Stan.1pin I)imcnsional.". ·1:1s.~d
58 B
62 A
Jodi 11,m,isrh
Spri11g l~ut,y and l1ty l\ i11y ll,1cki!,rou . ncl, :ic1.,; Script 11:i~kgrouml Stamp; O ld Olive, Summer Sun, .,nd N,uurJls C1rd Stock: 01,1 O live, lawdy l.il:cc. Mellow Moss, and Sumn1cr Sun· $rnmpin' Pnd,c Crmlc Spice K.,lcidacolor l'.id: Stamping S1u,ngc, Srnmpin' Dimcnsion:tk Watercolor Brush 58 C
Spring Pansy, l'.lcganc ~.r(·l'ti 11gs, and l11y lli1iy Backgrou nds Sets; N:11u~J.ls Care.I S1ock; O ld l)live, Lovely Ulac, Mellow Mw,,, and Summer Sun S1ampin' Pad.s; Crcok Spice Knlt-iJ amlor (•ad: Spring M,,,.,, Grost:m in Ribbon. Wa rrn:olor
llrush 59 A
/.11 Tte,1se J\ll,1tm Cu11agc Ro,;,; Sci; Uhrn,mc,i,1h \'<lhi,e. lhrdy B:111,11m, ~nJ Mdlow Moss C:trJ S11x.k; lbdia111 Whir<' Vdl11111; O ld Olive, Summer Sun, and Mure MusrnrJ ,'{tnrnpln' P:1J.°'; Srnmping Sponge,
Ydlow Uri;r111dy tlihho11 59 B
M,1tt11 Of111m C1111:igc llo.sc Set; Scrip, lla,ki;round Sto111p; Mellow Mos.,, Bl11sh lllns.<nm , ;end Uhra,mood, Vanilla. Curt.I Stock: I loncydcw, ~;11in Rose, C:li~m/1;1gm:, :1ml
.Silver fncvtc! Uhicna1c Metal ic Pads; C , ys,~.I Clcor St~mpin' limbn,s Powdc,, Mauve 01·gJ11dy R1bbo11, S1:11npin' l'a.Stcls. Rcc1ani;lc Pond, 59 C
M:irvd<JIJ,, Mnrning Glory nncl W:irtn Wishes Set,~ llltra.smnoth White n11J Almo.<r Amcthy>t Cart.I Stuck: Almost Amethyst, llrillianr 13111c, Carden Cn:cn, :111d Fore.<1 Foliag~ St,im1;i,i' l'nds; Com er RtHllHkr~
Whiht Orwmdy
Ribbon, S1·J111ping Sponge
Crlmptr 64C
Brushsi rnkc lllnssoms:md ltty lliuy lhckgroumLs Secs; Ul1r.1s111ootl1 V:u1ilb Card Srock; I.lardy Banana, Lovely I .Hat:, Almost /lmcrhysc, and Sage Sh«clow S1ampin' l'ads: Cornor Ro11mfor. I /R" Circk· 1'1111ch: Max i Sc:,llop Scis.sors. Ju1c, lv(lry Org:1ndy Ril,bon. ' l,vig, 640
Brushstroh: Blosmrns Sn; Almo.si Ame1 hyst. Barely llarnma, anJ Vanilla Ultr:Lrniu<>Lh Card Su,ck; Alm..,t Amt·thysr nnd S:igc ShaJow S1:11npin' l':1d,; l.ovdy Lilac S1ampi11' Wri1c M:irkcr; I /8" C irdc l'unch; S1:m1p1n' f)in1cnsionab; Sc.1llnp Scisso~. S:uin
Rihbt111 65 A
Alice Dilfm, Fla5ny FlorJls Set; \liuori:tn I .a.x llackgrou nd Sea.mp; Lovely l ,ilac, Yoyo Yellow, 011d Ultrasrnooil , Whi,c Cord S1ot.k; I A>vcly 1,ilac, Y11y11 Yellow, Crccn C:.ilorc. C:1hle Gr~1l. Pink Passion. Lavender I .:ice, and Prrny i11 Pink Stampin' l'a<ls; 2-\'(lay C:h,e Pen. Dau.li11!,\ Dioinoods Cliun. Whi,c Organdy Ribhon, fl111io11 62 B
Flashy Fl11r.1ls, favorite ( :rtc,ings, :ind l11y lli11y lhckgrou nd, Sl'L,; Bcswtiful Blossoms Srampin' Aro11 nc.l Wheel: Mellow M,t,s Card Stock: Small UltrJSmou1h Whi,c R11.,c11c Bo,c, Ultr:ismno1h Whirc Gil', 'fog, Md lnw Moss, Barely Bana na, and Mure Musi:irtl S1ou1pin' l'"d.s; Mdlow M<ls, In k C:mrid[\e, Scamping Spougc, 118" C:ird~ 1'1111d,. Cdcry Org:in<ly Ribho11 63 A
l'ctlfl" Pusil's, Borders Mi11i,
Si-x:dal ( ;rct.·rin~~ S'l.'t~; lfa:;IC Bbck, Sumnwr Su n, :md N,u urnls C:ir<I .<;,vck; lla.,i.: lllack. Rose Red, and Carden Green S1ampin' l'acl.: Stampi11' l)ime11si11nJls ~1ru.l
63 B
Pcrirt.' Posil:S and \Xl:urn Wishc$ ~c.·t~; Rose Rnl, llnslc Blac k, :111tl Narnrals Ctrd Sw,k: fh,ict l'rim,·cl V,·llum; Basic Lllack, S11111111l't Sun, Ros,· Red, and Garden Cri·t11 Srn111pi11' Pods; llasic Black Stampio' Write M:orkcr; Srn,npin' l)imcnsi1111Jls. Ear1 l1 Elcrncot• lfalli:i. Lace Sci~or.'i
Julie Ebmalr
l,:H.l'i; S1:impin' ()im',:n,o;;iqn.tls-. P.1 pt"r
63 C
Summer SunOowcr. l11y 1.1,rty llackgro11nds, and Wann Wislu:s SclS; Nat11r.i ls, Hardy ll:mana. ,md flrilliant Blue C,rd Stock l\rilliont llluc a11d lh1ic 111:ick Srnmpin' Pads; Amber, ( ~mary, P:trthm,·11t. 11n<l Coc.o;, Colorbo, Ink Pads; B:i,ic nlack Sqmpin' Wri1e Marker, I/ 16" C:irdc Punch, Jute 65 .B
Su111rntr Sunnow{·r, 11ty Biery
Ba~kgrnunds, and <:recrings 4 You Sers; C:hic(,·n Wire Backgro11nd Stamp: Na,urnl.< a11J More Must0rd C11J Sto,· k: l.;1r~r N:m1ral Ivory Rosene c;i(t llox; B ,L<tL lllatk Srnmpio' Pad; Fore" P:ii11rl\nx2 l';id; 1/N'' Cirdc P1111ch, C1>ld Org:mc.ly llihhon, .'iLri11g 65 C
Summc.r Sunflow~r and Illy lliuy Backgmund.s Sc1'; 11:i.,,c llbtl< Si:1111 pi11' Write Marker, Acrylic r•aints 61, A
l.lulb.< i11 Bloom a11<l Elebr,1nt Grccti11~s S,·is: llasic Black, Naturals, Krah, anJ Summer Su n Card Stock; Basic !;lack S1}1mpi11' Pad: \Xl:ntrc.olors, WJ1t.·n:01or Brush, E:inlt l;kmc111I RalTia, I/8" Circh· l'unch 66 B
ChriI /Jurtnri HanJ-l'aimcd l'c,i'1c., Sci; Scrip, llackgronnd S1amp; l'crfcct Ph,m and Uhr:i,;1111md1 Vanilla C.,nl Swck; Hadia11, Wh ite Vellum; Frost \'(/hitc Colorbox Ink Pad; l'olc l'lum, OIJ ()live, Rose Rµnrn n,e. •nu Baroque Burrundy Stampi 11' l~1J,; Winter Whi,t Enillos.<i11s Powder, Col<l Gel Pen. I 18" Cirdc Punch. Gnl<l Metallic Cord, 1lc~kle Scissors-, St:impi11g Spnngc
liuo F[uwt:rs, Pc.·,i rc Po~il's. Uo rdcn;
Mini. a11d Alphabet A11i1~d,, Upper Secs; l\asic Iliad,. S111nnwr St1n. :111d N:111,ds Grd $l(lck: 11,t~ic Bla~k. S11mmcr Su11. Rose Red, and Carden c;,ccn Sra1npi11' l'ads; llask fllsck Sta111pi11' Write Marker; -~lampin' Dim,·11sio11als. 114" Cirdc l'uncl,
Jo;p1,· S,mm·om
I I-and•l'~1inlcd PL·1i1c.s -and GrCJ I C:rc<:ring,s Sers; N:nur:J.i;; ;u1d 11t:dCc1 Plum Ca rd Smck; Perfect Plnrn. More
Must;ir<l, lk1ily l\11S1, :md Md il)II' Mos~ s ,ampin' l'"r.ls; CnrrusJ<Ur
67 A
S<•rip, lla<k1,ro1111d ,1nd ltoman11c llo>t' Sr.amps; 1'ordt·d11h l\l1.1c :iml Ultra.smooth V;o11ill:i Card Stuck; '101• 1,uss 'l'inrcd l(m lmssing l'aJ; Sky Cr.ty Crilnrbox :ond Cold 1:m»rc' Ulrimarc· Nkrnllic Ink l\1dsc llordcring lllm·. Ro,c lb!, Ole.I Olive, ,u,c.1 l.ovdy Lilac Sr,11 npin' Wri te Mirk,rs; Gvld C:lnrv .s,~mpin' Emhns.~ Powder, Swmpini •" rongr. W;11t.•t'{'Ulm Rru~h. S1at11pi11'
lh,ic Bl:1ck S1;1mpi11' Wriw Mal'ker. Black llhso c;Ji11cr. Jumhv Cir~k 1'1111,h. 2-Way l :luc l't n, S1:1mr.i11' l'a,1ds. l'o111cr Crimper, Cl,)11d Sh:111..;i, Stamping Sptm~c.: 70 8
I.J11d1t (,'i/lnpir Happ)' l'rigl,, Nigl" Set; lhsic llbck, Ult ra,,m,.,, I, Whi,c:. and C:onli:111 c ,,-cl $w~k; llbck C\ ,lurlmx Ink 11.,d; $mmpi11' l'a>td,, fllendcr l\·11, lllcudt. tl(,IJ llbck S1ampin' Embo~• J'ow1kr; l l e,kk S.:issnt1<. C:e1rn,·r R(1u11Jtr, l'"trt h Elt111t111, R;,ffiJ
67 8
7 1A
Elegant Crc~1i111;< .':icr; Summer Spr.ty
1-laull(c,I Hot1M: Set; CJu,.,,y Wl111c:, $un1111~r S1111. and llasic 111,,ck c.,.-d Sootk; ll:t.,it I\IJck s,.mpi,,· l'.,d; C:.-cnlt· Spice K,oldd:oc.,o lur i':ou : fo:in1 Sw,p•lll flraycr. 1/X" Circle Punch. F.rn l, Elements RafTio
a11t.l V it"1o ri.1n l .:10: 1\!lt:kground ~L.1mp.;;
Rose Red. llroe.tJc llluc. a11J Ul,rnsmnmh V:111ili:o C:orcl S1ock: 111:ock t:.ilurbux i11k l'a1h Old Olive, Carden Cn'cn , [lrp,:adc lllu~. Y1>yo Yellow. l.uvcly Libt, Ltvmdcr Lice. Rc)Sc l\cJ. .:, nJ Bur<lcri11~ l\lul· Swmpiu' \Xlriu: Ma rke"; Crys1:ol Clc;ir S1:unpin' Emhu,.._, l'owdcr, Waicrculor llnish, Dccklc Scis.,ors, m-:tl Socncil. Navy Ori;and_v Ribbon 67 C
Vit:wri:rn Hom.11 11..·1 ~Lami,; Brocu.ll' Blue:.
Ro~e Red, :111tl Uhra,mooth V:inill:, Cord Soock; l\bck Colnrhox Ink r~ocl; l )IJ Olivt, More M11.1ra«I. Hnk>1<k• 11111c, Rose Rc<l. l,wdy 1.ibc. Card,•n Crctu, M.i.uvc Mi.~t, .rncl t)nrderi 11~ Bh11..• ~r;rn1pin' W1 i1t.· M.11"kcr~: \Xf;m.T1.:.•r-,lrn
lln,sh. Corner 1:t«· P11nch. Crvst:il Ck~r Sta111111111 l·:mlloss l1owdl'.~
Costume llc:1r,, Ouolinc Alph:1l,e1 Upper. ancl 0 11rlinc Alpld,co IA1wc1 Sm: Dm1hlc-U11<· .S1i1d1cJ i'hliJ .Stampin' Aro,ind Wh,'t'.I; Only Orange. Gardc11 Crccn. ,rnJ Ultr»lll<lulh Whi1c Cu,l Swck; l)11ly llrangc Ink C1nridgc; Bbt k Colurlmx Ink l'~tl: Only Or:111gc St"mpill' l'ad; Only Or:tll~c. C:irdc" Gn:tu, l.cwdy I .ilac, 131ush f\lo.~s,un, C lns-c m Coco:1. ;1n<l Mure Mu~t:utl Si,unpi11' Wrioc MMkcrs; Sa,in Rihhon.
Swmpin' P~t..:ads, Wau.•rcolor Br11.~h1 Crysrnl t:IL·.1r S1:.J rnpi11' Emhos.., Pnwtkr, Dccklt..' Sdssor~, Stan1ping Sp,,ngl'. 71 C
68 A
K,11/ie )1',m;:
c., Tc.1111! Seti: N i~lu of Na"y :ond
1111,c C.,,d S11xk: Ni••hl of N:ovy and lllis.s Bl11c S1:i111p111' l~uls; I )ar.,.lini; I)latnonds ( ;Jinco. Uhr:osmoorh Wloi1,· hon Fr.u,w. Siu11;pi,;' l1i111cnsi(1n:ol,
68 8
Noll·: 'Ji:a,·hcr r,lk S,·1: Ul,r.ismoool, V:inilla C;ml ~r,)(k : C;lorious l;rccn :1ml 'lCmp1i11g 'li1rqu, 1i,..,. 5';1:11npin' l~1d~~
llbck Culorhnx l'acl; llcJI Red c1ml Clnriou.s Cn..-e11 Sr.1111pin' \"Vritt M:1tkl'rs; 111:ock Oco:iil Emhossing l'o wdrr, S1;1mpi11g ~I""'!\''· l'cm:il: "Ji.::1chcr'l:dk Sci: Ile.ii R,'d :on.I llhr:1.,1rn>(llh Wh,,c C orel S,oek: 11:isi, 111,,ck, lktl Red, ;ind Carden ( :r,·~n So.unpi n' Wrioc M:tr!lcr.,; NJtur;ol l~tlia
Coiuunc llc:u:,, Outline AlpltJl,co ';)pper, a~,J O urli11c Alplo:t!>t:' I,,wcr ~m; [bm· fll:ock, Luvtly Ltbc, Only Oran~,·, ,111J Liltrnsmomh WhitL· t ~or.I Srock: 111.,rk Culurhux l11k l'aJ; lhsic Hlack. l.:ivmclcr ),in•. M:ruv< Mist. 13orcl,-ring 11111c, Close io Cm;o:i. Hli.<s Him·. Yoyo Ydl,)w, More Mu, t:\J'<I. Jl,;S<• Rrd, l\lush J\le1:;$c>m. Old <ilivt. :ind I,cwdy I,ilJ<" S1.1111pi11' Write M"1·kas; Cr.-ys1:d ( :h.:.11 S1:1.1npin' Emhc tss P,,wJcr, 1
\~('l(t"rcolnr l\r11..~h1S1~mpin l':1:\H'ls
7 10 Cosrnnu.: Hc;us Sc1; Vic::1ori:111 L10.: Ba1J,~ro11rnt S1an1r; L1vt.·ndt·r I.:lt.l.:,
l,ivciy l.iL1c. and Jl11;1,11111or h Whi te Curd Slcl, k; lll:1ck Colo rlwx Ink l'.1d: Lovdy I.ii.;, .~w111pi11' Pod; l;1vcmlcr 1.1cc, lpvcly I.ii,,,, M,mw Mi,o , l)ld Olive, !Ilk, lllur, lll11.sh lllo.~,o"', Clusc
.111d Rm,c Rt"J s,~1111pin' Write
69 A
m Cuu,:.i,
Damn N,y11<'k Scho,,1, Alplo;,h,·1 A11it111lc Upper, :oud Alphcibct 1\1 tioudc Lower Sets; I}mohlc1.ine S,i,ched Pln,d So:impin' i\n,unJ Whed; l\,,;ic 111.u.k. llmc: R,·J. Cl"·"· 11, Coco~; a11d Cln<>y Whi1t G itd :.1,,ck: R,\~c RL·d, Brilli:u,1 1.\1111;• .Sun1111tr .S11n. 011ly Orangp. Clnrin~1s G reen, and Basic Bla(.k S1.1r11pi11· l~1dsi Summer Sun Ink C,no id11,·: Sc-nllop Scis!,<,rx, .SL.imping S11nn~t.'. Whit\! En..:1,r\:1 Uloifll:tre Mt't:tllit Cd Pen
Mark<:rs; Corner 1..icc Punch. Crysr.,I C le:1r Slan,pin' En ,h,,._, l'owcJcr, · W:11ct'~olur 11, .'i1.rn1pi,;' l\,s1,k
S1:11npir1' l~od; S1:11npin' l':ts1cl;. c:J,,,,d Sttn.:il, ~1a1nping .Spvnit,·
l~tventkr ' litlk
(,'ail l/e,,zl,-v A I lau111ir1g W,• Will (;., $,'o; Ulor,1.s11,ond1 \'(lhioc, l\,si( Blatk, ;oml E!!,gpla111 E"vy C:inl Srock 11:isic: 111.,~k
69 8
72 8
U111!11 (,'i//,•spu·
Vanill:t, /vlorc M;tstard , "" LI Ruhl' Rod C:m l Srock: R11liy lt,·d. Chucnl.11e <'.hip. i\ifqn: Mu,;1~ml. ;U1ll {~oint; ( ;my
,\ H;runiini: W,, Will Co Seo: lb sir Black, and ll.:ally Rus, C:oru Sruok:
73 A
Jack-0'. Lun'<TII l'un, O t11 1i11c 1\lpl,ahet Upper. :111,I O utline Alphal,co Nu,nhcrs -~CLs: ll hr.1.,mood1 Vanilla, ( Jn ly Or.mgr, and ( ;ardcn Crcen C:nd S,oc-k; Only Or:,ngc, c::1r,l,·,1 Cn:-cr, , oml 11.i,i~ !\hock .S1:1111pi11' P:1Js: Only Orange :rnd ll:LSk 111,!lk Sr:11upiu' Wrhc Markrrs: ( '.o rnc-r R.01 111dc.·rl Sq mpin' J)i111<.•n~in11~15. 73 8
Mich,•/e llrtl,011/ Jock, ()' '"'"""' l\ 111 Sr,; H,l,k 111:or k.
Only Or:rngc, Ulcr.,,,111rn1tl1 Whi,c, .111cl R11hr lkd c,,.tl Srock; Only Orange, l\nsii.: Bhick. :md (;-;irJc11 ( ;n•,·n S1";1rnpin1 P:1.I,; 111,'"d,. Dc~klc S~i,sors. Sponge D:111ht r, S:11i11 llibbon. 1/8" Circk l'und,
t;oing Cr.,y..~urnmc.:r Sun, Clo~1.-
Bur¼;u11Jy, W ;ul.'rt..olor Bru.~h. Hli::ad,, 70A
/;mily C.:w·1<·r 11:Jro ahoni Yu11 S,·1; Ul,r.osmo,uh Whire, lbsic: Bl~1ck. S11m1n...,r Suor ,,nJ ( :l,t~c 11 , Cocoa Card Srock: lbsil Bln,k. Sur11111cr Sun, and ( )oi11g Cray s,~unpin' P.,ds~
Raffo. Cor11c1 Ru1111Jcr
Bbd, Emho,sioig l'owdcr. N,1111r.tl
72 C
Spu,,ks c;"J,,r,· Sc1; Nnourals C.ml :;,ock:
76 A
Tht111k:, 11,· for Th,-e·S1·r: ~-!.ire Musoard, R,"lly Huse, and Ul11"J.,111111,tl, V.111illt1 Cord ~-rc..:k: llbck Co lnrlH,, Ink PJtl; 1\:i,ic: 111," ·k, t:.rJcn t:rccn. M11r<· Mu,,;t;1rd, S 111nmc_r -,,)1111. Ulush Blo~som. llt-ol Rc:,I, llroc1<fo !1111, , 011ly Ornngc. ~111t.l Clo"'~ u.,1 C11cn:1 S1:11npi 11 \'<lriu: M:i,.ki:rs: NJour:J lt.,fTi:i, So,,mpin' l'o,, u·h. W:ncr.:nlor llr11, h. ( 't•ys1:ol C k-Jr S1;1111pin' Emho-S) Pnwdc:r · 76 8
l':ill fur i\11, Alj,ital,c1 i\pp<::il I,mvcr, :incl It 1') ' l\ir iy llackgmund:; Seo,; Ulrr:o,111oq1lt Vonilb ,mtl lk,lh• Ru.s t l ~or,1 ~oc,ck: Mor,· M11,1:1rJ, Old O live, ( :1,,.,," fl) Oleo:,, tmd ll,i.::1lly llu.,1 St:tn1pi11' l':!cLs; lh,it IIIJck .S,.1111pi1( Writt· Markns; Mount"in Uc, klc ,'\l--l~"Or.i: l .cavts ~1ru.l Fr:m1c Stcm;il:
W:11~m1lor lln~,h, .11:1mpi111-: Spo11gc
Happy Frii,;h o Nii,h1 Sci; Hallllwten St.unpin' i\,•oitn<I W'hcd; Only Or:111~,lnk C.1nridg~, llasic Bla~k So:1111pit1' l'ac.1: S1a111pi"' l'a.slds. W,icr..:olo, l'cn,·il., , 1.lolJ Llrights lb Ilia, I /8'' Cirdc l'u11clo, Whi1<· Lu nch Bag
F.dl for i\11 fvcryJ.,y Expwssion, Sc,.,~ \ lhr:.ismooth ½11ilb. Rc:ollv Rusr. Mor,· M11s,:ml. and Chn~c,111,c c';hip Ciml Stllc:k: 11asic lllark. l{c.dly R11<1, :111J Mote M,1sm1·d S1n1111)i11' l':iJs; ~lcr, h lllus<cl>i>. lkally Rus,. M11«· Musoard. C:lo.'\t" 10 Coc:0:.1, Ro:«:-
Coi11~ Cr:w Srnmµin' \'(/1iic M!.l rkcrsi
Blemlcr I'<·;.,, Siampin~ Spo11gc
74 A
CranJ ( :01111.1copia Sl·r: 'l'lt.ki11t; Backi;rrnrntl Sr:1111p; Rc:tll)' Ruse :mJ Llhr:osmootl, Van illa ! ~ml Srock; lll:i~k C,lorl,.-.~ l'ad: Really l{11s1 .'i'1:1111pin' l';od: llc:11ly Rusi, Mor<! M11s1:1rJ, t;recll Calort. lllusl, l\losspm, lkd llcd, Suntmco· Su n, Only Orang,·. CJrdcn Crct:n, Lovely Lilac, 13rut :tdt 1\111<·, rt11hy RcJ ..rnd ( :,c,·n Galllrc S,.,mpi"' W, itc: M:ll'ktrs; Crysrnl Clc-:Jr .S,:11npin' l'.1111,u,., l'owtlar, N:u11r;ol ll:ofl1:o . Dcck lc Sdssurs
77 A
Simply Sc~1so11al Sn~ N.1[LirJls :111d For~• Foliai;,· Cml Sw<k; l'nrc-st Foliage 011d Clu.-:~ 10 Cocoa .Sc:h11pin, P.,ds=Srnn·1pi ng Spe1n11c, i.-Way C..: lm: l'cll, N:11urnl ll,Oi.,, I }.i;,.,Jing l)i~n](lll(I, Srnmr•n· CJiut'r, 1/8'° C irdt! P11nch 1 "t.11mpi11' I )i1m:11sio.11al>, S111:tll Pint'C01il•1 Mera.Il le
Thr,·:od 77 8
74 8
I l11r~4...~t Crt.·cti11~~ Sc-1; 1:urcsl h >l(;1~c.
Pruit ,,f1he Si.::.isrn1 !rnJ l\11JJ. 1.i11c 1\ lph:1oc1 Upper Sets: l'ri111i11v< l'ri111s Srampiro' i\n111ml Wheel; N:111,r,tls. Can.lcn_<:tn:11, Ruby R,·.ly ml l\;i<1c Black Lord Stock: Earth l·,l,·nw111; M11lhtrry l'Jper: 13bck C:..,1,,rhn~ l':1d~ Basic l\bck Sr:1111pin,' l';t<ls; :-;11 111111(.'r S11n Ink ( :Onritlgc; Carden C.:rt·cn, O le.I Olive, Ynyll Yellow, R11hy Reel, S11n1111cr Sun. nnd M,uc M11s1:ord Sr:11npin' Wrioc M"rkcrs: 1/8" C:irdc P1111d1, .S1:1mpin' I l i111c:11siv11:1I,, ll,ild l\riglu~ R,111iJ
:inti 1-;n,li C:trd Srock; (;r,Jd Ct,lo rhox l11k l'.,d; Crc:11ivc l'Jpcrday. ( :nlc.l Mc,.,llic Curd. P,,lymct Cl.,y llc:,Js 77 C
B,,ld J1tcJ lla.,i, ( ;,eqini;s ~e,; !-iwil'l in& Lc:iVl'.b S1:unpi11' Aruur,J Wheel; Cn.·amy
( ::ir:i nid, Naturals, lk,lly Rom, and
Cl,>sc tu Cucoa C,rJ Sonck; Lime ro C,)cua S,1:11npi11' l'nJ: i\1tlo111i11 I.caves K,ill'id,1color l'nd. ~mth l1Jc11lc111s lbffo, I /If' t:irrk l'1111ch . S1.1111pi11· Dirnt:11sitH1,:lls
75 A
lln11noili,l llbs1ngs :111d lny l\iny lht kgro1111d; Sers; l.1)vdy 1..1:u.. I )Id O liv,-. :md N:11urals Ci1rd s,..,·k: lh~k 111:oc:k. Old Olive, Mnrc M11.s1,ird, Srnmpi11· P:1ds: \X1;ircrcolor Bru~h. Snunpln~ Spn11gl', N,1111rnl lbHia 75 8
78 A
Sr.,r, <ii' I l:lvi,I Sci; N.u111aL,. 'lla, ir !\lack. llnrdning Blue, ~nd lll11sh lll11~,n111 CarJ $1otk; llbtk ( :nlnt'l,vx Ink l'.«I; Mellow Mms, 11:ord)' IIJ11a,,a, Pr1·tcy in !'ink. P:ik- l'l11no. llnrcbing l\lm·, lllush l}lu.~,mu . .mcl I .1v.11der 1- tce S1.11upm' Write Murker., : 111:os•k lk1a il l~mhn~-.ing Powdc-r, 1/H'" Cin::-k· l\1111.:h.
Uounoili,1 llk-ssing.< n11d lt1y Bi11~ ll:1~~i;r,11111d, Sc:t!i: N:o,urnb and t JIJ
111ut ( :on.I! Srnmpln' I )i111c 11siu11aJs
Oliw C1.rd Swtk : Lh,i, l\b..:k. l)ld llliw, More Mu,1:trd. E~plJ111 l'Jwy,
78 8
:oncl l.nvcly I ,ib c Sr:1mpin 1':ods: W:11crwlcir !>rush. Stai11ping Sponl\c:, l:nl<..1/Sllvl·r 1/,ig Painry l't.'n, S131i1pi11'
io,y lliooy l':ockgrnunJ~Scos; Night ur N:tn, llallc, [\Inc. :incl Ccn1f1•11i Card Sood,; lll11c l\rcc-,.,. J.:.olcicl:1cnl11r l'.,J: 11:tllc, lllue .Stampi" ' l~od: Rich l!q\:ols
I )iml'11.•do11:1ls1
:old ()~.indy ltihh,;11
Cc)(Cf.l. <J,octll:t,e Chip. Nii;lto N:ivy, Nc11 Qui,,· Navy, Only OrJllj\<", llat'<tt['te
Cdlo1•h.1n,• 11:,g. Stit·k, l'l,i i.J h,hrk Scr".p
76 C
73 C
F.ggpbm Euvy, a11d I ,uvdy I ii.at
72 A
Coldcn R11lc D.11·s St'c: Ul1rasmo»tl1
S1ampj11• \Xlriu· ]\lbrkcr~~ C,)f!H.'r
lla,ic flb,k, ( ) 11ly Orange, ,( :nini; ( :ray, Carcll'11 ( ;n:c11 , S,Jmmcr !iun. I .ovdy l.il;1,. :ind lll11sh lllossom :i1:1mr.in' l'Jd>: Wa1,·1color Bru,h, I/If' L irdc l'und,, Naour:tl lbfTi:t, l'c·rf;ira1i11l\ Iliad,• nnd 11:tmllc
75 C
11.uvt'>t I lclln Set; Natur:tl, ( :J nl S,11ak; 'Bbck Colorhux rnk P:i,l; 11:isic 111:ick, Mon, Mu, 1:1r.l. S11111111cr S1111, l lnly O r.111!\~· l 'IN<' "' Coen:,, R,slll}' Ru,,, ~gg,pl;11 1t l~1wy, c:;imeo C.~or;1I. ~111d <.;ni nR Cc,y St:unpin' P:1ds; N:uur:,I lvc•ry I )Dor H:11il(Cr l'o11c:h. W:ucrcolor
111·11,t,, till" C~rdt Pw,ch , Snt:1lt l'l:11
S1:1r5 of IJavid rJcwisl1 ( :n:t·tings, 'Jnd
Mulhcrry P:ip•tr 79 A
h11ii uf 1hc S,·:o:;on l :heckcrbuard llacky,ruuild S1,imp: 11.t,ic 111.tck, N:11m-;;1h•, (~ilrdrn Grcc.--n, and B:1r,,quc
ll11rg1111Jy Card Stuck: 'lr,p !lo" Emho..~ini; P:1,h lhsi·..: Bbd~ ~111d
l\~m<.lue lhu-f,1111dy SLa 111pi11' P:1d.s: An 1\.:nli :\, W;u,:rcolors, \'V:utrcolor !\rush, Ii~" CirL·lc 1'11nch, Mcrnlli, Th rc:od, 1 ~1:1mpin JJl1111.,•nslun:1 ls. l1l."1..'klc ~d~or~ 79 B
Joy. !1rr lli11y 1\>ckgroumk ;uni c;rcar C:n:,:d ny_~ $c:t$~ R1n1quc- Bur~u11Uy C~rd ~,nc:k: >1~~11 llos:i;; l~111hns.,i11g Pi1tl; ( :nltl!(ush Me1:1lcX1ra l'ad; t:uld Dc1,1il Emhossiur; l'owdcr, Cold/Silver 7.lt: 1':dn1y Pen, 1/16" Circle l111ncl1, Mcrnlli,Thrcoil 79C
Joy Set; lbrt><fue Burgu11d)', Uhr.isno1,od1 W hi,c, nrul <:r,ld Mc1!tll ic C,nl :Srock; F.ar1l1 Ekmc111, """ Rid, Rcjs,1h M11lhcrry l'apa: 11:i;i, Ill.irk ~t:1111piu' l~Hl Mort' /v111sw rd1- Olli O livt, C:1rdt:ri Cret'n, l\Jr\1t1uc
ll11r~u11dy, and l:ggplanr Envy Sr:'.,rnpin' Wnrc Markns; Blender l'cns. I /H CirdL· P111u.·h1~rnmpi11' l)i111cn:,;in11nls,
t,,ki;1lli, Thread
84 8
88 A
/i,,r/,11)'(1 l)p'(/111 ' f:,{;S, l',1<, Sc,: M,,kin' M11sic S1:u,1pin· t\rnu11d \"1!1cd; Rul,y Rt·,I, Ultr:u;111001 h White. anJ Fores, l'uliage ( '.,,rd :Srock: r;,,1,1 Fucorc! Uhi111a1c Mci:,llic Ink P:ul;
l :i u~~rlircad I low,.. Sc,: lktl Rtd, (; lnfious Gree11, :111d N.11ur:ils (.::tr<l S,m-k: lh.,ic !lb,k .,ml Real l\cJ
Mir:tdc of( :hrisun:i~ Stt: Ni.uur~1b. ;111d ll.ir119_ue llu_rgu11dy <:ord Stock;_l :111<1 ,ind Sdv,·r l·lct-knl I l.1mlmadc l'opn;
S1:rn1pin 1-":l<l: W;11t.·n...,•lor~. \'\/~1rc:rcolor
llrus~. I /8'' Cird,· 1'1111di: lfool CorJ. l~cd O,i;:indy Rihhnn
c~,,IJ ·1,,-111c l',1pcr: ·i;,p l!t,.ss En,l,,>s:.11•~ l'aJ: Cold t:1<1') E,nh<1«i11G Powder, M.-1,llic 'l'hr<":Jd
88 B
ll;1~lc Bbck -and Fur\.·!->'l t\>li:,gc St~1mri1,'
l',lll;; l\a;ic Black I 11k Cartridge; 1/8' C:i rdt Punch,
Chrt,11,1,, c,r, "fog~ ,s,.., <:lmion, Crcc11, l,cal Red, :md N,i11rnb l:;,rJ ~10,-k: l\osi~ lllack $1:11npi n' l\,d: Cl11ri1111, Cr~1•n, R,,,1 R,,d. Rl-ally Rusi. Su111111c:r Su11 1 Prcuy i11 Pi11k, !\Ii~ Blul·, Clo>.<: ro Cocoa, and lll11sl1 lllum,111 !-i1:1mpiri1 Wri,c: lvbrh·r."i: m~•ndl·r Pens-, C'.ry>1al l :Jear S,ampin' "•nhi:,,s J'ow,ien l >" k.k- Scissors. I ill" C:irck l'unch. !me 80 8
Chr1s1mas (;if, lags Sci: llul.1/Wl,i"· l\ack~rl>Und l'apcr; Krafi ""'' C:onrcui C.ir<I S,rn k; ll:1r11q11c liurgundy S,a,,,pin' l'ad; l\arrn1uc l\urgundy, lh, ic l\bd. :rnd Coi11~ Cray Srampi11' \'(/rile M:irkcrs: White Li,1uid i\p!'liquc, Jme. 118" t:irdc l'unch. C11IJ/S1lver i'i!\ l':timy Pen 80C
Cnld Plio1n Cnnu.::r:i,
Mc1.1llk Tlm,ad. S10111pi11g Spc111i:e 82 A
l l11l1<l.1r S3mplcr, <}111li11e Alph,~e, llppn , 0111 lint: i\lpl1~l,c1 I ~,wcr. :rnJ l h11li11c Alphahet Nnmh~r; ,' kts; Ul1r.1s11umtl1 W l,irl', Bro,::ulc Hirn.:, l'or1-,;1 Fuliagc, and Ruby lh-d Card ~111,k, l\rocidc 1\luc, Fores, foliage, Ruhy R,·d, llordcrillg llluc. :ind 11:isic Bl.1,k Snimpin' Pads: H11hy Rte) Jnd 11:i,iL Hl.,d,S1ampi11' Wri,c M:irkers: I ,, Lr<.· .S1. is.,ors 82 B /JJ1mt
80 A
I l11liday \1p1pkr ~c,: llortkring l\lu,' and Ruhy Rl'J Card i(w,·k; f\11,J,·ring !Hui-, Clwrol:a< Cl,ip. a11d Ruby Red S1.1111p1n' l'.1ds: Ruhy. Rrd ~1:1111pin' Wr11,· M:irkcr: Du, <.ur 11.iskr, llox. Fa,nh l\k111cn1s- Ralli,. llr11w11 ,nJ Red l~qui<I t\ppliquc, ·11ss11c l';opcr, Da1.1.lini-: I )ia1111mJs C liuer 83 A
Ch1i>1111as l;,111, lt1y lli11y llackgru1111ds. .uul ( ;rc1:1ings 4 Xrn1Sc:1~: Ulirnsmnod1 \'v'h11l', llrrn.-:iolc nlue, .11ul l\mc RcJ C:,rtl Sl\1ck; l\a., i( 1\1.,ck, llr11cidc 1'1uc, and M,m· Musi,rd S1a111pi11' 1';,ds: llbtk
Musr:m.l SL:11npin Writl' Markers:
l 1u1u:h. ()rw111Jy ltiblm11
l>cckl,· Sci~,ors. St,impinJI Sp1111gc, N:ivy tlr~:1111ly l(ihlmn. Wa1crcul11r !\rush. C.-Ys1:-il Clear Stampln' Emhuss Powder
83 B
Crt:cn, Rose Rec.I, tv1orc J\1lwa:irJ, .ind Close w C.:ocu:1 S1:1111pin'
l'ad,a lbsiL Black S1:impin' \Xlri1<· M:irkvr: l~k-r,dcr l'cna. & Sirip~; Spi.mt:;ing Stc•nt il. St:unping Sp(mg1.:, Corner lloumkr
·1,,p llos.s li mbossinµ l':id: l ;uld Glury Ernhu..,~ing Powtlrr, ( ;nltl/Silvl'r / ,i~ P;1 in1y Pen
Sllml, }likrm f>osic~ Cla.o;:sy Br:i~~ ·1t•111/1l;u1.·;
Uhrasn1ood1 Vanill.,. Si v,-r Mc1allic, ,111d Ni~h• of Navy C.ird SwLk, Silver Enmr<•! Uhim:111· Mc1allic Ink l':1d: Nit:ht or Navy S1a 111pin' l1ad: Rose Rc,I S1.1111pi11' Writt Mark,·r. WaiNcolor llrmh , 2-Woy C ine l'.-ri, D;m.lini; I li:unonds ( ;fjm-r, Silver Th r,"Od
l\ru,l1Str11kc i\n~d and lny l\1t1y 11:ockgrmimls ~c,s; N"111r:) ls. More Muswd. ;md t:olJ Me1:1llic Card S11,ck: '!hp Bn.o.;.s 'l'in1cd Emlms5ing Patl; Mor1.2 Mus1a r<lt- Hlu.'ih HlosM,11t1, Close to Coro:,, and Rose Red S1ampin' l~1ds: (;old Dc1:til 1'.mhu.,{in~ Pmvdcr; 1/1(," (5rclc Pu nd1. Mc-1nlli,; ·n1r<:-Jd, Dccld,• S"ds.,ors. \Va11,:t1.olor 1-\ru~h 89 B
N:uurl.'.'s Chr1sm1a, Stt: Kr.ifr C:ird Smck; Ancicm Page Brown Ink l':1d: Ro,c Red. More M11>1:1rd, (:hn~nlo,e t :hir, an,I l'nr,·st Foli"t:c S1an1pi11· l',J,,~ W:uercnlor 1,no<l1 90 A
86 A
'/hmi llid1nnls (A·ld'>rJte 1hc.=. S1.-::1.~1'>11 .mtl Cr\~~1
( ;rn·d ngs :-it.:1s: B:irot1ul" Burgundy, Uhra,monrh W hill', .uni Culd Mewllic t :urd Sruck; '!hp U,,~~ rn,hoss]ng r~d: Md low Mo>-< .'itn111prn l'ad; L,old C,lury .ind lkloYl'd l111ri;11111I)' .'i1anq·,1n' l~n1hus., l1pwdcrs; Sn1rt1pi111 l)i111l'.'11,1tiun:1I:., ( )r~:1ndy Ribbon
S,ar ~amo Sci; llart,quc tl11rg11ndy, Kr.iii, and N:1111 rJI, Cord Srock; Cold Colorhox Ink 1':1J; It.sic Black ~nd Close w Cocoa ~1:1111\,in' Pad. Warncolors. W,m•n-11 or l\rnsh. Whih• C:r:1yn11. SUmpi11g Spnn~c. Cold M,·1allk Cm,I. I .a'}\<' · l\ynl Needle, t ;uld/~lvcr Zig 1'.uruy P<~l 90 8
M11rm Ob11r11
86 B
S':inra Sci: Ul11;1srnom'1 '\Xlhi,l·, llaruquc ll11r!\u11d1•, Furci, i,"Jiai::c, n11d Morl' Must.ird C.in.1 S1t•ck; l\s1.,ic Iliad,,
C'ttml \'(l/lso11 ( :i•khrnrc du: Season ,1.1u.l ( ;rc..·.11. ( ;rtx11n.g:. Sl·ts-: lbsic (q:ic~ .u1d l!an1,pu.: !\11r~1111dy urcl S1ock: .li>p Hoss
Emhossing Pai.I; C,,ld C:l11ry Stampin' E11tho~--s Powd1.:r, St;1n1pin' Dimc11sinn:1l,s, Kc,fi Corrug;Hl"J P.ipn, c~,ld M'"·1:111ic
Mur\· Mu~1:ml. :uul B:1rw.p1i: Bu.rgumly Stampi n' P,u.l.1o: lbrnl1ut· Burgundy, Mort'
Mnstard, l\a,i<- llbtk, t:oing t:ray, :Ind lllis.~ Blue Sra111pin' Write Markers 90C
I l11lid,1v l kilo Sn: C hc,kcrh..ard n~l,~r(,1111J Sf;lmp: N{IIurnl~. Hrrn.:~1t.lc.
1loliday I ldJ>cis Sn; Darling Drn Fr:11110 S'ramp: G:m.lt.-11 (7rn:n :md U!1r.1smt.H1th
C:hrisun,~, c; ;r,
llli1<·, Rose R,:d l '.anl Su,i:k; Lh,ic lltKk, Mme Mu.<1arJ. flam,\uc ll11Ff111mly, forcsl Fulia~c, 0 d t ) liv,·, nnd llrrn:ndc f\lu" S1.1rnpin' l'ads; Klatk Colorbox Jnk l'ad; Old l)livc and H.1rpq1u,.• Burgundy St:1rnpi11' \'qritL"
M.irkns; Ill( C irdc l'u11d1, WJ1errnlur nrn~h: Fn:m:h lliw.~Cmsw.1i11 Hihhnn 83 C
Holiduy I Jello an.I luy l\i11y lt.1cki;1·01111d, Sci,; l,o,y Cmfc11i. lla,ic 111:i<'k, M,,rt M11s1:irtf, :oml Old (.lliv<· ( :.ml .';u.,c-k; Basic I\IJd<., Mnre Musml'll, ()IJ ()live. Lktr~q1ll' llurr,11nd1•~!\lush • nlu:o;som. nru.l Lln.'i\· 111 ( .m:o:'I !-itnruprn l'.t,1.-: Mur,· Mu,1,,nl, ( ll.l nliv,·, ~nd l\,1r11q11~ Burgundy Si:i1111>in' Wrir,· M:irkcrs; l' inki1ti: Sd.<Sor., , 1/W. Cirdc P1111d1. Na 1ur:1I lbffi.1
81 8
Ni1d11 hdim.: Ch risrn,:is ~er; lh,"ic f\bck S1;i111pi11' 1':id: !'los<= lh·d. 11orc.,1 folbgc. ,111<1 lih r~~111porh \X-7hitc l ; tr,1 Sru(k;
l\ur~umly and Fu,.-M Foliage Card
~,ork, Co)ld"l'kc:h·d Ihndmad<· !'aper:
81 A
Rc1ml1:cr Grl't'lin~~ .\l'L~ H:1rnl1llr!
89 A
Nli;l1t hdt ire Clirisrm:..,. ll<ilJ-1.inc i\lph:ibi:1 l,1wcr. :mJ 11111.1-1.im· 1\lph,thc1 Up1)cr Se"' t ;;ml.-1, Crtclt anJ Co1ifc11i C~rd Sllltk; ll;"ic l\l;1(k,
R,·ind,•,·r C:rec1i11!',,\ !-,·,: ~,1u:1rL'> und
/I Cif1 fi,>111 11..,,ve11 Sci: Ul1ra.;,11oud1 Wl,i,e, Ilardi' I\J11,u10, llro<au~ lllt1c, J1otl Nish• of Navy ( :Jrd ~u,ck, Bard)' lla11a11a, llrot':Jdc l\luc, .rnJ Nighi nl N.,vy S(ampin" 1'.1ds1 S1:m1pini; ~po11gc, Dnn.lini; Diamoml, t;li11t'r, 2-W,,y t;luc
85 B
Whi1c Cnrd Srork: Rnhy Red, Fores, (!ulia.i;c, More M11siart.l, and Yuyo Yellow S1.1111pi11' PaJ,: S,"llur ~,·i,sor<, SrJmpin' l)i111(.·n.1oion:1ls, S1.11nping ~pungc. \Xlirt', I/I /1" C ircle 1'11111:h
( :rc,n. On ly O range, lh lln llluc. and Mon: MuM:ird :-i1:11npin' Wrin· M:trktr:s; 1:ry,1cil Clc;tt S1<11111>in' 1:mhv,i l'uwdtr. W,11cr, o l,,, llrush, Cold t:li1,. Sta01pin' Clim·r, 1.-Way C:111,• l',•11, 1/H" Circle
l,l., ..uu.l Conf1..·1t1 C;m..l ~tm,k; B:1.s1~ l\ln,k ~,:i111pi11' Pad; Hul•y lkJ Smnpin· \Xlri(t· Marh·r; .Swmpin' I)i111L·11siun:.1ls, 1/ 1(," Ci rdc 1'11nd1, Sirini;
Silver Encore! Ulti rn:1tc lv1l'1allit: Ink 11:ul: Stcrlin14 Sifvn l~rul1uss:i11g l>owdt r1 l )q:a11Jy Hihhon. S1:1mpir1g Spong,·
ancl N,1niral, <..:,ml Srock: 111:i,-k Colorbnx !',1th RL.11 Rl'd S t11111pi11' l':lll; Nigh, ,if Navy Ink G ,nriJi;c; lt,.,J ltcd, l::m.kn l:recn, Y1Jy(1 Yd lnw, lblk, Llluc-, Nigl" 11r Navy, IJlis_, l\lu,·, ~nd Mnrt·
C:y111/11i1 Cimh·r-Noh,•r/s I."'\'PY Wi,,nc, Sc_c: ~h,ic _111.,ck, R11hy
K,,1/l Mert•int
C:h ri;1:un,t~ Pc.1C.\'. St:1: Vi... h.nian Lacclbck~nn1ncl Swmp; NiAh• o/'Navy, C1mlc11i, :ind Silvn Me1,1llic C.trd Sw.:k;
( :olorhox l~u.l; lltm: llt'd, ( :loriow:
80 D
/vi,, m•ll" Wo11.~
1 lulid:iy Sampltr :an<l ( :n.::l'tlng.( ,1 \'nu s~·1s: Fon.:.'ff Fol'ia~'"· ;11ul Ul1r:.1smoorh
C:hrls,m!Hi (;ifi ~Hags- Sci; Smnvflakc St;unpin~ Around Whcd; Nigh , of N~1vy
t :i1o;;.-rbrc:id l lm,sc Sci: Kr.,f',. Ruby ltcAI, .m,I CIMioui l;rw11 C1rd S«ick;
Hlt·11Jc:1 l\.·n., , \'<l.111.·rculor lb1dl.<.
SL:trlL'.1, Crnt.'n, Col'tl,1, :md Fn'l!-f
Muu11111i11 Dccklc Scis-«,r., , llcJ Org:indy Rihl•111. I ill" Circle 11,.,,d,
Colurho, Ink l~1d., ; 11:t,il l\l;ock and ( ;,tin~ ( ;r.,y $1;1mp in' l':u.b.: W:1.1c.n::nlor l\,u;I;, 2-W,y C lue l'c11. lh,,1li 11g I li,i11111nd~ Clittcr. Ill!" C ird,· l'1111ch, 11<-d !111t·
·i:,~, Sc,: llol.l Clirimn,~,
Vanilla ( :1rd Swck: 11,,i,· f;lack, C:tnfen
Ta:t.•s S1ampi11' t\rmmd \1(/lwcl: Fon·st
C rc.~. l'n. ~mJ H.os1.· Rt·d ~(:Unpin' P:,J:;;
l;oliage and Ultr.t>mornh Wh i1" Car<I
.S1a111pi n' Pa.,td~. !lk11der Pens, D111s & S1 r.ir,c-s SpvnJ1in~ -~1t 11dl, l(cd Dr~and)• Rih lOl1, S1:unpio~ Spu1,g,c1 1hf" Ciu h1'11nch
S1ock; Fon.::st 1:nli:1Jj,l' S1a111/,in' J>;,J: 'IC,p lluJ.s l'.mbossi11g 1':od: <:11!< De1nil Ernht,ls:.;int; PowJrr. J/I(." Ci1\.h.· 1'11111..:h,
Cult! Mc,allk CC1rd 91 A 87 A
/I Chri,111>as Wish :-;~,. lllt r:11111ot>1h \Xlhi'", Carden ( ;,c,·n. ,011J Rose Rttl l ;11rd $111ck; Rose llc,I S1n111pin' Pnd: Rose Red, Glorion• C,•ecn, llrilli:1111 llluc, .md More Mus1ard Starnpin' Writ{• M:orkcrs; Red Cros1;rai11 Rihhnn 87 B
A Chri.s, m,1s Wish S,·,: Ulirasmo(Hh Whih:. lhru<1ul" B11rgu11d)', ;md C.1r<ltn l;r1,:r11 C., rd -!)wck: Ro.-.t.: Red Sr:1mpin1 P~ul; (;lorioi1~ Grl'l'n ~t~unpin' \'<lr1t1,; MJrkcr; llold llriglus lbflia_, Dcc·klc Scissors. I/ff' ( :irck P1111d1 87 C
ll1·d1' T.nmh l\·nY,uln Pal:. Sc..11; P1.·11~11in 1~1ny
Stampin' Artlttntl \~111.:d: Uhr-J.i.:muoth Whi,c, l\asic llbck, ltosc fled, am! Clorious Crc,·n ( .ard Swck: 1\ln,k Inf.. Cartridge: f\:i;ic 1\ln~k Siampin' l~t<I; Ro$c Red, !l~lk-1 lll11c, S11m111cr S1111, ,md (~lorio11,~ (~rn•n S1:unpin' Wrile Markers 91 8
'l'l1~11 1k.'\ Snow Muth! Stc i f\ar0<111t Burgundy, N;1111r.1ls. l;\fft.."SI F,,liap.c, .;r11c..l
Mor<· M11Iuml Card Sw,·k, Basic 11~1,· k. S1:1111rin' \Xlri1c l'.1d~\Xlah:rcolurs,
WJ1treulor llru., h, I lcckk Sd"'""· S1:1m pin' Dlmcn!'liutl.ll~
l'rcny 1'0111.«·11 ia ~cl: Glossy Whi1c, ( ;lprious Grcl.'n, ~Uhl Rost· Red c: 1rJ
.Swck; Rose- Red, t;lorinus ( ;rl'<'lt, 1111d .Smnn1t:r ~..un Srampi 11' P:ids; 111.,•cklt· Sd .,;~or,,;;. $,~m,pin~ !')po11bc
Thanks S1111w Mu,h! Sci: Bam,111l· liurg1111dy, M<irc M11,"1rt!. anJ N:1111r:1l, C.ml Smck: Rid, R,'t'-Jls Mulberry
!'aper; Basit: BlJ<k S1,mpin" p.,J; Watcruolors, Watercolor Bru$h. 2-\Y/ay Gluc Pen. Da'l.zli11g Dianuinds C;Ji11cr, Natural lbllia. l1cckl~ Scisclf,rS 92A
Pe-•ce or, F.nnh and Itry lliuy Racks..rmnu.ls Scl$: Ulrr.,smmuh Whitt.·. Noi Qui1t N.ivy, ,md Gold Mc1:1llic Card .Stock; ·1op llos,, ·1i111cd E111hcmin!\ Pad ; No1 (.Juiu: Navy, C lurima.-. C:rt't'.11 Fore.st Poliag1t, :tnd Close cu Cua,a 1 !i1a_mpin Pads: { ;old Demi I E111hos:i,lng Powder. I kcklc Sdssors, Wa,,·m,lor flrush, Spong,· Dauber
Snow Angds. Alphabet /\1ti1udc l,1wcr and 0 11di11c Alplmbc1 J,,wcr StL,; Clwckcrboard Uackgronrnl Stamp; !'ink Passion, l.ovt•ly Lilac:. wd lJhrasmnmh Whi,c C:tnl Swck; Marvelous Mage111a, BasiL lllack, :111d l.<ivdy Lilac S1a1npin' P:1ds; Hk11Jt:r Pei,, Sr:u111>l1,· Pa~1ds
S,"'·" ""'' Shdvt.,,; and l'un Fillers St1S: II.die, lll11t, N;nurals, ;rnJ !lose lloru:111cc Card Swck; 1\1,ck C11lorl,,,~ .Ink l~1tl; lh llc, l\luc Sia111pi11" Wrhc M:irkcr. l!olk, Blue. Mnre Mustard, <:,11;1,• Grci:n. Rose Rn1111n1cc. 1\lush
l.uvdy l.,hc, Close 10 Coma, aml l\liss Blne S1:1111pin" Wri1t· Markers: Crysr:il
Christmas Cordin.11, and lrty Bi11y 11:i~kground., ii,·t,; Narumls C.1rtl S111ck, lbdianr White Vellum; Basic Rl:tck. l'orc-sL foliage, oml More Musc:ird S1arnpin' l~1ds; llasic Hlack, ForCl/1 foliage, Coinr: Cr.1y, More Musrnrd, and llaruquc llu~1111dy S1amp1n' Wri1c M~rkcrs; I/R · Circle l'unch, Rid, Rtgal,: lt:.ffia, Mc1;1llirThrc,1d, Wire 928
Cliristmas Canlinals. Alphahc, Appc:,I Upper, nrid Alpliaber Appeal l.uwer Ser>: Ch~-ckcrhoard llackground S10mp: Na, urab C',ard Srnt:k; l\asic Black, flaroquc l\uri;1111dy. Mnrc MusrarJ. ~nd ( ;,udt~n C rcc11 SL:1rnpin' Pad~i
W:11crc:olors. W;11cr,;olor lkush. Rich
Reb'filS H:i1Tia 92C
C hristmas C,rdinals Set; Nawr:i)s C:mJ Smck; Ha$ic llbck Stampin' Pad: Forc., t Foliage, Clos,· 10 <:Ucua, Morc Mustard. and Baroque llurgundr Stampi11' Wriic Markers; l//4" ( :ird~ I unch, Rich Rcgills 1~,ffi. 92 D
Wimer l':ud,c, St·i: Ultra.sn1001h Wl1i1c. Nm Quit,· N,tvy, ,1111.J Burdcri11g f\lut Corti Su,d,: lb,ic lllack. Nor Qui ,e N.. vy. l:1.kc11 wiil, Teal, :lfld ()IJ Olive St.unpin' i'.1tls; W.11ercolnr l}ru.,h: .Srampin' Dimtnsion:1.ls
95 8
Elegam Ant;d :lnd M,1y Yuur Juy Se,~; Nigh, of Navy. Naturals, and Silver Metallic C:irtl S1ock: ·1op II(>,;,: Llmlm.ssing l\,J, ll"sic Block Si,111p111· Pad; Wnicrcolors, Wa1rrmlor l\ru,h , 1/8" Circle l'unch , 2-Way Gluc l'cn. Uau.ling Di:1montls Cllucr, Cultl/Silvcr Z ig l'aimy l'cn. Silver Mcralli~ CwJ
Cowbuy C h ristmos, Tlu>ttt;hLs /4 Y!\11. lrry fliuy llackgrounds, and Crec,ini, 4 You .~ct.\; Checkerboard Back!\round Sra111p; N,Hutab. Rose Hcd. anJ Cnnfcn Gr~cn <:nrd Swck: Basic !\lack. nose to C<icoa, C,,ing Gray, Mo1<• Mu11ard, Canl,·11 Crecn, Rose Red, ,u,d J\ulle, Blut..· St:unpiu' Pac.l~i W:111.~rcnlqr Hrnsh, JurnlK> Cirdc f>1111ch, I /I 6"' Cirdc
Punch. l'inkini; Scissor.;.Jure
96 A
99 8
ti Snow! ;mJ C rc,:nivc Corners ~CISj Ultra~mumh Ivory) ·1;1kt.·r'I wirh ·1~:11. ~rnd Eggplan, Envy Cird Swl'.k.: 1l:1sil 111:11:k ~nd "fokcn \vi1h 'lcal Srnmpi11' I'."~': · n,kcn wi,h lb J, Eggplon1 Envy, Mure Musr:ml, l(11s<· Roma.nee, and l\ordcrini: llluc S1:u11pin' \'ilri1c Marl<crs: lllcnder Pen
Polar lksirs Sci: 13rilli:rnL llluc, Narnrnls, :ind Rose Rc<l C:ird Stock: SnmvOakcs l'rintc,I Vdl11111; H.1sic Black. llrilliani llluc·, R(),c Red, Summer Sun, Coini;
96 8
Set; Ul1 rnsmuorh
Whi1c, 11:tllct Llluc, ,<nd Real Red C,irJ S1ock: lllack Colorbux Ink l'3J; lt dlc1 l\h1c Siampi n' l~1tl; Haller Hh,c, l{eal Red. Carck-11 Cr.·en, Su.mnwr Sun, Mure Musr:ird. Really R11,1, and <:lose r11 Corna S,"111pi11' Wri,c M:trkcrs; Cry<1:1I Clear Stampin' llmhoss Puw<lcr, Watercolor llrnsh
Cr~y• .md C:k>rim1s Crcr.:n .S,nnipin'
Pad.,: Waicrculor Brush, Si:1111pi11' Dimcnsiunals, Royal Blue Orga11<ly Ribbon. Mn11m1tin Dcckk Scissor.<
Polar lie-Jr., Set; Nnur-1h, llri ll i:1111 lllu~. and Rose l\cd Cml Swc.k; llasic lllack, R<,sc Red, l.\;irdv Ba.narn,, and Clurious c;n.:cn St;1m1lin''rnc1:s: Lemon t hiffim, l\lucbcny II is;. and Abalone Cr:iy U,adclnl 1',-oris, Dccklc$ci"-«lr.~. Wotcrcolur l\rl15h, Sti\,plc llru~h. St:Jmpin' Dirncnsiuw.1 s
l.\los.,.;om . ( ::irdcn Green, Ro~\'." Rc-J,
C lt:;ir S1ampin1
l!mhos~ Po\vd(•r,
Wa1crc1)lor Bru.<h. Ar1ii~uc ~.lcg:111ce Sci$..;nr.: 102 B
C:rec1inj,s 11 You ancl Sca.on~I Shdvc.~ Sc1s; Vicwrian Lace fl:1,k~round Srnrnp; Rose Red. Garden Crccn, anJ Narural.{ d Smck: 1.11111:k Colorhox Ink l'adt Ruse Red. More Mus~Jrd, Blush lllnssom, L.ovdy Lilac. llliss llluc, Gnrdcn \<r<'Cn. 13rocide Blue. Bordering llluc, """ Close 1<1 Coco'1 St,unpin' Wriic-M:irkcrs; Crys•al C:kar S1amp1n'
Emliu.ss Puwdc.r, \X/:r1c:n:nlnr Hrt1'-li\ Maxi sc~1llup Sci1iSOr'S, S:nin llihhu11 l02C
S,sL<onal Shdvc,: Se,: Chc~h·rhuar<.! lfack~rounJ ~m.1npt Glm·!11tis (~rtc-11, lk,1 Red, and Natural, t..irJ 5wck; Black C:olurhox Ink l'ad; Clnrious Green Srompin' Pad: Rc"II Red, Summer Sun, llrilli:1111 llh,c. Clos,· ti) Cocoa, ls,rc.sr F"li:i!\,'• ( :111rious Green, Really Rus,, 11:irdy B.111,111:i, Bliss Hluc. .111(1 !\lush l\lo.-.som Si.~1mpi11· \'(/rite: Markers: Cry.srnl Clear St:1mpin' l(mhoss Powder; l>ccldc $,i.<Sors. Waiercolur fln1sl1. Cellophane Bag, Red (:ro.sgrnin Rihhon. Sn1mpi11· l)imc.11.sio11.1L'»
100A 93 A
97 A
F:ivuiih.: Fr:nnc Set: rhroquc BurgunJy :ind (;c,ld M"'allk C1rd Srock, ·1op flos., Ernbossi11g l':1d; C:olJ Octa.ii Embossl11g 1\,wckr. I/ I<," C:frde P<1nch, ColJ
Rjng in du.: New! Sc.:.·1; Nmural, and Nigh, uf N:1vy Ctrd Srock; ~;.,1,lllush Colorhox luk l'"d; Nigh, ul Navy S1ampin" l':1J; I /8" Circle 1'1md1, Gold/Silver / .ii-: l'aimy Pw, Cold Organdy Rihl,on, Stampin' Dimcn,i,,11:il,,, .~ma.II Fb, C-.dlopha,u13ag
Mc.t.allicCurcl 93 8 l~JvoriH.: Pr.m1c Sctia Fort.·st Foli:igc, ,rn<l
(.;old Mcrnllic Canl Smck; -1,,p l\rn;., Embossing l'aJ; ( ;,1ld Detail Embossini:; Powder: I lolly ll,,r,ln Punch. (;olJ Metallic Cord 94 A
Lact SnowOakc,; :md Mny Your j(,y Sets:
Night of Navy anti Naiurals Card S111ck: <.;old Culurbux Ink l',d;.Ni!r:I" of Navy Stsmpin' l':iJ, l\b·,,ini; Blu~ 5i,mpin' Ernho.ss Powder; S1:1rnping Spon)\t, nc..:klc Sci., ,urs, Maxi Scallop Sci,.sors, $t;1rnpin' I >imc11~ion:1I$ 94 8
lkary Merry C:hrisrmas and ltry flirry lhtkground, Sci,; Namrnl,, Pore~1 l'uliagc, :uuJ lbmquc llurgundy (;;irJ Smck; llosic Black, Going C:rny, Cl<lsc· 10 Cocoa, !\lush l\lossom, More Mus1:1.rJ. :u1d Baro,p,c l\11rg11ndy Sramp1r1' l'ad.~: Wm,rcolor Urush. 1/16° C ircle Punch, c.;old Orgc111dy Rihl,011, Scallop Sci,.,..,rs, Mc1allic Thread 94C
lk-ary Merry Chrisim:L< :md luy Biuy Buckg·nn1n<lS" Sers; N:irur!Us. Forn.c:1
Folingc, a,1d l\:11·11,(llc Burgundy C1rtl l)a$ic lll,1d<, C"ing Gray, Close 111 Cocoa, flltL<h lllt,._..,m, More M,.,1,ird, and ll:HD<lllC flurgundy Starnpin' !'ads; Basic Black Stnrnpin' Wri1c Ma rke" Wa.,crcolnr llrosli. I /ff' Cird ~ 11und1, <;nld Mc1allic Ribl,,m .S111ck;
U11d,, C:ille,,pfr l3utton lkar, How Bear, Simple \Xlishcs, :rnJ Outwn/flm"' Accc-'suric:s Sers; l lomc-,:.pu11 U:u:k_rnund StJ111p; Harnqtu:.'
Uurgu11Jy, Not Q_uiLc Navy, and Confcui Cardsrnck; Baroque lhtrgundy ~tampi11' l'ad; Basic lllad. Cl,ocol.itc Chip, C:lns..: 111 Cocoa. Mor~ Musiarcl. N'1t Quitl.' Navy, Grtt.·n Cillurc, Yoyu Yellow: 1.~callr Rust, and Pink Passion
97 8
S1.;unp111 \1(/ruc M'a rkcrs; Blender Pc.ns1
Ring in 1hc N,·w! Sci: Narur.,b, Nigln uf Navy. '1nd Cold Mcrallic c.._,tt S1ock; Radia,11· Whi,c Vellum: Ul1ra.<muod1 Whi1e Envdupc; Night of Navy $iampin' l':rd: ColdRush Colorho, Pad: Gold/Silver / .ig l'ain1y Pen, 11inking SciS<ors, St:1111pin· Dirncnsion!tl~; Gold/Silver "linscl
Crysr:11 Clear S1ampin' Embus.< Powder: Ille.ch. n~cklc Scis.son;, Rich Rt-gals Raffia
97 C
100 B
ll1111m1 lkir and Pcrfo~, Pli11ds Sc1s: lJlrrn.1111.,11111 White, Garden Crecn, anJ Kraf, CarJ Swck; Earih Element, Mulncrry /'aper. More Mu;iard. Carden Crtcn . Ch,)colate Chip, ai1d Basic lllack
l.imla S111rk Sassy ~,,a.sonals !ict: Old Olive, Ruhy Red. More Mu~1:1rd, and Na111r,d, CtrJ S1ock; Old Olive, Ruby Red, ,111d More Musl!lrd S1::11npi11' P:.ids; S1-:.11npin' Dim1;;nsion!ll.s
S1:1 111pi11' l>ad~; C.i(tkn Crc...-1:n S1:tmpin'
98 A
SctS: Naiurab C:ard S,ock•, m:ick C:olmhox lnk l':id; C:lns~ t•l C:ocM ;111d L,,vdy l.ibc S1 aJ11pin' fl:1tL<: Violct 'Jntl C:n:~n l.i,p1id Appliquc; Crysia l Cbr
WinLer Wilma Set: C heck<!rh<1:ml Background and Swirl h,11nc: S1:unp.,; Lovely l,ilac. N:nurals • .111d Min , Mdody Card Siock: llasic l.llat·k, 11,JJ"dy Banana, ,nJ Marwlous MJgcn,a St.ampin' P:ub,; \V.,rt:rcolor.~. \'«.11~n..ulo.r Brush: 1/8'' Cirdc l'unch. S1a111pi11· Dimensional~
Write Marker; ('inking Scissor,, Art P<.:ndls, S1:1mpin, Din1cnsiu11al\ 101 A
Lori l/11m, Bow lk:ir and !cry Biery Backgrounds
Srn111pin' Eml><~~, Powder. Window Sheet. I lc.irr .Stt:1Kil. Si.ampin' l~Lsicls, Srn111pi11g Sp,,11gl:, Org:111dy RiJ,l,on IOI B
Brrnd/1 Swy11er 98 8
S11ow /111gcl, ;111d Omlin<• Alphah~1 Lower Sc,s; llallct Hluc, Llrillia111 llltll', and Uliram11,rnh Whirc Cml Smck: Fros, Whil,· C:olorhox Ink l'a,I; H,.,i< lllack S,:impip' 1-~ul; 11,..ic 111:i< k SL'tm,,i11' \'(/rite M~rkcr; Srnmpi11'
l'asrc ,. lllcndcr Pens
Bu1u111 lltar, llu1t1,111/llt1w A,lt<s<>ri4":<, Rml Bold & ll3"ic Gn:ctini;,< ScLs: Uhr:i,momh Vnnilla and CloS<· ro C llcoa (~ird Swck: Ch0<eolatc Chip S1ampin' P::,d; S1-:..11npi11' Pastels, S1~mpi11p, ~po11ge., ~nm1pin' I )i111c.:mion;1ls
Fu 11 ky Fav.,ti1cs Set: C:hcckcrlm:irJ ll,tckgru11nd Siamp, Narurnb C1rd Sto<k: l}rill iatH Blu,·. [hrcxl''" Burgundy; 11,ud Clvrious Gre{>n S,a 111p1n' Pads; t:rosl Wlti"tt Colorbox !'ad; \'(finier Whi1c Sw111pi11' Emhos.< l'ow.J<:r; Night of Navy :ind llam411c 13urg1111dy $ qmpin' Wrirc Markers; I/8" Cirdc 1'1111ch, 'livig. Rich Rcg!lls Raffia 103 B
Fnnky F:tvuriccs Set: C hcckcrhoaru 11:icki::round Sramp; Confc11i, Noiurals, Ruby Red. a11d Bri llia111 l~lue Csrrl iiwck: l'r<>s1 White and "li:rr;i Co1rn Cnlorht>< Ink Pads: llrillinnt illutc Sh.unpin' P:..1U: Real Rt.--d, Clorious
C1e..:c11 1 ,m<l Brilli:.1_111 Hirn~S1ampin' Wrirt Ma rkers: Whirc Derail Emhos.<ini: l'uwdcr. Crysrnl Clear Srnmpin' ltmbo.s . l'owd.-r. l'inkin& Sci:;.-:11.,.. 1/1/," Circle 1'1111d1, S1:1,n1)in Dii11c11sion.tb, j111c 103 C
~l'.IS<!n:,I ,._ln•a~cs. SJ)' 11 wi1h _SLriprurc-i.. ~pcc1:1I ( ,rccr111gs. /Incl l11y flr11r l\:ickgrounds Scis; Co,&iri a11d Fon.:st foliage Cord Srock: I'""'" Foli!lgc Scunpin' Pad; Forcs-L f;uli;igc.·, Rose
Rnmancc, Balle, Hlue. :u11J l'ali- l'lum .Swmpir,' Wrirc:- MMkcr!-"; Corner Rounder, I //4 ·• <; i,clc Punch. (:rc.,nl Y.11·11 104 A
M11rce/l,, \~111~ Q..ilis Civc 0,mfou Sn; .KrJfi anti Fggpla111 bwy C:trJ Stnck: llbck Cqlorlmx Ink l1ad; P~1ll· Plum .Srampl111 1'3J; llold 111:id<. S,~mpin' F.mho,s l'owdcr, Sramping Sponge, Organdy Hihhon, W3t<-rcolors, \Xl:uc.:rcolnr Brush 104 B sl~S(.1114(1
l~nd1t.~ and nut Crcctiogs::
Sm; 'licking lhckg.rounJ Sm111p: M,11c
Musrnrd, l'.ggpl:u11 Envy, .mt! Naiur-.ils C:.ml Stucki l\osit l\lock, Mellow 1\foss, Olcl O livt, More Musrnrd, ER\pbm Envy. .i ml Coin~ Cr:1y Sr.impin~ P::tJ); Warcrwlor l\n,~)1, Ydllllv-Gold 13u,wn, String. ~r~1upin' Dimi:nsional,.
107 C
Mll1mObom /\ II-Season Wreath Set: Natur,I,. ffaroquc B11rg1111tl)', :md C ardt.· 11 Grctn Cml Stock: lhsic Black. Haroquc Burgundy, anJ GarJen Crccn S1:1111pin' P:1lls; 1/ 16" Cirtlc Pund1, W :1t·crcolo1
105 A
Brush. Gold Mt'1"1li.: Cord
1n rhe Gard,·n anJ lust for You Sers: Naturnls, Summer Sun, anJ O ki ()live Card Stuck; Basic Black, (lid Oli",._ Brn,·~dc Blue, Barely 13,rn:rna, Ruby Red, O nly Or:u1gt, Close to Cocoa,.Going GrJy, and Reali)' Rust Srampin l':i,I.,; Watercolor llr11,h, Wave S,i,,, or,, Sr;1mpin' Dirr11.·n~ionals 105 B
'17,uui;lm 4 You :md In the GJrdcn S1.:1>~ Narur.,k Rose Red, and Rose R,>mauce Cmd Stock: l~a,ic Black, Real i)• Rust, O ld Olivc-, Close tn Cvroa, O n ly Orange, Rose Rcd .md Ru~t Rom;H'ICe St:impiu' P:ids: W:ucr~olor Brush. I.ace Scissors. I /16" C ircle l'unch, S1amp111' 1
Dirncnsion:tls 105 C
1:/ll'II Vr1ll11• Li1rlc Snml'.rhl ng."I ,1nJ F:,voriw Crl'ctings Sc1s: Whirc Vltrnsmooth, I.owly l.il:1(, ,rnd Ter11p1ing 'li1n.1uoi<e Card Stock: Basit· Black Srsmpin' l'.,J: \~ncrcolor Pencils. Blcnd<"r Pen. ~c1ml)i11' l'Jstr ls, Squ:ire S,cncil 106 A
The l\1rrfoli(1 C0Jkc1io11 :nul ,\ fore Sayings ~m<l Sud1 Sn~, A111iquc C r:,cking lla(kgroqnd .Smm r ; flssic Black, Rcnlly Rusr, .,ml Copper Mctalli, C:1rJ St0ck: CuppcrSwift Colorbvx Ink Pad: Basic Bb & Srampin' l':id; Ble-Jch. l:,1qh Elements M,dhcrry l':ipel' \06 8
Snn. Moon. & Star.I S,·1. Bordy n,unma, B,,,, .,Je Blue, ;ind c;ol,I Mt1:1llic C ird Stock: ·rop llms E111lms,ini; l':1.d: Sour L'-'111011. 1,l'11l(lll t.J 1iffiu1. 'lwilight ~lime:. .mu Hlutl,crrv IJli.« lbdiJm Pearls; (;oltl Dcc,il l,mbn~sini; Powder, S1t ncil Brush. D.:cklc Sd,snrs, II I(," Circle l'und 1, Gold Metallic Cord 106C
Sun, lv1oon, & Si,rs Set: 13:isi,· 131-alk Jnd Silver Metallic CorJ S1ock: Top Bo,,_, 1?.mlx,ssing l'ad: Colorbox fr(>S\ Whi1,· l'nJ: Al>alonr Grer, C1spi:1 n St:i. anc.l Lemv,1 Chiffun lhd iam l'e:irls: Silver Der:til 1'.mlio~,ing Powder: Dtckle Scis,:nr.<, I/ I(i'' (~irdt Punch: Sil,,,., Me1Jllic Cord; S1ipple Brush 107 A
With l.<>vc...Na 111rJlly and lay Bitty lkickgrounds Sers; Nkllow ~1o!>s. 1.o vdy I ihc, Alm"" Am,·tlivst. anJ Na,ur«ls CMd Swck Natural ·1vorv M,·<liurn Ro«;11c l;if, Box: Old Olive, !lasic l\bck, lovely l.flac, Summer Sun, nnd i\lrnost Amethyst S1a111pin' Pn,ls: Watdcolor Brush. Stnmpin· Dimcnsion.1ls: Cd ory (lrg,indv Rihho11, Mc1>1llic 'l'hrcod, 1116" :rnd i/8" C irdc l'uud1es 107 8
With Luvc... N:iturally and luy Bitry Backgrnnnds Ser., ; Nanirals and l'i11k Passion CorJ Srnck: Marvcluu., M:1gcnr:1, Pink Pa,-sinn, More Musrnru, Mdlow Moss, Old Olive, Jnd Coing Gr.iy Stam pin' Pnrk ·1op Boss Rmh<»sinl\ l";1J: l;"IJ Detail Embossing Powder, \l;l:llcrrnlor Brush, 1/16" C irdc l'um:h, Mcrnllit· T h,..-.,tl, 0'1,"'" 'ly Ribbon
108 A
Ststmn,,I llirdhnus,·s. J11si for Yuu, and luy Biuy llackl\rou11u, Sets: Naturals. Mou, Musca.rd, and Nm Qu i,c Na,')' G ,rd Smck: Llasic nlack, More MustnrJ, Sum mer Sun, O ld Olive. Baro,1uc B,1 rgundy, Broc,tlc Llluc, Lovely Ube, Clnse IO C:,lcM, C,)i11g Gray, and Not Quit~ N.1vy 5,an,pin' Pads; Earth F.h·mcn1.s Mulhtrry Paper, Na,ur:il lbfli:i, .Sra.111 1,i11' Oi 11u..:uSltrn:1L--;1
Wai,·rcolor Brnsh 108 8
Bmcnde Blue n,td lhll,·1 lllu,· Scampi n· Pads: 'lop Boss Embossiug Pad: Gold Dct.1il Embossing Pc._lwdl·r, Stampin' Oi111cnsiu11als, Scall<,>p .Sri>sors, Mtmllic Thr<·:td, Plastic Wrap ll0C
O rnamentals, ltty Bii-ty l\ack;_;rt,unds, ,md flold & Bosic Crce1ini;s Se1.<; Naturals. Old Oliw, Perfect Plum, and 13.lfdy Banan.t G m.I S1ock: Top Boss Clear Embossini: l'ad; Parchment and Eggplant ( '.(,lmGu~ !!lk l'aJs: Perfect l'fum, Summer Sun, J11<.I Old Olivt Si:tmpin' Pads: Perice, Plum, Summer Slln, ant.I O ld Olive Si:u11pin' Wri1c Marker,~ Crysml C lr:tr Srnrn11in' Emln~~! Powder, 1/ 16" Circle Punch, Srnrnpin' Dirnensionals. Stenci l Bnisl1, Jt1tc
Mnrrrlln \\i'o11g Crea, Gnmpini;s :'ict: Triple-I.in,· l'bi,I Srnmpin' Around Whcd: No, Quite Navv :md Clossy White Card Stock: No,·Q_uiic Navy Srnmpin' l':id; \'(1.irl"'..n.:olur Uru...:h , Sr:Hn pin'
Dirncnsionals 109 A Fh.·urs .Seti N:11ur~1h, G:ihlc Cn.·r11, Positively l'i11k, .mcJ B:irdy Ban,ma Card Srock; B»ic lll:,ck, ""ble Green, l\arcly B:111:u1a, l'ositivcly l'ink, and Pink l'a;sion '>1'!mpi11' l':ids: I /8" Cirdt l'unch, Light l'itik Grosgrain Ribbon l_(.'_1i;
109 B
L:s l'li:11,s :1nd w :, rm Wishes Sew Cl,c(k,·rl,o,irJ B:tekgrout1d Stamp: N:uurals, Gable Green, ,md Rose Romantt C.'.:, rd .S,ock, lhsic Black, Posirivrly f',nk, Rose Red, Mauve Mist, Gable Crec11, Bardy Banan:1, and C:los<· 10 Cocoa Srnmpin' P:1ds: W,ucru)lor
Bnish 109C
L111d11 Cilli-rpfr T imes & Se:1Sons Sei; Knit and Glorious Gr<:en Card Srnd<: llh1ck Colorbvx Ink l'ad: ' lop Boss Clear Embossing l'nd; Glorious Green, C hornlate Chip, Grcrn Calure, Ruhy Red, 0111)· Or,ingc, .ind l\ardy l{anana !'>111 mpi11 Wrih: 1\.1::irkt:rs; Cryst;1I Ck. .Jr ~nd llolJ lllack Stampin' r.mbo~< 1'(,wdcrs; Bl,-ad,, Watcrm lnr Bn1Sh. I/8" Circle Punch. Rich Regals Raffin.
Ornamentals and lrry lliny lla,kgrounds Bold Baroque Srnmpin' /\round W heel: Narnr.ils :111d Old Olive Card ~ruck; Old O livcSrnmpin' l'"J; 1/16" C irde Pu,,d ,, E., nh F.lcmcn,,; lbilh. 111 A
Kimono ,md !t ty lliuy L\:tc:kground.< ScL<; Conlt ui, Old O liw. 1111d Eggplam Envy Card Stuck; \'(11,i ,c Mulberry Paper (dvrd wid, Eggplant E11vy l11k): Old Olive. Eggplam Envy; Cameo Cornl, Mon: M11$t:lfll, and C lose IO Cocoa Srnmpin' PaJ.,;; 'fop Bo,s H111l}()ssi11g Pad: Gold Fncord Ultimate Mcrallic Pad; Woiercolor Brush, Stipple !\rush, 1/16" Circle Punch. Cold Memllk-Cord. foam Sn;,p-ln llrnycr. Sr.1111111n' Dimcnsiu,rnls, Gold Detail lintlw,,,;ing Powckr 111 B
KiniontJ Set; Old Olive :111d Confctii Car<l Smck: White Mulhrny P:1pcr (dyed with Eggplant Envy Ink): Mure Musm rd, 0 1,l Olive, Eggplant F.nvy, C:1111eo Cor;,I , aJ1\i Ci(lsc ro Coco:i St:tmpin' Pa\l.s: ' li,p l\u.<s F.,nhu.<sing Pad; GnlJ Encore! Uhimatc Metall ic Pod: i'o:im Snap, ln llr:iyer, 1116" Ci rclt· Punch, CulJ Mctolli" Conl l ll C
Kanji Set: Nn111rals. ll:isi~ flb~k. Close lO Coco,1, and Mdlow M,),~s Card Stuck: l\asic 111:irk ,,nl) Mellow Mos, St~mpin' P:id. : S1a111pi1i Dintcnsionals 111 D
Kanji Sci: Bamboo BackgmunJ Stem•~; l\asic l\lack, Confc11i, anJ Creamy C~r:111t<'I C:ir,I Srork Soft Sub, k"' Mulberry l':ilier; 'l op lloss l1ml,o.s.,ing P,td, Cl3.ssy Coppc,· Sta111pin' Emboss Powder. 1'.1pcr Crimper. 111G" Cirdc l'uncli. llbch, Blnck and Cnppcr Yarn 112 A
Mflm•lla Wong ( )mote ()rn:,menrs Ser; Night of Navy and Cold Met:tlli,· C.rd Srock; ColuRush Cnlurhox Ink Pad: Night of Navy Stampin' !'ad; Gold Clory St:tmpin' Emboss Powder. S1ampin' Dimcnsioital.<, C:old Org:111.Jy Rihbon
l'nriii,lro Collecrion II :ind lfolJ & Basic
112 B
~r:1mpin' D imt.·nsiorrnl:.
Gn"'l:cings St.:tS: Conl~ui. N,nm-:,ls. t )Id Olive. ,rnd Really Rusi C trtl Su,ck: Close ro Coco~, St;ampin' Pad; C1cnlc Spice K;,ld dacolor !'ad: E~rrh i:lcmtlll> and Narnrnl RaAia: S1ampi11' Di1nension:tls 1108
l'onfolio Collectio n 11, l11y Bi11r n~1ckgrounds, :ind Elcg-;1111 Gr·t.•cting..~ SeL<; 'Ultt.1smooth Vanilla, Brocade Liluc, .ind Nor Quite Navy Card Srock; Rid, Regals and S01rt Subdcs Mulberry l'aper;
Michele Brel,md 1\ncicn1 An- Jntl hty Bi11y [\ackgrounds Sets: C hocolate Chip, Reali)' Rust, and Naiurtlls C.1rd Stock: Clmcnb1e Chip Jnd Rdly- Rusr Srampin' P:ids: Brown , nd Hl:1ck 1.iquid Appli,111<, Sponge Dnuhcrs, lnkwor,, Air Ari Gun, Col<I/Silwr 7.ig P,inry Pen, Nau1r:il Ra/Tm, Srampin' Dimcnsionals 113 8
1100 Set.<;
!,ca,ut1;1l 13irdlio um,, luy Biuy Backgrounds, and Sim pk Wishe~ S<'l~: Na111mls. l'>.1rdy Ranal13, and Ca111co Cora l Card S1ock; lhsi~ Black, Mor<.: Mustard, Close to Coc1>a, C:imen Coral, Only Orange, l\;irdy Banana, Blush Bto.s.,;;om, PtrfrCL Pl11m, P:1lc P\um t Guini. Gr.,y, a11d Old O live Smmpin· Pads: W:1trrcolor Brush, I/ 16" C ircle Punch, Rich Regals RnA-,a
Moss. Old O liv,·. Blt1.sh lllossorn , Close l'O Cuc-0~1• .111d More Musmrd Srnmpin Write MJrkers: Blender l'cns. Gold Derail Embossin~ l'owJ cr._Srompit~g Spllngc. Sr:1111p1n Dunensiouals. J Porcupi11e Ball (t0y, used for lnickground), l;old Mernllic Cord
l'~tl rl,c Warn1th Set: Namral;, Mdlow Mu5', a11u Lh,ic llbck Card Scock, B:1Sic Black Srnmpiri' !'ad; Large-Eyed NcL-<llc,
Aocicm An Ser: Narur-~ls. Gold Mc13ll1e, and Mellow Mvss Card Srock: 'lh\' Llo.s.s Embossing Pad: Creole Spice Ka ,·idaculor l'aJ; Basic Black Srampin' Pad; Gl:t«y Glaze and Anriq11e Gold Gla1,c Srnmpin' Emhuss F.narnd; Vinmgc Verdigris Stam pin' Emboss Powder. Scampi11g Sponge. Siarnpi11' Dimensionals, Jure l13C
i'.u ni Pm tery Sr.i mp; 13ask Black an,I Kraft Card Srock: fllack Colorbox l'ad: Really Rusr Stampin' Write M:irkcr; Bold Black St.lmpin' l'mbos., Powder; Srampin' l)in1l"nsio 11als, Dried Flowers. Whi1e Cd Pen 114A
lic'1${)nal Solid, Sei: Natur.1ls C:ird Stock: Top Hoss C lear Emb,-,ssing Pad: Pn~i-ty P,·,irl ~rnmpin' Emboss Powder: Sta111pin' Dimensional.s. Ivor)' O rg:indy Ribbon 11 4 8
Se.isonal Solid, Set: Darling Dor Fr.ime Stamp: Ultra$nul0th White, L\alkt Blue, on,! Summer Sun Srampi n' l'ad.: J,,vdy Lilac and Summer Sun StJmpin ' Wrirt' M:1.rkers 114 C
ltry Llirtil-s, Sc:isuual Solid,. and Dot Grcc1ings Sers: Narurals, Rose Red. and Rose Roma nee Card S10ck: Rose RcJ :ind Ro«· Romance S,ampin' Pads 115 A
lludrey Vdo11i, :1y ir wirh Scriptures and S,aincd Glass Sers: Ultrasn1001h Whi1e, Co nfetti, and Mim MducJy Card Stuck; Sofr S11brb Mulberry Piper: l op Boss Clear Embrn:sing JiJd; f\:isic Bl:1ck Smmpi,1' P:1d: 114" Circle l>t111d1, Mauve O rgandy Ribbon, Gl.t.<Sy Cl:tze Starnpi n' Emho,s l!.n:imd. C:.ry.s:l'al Clt:"Jr S1-::1rnpi11' Emhn.'is Pmvder l 15 8
SmincJ Ghi.ss Set: ll.irdy Banana, Almosi Ame1hy.<1, and Vellum C:tnJ SLOck, SoFt Subtlts Mulberry l'aeer: [31:tck Colorbux Ink r'J<l; Ballet l\lne,
Summn Sun, Carden {~rcl·n. and Lovdy Lilac Sr:irnpin' Wri,c Markers: Mine Julep, Fn>sry Iris, Blueberry Bliss, :ind L<'mon Chiffon Radiam Peirb~ Warcrcolo r B111sh. 1/8" Cirdc Punrh, Cre:1111 Grosgrain Ribbon
Jure. Sr:i111pi11' D imc nsiunals 115 C
112 C
P.,uijo Sk"gq11i,i l'c-cl th.: W:mnrl, Set: Uhrasmootl, Vanilla . Mellow Mos.s, and Gultl Mcr~llic Card St_uck: Honeydew Eno>re! Ulwnrtcc Mcrall,c Pnd: Mellow Mo.<., St~mpi n' P,uh Bon.l...·ring Blm.:1 Mdlow
Sta.iJ1ed Glass Ser: U lrr:1sn1001h White, Bordering 131uc, Bardy Banana, a.nd Ballet llluc Card Srock: Sufi. Subtle; M,Jbc-rry l'a\,er; lll:tck Colorbox Ink Pad: Yoyo Ye lolV, More Musrnrd, lhro,1ue Burgundy. Balk, Blue, C lose ro Cocoa, C;unco Corn!, and G lorious © /.!}J)IJ-.:!tl()l'J v#,,✓.nyui1 ' </f,/
G=11 ~tamrin' Wm,· MurkNs; Crysral Orar Smnpiri Emboss l'nwdcr. w.,.-n:nl<ir Rrmh 116A
Fabulm" Plm,rlshcs, l11y Bi11y 1\,-ckgruunJ,, and Shurl )>ayin&> Set<; N,rn~ls aml Old Olive Cord .Stock; Only C)r:mgc, lcmpung lurquoisc. l:!osic Rl:id,. and Old Olive Swnpin' !'ads; B~sic 81,~k Srnmpu,· Wrnc Marker; Scampi ng Spu111,c, I/ll" C ircle l 111ncl,. Cold 011,',lndy Rihl,on. lviciallic Thrc-•d 116 B
1',bulQu~ Flourishc,, Ii I y Bmy Bockgrt11111ds. ttnd Shorr S:iyin~J Sers; Natural, .111d Old Olive Q,rd !imck; %p Bos.~ Clear F,mbossing l'.1d: Moss Green. Amber, Mim, •nd llfal.k Colorhn~ Ink l':ids: ll;i;ic Bl•ck .S1:unp,n' Wri,c M:1rkcr: Cryrul Clear Stampin' E.inlws,, Powtlcr. G1,ld Dcrnil Ecnhu,sin~ Powder. Cnld/.Silvcr Zig l'ain,y 11cn , b.urrh Elcmccm ll.1ffi:i, lhl'' Cirdc l1unch, W.ucrrnlc,r Orush 116C
Bi11y llc,ld, Stt: Flowu l'owcr a11J Lloid Block, S10111pin' Aro1111d Wh~ds: N,1111mls. O ld O live, ,rnl ~'""""" .Snn C:ard Swck. E.>nh IJ«11c1m Mulberry l'•pl."f: Summer Sun anJ Old Olive S1:1mpi11' l~ad,,; Summer Sun ,nd Mellow
Mo,-,, Ink O.nridge~; Mdlnw Mos., S1~111pin' Wri,-,, M,ukcr; I Ill" Cirde Punch, l~tr1h Ekmenrs ll 1ffia. St.1mpi11'
11:i~ic l\ta,k. and Really R,.11 C:1rd Sux:k: lb,ic Black, Only Orange. More MU$tard, 01<1 Olm-, ,nd lu,dly Rust S1>1mpin' t>,ul,; lllack St.1mpin' Write
Marker: Watcrcolnr nru,h. n,1111111,,
l;w11 \'(/rr/ntr,er
117 8
Spttfol Gre,,1ing.s, Sw..'Ct )cn11m~n1s. luy limy B.ickgrounds. and ~,onal llordcrs Nn. I Minl Sen: Na1ur.1ls. Harnq,11· Burgundy, and Mellow Mo,-s Gird ~rock: llaJian, Whi1c Vd lum: Old OliYc Smmpin' Pl,.!; Mellow Mnss aml ll:110(111~ llurgumly SLtmpin' Wri1c Mul«:m lllcn,lcr l'c1L<, S1;1mping !,pongc. Decide Sci~ur~. 1/8 Circle 1'11nd1, Spring Moss C:msgrn i11 Ribbon 118A
Fun Filler~ :111<1 Warm Wilhcs Sc<S; I11vdy I ilac, Grcrn CJInre, and Yoyu Vdlnw l:anl Su,ck: Die •~n lhskct 11,,x, C loss)' W hne Circle Gift 1:igs; Lovely 1.il;ic, Only O range. Voyo Yellow, and £;rtcn (:,,tore Srampin' l'uds; Smoll St;ir l'w,d,, Mcdium S,ar l'unch. I 18'' Circle:
f'und1, l'urplc OrgauJy Rihhon 11& 8
Fc,1hcrcJ Friend, .,ml h1y !litry O:ickgmunJs Sc~\; !Jail~, llluc, More M1m;;ird. ond Uhr;ismoo1h Whi1e (".,ml S,°"k: 111.rck Culorho, Ink l'~d: llalk'I llluc l11amprn' l'a<l: Balle, "luc, Summl!f Sun, ()IJ Olive. lllu~h lllo,isom, Blis. nl11r, More M,1stard, C,rdon Cre<:n, Rc:cl Rr.d , (;lose rn Cocoa, and Really Rim ~1w1pin" Wri,c Morken; D~ckle Scissor~. Org•ndy Ribbon, Crysral Clor S111.n1p1n' 1,mhoss r.,...,-Jcr. \~ncn:olor Brush 119A
Sc•so11,1I l'•1d 1es. Perfect !'!aids, and Mure C:rc:,c Gree1,n1,..,; St'.1<; Na1ur.1ls.
127 8
Mo~ Kid, .11 Pfo, •nJ Cn.ui,-c Cm nc" S,1" ll1illi~m 11i.;c. Ym o Ydl"w.•11111 UhrJ~nu1u,h \Xll,ilc C.1rd ~11,ck, 11.t.<" 1.11.,t k J11d ltn,., Rtd ',1,1111 pi11' l'ad; Yr•)'•'
~,amp: Namr:J, ( ~,rd Srock; l·.irth l·.lcm~,,,. Mulhetr) Paper: G lm irn,, C:rccn S1a111f,i11' l\111; Na1ur.1I Ivory !111or
Yello" :rnd lhsic Bl.,cl. ~1.nnpin' \Xlrill' Murke": \rnonpin' l~,-1cl1
I !:instr Pouch. J111c
119 8
Kathy Simmer
Cuwhc,y C.:hri,~111.1, ,nd lny Biel) ll~,k11rounds .\c,r,: ( hid«,11 Win• llnckwou,al S1amp; Conf~11i, More· M•~"""'· ~IIU Gorden ( :rtc.n c~rcl Ste•~k: lla,,ic Black. lllmh lllossoon, Coin1,1 Croy, Close 10 ( 'ocoa, More M11>1:11d, Carden Green. and llamquc lluri;un<lv Srampin· l'ads: W,1crcol()r llrw,h. 1/K• Cird~ l'unch, N~111ral rt,ffia. l'inl.111~ Sds,urs, Sm:,11 O,whell
Gmu Groupings, PerfcLL l'Li,J.,. and Branch Sers: Conftt1i, N;Luntb, .ind Mellow Moss C:trtl Srock: '1h 11 llos, Embossin11 P,1d; B,Jlc1 Blu,., Mellow Moss. Garden (;recn. Re.illy Ru,1, Mort: Mus1,ml. Jntl Cln.,w, t() Cow.1 'i1ampin' l'.ws; Gold c;lory St'lmpin' I mi..i~ Powder, \'Cl,t!(l'C()lor llru$11 119 C
Nntun,·~ !lc.1,onal Borders, l'c111,· 1'-J11cm>. ~nd Gm:ting, 4 You !>.:rs: Ruby Red, llrclalt.k Blu~. and Nntur:tls C:ml Srock: lllack <.:oloroox Ink l'ad: Ruby Rctl Smnpin' Pad; Ruby l\, <l , Brocade l\luc, Lovely Lil.1,:;, B111,lcring Blue, R<"lly Rt1s1, 1'1l11, h 1'1111:.,001. Old Olive. Sumnwr )>un. Clos., 10 Cu,'Q:I. More Mumrtl. llliss Blue, ~nd Ynyo Yellow Smmpin' Writ~ MJrkcrs: Cryst'.1.1 Cleat S1'1l11pi11' limbus, l1owdcr, Wa,crculnr llrush, N31ural l(:rflin
123 B
()e/n 71m,m l'rtU\' l'oin5t'ni.t S.•1: ~,rip1 l¼,k1trm1nJ s,.11,{p; Uhr,c,nH~llh V,11,ill:, Oir,I s,,.. k: lbdiam White Vellum; Rose RCld, fon.•,i F11liai;c. S11mn1~r .'i1111, notd More M1h1arJ S1~n11>in 1•.1d,; Rose Runr:mcc ;111d C•rtlcn Cn:cn Sta111pin' Write M~rkcr;; 1/4" CinJc l'und,, Hun1<r Green Org,,mcl1• ll1l,hi,01 125 A
I)11m11 Ca/l,1h,111
Hold-Lin~ Alph"bct Upptr, llnrdcrl Mini. S""'"'' S.:mimc111s, ~,...I l'n,y & Ike &is; N,iur:ils and l\a.,ir llhrck C ird S1ock; Uasic lllnck and Summer Sun Stampin' l':ld.,: lhsic fllack Jn.! Summer Sun S1am1ii11' Writ<" Mark<·rs: l'inki ni; Scissors. s,~mpin' Dimcnsio,ul,
117 A
""'' llorilcrs $ct; l'i,,dv1 l'hid ll:ickgrn11nd Sc:,mp: Rnhy Red and Ul,r.s1m>o1h V•nilla C.ml Stuck: R11hy Red ~nd Basic Blnck Srampin' !'ads: Ruby ltcJ •nd Sage ShnJnw Srampin" Wri1c Mark<.!rs; h'Qry Org:111dy Ribbon, [)«kl~ Sus.<ors, !'aper Corrug:1101; l 18" Circle l11Jnch
122 B
l'aY1ui1e Grccuni;;s ~r: h·y Uack11n•11111I
ll~~kct ,1f llli,,..om~ nnd Everrd3)' l'.xpr~,i,in, "et•: l'ind,,1 l'L'liJ llacksround SiamJ'; Uhr,.,mci\1Lh Wt111c aml lhsic Bl.1ck C.~rd S11,ck: U.,~i, flint!< """ C:ablc Grcc,1 S1i1111r,i11' l'"d,: C.1hk
All T hn1Jau, l'lon.!er. Mini. uml Alphnbcr Appeal Lower Seu: Swirl r rnme Slarn11: N:11ural,. lla,i, !\lock, :rntl Rose Red (:,rd Sux:k; 11.L<ic m,~k~ncl Rose Red Stampin' Paw; l\;uit Blnck Sram pin' Wriu.· Marker, !'inking Scissors 120C
Sea,o,rJI P,uchcs, Corners Mini, and Oor. Gn,c,in{;,' Sets; No, Q11i1'' Navy, Rose Red, >Jltl Natur:a'3 C:~rd S1vck: th.sic !\lack, Ro~ Red, Not Qu11c Navy, ond Mure Mu,rnrJ Srnmp111' 11,<<ls; W:ucrcolor flrush, lk <l B11t1<1n, String, Srumpin' Dimcrt$ionals 121 A
l\•by AnriQtmccmcms Srt: Swirls BackgrmJJld S111mr; Na;urah, PA 1'l11111, l'crfcc1 1'111111, nnd Mon• Musiartl
Nn 2 Mmi .md J\ Wl,h lior You Sc«; Ro,d lll'rl, Yuyo Ydluw. 1111d Uhr:,sormucl, Wbi,c C:ud s,.,,k: Rc;1l l{c.l Sr.impln' l'l1d: C,ll'r'" KJlcicL,,nlur l~,d; l'in~ini; '-dswr.. I /I;" ( ' in.I~ l'und,, ~trini 128 8
luy lliuy ll:1ckg,·ou11,b 1111.I 1'1111r•S~,1"'" llor.Jcr, ~c,,: lk1I RcJ ~11d l:o!J Mctallk Cir,I ',11><.k: l'nn,h llnx; Ruh1 tt.,d S1aru1•i11' l';,d: 'fop lie," 1,mlw,,,i,ii; 1'.,d; l,uld Fnrnrr! Ul11nu1c: Mc1.1lli, !'~di l,oltl _nooail I ,mb<)\,illr l'owUl'I. Colu111.,I Lh11rm nm! l ..1u.• !\t:1.,...:or!'I..
1116" ("ird e 1'1111.:h. R,•d llr"°1ady Rihl,011, ~lc,~llic Th n.-.1.I 129 A
N.1111n.-, ,caS()nJI 11,,hl,•r, :,r1<I luy Hill} llalkgrn1111d,, N:nt1r,1I-. R,,,e R,·,I. .111d "'""·" l'o li")lC ( ',11'11 ~wuk. l~kh Rq;.,1, Mulhcirv [•,,per; l\,.,tc llt,ck Swnpin' l'ad: I ""t Whttc <'11lmlMI\ l•:,tl: ~,ll(l' ~lmlm,. ( ,.1nlm lin'<'tt. ( Jmc m l :,..,oa. R,1.sc Rt,J, llarilljllC l\uri;uutl), Mor,· M1t'1:\fd, JnJ llnrJ«ing Hlu, !>t:rn111i11' \'{/rir.: M,trlwrs: llk11Jc1 1•~11,
Crctn and rvt:111vc MJ,i1 Srnr11pi 11 \W,irt M"rkcrs
129 8
c:.,unm lll\ruer< ~
125 8
1211A ~t."~1,1m:1I l\mJcr.1i.
I louhl.,--1,inc
"'""'I''"' ,\n•UJtd \X'hn•l: Nigh , of N.wy~ S1 11u11,t·r .S1111. ;mJ
S1i1d1r,l 111Jid
Wonderful l la)• Sec: Chcckcrho:rrd aml Stripes Ba,kgro1111d S1;1111p" t ;l11n1111, Gn.:cn,. Posi1i.vdy Pink, .m<l C1"1.:,·n l,alorc C:irJ ~m1,k; C:loriuu, Crccn ,or1d l'o,i11vcly Pink Smnpin' l¾d,: "fop lk•» Clear Embosoins Pad; Winr~r \'(/1,ilc S1,1mpin' Embo~ 1'o,\·d~r, $J~mpitt. 11:,,cel,. Dcckk .~c:1S>ors, Srampin~ Sponi;c, White Rupe
Nat11r.1I, C::ord Stock; 111.,ck Culurhn~ !)a.I: ~,11nmor S11n l11k ( :.trtricl.,c: ~,1111111,-r $ 1111, Kl'.11 1(,,.1. l!li,, fitur, tt.ltJ«111~ lllu~, 11111,h l~lo,.<0111, ~uJ More ~lu"drd ',1,1111ru1 \X'ruc ;\,far!.,·": Cry>t,11 Ck~r St:11111•111' l\mho,, l'uwdcr. lkd,k- ~dNtrS, W,11l'r<0l11r Hru,h. Ci11i:;ha111 Rihlwn
126 A
l29 C
(".<111.1!(C llo\e aml Alpbal:,r.1 An1i<1,ll.'I' l.11w,·r S,·rs: 11,rlini; Dor Frame a111I Ch~~k Frame S,anip,; l'lrillian, 111111' Uhr:tsmooth Whir,• l );i1·d StoLk< flrilli,1111 Bloc, ll.tlil'I llluc. Mellow Mo,;s. 01,I Olive, llardy ft,n,na, .111tl \11111111« .',un S1ampi11' l'Jd>: l..r.1111ping !>poni;c. Uob & S1rip,.,. S!<'nc,I
L1utline Alph,thct
126 B
u,,,,..r. lhnlin.c
"'~,,.,;r"~'N,wr.ds, "' I tk"c 111,11 Cou111rv Hu«lc•r,, k, ,,i,d ~,1111111c1 lM<"f, JIil
Sun ( ~1rd Stnc.k: !-.umua·r \ un :111<l Clo'( 10 l '0L11a s,~mp,n' P.11k 81:rck C:nlort,n~
l'nJ. lh,,. 111.,d<. !>uonm,·r Sun, More M11>1~nl, (;,11J<:11 (.,fl<"ll. lllis, llluc. Kr.ii Rc,I, lk,llv Rt"'• .mJ flor,l<·rin~ llluc ~t.1111pi11' \Xlri1<' M,rkcr>, ("ry,,1;~ C:ll'JI ~,:1111pi11 1 huhos\ 1•owd ..1r '\1amping
1\lplrnhe1 A1tit1tdc l owcr 011d l'1><y & HL'C Sea: l)Jrling 001 Frame Sn11111•: R,-al lk<l, Vim, Ydlnw. and Uhr.1>1110t11h Whi,c Card ~•uck: ·top llu» t;,11bm,i11g l':t,I: Real R<,J StJmpin' Wri1c M.11~cr: 111,,lk ,md Whicc l)cinil Emhc"si 11i: l'ow1kr.<
.)prn1~~·, \'(/.u t'n.:olw 1\1 11~11, Cinglrnm
~1-11np111' l'ud<; Mm1111,1in I)<eklc !>~,.,_"'"' llc-.:rJnglc 11und1, !>~.m,r1n D11m·r»11111,t,. Wlu1c I >ri,111<1)' Rihhon
126 C V,rh Drptn 11.i~kct of 810:..<oom Se,; Ou;,~ l"r,11110 Stnmp; Ultr.1\lnowh Whicc, 13:rllc1 1,1uc, Yoyo Ydluw, l;n;,•11 t:nlorc, :uul lkol Rctl Card Stock: ll.l~i-. llt"'·k ,111<1 l~Jlle1 llluc S1:unpi11' l'atl:;; S,uonpin' Dimcn,iorr.ih. Ydlow l iquiJ Appli,111,
Sundt <1 llugs anJ lny llotty U11ckgrou11,b Sers: B,nrl11Jo ll,1t.k~1uu11J
127 ,A
C.1 rd Stock: l'crfcc1 Plum aud Mrn e MusrarJ S111mpin' !':ids: l'crfeet r•lurn, Pale l'lurn, More Mu.mm!, ,od Ot.1 Olive Stnmern' Wri1c Ma, kro,: C:.,1.1 Organdy R,hbon. S"1mp111' IJimcnsitmllls 121 8
or 1.ovc Set: Frc:ndl Scrip,
8:.d:grountl Sr:unp; N~rnr.11,,, 811roq11e
Burgundy, ~nd Creamy C'.unimd Gml S,ock; Rid, Rcg.,I~ M111l,crry l'i1pn: ll3ro,1uc ll urgur,dy Smml>i 11' 1'.,d: 1/8" Cirde l'uuc h, llle.11:h, Ri ,b1111
S1nmp: Na, ural~ :rnd Old O live L 1rd
Srock; ' liir 1\o~, 1-\rnlms~inll l':ul: Mo,-,~ Greco Colorb<ix P:td; aiucr Applr R:rdianr l\>:1rh, Golt! Der.iii Finooumg Powder. Wa11•rrnlnr Uru,J1, 11 16" Ci,Lle Punch. Cold Mera Ilk C"1cl. Sr amping Sp<lngc
11.vc:ryday h ,cp1"CS..'i10 11~. Pc t i l l.' Pnslt:s..111d Poiy & Ike Sc,,: l'rciry Pmy Fr:1111l~ 1\lwh Blc»M•m, LovcnJcr I.ace, aud Uhr.1.,mnu1h Whnc C:trtl $,.,.k: l,.1\'Cndn L;cc,, ~Jl.t' .',h~,low, .1nJ Ro,c Romance !,1.,mpin l'-Jds: !llu.;h lllo<som S1.1mpin' Write Marken Wave S~,s,ur,, ~1,1111µi11g Sp()11gr
Ribbon 130A
jrmti(cr //111111,1, ·"lmntiu~ Stitr.:- .11u.l \V,,y 11 ~ C;o )1.•1s, 11.,ller lllue and Ult1:i,111omli \X,'hite
( .~,J ~111ck: H,11101 lllnc ond Re,! l(rd
130 8
Sh1101111~ Scars :111d 01111~1w,01L< Alph,11•~1 ,;.,,,., ~ >11ly l lr:ini;c anJ llh,.osmomh
Wl111, Cm.I Ste1<k: Ros,, Rum•n«·. Onh• (.)r.111i:•·· :111J <;u11111wr i.un 51amp111' · t'.,.t,, Rn><" RnmJnre, Only l1rong.:. unJ Sunmu-r ~un St.1rnpi11' \\;/ritt M:111..cr": l11kw11r~ Air Arc l: 1111 131 A
M,111 M,,11<1" .,ml M111,• Special I ;~,.;1i11!\,' s.it~; Hr,ltl U,c,.,~ rr.m1c s ,.111111: Ros.• Rt·tl. 11,,,;, !lla,· k. C.nJ<' ll l;rcrn. :end Ultm~1111w11h \Xlhi1e \ : 11'(1 S1uck: 11ln~k l~1!111f»,• l11k !':id: Cinrdm t:n.'1.'ll Jntl Ro>< Rad 'i,.,mpin' \Vnn
Motk,·r~; ll,1ld lll:1dc St~mpin· Emboss l'owJcr, Swrnpin' Dimtnsionn ls, I/R" Circle Punch. N.1111ral R:1flta 131 8
l .i11le Shapes. Baskc, or Blossoms, .mcl Bold & Basic Grcciings Sers: Clold Bt.>uki1Jg .Sl:lllljl or lk:1miru1 Blo_s~nr11s Stampin' Arcll!nd \Xlhcd; Ul1rJS1YH111d1 Whi1c:. t;~Hdt·n ( ;n:\..'.n, :irul Han~ly ll.1n""" C.,rtl S1v.;k; Carden C:rt·e1l, ll:1rcly llanana. anJ lvh>rc Musiard Stounpiu· P:ttl~ 132 A
l'apn's l'ockc1. Sped,! Grcc1i11g., . More ~peciol ( ;rce<ings. and The Shape of T hings S,t$: Frrnch Scrip, llackground St.1111p; Crt•amy C iramd, Mellow Mo~,. ;ind N:11 ural, ( ~ml Swck; C:rc:uny C.iramd. Mellow Moss. Nc>1 Qui«· NavY, Mort: Musrnrd. and Clo,e IU Coe~, Snunpin• l~1ds; Swmping Spo nge 132 B
I lnlidays, lrry lli1ry f:l:1ckgro11ml.<• .tnd Alphobc, App,·al Sets: l~1vc11<lcr l..oCl'. Ma1ive Mi>t. and O rchid Opuk,wc C.ird St11t·k: l,1vc11<kr I-tee, Mauvt· Mist, a,,d Orchid Opulence Srnl11pin' P:ods; Cornrr Rounder
]35 8
fb~y flou1i1111c Sci; Ul1r:1.,111ootl1 V:rnilb.
Almusi A111tdll'st, onJ 1':,le Plum C:.,rd Swck; 1>:tle l'lu"m and Almo,i 1\111cd1y>1 Sc'301pi111 P:_ 1ds: P:ilc Plum S1;1mpin' Write Marker: Lac--.:, Scissors, Ivory Organdy Ribbon, Rcnangk Punch, nu,. & Siripcs Sponging $1cnci I, S1amping Sportgc
Mu!)rard, .111d (;oin~ Gray Si~11npin' l'.,d,: Silvn Encore' Ultimo<t· Me1:illic l>I: ( ;!,ld/Si_lv~r_Zig i'ai111y l'cn. ~,crlini; ~,Iver .S1ai11p 1n l\mho~..., Powder. ~1lvtr Metallic Cord. 1/ t6" Ci rd.: P11nd1, Sta111pin" l)im1:nsionals. \'\f;lt<.-rcolorllru.slr . S1a111pini,( .'ipon~c. 'ilipplc llru,h
Cuddles & 'Jirklc.s l;et: t\ni111al B:ihic, Srnmpin' Around Wheel; Ullra.smoorh White and fl:Jle, lll11c C.1rd Smck: Halle, Blue Sr:unpin' !':id; Bollci- Hhw Ink C..arrriJge; l)cckl,· Sci,-:<Ms. S1ampi11g Sponge 136 A
I Jc:irt & Soul :md hty lli,r)• Background~ St·l,'ii N.i111rals, l1ovd )' I .ibc, and lhrcl v Ba11:111a Card Srock; N:uurnl Ivory J,;,rgc RuS<:nc Gift !lox; Lm'dv Lilac, lhsic Black. $11n,mcr Sun. anJ' (~an.k-n Green Srampin· Pa<l~: Watercolor Brush, I /S" C irdc P,mdt, Sr.ampi11' Di1nt·1tsinnals~ 5 LJ111pi1 1~ Sponge, Organdy Ribbon 136 B
Oh. How We Uancc<l and lliy lliuy Ba<:~round~ SL·rs; Vkruri-an I .;;:l<:t'
133 A
O:kbratio ns ~nd Ourr.,gcoui Alphaher ilcts: llrilli:tm Blue, Rose R,·d, aml l'nr,·st Foliage G ,nl Srock; C"lnisu K.,k·idJculor Pad
l\ackgrou nJ Scamp; flasic Black, Rost: Red, Namrals. :m<l Silver Mciallic Card Stock; Basic llbck, Rose Red , :md flordcring llluc $1'1111pi 11' l':1tl,; w:,rncolors, Warercolor Brush, 1/R" Cirdc 1'1111ch. Silver T11ssd
133 B
Special Even,.,, Outlinl'. i\lpl1Jhc1 Upper, Jml O utline i\lpltabet Lower Scis; Ulmrsm01)rl1 Vanilla, l1:1roq11c 1lLtrg11n,ly, M11rc Mlt\l:ird, nnd Close 10 Cocoa c.,rJ Sto(.·k~ Ba1·t,que Hurglandy, C,:los.; to Cocoa, and More Mu.11:ird Stampin' Pad., : CILI.S." 1t1Coco., :rnd Mnrc Musi;1td S1:1111pi11' Wri1t· MJrK<:rs
136 C
Oh. I low We Dancni and It')' Jliiry Backi;rou rals Sc,s: N:irur.ils C:ird Srock; llasic Black, Rose 1(,-d, Goi11g Cray, Garden Crccn, Blush B!(ISSt•m~ Cll)~c h) Cocoa, Prmy in Pink, 011.I Mnn: Mustart.l .Sr:unpi111 Pads; \'V'a1cn·oltH Brush, Rcc1angle l'undi. Burgundy O rgandy Rihbcm
BlllJ-1.ine Alphabet Lmver and Special Ewnts Ser;: Na tu mis and Summer Sun Cord Swck: 11:\,<it !\lack St.unpin' l'ad; S1111unc.·r Suu .S1:.unpi1i' Wriu.'. Marker 134 A
l.r111m l, 11rbke Cuddle, & Tickb S«: Ul11·asmooth WhiCt· and Bliss i>luc CarJ :-wck: l'rcnr in Pink anJ llli,-,; Bl11e Siamp111' l';nb: l>ms & Strip.:s Spongi11g Sr,•odl, C:oloni;tl Charm Sciss.ir<. 1/8" C irde l1 unch. Satin Ribbon 134 B Karf'IJ
11ride.s & llah,es S.:1; Al1110>1 i\11mhys1 :ind Ulmi;muo,h White G1r..l Smck; 11,t,ic Bl.,ck S,,unpin' l'ad; Almosi f\mc:thysr, Mdlow Mos!'I. M:i.m•<.· Mist. (lardy lh11aua, and lllu~h l\losson,
137 A
l'IMhy Flumls :md Ekg.u11 Invitation Sets; Ulu:osmomh \'(IJ;i ,c, liardy lhnana, ond Mellow Moss Ca rd St<lck; !.!Ice l'rinttd Vellum: B:ircly llan:111:1, More Musrnrd, Mellow Moss, a nd l)ld Oliw Smmpin' l'adsc L1ct' Scissors, I/8'' Cirdc Pundt, Ivory Ori;:imly Ribhon 137 B
Script I-lean ""d Ii ,y [litty llitckgrrnind, S,·1,( Nanir:il,. 1'<-rft:cr l'lun,, :iml H11rt'i)' l\an11na Car.I S1ock; Nat11~,l h•ory Medium Ro,crrc Cili Rox; Pcrfcc1 Plum, B:1rdy llanan.r, Old Olive, Cr,·am)' (;., c~111d, :md llroc,dc llluc Sr:im11i11' l'aJ,, ; ·1,,p !-loss Ernhossiog Pad ; (,old Clory S1a111pin' Ernhoss Powder. Watercolor [\rush. 1116" and 118" Cirdc P,indtcs, Ivory Org.111dy Ribhc1n, Mr,,t!lic'J'hrc:1d
.St:\11\pin· Write M:trk<:rs
137 C
134 C
Scrip, I lean a11d lny Bitty Lbckgronmls Set~; Uhrasmuo1h \Xlhi1c, llm•li• ll:innno, and Mellow Mus., C.,rJ Siock; Whire .111d Soft Subtle, Mulberry l':ipcr; Ito,.· Rom;u,~'te. Mo~ lvlu<iard , Old Olive. llurdcring Blue, Al1110SL AmcLhysr, and l~uing Gr.I)' Srnmpin' Pads; ' lc'lp !loss Embossing 1~1,I; ~ilwr b1eorc! Ultim,11,· Mcc.tllic Pad: C«"'"'Y Ctr:imd St.1111r,in' Wri,t lvJ,rh-r;
M,irrr/lt, \\:1111~ Bri,k, ,111J ll,l-;ic, Set; Bard 1• Banann :rnd Uhrasmoorh Whi,~ c,,;J Srock; 11.,sic l\lctck and Almo.<1 Amc,ltysr P,1d.,; Stampin' Pasrds. Rc, ran~lc P1111ch, Ori,;amly Rihbon, Sr;11npi11' l)iinc11~lt,n:il.s, Lac.:~ Scissors .S1;1111pi11'
135 A
lfahy Bo111i,111,·. i\lph:ibc1 Appeal l<>wa, :ind llordtrs Mini Sers; lllush lllos.sotn, ~ tdlow Mos.,, Jnd l'crlc:ct Plum Card ~u>Ck; Pcrfcc1 Plum, !'ale l'hnu, anJ Blush l~l11~<om S1ampin' Pads; Perf.:n Plum Sr:,mpin' Wrill' Markn; Corner R11undc:r, S1arnp J'osilioner
nnd .~ofr .Sub1b Mulherfv l':ipcr; fop Bo" E111hr'l'sin~ l\ 1d; OIJ O[i,•c, Mn"·
WJttrcolur llrmh. Silver Dtt.1il
li mho~sing Powder. Sti~pl<;. Brush, S1amr1ng sl-,'"'ll<', I/ i (, t.,rclt- Punch, Silver Mcrn lie Curd 137 D
Script 11,w, <nt<I luy lli1ty 11:ickgrounds Sn~; llarcly Ba nana, Mellow Mos.,, .111d Uhr.,smoorh Whit<· C ml Swck; \'v'hi,c
Swirl ll,1rd,·r Pund,. 114" Cird ~ 1'111Kh, l'l;,id ltihbM 140 D
Cnnl,·ui t;rcering,.< ~cts; Cn·en C:ilorc. Yoyt> Yellow, Ca1nco Conil, and Ulir-:-1.-.moc.uh \Xlhi1c C:ud Stnt:ki Grct'n C:dure and C:un,o Comf Swmpin' Pads; bpcr c.:ormg:1wr. Small Fb, Cellophane lbg
Dmuo S1111m11m
14 1 A
Cracl11:11iun .111d lit)' Bill.'' llJ~kgr11und., S,·L<; flrilli"n' llluc and Ulira,inomh White C,ml Srocl<: Radiam White Vellum; c~typm Kalcidacolw Pad: P ccklc SLi,snr.,. I IX" Circle Pu11d1. Royal lllu,· Org;rndy Ribbon
l,m,r,1 l.nnge l arl)' An imnls Set; Ultrasmood, \~l,ire. Brillbn1 f1[oe, an<l l'osirivcly Pink Card S1ock: Basic Black, Positively Pink, " "d llrillia n1 11l uc S1~111pin' Pads; 11:trcly
138 B
l.iu, l'uk Cckbrarc ~cl: Uhms111omh Whf1c, ' lh n pring 'Jim1uoise, I.ovcly l.ibc, nn,I Pink l'a.ssinn Cord S!Oek; I kliotrnp,·. Pin~, om] Cvan Culurloux Ink l'Jds; lrillt:s<-nH le~ Srampin' En ,lmss Powdc..:r 138C
Lir l.jllllf. ( ~ratf11.il ion, l)ut lnvit.:H io11, ,u1d Inv Billy tlackground~ Sw: C lmS)' Whitt· G trd ,',1,,ck; Haller Him•, Brilliant Blue, and lla,i.: lllack $rampin' l'aJs, N,vy Organ,I)' Rihhon, lkctanglc Pumch, Sr;1mping Spong-i: 139 A
lb11a11:1, More M11sL:1rd, Cui11g Gray, l'i,siiivdy 11ink, 01111 Jl ritliam fllue S1ampin' Write Markers: D,·ckle Scissor.,, l':1per ( '.rim per 141 B
//lw11d11 Mrrritt Co111cmpnr;, ry Collection Ser: Cunk1ti. Old Olive, Lovely Lila., ,md Summer .Sun C1rJ Stock; 1.ovcly l.ibc. Summer Sim, ,mrl Old Olive Srampi11' l'ads; St.1rn1,i11· l )i11 1cnsionals, Entbroidcry Floss 142 A
I.is Liw1r, Cnnf..:ui Cupc 1kc:md Dot l11vi1::uion ScL.; Glussy \'1(11,i,c Paper; Melon Mdod1• Kal<:idacnlor Pad: lla~ic Iliad, ~1:imp~n·
l\tihr ,\nn(1lllh.l'ff'll"nt~ Ser; C:hcckcrhu,m! Lla,kg"1unJ :itltmp; Ul11:t<m11111h Whi, c and llli,< l\l11~ G rd Swck; li liss Blue Sm111pi11' 1\,d: Haby Powder K:ilt·id:icolor Paci; I /8" Cird1· l'unch, Whi1,· 0'1,,r.tlld)' ((il,l,on, l.i~lu l\luc Grosgrain Rihb,rn, l'i11ki,,g , cissors 139 B
Hahy AnnounrcnH·ms S,•r; Swirls
r•:id: S-1amping Spong.~.
Sramnin' nim,' nsionals 142 B
C..:011rcui C1111c:1kc.SCL; Ulrrusmnorh WI.ire. Love y !.ibc. Crcen Galore, and On ly ( Jmnllc ( ::irJ Siu~k: Close m Cucf•~. Onl)' Or;t111;c• L...w,·lv 1.ibc. Crc,·11 Galore·, and Yoyo Yclfnw S1:i mpin' 11!11.b:; St.1rnpin' ()im~11sio11als. C orner llowu.lcr. P.aptr Corru~a1or
B,u;kgn,i111d S1:1mp; TcmprinL• 142 C
'fi.m1uoise, Yoyv Yellow, l.owfy Lila,. ;11,d Uhr.is111,,01h Whlrc C:orJ Swc.k: 'll"lnp1ing ·n1rquoist.' Sc;m1pi11' Pad; 'lt:mp1.i11g 'li1rquuisc, Yoyo Ytllow1 Lovely 1.ibc, :111d Ru,,· Red Si:unc in' \Vri1e Mnrkcrs; 1//4" .,nd Ill(," C.irde l'unch,'S; Purple Organd)' Rihhon. 1'111hr,1itl,·r)' !' loss. Wire
i;olJ Cr<:ctings Mini !>c1; Lovely Lilac and O rchid Opulence Cord Siock; Lovely Lilac St:tnipin' Pod 142 D
l':,h)• An11011n,emc111; ~-·t: Uhrasmc,oth \'<!hire, Mauve Mist. and Mdlc\,11 Moss C"rd S111ck: \oft Sulit b Mulberry l.~tpn; Mauvl" Mist St:11npi11' l'1:1d; tvlcllow Muss, Ma uvt' i\ list, anti lltrd~ ll:m:m:o Sr.,mpin' Wri,c Markers: Sc,lfnp Scl$sur~. 1/S'' C in.,tc Pu11d1. M:111vt: Clrg:111d~· R1hhun 1
140 A
Sh11ro11 Bmw
Bold Binhda)' s,,,: (:l,1,;.,y Whi " '· l'ink
Passion, ;mJ SL111111u:r .Su 11 C:ird :-;rock;
Calypso K:tlci,bcolor [1.,d: flbck Colorbox Ink l'od: llnld lllnck $mmpi11 Emboss l'nw(kr. Ma~i \%vc Scissor<
llnld <:rcttings Mini .111,l l11 y Biny l\:u:~kprc.1u11d!\ Sns;_Uhr:L\Oluolh \'(thin:, Lovely Lilac. ;ind Cloriou~ Crct.'n C-11r<l S1ock; l'm,ch Box: l.,wnder Lace S1nmpi11' Pnd; u wdy Lilu~. Glorious Cre<:n. and Lavender [,ice S1:unpi 11' Wri1c M:1rkas; l\11ii<tl1t' lllc••,111cc 0cis'\tir:-, \'(thi1c 01ganJ)' Ritbon. lt,•cr:mglc Punch, ancl lnkworx i\ir Ari (.;1111 142 E
More Cn:·JL Crt•t·ti11gs Ser~ Co11lcni llolloo11s S,ampin' AmunJ Wheel; Glns,y \X/hi,e. I.owly Lilac, .md 'J;_..mpting 'liuquoisc c.:~1r<l Stork: llluc/Violcr Ink 0.irrridgt; l.ovdl' l.ib c ,md ~li.:mp,ing ~Ji1n111nisc Srampin' Pad¥. .Sra.111I') t\isitioncr. 2. \X/ay <.: luc."" Pen, D,t1,.1, i11~ Diamonds Cliutr, Sr:.impin" D i 111l"l1~1Ul li11S
140 8
Shelly Kurk
I 43A
llold llinlulay S,·i: llrilli;,n1 lllu<· ,111d Uhrasmoot h White C,rd Stock; C::urnrv. Cr,•cn, ,rnd ll<>)'"I !llu, front Plnwhed · l'i:101 Poim .111d Chianti from lkgal l'e1:1.l l'u.in1; ' lop l\o;.i ·nn,c<l Emlxi,sing P.1d; \'(/i111cr Whi,c and C t)•$i:1I Clc.1r Sr:i mpin, F.mhnss Powdtl'S
C,11,clle Celehr.uion Set: Clossy \Vi111c, Yuvo Ydlnw. Gn.~~n G~1lorc.:. Pink l~,;.\l(m, 'ICmpting. -li1r<1_uoi~c. and Ri.:al lted Cnrcl Srock; llasic Black, Yovo Yel low, Green \ ;:ilorc. Pink 1~,,.,i;,n , Cor11(.'r Rou1H.k·1
140C (:..mrl'Cl i l ~n·t;1 ln~~ S1.:r: Ulc r.1snH10th
Whir~. Cree11 Galor,,, YO\'o Ydlc,,v, and ( .JIHL'.0
·1i.-mp1iug "lllrquui.st, :1 ml Real Rt:d S,:impin' Pad,: Swirl Border l'unch,
Cor.-11 c~mJ Sioi;,·k; Cr1:1t.,, c ~Llu(l".
Ynyn ¼·!low, .u,d Cuneo Cor.,I Srnmpin' l1;td.!tr \Xl:ivt· SCi~sor.,. iVl11Ki \'Vav,· S<.~i!)!iurs,
143 B
On ,he Gt> and J\old lnviq1iQn Sw: Glo5Sy Whi,~. 'Jbnp1in$ Turquoise, Cro'C11 G,1lvn:, ~nJ lMllrant Blue C:-Jrd Srnck; llrillinnl llh1r. Green C:alorc, ,md Tempting Tur<1uoisc. Srnmpi.11' PJd.'); Iempting Turquoise ~nd Green Galore .Stor'npiu' Wri1c Markers; Dccklc ~ds.sor~. lnkworx Air Arr G1m, !--,amping Spong,·
Embos., Powder; Sumping Sponge, l\lendn !'ens. Ugh1 !'ink Organdy Rjbbon l46C
Mtwrcm Ha1u L\olrl L\los.mm C reel in~ Ser; G lo<.Sy Whire Carel Srock; Lovdy Libc, Pink r':,~~inn. {ln<l G lorious Green Srnmr,in" Write Markers; Stamping Sponge
144 A
147 A
/\II T im Jazz, l11y lliny ll.1,kgwunJs,
Mnry H11I/
~nd l\nld hivita Iin11 Se,s-: Cheekerho.ird [bckgrt1un<l SrJntp; Rose Rlsl, fl:tsic Bbck, Narurals. :ind Silver Mwlllir Can! Srock: t2uickSilvcr, Scarlcc, and 81.tck C.llnrhnx Ink Pads: Flasic- Hbck. Rose Red, and Cuing Cmy Srampin' Pa,ls; Crys«tl Cle:tr .S1ampin' l•:i-nl,us, Powder. lll;,ck Orga ndy Ribbon,. .Sr-:impin' l)imcnsionals. Paper Crim1,c.r
Femher'q] l~ricnd~ Ser: Ulr l'U$nll)Oth White, H:irdy lhnam1. anJ Bliss lllue Card Smck; Ba.sit lllark Smmpi,, l'Jcl: Bliss Blue, L\are.ly O:rnana, 131ush Blossom, and Minr Melody Sra.mpin' Wr,1c Markers; Dors & Scripts Spnnging S1cndl, Fo:rm 13raycr. Dctklc Scissors. S1a111pin' Dimcnsitln:rls 1478
144 B
All Thai Jai·,.. Everyday br,,.~iorlS, :1,;cJ !tty lliuy Backgrounds S~ts: Chccl«:rlmar<l !bckground Srarttp: !lose l{ed, lhsic Black. and N:uumls <.ml Siotk: Black Colnrho~ Ink Pad: llask Bl11ck. C<>i11g C:rav; and Ro~c Red S1arnpin' rads. Crys,al ClmrSi:ttnpin' l~1r1lm:1.~ l)owdrr 144 C
I_Love You :rnd ht)' l\i11y Backgrounds Se,s: Rose Red. Cold Mcrallic, and Rose Rlln1ancc Card S,l)tk; 'fop llos.5 Ti11r,•d Eml,osiing 1~111: R<>,;c R1·d 11110 R1Jst· Romance Stampin' Pads; Gold Clorl' Srampin' Emboss Powder, Warcrcolo, Brush, lnkwon< t\r1 /\Ir Cun. (;old/Silver Zig l\1i111y P,·n. Cort,er Ruuo<ltr 145A
Smile S,•1: I <>vdy l.ilac, Green G:dorc. an<l Only Omn!-\c Gird Sr,wk; 1/8" Cirek• l'u11d1, Pin.king Scissors, Siring. QrJng" l':iper Twis1, fllC';lch 145 B
Smile Se1:,Tcrnp1_ing 'lim1uni::C, O nlyOr,u1gc. (,,·,•en c.~ll)rc. Md Ultra,moorl, Whirc ( ~v<l :-rock; '!empting ' li,rquoi,sc. O nly Or-Jngc, ,11d I,ovdy i~l:,c Sc~mpi11' Pads: Bl:ach (~pplicd wi1h :, prnoil \.'f'llStrJ, Srnntpm I )1mt·nsHm:sls;
Cold/Silver Tfnsd
)us, a Nme Mini nnd Ir ey l\itry l}ackgro1111<ls SotS: fhlkt Blue, lbrtly f\a11a11J, and Naurr:ds G ml Smck; Bbck Cnlorbox Ink Pad; Ballet Blue. 8:m:ly 13amma, and More Nh1St:ud Srnmpin Pads; Mauve Mi,t, Baller Bltre, Carden Grn·n. Bardy Banana, More Mu;wrd . nnd Rose RcJ S(ampin' Wrirc Markers; Deckk Scis.,ors. S111mpi11g Sponge, Crysrnl Clear Sr·arnpin' Emboss f>owde,·, Watercolor Urwsh, Sarin llibbon 148 B
11,r,uM s,(/,,lfr Nice & l;:,sy No,es Set; Carcfon Crcrn and N:nural, O rrd Stock; B:\Sic Bl:tck, Garden Crccn, Pink Passion, More Musr~rd, B:rlle, Blue. and Going Gray S-111rnpin' l'mLI: Stomping S'ponge. Watercolor l\rush. Deco Corner l'u11<.:h, 8k':1d1
145 C
Happy Hc:ilin~ onJ lrry lliny 1!;1.kground; Ser,;; Checkerboard Barkgmun<l S,ampt Rn,c Romuncc. Uardy UanJna, 1\lmosr. /\merhy,1. and N:rturnls C.ml S111ck; Ro,c H.umane<·. Almos~ Amc1hys1., B:o.rdy B;111a11•, a11tJ Sage Sh:rdow S,arnpin' l\ 1d., , Warcrcnlor Bric<h
Wt've Moved 8irdl1ousc a11J l11y Bitty Backgmun<ls Secs; Confcui, Hor<ltrini; Oluc, and Nigltr ofNavy Card Smck: flasic l{l:1.ck. Going Gr.1y. Close to Cocoa, Ro.w RcJ. Nighr of Navy. Rorcl«ing l)luc. More Mustard. m,J Sage Shadow S1:unpin' l':lds; Wa tercolor !\rush, I/8" Circle Punch. Jure. Srnmpin' l)imcnsion:tl.'i
149 8
t>. M1111t1J•
~orabk· N?"" 5,·_r; Niglu of N:wy.
Er,gph111 1-.t,v)', l'rnk 1':rsirnn, and Blush lllos.,orn C11<l S,ock: GulcJRuslr Culorlmx Ink l':1tl: l.ovclv 1 ibc Srampin' l'~<J: 0111)' Orn11ge. Pink 'i':1.~ion. a,id Y1>yo Yellow Sr-1111pi11' Wri1,· Markers; lllcndcr Peru., Gold C lury Starnpin' f.111ho.~, l'nwJcr, S1.rmpi11g Sponge, Corner Round,·r. Ugh, Pink O rgandy llihhon. Papa Crimpc,· · 146 B
). o. Ml/lmy Nocahk N11rc~ Ser; Nigh, or Navy. Eggpl:ut[ E11vy, and Bluslr l31nssom C:w:I Stock, Gnld O,lnrbox Ink Pnd: Yoyu Ydlow, Only Ornng,c, l'ink l':ossion. ~~vt·ndcr li1cc, ~nd ·1~111pcing "li.1rquoisc ~mmpin' l'a<ls: Cold Glory Starnpin'
l'carhcrcd f'riends Ser: lvv l\ackgrounJ Sr:rmp: O:irdy lhnana, B'rncadc l\luc. and Ulrr<lSmo.:)lh Whi,e Card Srock: lll"ck Col1;1rbnx Ink l'aJ: M11rc Mwt:rrl\ Siarnpin' l'ad; lbrdy Ha11:tn~. l:lruc:1d< l\111c, Gar<len Green, Blu.,h Blossom, Really Rusi, More Mnsrard, R11hy Red, O ld O live, Close lo Coma, and llallc, 13lucSrnmpin' Write Markers; Cryst:rl C':J.tJr S1an>pin' 1\mhoss Powder, Woteru,lor f\rnsh, lv111y Orgondy Ribbon, I/8" Cirdc Punch
© /flfl(J-21/flfl r;.,/4,,,y,,;, .
Wonderful D:iy Set; nnwcr Power
Srampin' Around Wl1ccl; Ulr·,·:ismoorh \Vhin·. Summer Sun, Pink P;1.-~slon 1 :md
Real Red C:.1rd St<)ck: Suhuncr Sun Ink 0,rrridgc; lk.11 Red. Pink P:1ssion, Green CaJort•, Summer Sun. and Posir[vd)• Pink S1ampin' Wrirc Markers; White O rgarrdy Ribb1111 150 A
Busim:ss Mcmo:'i and Pcritc P:nu:rn~ Sers; Gardea Green, Rose Red. Ulir~sm<>oth Whi1e, and Summer Sun Card ,'itock; Uasie Bbck and Rose Rctl Sr:rmpin' Pads: More Musiar<l, Ros<> Red, !,lush Blosson,. :rncl Ba.sic lll,ck St:im,;-,in' \Xlriu: Ma.rkcrs; Stampin' P.Jsrc s, Paper Corrugwn, .'ia1i11 Ribbon. Dccklc Scissors. W:it=nlnr llnrsh. Srnmping Sponge
150 B
Busirn.-s!i Mcmo.!i Set. G~irdcn Crt=cn C.,rJ Sruck: Rust· RcJ and Summer Sun Smmpin' Pads; Oucsl lnvir,:uion Pmacir<l
.'im111pi11' l',Js; Warcrrulnr llruslt , i/8'' (ire.le P11nd1, Sta1npi11' Dirn~nsionnls, Nnrm,I R"ffj, 153C
1'50 C
Sin1pk Wishes and l1ry !lir,)'
llusincss Memos Sci; Sumnw, Sun. Ultrnsmoorh \'v'hitc. an,1 Rose Red Cud Swck; White Raised Edge Norccnn:.1: B~sic,1\lack and Summer Sun S1:1mpi11' l'Jds: Sun1rncr Sun, ilQ~c- Rcd. Garden Grccn. and 131iss Blue Smmpin' Wri ,c M>rkcrs; Dccklc Scis.mr.s, Scamping
l3_:1ekgmunJs Se,s: ·rempr,ng 'lirrquoi;c·. C.rcen Galon:, and Ulrrnsonoo1h Whiu, Card Srm:k; l\a,,ic Bla,kand 1..:ivendcr !,-,u:c Srampin' Pads. Tempting frmp1t1isc, l .ivcmkr I-rec, C>nly Orange.
Spong<!, Wtnacolo r Rrnsh 151 A
Mice Mc.ssagcs and Petite Pauern• Scr:s; Uhrasn\omh Whirc, !lardy 13,rnans. Cameo CorJI. and Bro<-:tdc Blue ( :ard Stock; 8.JSic Black, C,meo Coral. l{art·ly llanallll, Mellow Moss, Pale Plum, Brocade- fllut, More Mustard, Close 10 Cocoa, and Going Gr-a/' ~r.1rnpin' Pads: Watercolor Brush. I /8' Cirdo l'und,, ~c:1lln1> ~c'':'""· S;rosgrain Rihbon, Srnmprn D,mcn$ronals 151 B
Whar 's Hrcwin' Sci: ChcckerboarJ Bo~kgrounJ Sramp; Nigh, of Navy. Old Olive, and Nacurals Card Srock; B(irdcrinis Blue, Mdlow Mil."'; Night of N:ivy, anJ Old 01,vc Si,,.rn prn l'ads: 1/8' Circle Punch, S~1mpi11' Dimenslonals, String 151 C
Wha,'.I !lrewin' Set; (:h.eckcrlioard L\ackgrour~J Srnmp; Night of )'J1••~ >n<l NaruroJs Card S,ock; Not Qurrc Novy ~ncl Mdlow Mos,, Srampin' Pad; Small fil_a , Cellophane Bag, Smrnpi n' l1i1n1:11sio113Js. l /8'' Circle Punch, Bm.ss Brads 152 A
/\ Wi.,h for You Se,: N:mirals. O ld Olive. and I mcly 1.ilac Carel Srock: l.ovdy Lilac anJ Old Olive s,~mpin' Pads: Sr.amping: Spong1:. Scamp in Oi111ensionals; Silk Ribhon, l,,ugc-l;ycd Needle 152 B
A Wish for You Se,: Naiurals anJ Old Olive Card Srock; O ld Olive ,\lld Mo,c Mrm:rrtl Sr.rn1pin' Pads, S1111nping Spongc. Large-Eyed Needle, Silk Ribbon
Pink l>,tssior\, ::uh.I Grc.:cn G.1lorc
S1a1npin' Wri,c Marker•~ Wave ScL<SOrs. 1/8" Circlc Punch, Purplt Cord 160 A ond B
11':ibulous Flourishes. f'lu11crhys. 0111r:1gcovs Alphi,bct. and Outlint Alph:1flct L,,wrr Se1<: Rc:il Rtd, Tempting lurquni.<c, 13:i.;ic fllack, Yo)'O Yellow. and Ulrmsmuu1h Whirr G ird Stock: Real Red, ·1cmp,:11g Turquoise, Summer S'un. and Ba,i,:; Hfock Srampin' l':1d.s; R,·al Red , ·1i:mp11ng ·1iirquoi>t·. Su111nwr $1111, Blis.~ l\lnc. and Ha.sic Ulack Sr:rmpin' Write Markers: \V:ncrcolor Brush I 161A
Bold-I inc Alplrnber Upper. Llurdcrs Mini. Pclire- i-=nuneS". PcLitc Pl),,i,.:s. Posy & lie", C:,n<lk C~lcbrinion. llackgm,md 8;1s1c,, and ltry Birty Uackgrounds S,•c.,: Ulrrasnu~rtlr Wlrire, H:isic Ulack, Lovdy l.ibc. Close ,o Cocon, Creen Galore, Rose Red. and Naru rals C:trd Stock: Crccn Print OnckgrmwJ Pnpcr; 8:u;ic Black, !'ink Passion , C:mlen Green. Lovely Lilac. Ballet Blue, Sag,· Shml,;w, and Rosr Red SrJrnpin' Pads; Clorio11s C. re,or , Y<>)'O Yellow. ll11by Red, Mauve Misr, Pretty irt Pink, Only Or.rnge, Lovely l.ibc, "Jc mprini, Turquoisc. lhsic mack, Gr1'cn (;alorc. Summer Sun. L1vender Lace, Balle, Hluc. Really Rusr, and l\rillianc lllue Srampin' Wri,e. M1rkers: Watercolor Pencils, Watercolor BrtL<h, White Li~,iid Appliqu,•, Srnmpi11' Dimc11siorrJ ls. Rihhon 161 B
L\ol<l-L.ine Alphahc, Upptr. Borders .~ini. "!'d P~ti1c !'~sits Secs; Templini; I urqucusc, ( ,abl_ e (,rccn. :'!'d N~rurals C:rrd Stock: Uasir L\lack, kmp11 n.g Turquoise, ,u11l Gahle Grce11 S,·~rupin' Pach; Basic l'llatk. Temp ring T.rrquoisc and Cob((• Gn:c,1 Srarnpin' Write Markers
162 A
/?enet' Fr11'9'th~ Peace & Comfort and Irey Bitry Backgtounds- Sc1s; Vic.."torian Lace 11ackground Si,mp: Ulrmsm'.111!11 Vanilla, Mdlow Mos,,, and l'rnk l'as.,ion C:ird Srock: Sofr Subrlcs Mulberry Paper: Marvelous Magrnta Stampin' Pad: Top Buxs l'mb<>s.<ing i',,d: l'andango Gmcn, Sweet Aprit:ot, !',,;,,ion Flnwor, and 1.emon Chiffon RntJianr Pearls; Waiertolor Hrush, Cold Drtnil Embossi 11g Powder. Wotcrrnlor~. 11l (," Cirde Punch. Gold Mmallic Cord
Cuddles & Tickles. Ot.alinc Alphabet Upper. anJ 011rliM Alplial>,r l.ower Sci,: Viru.>rfan l.a1cc Ba~kgrounJ Sram11: l\liN< l\luc und l)lrnt.stnOQrh Whirc Cml Srock: Wl1i1~ Mulberry J>aptr; !Hiss Blue and llasic Bbck Sta111pi11' ('Jds; B:illr1 llluc and Bliss Jlluc Srampin' Wri,c M:rrkc"; \'>;l:11crcol11r l.lrush. Comer Ro11111lcr, !)eek.le licissors, Srarnping Spo1tgc. Siampin' Dimensional,, Srarnpin' P:iscd.s, Sa1i11 Ribbon
153 A
Swee, & Simple .Salma1ions Set; Checkerboard llackgrmrnd Srnmp, Natur,1ls, Old Olive, and l{cal llccl Card Stock: Basic Bl:tck, Old O live, ,rnJ Ri,,u Red Sr:lrnpin' Pads, Waccrcolnr 13rush. I /8" Circle Punch, Narur'.1.I R:ima, \Vhitc U9ui,I Appliq11c 153 B
Sw~-e, & s·,mplc Salutations ,md luy l\itry fl,ckground.:, Sets; Clrcckcrhoard 1:1:rckground Sr:mrp; N~111rnls, Mellow Moss. and f\ardy [h1r.10,a Card Swck· Basic 13k,ck. Barely Banana. Going c.;;av, · Brocade llluc, anJ Mdlow Mos.,
Amiquc Alphahe, Upper :rnd Antique /\lphabd Lower Secs: G/,m Shoe. SL,mpin' /\round \Vhet : Glo~sy Whir,·, Lovely l.ilac. and l'osi,ivdy J>ink Card Srock; Lovely 1.ilac SrJmpin' Pad; Violet Ink Cartridge: Ltrge Wl,ire Gable IJ<>x, J':rp,•r Corrugator
165 8
Jn11,1 Stork111fl11 KiJs a, !'lay anJ Alphabet B"llunn Se1.s; Ullm."11<)0lh Whicc and llroc,dc Blue Cud Stock; Ila.ii.: Ulack. Balkl Rlue. 131iss Blue, and Mauve Mist Smmpin' Pad,: lh sic lll:,tk, Close t0 Cocoa, 131uih 1110~0111, Re-JI Red, Halle, Blue, and Yoyo Yellow Stampin' Wrin: Markers; nlcndcr Pens. CorncT Rou nder, Deco ~orn~r l'ut1c:h. S1ampin~ Spong..:. Cloud Stencil
foitic< Se,; ll;ordy Banana. Mt'llow Moss, and N:11urJI~ C:trd ,S,ock; 5uli !,"bric., Mulberry l'apt'r; Ba.,ic 131ack. OIJ Olive, Mellow Mns.s, B,ucly H:inana. l'rcrry in Pink, lllt1sh Blossom, Alrnost Amc1hysr. Cahlc c;rccn, Goi'ng l ,r:iy.. Mc>rc Mustard, Close Ill Co~'Oa, Jml lllis.< 13111,· Sran1pin' Pads: 1.cmon C l,iffim F..mtl::mgo Crt·cn, hosty Iris, ky Mocha, Petal Pink, :mJ Sour Lemon Hadi:101 Pearls. Si:nnpi n' Dimcnsi,mnl~. Wa1cl'tolur l:\nieli 1
163 A
Kid l'rincs and Alph:tht 1 Atri111cle I,uwd; White Uhr.L1m,10rh, Only Orange. Glori<Jus Green, and 13rilliam Lllue C:irJ Stock: l3rill i:ull lllut, Gloriot1•s Green, Only Orange, and Rl1hy Red Stampin' Pad$; flrillian1 Blue, G loriuus Green, Only Orange, and lluhy Rt·d Srampi11' Write M,ukcrs 163 8
Love Ya! Mt<l Alphabet Appc-•I Lower Seu.; Sw,rl rrnmc Scamp: Uluasmooch \'(fhi1e, Ba.sic lllack, anJ Cameo Cnn,1 Cud ScCll'k; l\a,ic [{lnck. Cameo Com!. and S,1gc S hadow Swn1pi11' Pads, Basic lllack Soampin' Write M,1rkcr 164A
' lea for Two anJ Jusi lur Yuu Sc1s;
L1vcndcr L:1cc, Ba.rely B:1nana, and Naturals Card Swck: Basic fllack, Bardy Ban:ona, Old O live, Brocade llluc, O nly Or:mgc, Gning Cr:1y, Ck>liC 10 Cocoa, · Lavender Lace, Ltivdy l.ilac. and Ros,· Romance Sr.unpin' Pad,; Wtllncolor
Brn,I,, 118" Circle l'und ,, l.ighr Orchid Grosgr.ti n Ribbon,
164 8
Warm Wishes and Tc:, for'1'vo St·t<; Nacum'5. Preny in Pink, Mellow Muss, ,,nd Barely Banana C~n:l Stock, Basic Black, Old Oliv~, ~ardy 11:inana, H~sc Romance, anJ Gonlg C.r.iy S1ampon Pads; W,ucrcolor Brush, I/8" C ircle Punch, O liw Grct.11 Organdy R.ibbo11. 1
S1arnpin Oimcnsivnals 164 C
Sc:iuer Sunshine, i=avoriw Crc.:c-lings~
and Special Grcc1ings Sc.cs; Stripc.s' Backgrvunc.l Stamp; Nmural~, lhrdy Banana, ,u1d Ballet Blue Card S1ock; lln,ic Black, Gorng Gray, Rose Red, Yoyo Yellow, !lardy Hanam, Sage Shadow, ar1J Balle, Blue Srnmpin' l'aJs: ll:1lk 1 lll11c Slatnpi11' Write Marktr; Wi11~rcol11r Brush, 118" Circle Punch, Yellow Otgamly Ribl>u11, .ind Die Cut lla.,krt Box. 164 D
Scatter Sunshine Ser; Stripes Background St:imp; Hardy Banan ;1, Na111rals, and llallc1 Blue Card Stock; 13asic Black, B:illti Blue, Ro.st Red. ~age ShiRlow, Pr~ny in Pink, $11mlllt.:r Sun~ Going Gr.ty, Blush Blosso111, Clo., c co Cocoa, and Yuy(l Ytll1M Si:1mpin' Pads: Wa1erc11lur Bru.sh , 1/8" C ircle Punch, S1ampin' l):mcnslon:1ls, Yellow l)l"};!llldy
l'libbon 165 A
Fairies ~ci: i\lmo.<l Amcrhyst. Mauve Misl, and N,11ur.lls Card S1ock; Soft
S11bilcs Mulberry !'aper. L\asic Black. Mauve Mist, Prc.·uy in Pink, Bordering Blue, flliss Blue, Barely [lanana. More mustard, !llush Blossom, Mdl11w Mo.,s, OIJ Olow, Close co Coco:1, nnd Going Gray S1ampin' Pads; l .cmon Chiffo n, FaJJdango Green , Frost Iris, Icy Mocl,a, Peral Pink Radiant !'earls, Ma11vc O rgamly Ribbon, I /R" Circltt l'unch , Watercolor Brush
ll1111011ed wirh 1.ovc Set: Nauor;ils, Md luw Moss, an.I l.ovcly Lilac Canl Srock; Bssic 111:lck. Old Olivl.'.. Rvse Romance, Broc"Je Blue, Bardy Banana, I .ovcly I.ilac. Going Gray, anJ Close 111 Coco:t St.tmpin' l'a,ls: Rose Rom:i nt l' S1J111pi11' Wri1t· Marker: 1/8" C:irde Punch, W.,ccrcolo,• llru.sh, Sc"llop ~ci., ~o~. Dclphiniu rn f\luc Gmsgr.-iln Rihhon 165 D
B11t1nncd wiLh Love Set; Lovd y T.,h,. Mellow Moss, ~nil Na111rnls C~rd !>,ock; Basic Lllack, Old Olive, llardy llan.ma. H1Jse R<><Tl;mcx·, llrocadc llluc. I.nvd,· LilJc, Cui ng Gray, and C.:kJ.W to Colo:1 Sr.unpiu' P.ads; \'Varercolor H-ru.s:li, Crt.:cn Yam, Luge-Eyed NecJle 166 A
l,11ri //nrris fk:u Ntcts:'.i1it.-..~ .Set: Nntur;l l"-, tvlarvdou$ M~gcnt:;1, ~11u.l Takc11 wi1h ' !cal Card S,ock; Radi,u11 White Vellum;
Marvelous Magenta :1111! T,ken wi1h ' ii-n l Stampin' Pads: lllack Culorhox Pad; Marvelous Magcnia, ·raken with '!cal, ::imJ C lose
C oto;1 .<;r;unpiu' \'(/rite
Markers: 1/8" Circle l'unch; C lo ud Stencil. $,amping Spon[(C, Blender l',·11,, Cryscal Clear S1ampin' Emhoss l•uwJ,·r, OrganJy Ril,bon
MusrnrJ, anJ S11mn1er Sun Srnmpin' !'ads; !'inking Scissors. W:ucrcolor Brush , Apple Crccn Cm,-gmin Ribbon 167 C
C:irdcn ll11 nnics Sci: Chc~kcrbo:ud Backgrm111<I Scamp; Na,urals, Rc.11 Red, .111(1 Green Galore C:, rd S1oek; Naturals IJ11ur Hanger Pouch; Green G;tJorc, Basic Bl3rk. Coing Gr.ty. (:lose CLl Cocoa, Gudcn Green, Rc~I Rctl, tggplant 1:nvy, Barnq11c l.lurgundy, llroc;1dc lllut, More M11.i:onl. Sn,;, mcr Sun, .ind Only Orani,;,· S1ampi11' Pads; W:ucrcolor Brush, Pinking Scissor., , 1/8" C ircle Pw,d,, Red C r,:,,gro1i11 Rihhon 168 A
T hinki11g ofYou Sci; Vic1ori:t11 I.ace l\:ockground Stamp; Narurab. RMe Romance, and !~lush Blossom Card Srock; Blush Blossom Stampin' Pad: Bl:tck Colorbox Pad; Rose R111nancc, Rliss fllnc. Blush Biossom. ,nJ Really Rusr Srnmpin' Write Markers; Crvsrnl Cl(."Jr Sr:impin' EmhMs Powder, · W:uercol\lt lln,~h. Smmping Spongc, Ribbon
170 A
Old Friends Seit Cunfe11i. Barely lhnana, and l'r<·try in l'i 11 k C u·d Scock: Busic lllack, llosc Romo nee, Mellow Mo~s, !!ordering llluc, Yoyo Yellow, More Musr:trtl. :lnd Close m Cocoa Smmpin' Pads; Rosc Rum:um:. 'foyo Ydk1w, .,nJ Mdl,,w Moss Srampin' Wrir..- Markers; W,uercolor l.lru., h, Sc.,llop Scissors 1708 DllUJII Reyne~· secret Sisrnr Ser: Uhr:1smood1 Vanill~ ~m<l Ro.-;;:c.· Rom:ini.:c
Cml Srock; lla:sic Black, More Musranl. anti Ruse Romance Sc1mpi11' PaJs; Srampin' P,mels, S1.1rnping Sponge; Corner Rounder, Blender Pens, Smmpin' llimt nsionals
Sco c1 Si.<ccr anJ lny lli11y l:lackgroun<ls S<·ts: Barely Banana and Naiurals CarJ S,ock; ll:1llc1 Blue, lhrdy Banana, and Mauve Miso Srampin' Pads; 1/8" Circle l'unch, Nawral lhO-i:i 171 A
168 B
F:,bric of l'ricnJsl,ip Sc11 N.uural,;, l\lnsh Blossom, Pale l'lnm, ,nil l'crfo~, Plum Carri Scock; Ba.,ic llbck, C,mc,1 Cor~I. Blush lllussom , Brocad,· Hl11t, llon.kr.ing llluc, More Mu,rnrd, Mellow Muss. r.,rtcc1 l'h,m, P:ile Plum. Close ro Corna, ,md Cuing Crny S,ampin' l':id>1 I / 1()" Ci rcle Punch, Srampin'
Srdla Sc1mper Sci; Naturals ,111d Pink l'assion Cm! ~lnck: flasic lllack. Summer Sun, Forest l't1l ia~c. Pink Pa.ssion. and Going Gray S1arn\,i11' Pads, \V.11crcplor tirush, I 14" Circk ' und,, Dcckk Scissors. Stamping Sponge; l:lrigh1 l'ink O ri,amly Jlibhuu
l ) i111cn$ltu1als, Srring, BUI ton 168C
T hink int\ of You Set: NaturnJs and Eggpl:tm L,ivy Card Stoc-k: Black Ct,lorbux l'"d, llrocidc 131110, Old O live. E'.ggphm, Envy. l.ovely Lilat, Barely Banana, and Yoyn Ydlmv Sr.om pin' Wri1c Markers; Crysc;il Clear S1:1mpin' Emboss Jl,,wdcr, Waccrcolor l\ru•h, O live Green Organdy Rihbon
171 8
Co u111ry Co lkc1ion Ser; AncitJ\W ( :rack ing B:1ckgruund Sran1p; N,1rumls, Glorious Green, and Rose lkd Card
S111ck; Glorious Green Srnrnpin' PaJ; !\lack Colorlmx l'od: Rose l(ed, Cl(iriou~ (;rec,,. Close 10 Cocoa, Bliss !lluc. ;tnd Yoyo Ydlow St:impin' Writ~ Markert; Cryslal Cll':ir Sc;1mpin' Emboss Powder; Blender Pens; Mou111ain Dccklc S~issors; Kelly Green Organdy Rjbbnn
l66 B
/,ori I /11rris lkar Ncc,:ssiries Set; Siripcs lhckgro1111cl Sr,rn,p; Uhr:1s11u'loth Whitt· and BrillianL lllu~ Card Sluck; Bold llrigl11·s Jvlulbcrry l',1pcr: 13asic 111,,ck and llrillian1 llluc S1.J1 11pi11' Pads; S1:unpi11' Pa$u.·ls, Smllping Spnngc, Red 0f)(anJy Ribb11n. 1\lenilcr Pens, i/S1' Cird,· Pund1 166C
llcnr Neccssitic-s S,-1: llrillianr F\111,• a nd Ul1rn<mrnl1h Wh i,c C,rd Stock, \'<lo1crcolor P:1per; SMwllak(·s f'riml'll Vdlum; Hasic Black S1:1mpin' l'aJ: Brillianl 131uc, l\orckring 111uc, Rm.:Rc\!, Old O li ve. Mort Mustard, :111JI Lovely Llluc St:unpin' Write Markers: !\lender Pens 167 A
C;in.kn 1-\unnics :rnd BolJ~l.1111..•
Alph:tbct Lower Sm; Re:il Red, Basic Ul:ick, Cn..-;u ny CarJ111d and Namrah, Card .S,nck: llasic Hlack, Going Grny. 1
t fo=,L• 10
Coco.1 , Rc.:d. Crl'l'.'n Galo!\.",
Garden Green, Brocndc lllue. Only Orange. l~ggpl:1111 Envy, Mure Mu;tJrtl, Jnd Summer Sun Siampiu' Pads;
W'.11crcolor Brush, Red Gro,-grain Rihhnn, S1:ampin [) irm.:nsion:'1.1.s. N1)tcbo11k, Pencil 1
167 8
Favori n.~Crc~dngs and Cank n L'UllJlJCS
Sers; ~hctkctrho~nl lfackgro1111d Sr::unp; Na1urals :u1d C:n·rn G;t]ore Card Stock; llasic llbrk. Creen ( :alore, Carden Green , Clnse ro C,1co:1, Cqing Gr~y. Roal !{ct.I, Baruq1,c l'u rgundy~Eggplaru '-'""Y• llroeade llluc, Only Ora nge, Mnn:
169 A
Wishing Well ,nd 1,ty Bircy 11:otkgrounJ.s Sers; C lwc;k.,;hn:,rd Background S1amp; N:Hur.,ls, Mi nt Melody, aJJd 1:1:iroqtr<: lluri;untly Cord Swck; Basic 131:1.ck, Baruqt~e Hurgundy,
Cnunlry Cullec,ion :1110 Everyday faprc.<sions Secs; Ticking Background Stamp; Ballcl Hluc aud (!lossy Whitt: C.1rd Swck: Baller Blue Srnn111i n' l'aJ; Black Colorbux l'ad : Ballcc 13 uc, llo,;e Red, S11mmcr Sun , Mort· Musr:1n.l. ;111J Bliss f\luc S1ampi11' \Xlritc Markers;
Hos(• Romam..:<:, Fore.Iii'., Fn1 iagc, S:1gc
Sh,,<luw. Clost· ru Cocoa. ( :ni ng Gr-.iy, Mort· Mumrcl, Bordering Hluc, and B:iJ b Blue St;1mpin' Pads; Fores, Foliage Srampin' Write Marker; C ranberry Crosgr.,i n Ribbon; I/ II\" Circle l'unch; \%1crcolor l:\n,sh 169 8
Wishing Well a111J luy lli11y ~ackgrounds Scls; Siripcs llackgruund .Siomp; Nan ,r:,l.s and ll"roque lluri;11111ly G ird Swck; lUcl, Rc~ab Mulberry !'aper; lh<ic Lllo( k, Baroque llurgundy, Rose Rom~mcc, Fuu:st Fuliauc. Sa:Qe $haJuw. Cl<,sc to Cocoa, G~ing (. r.1y. More Mustard, Borderini, Blue: and lb llt, Blue Sr.impin' Pads: ll,1ro411c l\urgundy S1.unpiu' Write Marker; Rich Regals Raffia, Wa11Tcolor flrush 169C
English Co11agc Ser; Victorian I.ice Background Sr.1mp; Ul1r.1sot1oolh Vn11ill:1 :md lllush L'lo,s,:m1 CtrJ Stock; ' lt1p Buss Emhos.si ni; l':1d; Hlush Blos;;orn Stampin' Pad; BILL<h Blossom, Garden Green, Summer Sun, Ruby Red, More Musra.r<l, Rose llom:lnccl tahlc Grc~n.
Close w Cucoa, Ballet l\luc. and Hli<s Blue Srnmpin, Write M~1rkcrs; Sr~111pin"
l'asrds. GQld C!Qry Srarnpin' Emlmss Powder, Wartrel)lor L\rusb. Organdy Rihhon
Dccklc Scissors: ~t.ampin l)i"mc.:nsinnals:
Saoin Rihlmn 172A
Teacups Sci; Checkc·rbo:ml lbckgmnntl Stamp; Ulirasm<101h Whirc and kuby RcJ Cami Stock; Basic !\lack and Ham,1uc Burg1111dy S1a.m/>in' Pads; Baroque Burgundy. 11:trc y llonan:1, and Old Olive Siampin' Wri1e Marker.<; Blmdtr Pcus, 1/4" Circle Punch, I :ice Sci,csor.,, ReJ Crosgmin Ribbon 172 8
Recipe hon Sec; Natur.tls ;incl Old O live Ca rd $1ock: l\asic llbck, C l~e
c~,n,a, (;qing Cray, Bmo,dc llluc, O ld
Olive, Mon: Mnsi:ml. and Ruby R,·d Stnmpin' I'ads: Basic Iliad Sumpin' Write Marker. \% 1crcolor Brush, i/8" Circle l'w1d 1, F-'lnh Elcnll·nl, Rallia 173 A I..ibd h Set: C:.mdy C 111t' Ch ris1111:L< Siampi11' Around Wheel: Glossy \Xlhi1c and Ruby Red C.ud Scock: l1ic t:111 lhske, !lo, :Ruk Red S1ampin' !•aJ; llt:tl Ink Camidge: Red O rgandy Ribbon, II I 6" Cirdc l'und,, Whiie Emhmi,kry T hrc ,d
173 B
176 B
Cif, ' lags ~nd l'crK·ct Plaids Sets: llroc:,dc 11111c l :ird S10~k; IJi<" Cur Hasker llo,; l;lmsy Wli i1e Cirdc Cifi Tais; Brocodc llluc :u,J Rose Red Srnmpin' P:ids; Rose Red St:Jrn~in' Write Mark,:r. l'inkfng Sci~,or~. I/ I(, ' C ircle l'unc:11; Stf111g. f\unun
llfrds and Warm Wis!1c,, S~1<: Nigh,_o( N<ivy r1 nJ N:uur:ds Card )-;"'ck; \'(/lu«·, l':mh l'lt111c111.s, and !(id, Rcg;,ls Mulhmy Paper: Nigh, of Na°;,{ S1:1mpin l~td, Na11mil Raffia. :ir:1mpi11' I )irncn,ional., 175C
173 C
Glf, ·1:,g,, Sci: Confcui Whicc Circle t,;,f, · 1ag, Old Olive ~r~mpin' l~uJ; Oki Oli~e Si;1m1ii11' Wr,rt MMk<·r; llHw Jute 173 D
Gifr ·1~g,, ;11,J Cou ntry Hordcr, !,els: ConfcLti Whirc Cirdc Gilt 'E1g, Kraft l.u11cl1 II"~; ll~sic Bh,ck, More M,1st:trd. CloSt:. ,,, Cut<.l,t, Coini Grav, ltuhy Red, Old Olive, aruJ flrOC1dc Dluc Starnpin' l'ods; W:ucrcolor Bmsh, IIll" C,:i rdc Punch. Rld1 Rugals- Raffia 174 A
l..c11cr, from Friends and l11y llitly lhckgro11nds Sets; l'rendt Script 13ack~ro11ml S1:1mp; Mme Mu.st:i rd, l'erfcc, l'lum, nncl Ult ~~st11ou1h V:111 illn C:ird Swck: l~ rrh Ekmcru,s Mulberry Poper; ' l'yping l': tpn: ll:osk lllatk, Old Olive, l'Ml'lan t f'.uvy, Ch,c t0 Cown, Going C ray. and More Musr:ord .S1:in11,in' P~t.h: Gold !:neon.:! l)hl1m11c Mcrn Ii, l'i1J; Wo1ercolnr Brush . Silpplc llrush. Srampin!,\ Sponge, IJk:1ch. i'ho1ocopit<l Pi,:ru n:, Emery Bo:11,I, S1ri11g 174 8
Letters from Fric11<b onJ hry lli1ty Back~roun,ls Sets. No,ur:ils .tnd Et..gpl:uu Envy Card Smck.; lla.si~ !\lack, Eggpbn1 Envy, O IJ Olive, More i\lfu~P-,n~, ~;ui~19 Cray. and C ~nsc.: to C'..<Ko:l S1:111,p111 l\,J.s; GolJ b 1cor<'! Ul1in1w· M~1,illic Pad: RL<ic Lllack S1:1111pi11' Write Markn: W:ntrcolor [\rush. Sr:unping Sponge, /,tipple Brush, 1/1(," Circle l'unch, ColJ Me1:1llic Cord 174 C
Papa~ l'o,ket c1nd W(lntlcrful Wi.,hc~ Sers: Frend, Script llackground S,.mp; No, Q11i1c Navy, Cuing Cray, Jnd Ulrr·asmumh Whirc C:ard Srrn:k: l\ssic lll:Kk. Cuing c;my. Mt1re Musrnrd. Clu.«· ,,, C<>uu. Crc-:imy Catt:und, ,u,<l Rc"1lly R,rsr $rampin' Pads: \~ucr..:olor IVush, I /I c,• Circle l'und1, S'"JJ11''"' Dimonsion:ils, CnlJ Mcrallic CorJ, i\l.,tch 174 D
11npn', P<1c-kc1~. h1 ( Birry llKkgrnunds. 11nJ Mur~ ( ;11..-at {1n.~cting., Sc,s; Old
Wt,rld M"I'· Saip1. ;tnd Frc·ncl, Scrip1 B:1t~r(Hlll(I s,~mt>S; ll:trO<[UC Burgundy. ll1>it f\l.,,·k. and Cunlc11i C:irtl S11.1tk; Rich Regals Mull,crry l':iper; lbsic llbck, C lmc 10 Corna, anti More Mnsr:ml s~1mpin' Pods; Top Boss F.111bossi11~ 11.-,J, C11IJ l'.nc,,rc! Ulrimot,· Mt,~llii;: Pe«I: ( ;old Derail F.nil"'ssingl'owdcr, W31crcolor 13,ush, 1/4" ,ml 1I I(," Cirde l'nrlfhc,. S,ipplc l\rnsh, Bl.::idt, Emery Bt1ard. Kmr, l';11>cr lt1g. Bl:u...:k Phom Cornl·r~, S1ri 1,g. Mam: l~nlsh Spr~y. Pl1mucopied Pit:1urt· 175 A
Birds .Sec. i\lph:ibc, Alli rude Up1>cr, aud 1\1\'·l'"h,·, i\1ti1 11dc 1.-,wcr Ser.a; Forcsr l-<1 i;tgc, Natural$, More Musiard. ond ll,roqw llurguml)• C:ml Snick; 1"'1rtl, Elc111cms M,~l>crry l~1pt•r: lt1sic: llbck, Going Gra}'1 8roc;1t..k Blw.:. Forest
foliai;<, 1'Vlnrc Mnsrard, ond 1\aroyuc llurgu1tJ )' S1a1111>i1f 1',<ls; Close ro Cm:.ui1 Si.unpin' \X/ritc M.irkcr;
W:m·rcolor llrush
l;:ivoritt Crctllug.s, lriJ Hiuy
B:1ck~mu1H..is. ~ncl Sofr !IS" :1 l~ca1hcr S,.:ts: Ultra~mot'!th Vn nilla, NarurJls. Mellow Mo.1s. anJ Ch,,rnlrtrc Chip C:ird Sl(l~k: F.:onh Elcmcu1s :ind Sofi $11hdt.'S Mulbnry Paper; lhsir Black, C.hoeob1c Chip, Close ro Cocoa, Old (.)l,vc, ( ;,1in).\ (~ray, ;1nd Tcrnpring ·n,rqtinl!-.t' S1.1mpin.. l'llJ,; 1:ms< WI,iit· Col(1rh<•• l'ad: Close• 111 C,,c,M and Cr<•amy Caramel Srnmpin' Write M,trkcrs: Watcrtolor llrush, N~nur:-il Raffi:1:, Sc;11npin' Dimt·nsion:1h1 175 D
Soft :is a l~at hcr S,·1: Mdlow ,\fo,, and Na,urals C.trd St\lck: l\:osic !\lack. Cviug Cr~y. Chc,n,k11t· Chip, Close m Cc,coa, Ohl Oliv~, atal Mellow Mv~, Srn ,111>in' l':rJ.s; Top Huss Embossing Pad; Frosi White Colnrhox l'ml: I/ I(," ( :irck· 11und,. Na111r.tl R"ffia, S1:1111pin' L1imensionols. Crystal Clear S1:rn1pin'
Urt.\·'"dy Rihbo11 . ~rnnipin' 1',t, tcli . 01rnc, I.au· Punch 178 A
Us /.j,111y, Pfncs, ltty flirry lb.:ki:;rnunds, l'inc.<, J\lpl,abct Attit ude U1) pn, and i\t1i1mk liiwn Se,i : Fonc<t foliage, Really Rust. ;ind Ultrasmmnh Whitt Carel S,nck; Fon~._o;c F(lli~~~· C lo~t· 10 Coi:h~\, ;J11d lll·:tlly Ru>1 Srnmpin' l'ads; Clm,J Stenci l. S1~1mpin~ Spongt 178 B
i\11m·11 Ohoru Pini.:s :ind Cn.'.~lt Cn.•clings Sl'IS;
179 A
I :.mhos_... Powder, ' I \vi~,. W ire 176 A
179 B
Hor.\CS Mini anJ F;1voriu: t ;rt:ctings Sc1s: Aririquc Cracking l\ackgrrnmd Sramp; Coufwi. ll:1Sic lli;Kk, :in,I lk al llc,l C:ml Siot:k: l.l"-'ic flbt:k, ReaI Red.. auJ Close HJ Cocoa StJmpiu' p,.Js; Dccklc Sci~sors, I /8" Circle l'u11d1. S1:11ilpin' Dimt:n,, innals. lure
Wik! Thirrg;, ;1nd Wonderful Wi,hc, .'ins: Nii;)tl ,ii' Navy and Uhrnsmnmh Vi,nill:t ( ..lC;l S111(k; Nigh, of N'lvy, Mure MuSt ard, Really Rnst. a nd B:tulque Burgundy S10111pi11' l'.uli : Nuvy Organdy Ribbon
176 B
5,·a .I .ifo, 111)' llir1)' l\:1,kvr111.111ds. Jnd W<1n,k-rful Wishes $crs;N:,ltl r.ds, l'<m·sr Foliai;c. B:1,ic Black. I ,uvdy 1.ilnc. and AlcnMt /\nietl1ys< Card S1nd,; l.uvdy 1,il;,c S,arnpin' l'ad; Creole Spice
176 C
f-1,irll [;vrrts
1°.111,aStil i;,lia!,IC ll.1,i<: Bla~k. N,truml.,. unJ Kraft C,trd Swd.; 'fop !loss Fml,c,.,iini; l~1d; Chs.sy Copper ,md ( ;uld Glory Sc1111pi11' Emlit.,sx Powder; Cnrncr Rounder, Bleach 183 A
Brt//fl,, C.'rmy11l' B"t:-' & Slug,s S(<; ll:ircly Llarian:r auJ More M llsmd Cird Srock; Morr Musmd S1;1n1pin· l~rJ: Gold Rush C:,)l11rl>11x l~1d: Cold Dw,il l(mhossing Pt,wdcr:- l1~pt.:r Criinpt r 183 8
Nrmr/11 1l11d,•rn>n 1,ug.~ & Sing.< :,ml C ecot C r,·t1i11gs !lers: Uhr~s1n,101ft White ,tnJ IJ,c,ic llhtck Card Swck: ll;Lsic lllack. Real Red. :111J Ro<c lkd S1~n1pin' l'Jdi: ll,1.s k 111:ick S1:.impin' \'Vrirc J\1;1rkn; Blt·1ult.:r Pt11s.
Hc:ort ~,cncil, Rectangle Punch . l-l11mesp11 n Clo, h
179 C
l·'ille:r~ Sci-~; Mellow Moss. l.uvl'ly l.11ac. and l/lrr.t.\11111'.llh lv,>ry C:tr<l ~ttlck; Mellow Moss S,am\,in' 1';1J; 131ack ( '.qlorBox Pad; Mel ow Mn.~s~ !'\ordering 1 Blue, :rn<l Garden Grt.:cn S1ampin Wrlu: Ma.rkcr.; Dccklc Scis.,or,. Suunpin~ Sponge. Cryswl C lt~~1r Swmpin' En1hu~:,. Ptiw<l'cr, Waccrcolor llru;h. S1nmpi11' P:1-swls, l'urple Or!(antly Rihlwn. 1 IR" Circle l'nnd,
Uh rasmmnh While :ind Fnrc~, h>li:1gc
Cml Stuck: Sno,vOokcs Pri111nl Vdl,.,11; Roval Sarin Kaltidacolor l~1<L ~tiick~ilvcr Colorbox Pad; Sterling SilvLr .St~111 1pin' F.mho.,;s l'tlwd<.'r; Rcc1aui;lc l'uuch, Navy Or1ra nd)' Ribhon \'(lild T hing, ·,,pd Bo!<I-Unc i\ll'hal,,,, Upptr $e(s; Prirnilivc PriHI.,~ Sl:1111pi11' /\round Wheel; Ul rr:rsmootl1 V:inill.t ~nd S:1g,· Sl1:1tlnw C.,rd Slock: ll:isi,· llla<k S1:im11i,;' l';1d ; . "kie $1,,,tlo,v Cnr1ridi;c: 11:isic l.llack .: mJ Sjge ShaJow Srom pin· Wri,e M;irkeri;
C;i1s Mini. Vers:uilc Vtrsc.:s. and Fun
182 8
1;11u,~1tic foli;1i;c Ser; Copr<·r Me,allic, fla.ic Hlack, and N:,LUral., Co rd Srock; · top flos., Emhossin!; l'ad; S,crlini; s:tvcr. Gold Glurr, :rnd Classy Copper Srnmj11n' l·.mhnss l'Cl\vder. I/16" Cird,· PutK 1, Moun rain Dt'c::klc S('iS.Sors, Mci:tllic Thrc,1d. Leaf Stencil
183 C
Virgi11i11 lmurst Beamiful l\u11-crllics Se\i Uhrasnuxu h Whi1c, Orcl, iJ Opulence, a nd Lavender Lan· C,rcl Srnd<: B:rsic Bl:tck. I.owl)' Lilac, lllii, Uh,c, nud l'rc11y in l'iuk Sram piu· l'Jd,; Hard)' ll:111ano, Mauv..: Misr, .md Ila.sic llht k $1;rn1pin' Writc Marker;; l'ttJI !'ink, l'rosoy lrii, anc.l l.cmnn Chiffon Radh rn Pearls; W:ucr<:olnr Brush; ( '. loud S,cnc;I, S1o1111 pin~ Sp,1n~L·
K~1leid:.1color l~<l: St;llHj)iu' Dlmc.:nsion:..1 ls1 W:Hl'rco or Bru.)h\
184 A
N111n/;e 71·,tvis
Ser.,, t1St-d rc" 51,imping on tht wall: S,(ari, I IJ11d-l'ai1lll·tl l'e1i1,._,, Summer SunOuwcr, \'(lilc.Jllnwtr.,
Cckstinl Skie., S..·r: S'ilver 1Vkrallic and l1ullc, flluc Card Sruck; Nighr ur Navy S1a111pi11' l~1d: ·rop !loss r~llhfiSsing l':td; Silver L)n,ril Em6ossin\: Powder; Wrtve Sr;ii.s\,.L~'"i ~t;1rnping Spo7,g"·: l\k::1ch
181 A
M111wll11 \fl,mg l'lu, wrbys Set; Naturals Card Srock; 'fop ll11s.s 'Ii nml Emhuss,nl,\ Pail: C rys",1 Clc:tr $rarnpin' Ernho,-s Powder, Wa rereolor llru,h, Bil'ach, I Ill'' Clrclc, l'Lrnd, , St:tllvp Sdssori, O rganJ y Ril,ho11
}11/i,• Phillip, Smu hw,·s, "'"' 11:isic l!~tck Card S1ock; Top l\o,,., Emlm1,.sing !'ad am! Hdill: l\a,ic 111.,ck Swmpin' l'ad: Classy Copp<'r 51:mipi n' Emho£1 Pnw,k-r. Crn,klc Medium, ,\J.,l,c ft.·d tkrylii: P:1in1,
Juli<- !'hi/lips
181 B
184 C
Grc•Jr C rccriug!i. Shott Sayi11g:i..Jt1$l ,1 No,e Mini. nnJ 11,J"' Wow Sees: .Ultras111001h Whit~ :ind Rc:rl Rtd Car<I Srock; Basic 111~,k St:trnpin' 1',td; Stam p,iu' P;isu.·1.-... Blender l\:ns
M11rcu/l,, \flp11g l'Iu" ahys Scl: Md]ow Mo~s C:1 rJ Swck; ·1,,p l\11;,; 'lin1c<l Embossing l'JJ; Crys1=il Ck·Jr .Sr~1111pi n' 1:imhoss Powdt!r, Ble:ich, \Xl'atrrcolor llru, h
Sm11hwcs1, !icy Bic,y l\:ockgrnnmls, ond J11st for Y11u Scis; llasi.c lil.,~k. H:tmrp1e llurgundy. e111tl Nalllrals Car,I Sroc'k 11:tiic lllnck. Gtrdc11 Gr.·cn. ,1,1J Mun:
177 B
181 C
D imcn~ionalsr I /'i f'
l)ium~";lur'S ,vll ni nud Shorr Sayi•l~~ S~ts~ Oinos,, urs S1:unpin' Ar<1ui1J Whcd; Hasic ll1:ick :111d L:rc,•n ( ;, !cm· C:rr<l Srock; lilack C:ulorhox l',,tl ; Gr·ctn (;:,lore Ink C:irrridgc; Cry,r,d Clear Srampin' Emho.~ Powder, s,~1mpi1J~ S1longc, Salin Ribbon 177 A
Bow Wow Scic Ulc~isrnomh Whirc and l',.i,ic llla.::k Ca,J $ruck; Close lo c,ro,1 and llasic lllack Srnmpin' l'aJs; Ch,c rri C<)l:<l: t ontl [l:i$i, lll:,ck Siampin' Write M:trkcr.s: Sr:1111pin' l'a,,d, 177C
Meow Mrow and ltry llirry BackgrmonJs Sers; More M1m:1rd. EN;pl:mi Envy. and N:1rirr:1!, C1rd Sruck: More Mllsrnrd and Eggplam F.nvy $rarnpin' l'a<k 1\h..:k Co)orbox In k l\i<I; Mort Musr,ird, Egg:planr Envi•, Coing Gray, Oki O liw. Mauve Misr. Rose RcJ , Hordcrini; l\luc. Md Bliss llluc Stantpin' \Vritc Markers: \~uorcolor llr,.,11, C..-ysral Clear S1:ornpi11' l'.mhoss l'uw,kr. Gold
Mw;qrd St!nnpin' l>nd.s; \V,Hcr~olor~,
W:11 t'rcolor Pc.·ncil. Smmpin' Cirdc.· l'unch , String
1;!1t11crhys. luy lliuy 11:ickgruund', , and l'nvori1c ( :n•ering, Set.<; K,-,~ft, f~r lnnr F.n v1•, O ld Olive, Jt>d Natnr:ils Lar<l ~ro;k, O ld O live :md Mellow Mu.ss Smmpi,1' l'.,d,s; White Colurllmr l'nd: Winier Whi t~ S1nn1pi11' Emh,>s,, l'1lw<kr:
185 A
W:ucrt:uloJ' Hru,.;h, .S1:unpi11' IJinwnslon:,ls
l\und, o' li11g, .111d lny i\i11y lbrkgrm,nJs .Str~~ Vicwrian l...ac~ llack~muud :-mmp; Nanrr:11, , l·:ggplan1 l'.nv)', and Old Olive Can! Srock; l\:i;1,_lan1 y:nvr.~rnmpi_n' P::d: l\rr l't-rmls. (,old/Silver I.ii; l'u,nry Pen, ~1;1111pi11' Dirn~111itm:~,. Fiherglass
182 A
Scrttn, E~~llbm Acrylic- l~•int, Brnds
Scm~atlrn1,1I ~n•n(•ry .S(•t;
C.:lm,~y \V/hil'-'1
Close m Coc11a, :111d .C:huwlarc· C.:hip Csrd Sw.:k: H:rsic lllnck. C inar 10 Co~oa, a11d Old Olive s~lfupjn' l'nds: 1\uw11111 l..ca, '-·s K:ilcid:u:olor P:1(h Ruhhcr l\raycr 1
18!; 8
1311nch o' 13u~, $n: Na,ur.,I~ C•rd S1ock; C m,,·o Cornl. Old Olive, and Fggplaru l·:nvy .Stampin' Pads; E.arrh l::lcn1e1Hs
llug,, & Slug,, Wn rm Wislw., . aml ltr)' llilly l~ackgro1111d.1 Sc1s: Frcncli Scrip, 11.ickground and S1ippl,· Bu11erfly 51~1nps; lkJlly Rusr. Basic Bl:i,k..111d N"1ur.ils Cm! Smck: lllatk Col,1rbo~ P"d; lk, lly RuM, lla,ic 131.ick, l :oing Cray. Yoyo Ydlow Sutomcr Sun, ~md Close "' C:oco:i Si:unpin' Pads; B11ltl Bbck S1:in111in' l ml11,ss l'owclcr; Ab,tl,utc• 1
Grny. .Summt'r ~ll n, Sour !.l."nrnn . .$weer
Starnpin' l':uls: Wawru,101 llruslo; i /H'' Circle Pu11d1, Na111r:1I Ralli:o 188 C
Liuk: l m,pir.11io11." !\e1; N!lturals.
-'> 11mmcr Sun, ond L,,vely Lilac C ord )i,ock; l.ovdy Lil:ic, l<:nipting T1Jfl1uoisc. Summer Sw\, Rose Red. :rn,1 Sag,· !>h.oJow Si:unpin' \Vri1c Mnrkcr.-: Rcn:rn~le l'u11,h, Ycll1>w Gold l;n1,grain R.ibbo11
Apricm, 0111d Icy 1\foch,1 RaJ i,uu fbrls: Wltt:Jt:cllCJr Brush, S1!1111pin'
Dimcnsic)n"ls. II I6" autl 1/8" Cirdt• l't1nchcs. Black Org:mJy Rihhuu, 1.;.,IJ/Black Cord
No:oh & C:o. s~,: ·1,,k~,1 -,i,h Tc~I. CabkGrc,•11, and N>tur.cls C;ord Stock; llbck Culurhox Ink Pad; ( :abk· Crcrn, Carden Green, ·1:,l«·n with real . Really Rust, Sununn Sun. More Must:ird. Clos<.: m Coai:t, Ruby Red, llortlcring flluc, C\,iPg Gr:1y. llrilli'1nt Blue. Bliss Blue, Blush lllos.,om , Only Orange, :.in<l Ro.,c RcJ Sca mpin' Wri1c Marl;,·1·s; W,ncrc•ilor Brush, Cry>1:ol Clc:or ::;.,unpin' E111hn~, Powdc.r. Dtt.klc Scis.-.;urs, St:1mpi 11' l1a.,.tdt
fa111astic Foliage, lay lliuy lhckgrounds. a11d Warn , \Xli~h"" Set,; Fr~ncli Scrip, Hack!;\ro11nd and Stipple Hu1terlly S1amr,: Close to Corn:i. Mdlow Mos, ..,nJ Krah Cml Stnck: l·~1r1h Fknwnis anJ Soft S11b1k, Mulb,:rry l':ip,·r. Clos<: 10 Cocoa, Gfli ng C.-Jy, More Mus,,ird. llroc,d,· lllu~. and llu,;_lcring Biue Srnm pin' 1':ttis; lll:tek aml Frost Whit,• Colurho, l'ads: Bbck Dc, ..1il Embos.,i11g fJo\vdl•r, \1<'i1 l1.·rt:olur llrush, 5itampin' Dimcnsion:1h, DrieJ I .L"1VCS 186 A
for GooJn(!ss Sake ~ct: S1 rip,~ lb,kgrn1111J S,amp: Mini Melody. Mouve MiSl. a11J Uhrasnwnth Wlnr<' Card Stock: Black Culorlm, l'ad; fbrcly 8:111a11:1 Stamr,i11' Pad; Srampin' P,,stcls, Crys1al Ck·ar Srnmpin' E111ht.t'-\' l'ow<lc.r, M,111w Otgandy Rihhon 186 8
For Goo<lnc-~ S:1kc St'[: U l tr.1.,uHHHh
\'ifh,rc, Yoy,1 Yi•llmv. and llallc, llluc Card Stock: l\allct lll11c Sr:ompin' Pad; Black Colorhox P:1J; Crvsral Cb, Starnl)in' ErnboSJ: JlowJCr. Sranipin' Paste,. Sramping Sponge, 1/4" C irdc Punch, Whitr Orgw<ly Ribbon. Bluck Wri,cr 186 C
Vicrorian Frm11t· :mJ lnspira1im1al
Grcerings Lllis., Blu,•, Cold Metallic. a nd Vellum Card St0tk: lllis.\ lllm·, Guini; Cmy, and Mdlow M(),:,,. S,ampin' i'atls; Top 1311.~, Timed Emll\l,sin" l':lll; l'rnsc Whice Cnlurbo,c l':ld: Cold l)ci:,il lomilossini Powder. 118" C ircle Punch: Cro,gr:un Rihho,1
11.l\·e a Ball!. AIJJh"ht' At1 itude l.owtr, Alph:olwt 1\11i1rnlc Upper.•rnJ Alph:ibc, Auintdc N111uhcrs Scis; V:,nilb Ultr:ls•nooth, More Mus1arJ. Clusc to Cum.,, :ind l,uhy Red Card S,o~k: !-for(• MuswrJ, Clos,: tu <'.(>toa. anJ Ruby Rl'd Sr.tmpin.. 11t1C.fs; S1:.i mpin· l)i111l·11!-.in11t1I~ 190 B
11.1\'c J 11;,II! .rnt.l More ( ;real C rcc1ing.1 Sc~,; SL1pcr Sp()rt St.11npi 11' Around Wheel; Ulir:t.<nmnih Van illa, NighL nf Navy. ""d Really Ru« C::Ctr,1 Sro,k: lh,1lly Rusr :end Night of Navy Stamp in' l'a,k Heally Rusi and Niglor nf Na~y Ink C:nnridgc-s; J•aper Corrugarur; Krnfl \X1'rJppi11g P~IJll.'f 190C
(,'mise B,tld I l•w :1 Ihll! anJ 011ol1no AIJ>h:,lw, Upper .',c1s: Douhk--1.onc Sn1d,eJ l'biJ $,ampin' Around Whcd; M1m· Mu,t.u·d . Ruby R,·d. , 11J Ultr:is111o(><h V:inill:o Card Stuck: Mure Mus1:1rd . Close w Corna, :ind Rubi• l(cd Sta111pi11' J'ad,; S1ampln' l)imcn·siunal~. Sna;1II Sm.r
P1111th 191 A
Say Ir with S.:rip111rcs .end lnsplr:uiun:1I Irnages Sets: 1.avcnJcr l.:occ. 1.m·cly I.ii~~. arHI Ul,r:wnoo1h White C1rd Stock: lh,:ic l\hck ,1nd I.owly 1.ihtc
Fun 1111 Wheels :111d Alphahcc Aniwdc Upper S,·ts: Ultr.1>'l 1111od1 Whi rc. Real RcJ, Basi~ J{lu~k. Y,ly<> Ydluw. l\rill1.11u llluc, and Balk, Blue C,1rJ $tock, Ba,ic 1.11.otk, More Mmi:crd, llarc><(llC l\11rgund1•. Rose Red, (;arden Crcen, Nnr Quire Navy. Brilli.,nr 131ue. Bliss llhtc, and Sunrnwr Sun St:impin' l':tds: 131,dJWhit,· 1/.i~ l'a1111y Pen
St:m1pif,. P~1ds; Sr-:t l'llpin· l'itSttb: Colo1,i:1l Charil\ Scissors
191 B
187 A
187 8
S:ty It w~th Scriprurcs ~nJ l_11spi~atiu11:.il J111;10L.'S .Sets;
M 1s1
f>at/'J>lum .Si,mpin' Pad; 'lhp llos., Emhossin~ Pad; \Xli,u-n \X1hi t(• S~11npin' Emboss Powder; 1/4" Ci rck Punch, White Ori::111dy Ribbn11 188 A
P/{/11 c'1miJ No.ah Set: C:onfeui jiJJ Mbrc MustaJJ C:1r<l ~,nrk: l•:.t nh 1\kmcnts MulhcTI)' ltaptr;
/\ut1111111 l.t"JV1..·s
K,.tll'it.larolor l 1!1d:
Acrvlic llr:11·c1', Rubber ll"mls, Natural Rafii:t, ,,:1ri1pin Dimc.:n~ion:als 1
188 8
Litde l 11spirJ1i1JIIS s~i; N:uur;tls, Mon: Mu,r:ml. ,1nd c;lo,c 1<) Co«>:> Card S,ock; lh.,ic lllttck, More Musrn rd, C:111,t· ro Coco:o, Going Gray, and S:igc Shads,_,,
192 B
1.mhy St ieg,·lmeier O n tl,c Co S,•t: i'i11d,11 l'bid
Kid i'rin1s- nnd not l1wi1,11ion Sers; Bli.<s Blue :rnd llrutatl,· llluc ( '.:ord Sinck; l(adi:m1 \'ifhi,c Vdlu111: llrc1tade nlueand 131iss Blue St:11npi11' l'aJs: Btocad,· Blue S1a111pin' Writc M,orkcr. White Organdy Ribhnn, Corner llnundcr, Wove Sei,sur,, Rc~~,c11glc Jl11nch
fhckground Stnmp: Niglu urN:ivyaml UltrJ;inouth Whttc Cnrd .'ioock; Bmc:odc 1\luc :i11J Nigh, of N;1yy Srnmpin' Pads: l )ccklL: .54..'is-sor~, St;,1rn pin' Dimensional~ 193 A
/m1Jifrr Tho111r1s
196 8
War tu c;u !'ict; R'"tl RcJ .•llalk_i 131ul", an, Ul,r:osnmoth \Xlhnc ( ,;ird S,od<; Rc:il Re,I, Baller lllue, llasit Block, autl S11mn}~r Sun Strirnpin' Pads: Uhrjsmooth Fun Fmmti Srampi1/ Pasu.:h., Bltndcr Prns, St~unplng .Srong~
Kid Print, ,1111.I Alph:ohcc 1\t1i1ud,· Upper Sc,s: UhrJ.<mm,,h \Xth11c, Sage Sh,duw. u11d l\roc,dc:- 1\luc C.uJ St0ck: Sage Sh:cdow ,11cl lfo,c;,de lllue .$1;1111pin' l':ods
193 B
Wayt<) Cu Set; ' !,eking Background S,amp: Uhrasm111)th Whirc. Brillbni lllue, .Summer Sun, .111d Ruby RL-d C1rJ Stock; llrillia11 t Blue, Sun11ner S1111, :rnd Ruhy Red Scampi,,' Pads; L\rill ia111 11111..Scampi n' Wri,c Marker: Dt~klc Sci:;sor,, S1amping Spong~
Ulrr.ts111ooth Whicc Cml St(>dc: l<cd, Hbck, l'ard,mem, and Coco:o ( :olorbnx l'.1ds 191 C
"1111 on Wheels Sci; lkJI Red, Cr"'uny C:11·a111tl, .rnd Ultr:t,m<>otlo W hitt Card Sro,k: Red Colurho., l'ac.l: lh,it llbck Sr:,mpin' Wrirc M:irker 192 A
l);mcc Ser: Switl FrJllll' !-tr:imp: Ulorasnm111lo Whi1e, l\:isic lllndc .mJ Rul.,y R~d C1rJ Sw,·k; 11:isk lllnck and R11by Red Si.unpin' P~d: llt1hy R,•d St'1mpin' Wrirc Matker
Kid Prims, l11y Bi1ty B:1ckgr()und.1;, :1nd Dot f,wira1io11 Scls: G lossy Wloi1<· C,nl St0ck; IIJSic Black. Sa,•e Sh:oJ.ow, Mauve Mist, :ond fl<irdy lbns~,a Stampin' Pads; l,ighc j)ink O'!,,'<tnJy Ribbo!'. Rc~r-!'1gle Purh.. h. Srnmpi11~ Sponge. St~mr111
Dimensional! 197 A
194 A
Musical MeJlcy :mJ ltrv llinv Backgrounds S~ts: Musical S~orc B:i~k11rou11d $romp: N:orur:~s, Baroque llucrur•J)•, ,nd GolJ Mciallic Card Srock: Egi;pl:rn , l\11vy, Fores, Foliage, Cankn Crcen, More Musr:m..1. (;ning
Cr.1)'. anJ Close 1u Coc(>a $1·ampin' l'aJs: c;ol,I l(ncore! Ulti111:11c:- Metallic l':id;: ' li,p llnss Embossing l'aJ; Culd Der.iii Emhu,,ing Powdn, Lice Scissors, \'v\u~rcolor Brush, Col,1/Silvcr i'.ig t'Jimy Pen, 1/1(," Cirdc l'unch, Sr:m1pi11' l)in1cnsionali, C:old Mtt:1llic Curd
Juli,..- l'hlllifi,<
Eosu.:r F,gg, 11ur1 l'acc.1, and Everyday Exprcs.si1111s Ser.,; Nigh, of Navy, Bordering Blue, and ~ lrr.i.mumh \Xlh i1<· C ml S<rn;k: Night of Navy onJ Bl)1, lering l{lnc ~tampin' P"ds: N igh, N,vy Smmpin' Wri1,· M:irkcr; Wave Scissor,
197 8
lt,b)' l'irsr, :inti /\mi'luc 1\lphahc1. Lower Sers: Chcc:kcrhn:orJ H:ickgmnml .Stamp: Ultra,m,mth \Xlhi,c. Hmc.1,k· Blue, .ond Bliss 11111c C,1r<l S,ock, llroc:,dc lllu~ ;md lllixs lllue St"mpin' l':1ds; S1ampi 11' P:is1cls,
194 8
Mu:.,..::.11 J\,t~<llt..·y. Juy Diuy Daa..kguu, 111,b, :111J Gn:~ 1. Cret:iiu~ Sc:ts; Mu~ic11l S{'.orc Hackgrou,u.l St:1111p: N;11urals, 1:orc.,;;1
Foliage. and Ruby ReJ Card Srotk; Basic 131nck, Ruhr !<cJ, ~;:udcn Green. Mure M,tsrard. L,0111g C.,r.iy, and Close ro Cneo:1 St:tmpi11' PaJs: Gold. Crt.:c11, .111d l'ink Fnq,rd Uhim:ue c\lkinlli<: l'ads; Tup IIQss 1-:inbc,:;sing l'aJ; Gold Dcr:111Emhossing Powtkr. Lh.'<.' .S1..'.is.."iOrS1 W.11crcolnr Brt.Lsh, Gold/Silver %ig l~1i111y 1'~11. Stipple [\rush_, IIW' Circle Ptmch, .S1~mpm l)1mcnsumals. Hunrcr Crl'~n Org-JnJy Ribhon 194 C
Oec..:kJe Sdssur.s. Srn.11 1p1ng
Sponge 197 C
l.lahr l'irsis and f\lphahet App<,a( Lower Sers: n ccor.1tivc Dot llackgronnd $ramp: Uhra,mnn1h Wloire. Mlnr Melody, :md l'rcuy in f'ink Card Srncl<; <..;c,ing Croy cc11,I l'rclt)' in Pink Sr.1mpiil' l':1d,:"Goiog Gray Srnmpin' Write Mark.~r: s ~:mpi11' J'astd~. 101cc Scissors. C unu;r Ro11mkr 199A
Sp:ice, Alphah,1 A11i1udc Upper. a11d 1\lph:iht.·r Attit ude Lower S..:t~; Uhr"smnuth Whi,e, Taken wirh Teal. and Marv, ln11s Magi.:111;1 ( ~:m.l S1ock: ·1,kc11 1viol1·1.,~1. t\llorvdum Ma1;scn!a, 'iummer Sun, ,mJ Lowly Lilac .StJmpin' l'ads; T~kcn wirh 'fo,I and S1111\111cr Su n Sr:1111pi11' Wri,e Markets; lukworx Att Air Gun 1
Mmic':11 Mc,llqaml l,lcg.1 111 Grce<ing, Sets; 1"11tSi,-al Score Hackgr<1t1ml Stacnp; N:nurols. ·1:,ken with Teal, :ltlll Basic Black CarJ S,ock; ·r:.ken with 'lb l S,:ompin' Pad; .Silver F.ncnrt'! Uhimm·t Mcrnlli<: l~ul: ·top lloss Em l,.,ssi1tg Pad: Silv,·r Dccail Embossing Powder, 1I I 6" ~ ircll" Punch_. $1~1mpin l)irnc.:11.~ionak .Solver lvk1ai'l1s CorJ 1
hen 1111 Wheds :,nJ /\1phalw, 1\ni1111lc 1,~)wc:r Sl·I~; ·1Hplt.·-l,im: Plaid Sl~mpin' Ar<11111d W h,·d : lla llcc 11111,• ,11d
!.# ljw,g
Mor<: Kids ,11 Play Set: t; lo5.,y Whire. Rose Red, ,wJ Lovely Lila<: C:ml Stuck, lla.,ic l~l:i~k .md f .ovch• Lilac Swmpin' l':tds: Ru,c RcJ, Cius(: to Cocn:i, Blush Blossom, M:1uvc Mist, Yu\'0 Ydlow', C:rtcl\ G"lurc, I.L>vdv Li lo~. Rcally ll<tst. and Guing Cr:,y Sr:1IT1pi11' \Xlriu.: fv1arkl1'S; Sc~1mp l1t,:.Triuncr. ~rnmpin~ .Spnn~c-
199 8
Sp:u.;c and Crc-Jt c.;n.f.'ting,, .S..:1s; r;h~~-.y White :tnd Loveh• Lil:ll' C:trd Srock; Spcc1n1m K:th.:id;R~t)for 11:,t,I; t :omcr Rm1,1J,,r. Alumtllum foil 1
199 C
nn Spac<":111d C:rc·,11 C,,c,ings Sers: Hui-tiering flluc C.utl Swek: Nig,lo\ ur Novr and More Mustard Swmpm P:,tls: Cn:olc ~pkc K:olcidnculur l'aJ: lllucjull: 200 A
U,,1 l.e,· (l,f,w,•r, 195 B
Cortslnh.:rio11 "J.nd Dot lovi r:uinn Si:-1s;
N1111,lie 11,,1dep1111" Kiel, :ot l'bv and llQIJ & l\u,i~ Gr,·Nings
Ultr:i,mocJ<lo White, [\,,sic lll:tck. ,nd Sucn111cr Sun Card Sm,•k: Basic lllaek Srampln' P1.,J; Surnnu.:r,..Sun Sr:tmpin' Wri1c Marker: Moun<an1 l)c.:kk Sc.issl1rs, $1;1mping Spbng1:
St,~; Ultr;1Srnoo1h \Xlhitt· and St1111111er Sun Card Sroc:k: [bsic [\lack .,ml S1.11noncr ~1111 St:11n1, in' l':od,; Dc,kl<' s~issors, .Sr:1mpin' Djm~ll!li\)l'l~lls
2 S3
200 8
212 A
218 C
2 18 N
Tr:iin Mini :111d Gr,•,11 (.;r<•,·1iogs Se1<; l.on1;1-S1iichi:d l'l,1id Srn1n/1i n' Around \Xlhcd ; Na1ul"Jis, Yoyo Yi, low, Only
Holtl-Linc J\ lph:tber Lower. Jusr Journali,111, and Cdebr:itions Sc1s: Ulrra.smoo,h \Xlhire and l\rilli:11u Blu~ G rd Swck, h,rcst Foliage An,·ie,u Page Pad; f-ortsr foli:igc ,Si,,mpin' \Xlritc Marker: Srar Slot Punch, ij-1/2 x 11 and 3 x 5 OIT.s<·t l'l,o,o Shcc1 Pimccrnrs:
\%rn, \Xlishes Set: Doublt·-Linc Sri1d,~d Plai<l ;in,I Daisies Sw.mpin' /\ round Wh,•ds; 1\ ,rfec, Plum 4nd Mellow Muss C:ird Stock; Olcl Olive Smmpin' Pad: Pak Plum and Mcllmv Moss Ink C.1.nridgcs: l)i~ Cm Basket BM. Stt1!11l S,piarc hnily, Srnmpillf: Sponge, Orivc O rgandy Rihhon
F.1ncif11I 1'1,1wcr.s Ser; Ultr:i.smooth White and ll~llct lllue Card Stock; Sage Sh11dow, C:unl'.<l Cod, n,11,,, 11111c, l'.rcny i n, 1:ink, :incl Hordcring Hine S1:1mpn1 I :id,
Oran••e. Grt.-en Calurc. ; 111d ·1crnpring
l11r<11~oisc Cml :-i1ut k; Basic Black. Yoyo f'.•llow._O~ly Om~g•\ (;tee~ ~;~Jore. and lcnlptm~ I Ur<1umsc ~ra111pm I ads;
lllack 111k C1nridgc; 11:isi<: l~bck S1,impi 11· Wriu: Marktr; Pinking Scissors
S1a1npi11g Sponge:. S1arnp1n Mcmor,c.~
Phom Cropping "Jcmpl:11cs
218 0
212 8
ConsiruL1ion. luy Biny llackgrountl., and llold-1.in~ Alphahc, IA>wer Sets: C h,·ck l'rnmr Sm111p; N:numl,<. Cunft:lll. Ruby Red. Carden Green, Si,mmcr S<1n. :iml Close 10 Coco:t Cud Stock: Ila.sic 8bck. Ruby Red. Garden Green. Summ,r Sun. Mo«· Mustard, Close 10 Cocoa. ;1nd (;(ling GrJy Stampin' l'acls: thsic Blatl, Rubv Red, :u1d Garden Cn:~11 Srnmpin' \Xlrirc Marl,crs; Dccklc Scissors, Mount:,in f)ccklc Scis.,nrs. \Vaiercollir Bnish
I\Jplrnbet ,\11i111Jc Upper, Alphabcr
201 A
Licor Hug,, :111d h111 l' illcrs Sers; Pecirc Prim [hckgrou11d Sr:,mp; Confctri. Chocolarc C hip. aml Ruhy ReJ C.~rd Swck; Rose Red """ Close t<l Cocoa Srnmpin' 1';1ds; Sn1;1ll ,ind Medinm Hc:trl l'unchc.<, Hqrts & Flowers Border Punch, I/8" Circle Punch. Corner RounJer. fmc
t\uitud~ Lower, :rnd Kid Prims Sc:1:.:
Min, Melody Sr:nnpin' Pad: Kroft Ov.11 Er--Anu: Srnmpin' M~mories Bind(:r:
218 E
Acrylic P:iinrs. Grosgrain Rihhon
l.i11lc Some, hing.< and l'c1 itc l'usics Sets: ·1;,p l3uss Clear fanb,,ssing l'aJ; Calypso Kalcidarnlor Pad: Hean S,ickcrs, Foam llr:1ycr
212 C
1\lphahcr 1\11tiq11cs Upp,·r: Alphah"' Antiques Lower. and fv!u51c;.ol M,·Jlc-y Sets; Musical Score Bat kgrouucl Srnmp; Nighr vf Navy, /\~<>re Mus,.:ml, an~ Ultr:o.,m<><lrh \Xlhuc Card Stock: Nighl or Navy, Mme Musr:trd, Close m Cou,a. and Really Rust Srampin' Pods; ltcal!y Rusr Srampin' \Xlritc Morkcr: Stnrnpmg Sponge 214 A
f'rctry in 1'1nk. Barely Bmirma, llli.<S Blue. Mint Melody. :uid Uhrasm1in1h \Xlhite Gird Srock: Flolirish~, Classy llr;iss Tcmpl~rc, Stylus
201 8
Year-RounJ Fun, llorders Mini, and 1\11on: Crea, Grcc1i11gs Sc,s; Brilliam Blue, Rose Red, :ind Narur:ils C:ird Srock; llrilliam 13lm· 1111J RoS<.' Red Stanipin' Pad~~ IIll" Cirdc Punt h, Royul Grosgrain Ribbon
Fa n,·iful Flowers Sn; Pr,·tty in l'ink and Ultr:1smoo1h Va11illa Card !>tock; Mauve Mist and S3i;e Sli:tdl/w $ra111pi11' PJcls; Emcy Flc)wcrs Cla"y [lrass Temphrc, S1yl,us, Sc:illop Scissor; 21.5 A
202 A
Omlin,· Alph.,bct 1,,)wcr anJ Gning Pl.,ces Set>: Ultrasmoo1h White. More Mtl-'l.trd, ,nd Ros.: Red Card Srock; 11:is i, l\latk :ind Cuing Cray Srampin' l'ads; G,,ing Cray, Rose R,·<l, and More Mn.sc.1rd Starn pin' ·wrire Markers: Cloud S1cncil. Stamping Sponge
l;e:uhcrcd I lope Set: C1,nfc,ri and N:11 ural Card Srock: G>rdrn Crcen :11\d lla5ir Bbt:k S1:ir11pin' J~1,ls: \Xlatrrcolnr Pencils, Blender Pens. Monn1ain De(klc Scissors, Dark Crccn l~1pcr Twi>1 21 5 8
Alphabet A1tit11dc Lower :rnJ Going Somewhere Set,;; I ,twdv Lilac and Ultrnsmomh ,'(l'hire Card Stock: l.nvcly 1.ilac Sr:1mpin' l'nd: Cold Colorlmx l~1d; S111mping Sponge. C:r1ld/Si lver Zig P'-1inty Pi:n
llrides & Babies, Cuddles & 'licklcs. ,md Pcrlc ct Plaids Sers: Sage Shatlow anJ Ultrasmoo,h \Xlhitc (.ird Scock: l\mst .''?liagc •~d Sag~ S!1adow . Sramp,n P:1ils, l·ort'Sl h 1hagc .tnd Sage Shadow S,ampin' Wrircr M,1rkcr<; M3Xi .Scallop Scis.st,r,<; llll'lldcr l'c11. $r:rn1p,11g Spong,c, 1/8" Circle Pvndt, Navy Organdy Ribbon
202 C
2 16 A
1//wtlm· l'r,•,t"fl,''
Fore.st Foliage Sec: Rcallv Rust :mJ Ultrasmoorh White C ,r~I Stock: l'olinge l'rin,ccl Vdlum; Soft Sulnlcs Mulh,·rry Paper; Re-J lly Rust and More Mu.,uirJ $1::impin' Pads: Crcok Spice KaleiJaculor Pad; Corner Rou nder, Spmping Sponge
202 8
·101)1Tim,·. N111s & Hnlts. '""I 1\lphalw1 Auirude 1.vwcr ~ets; Narwals and N,ghr of Navy Cord ScodG fl:imq11c 1,11~ 11nJy, Clr,,e to Cu,on, More Musror<l, ( ,ank11 Crern, ,111J Ni!(lu of Navy Stampin' P:ids Accessorles Stampin' Suppfies 208 A
llulJ & lhsic Crtcrongs Ser: llolJ 13aruquc S1.i111pi11' 1\r<Hlllll Wl,ccl, ~r.,fr, J'rrfc..:1 Plum, c1nd Ultr;ismoolh \Xllure C,rd Srock; E~pb11t Envy and Clu.,e m C'.ocoa Srampin l'aJs; F~rl:mr l.invy Ink C:aririJgc, S1amping lip<lll!(c 209 A
Fin~ Vint Ser; fon,;1 Foliage. 13:1ro,111c Burgundy, ,m(i UhrJ<m(lt1th Van ill:1 C~trd Srock; F.:ml, Ekmc11Ls Mulheny l':i!'<'r: Fnrc.,r Foliage, lcggplsm l: nvy, .111J B,,ml]IIC H11r<_;t1mlr!>r'1n'IJ1ill' l'nd,~ G,1ldlSilver Zi!( Pai my Pen, S~Jmping .Spong<'~ 131t·nclt:r Prns
{BJ /_J/J)ll - ~ll(i()
,,Vi, ,,,y,,;,. 'lf,l
llaby f-irsts Set: Basic Black S1:1111pin' l'ad: llaby l'nwdcr Kllkida<'>l<ir Pod; Circle Stickers, l\ ,am Bmycr
218 A
} 11/ie Pbillips
Love Yn! .111J C"mll,· CdcbrJ\iou Sets; Ulir:i.,mu<>rh \Xlhitc and Rose Rom;mc,· Cord Stuck; Small Squorc Ooily; Hu,-e Romance Srnn,\>in' ['aJ : l'as,d and Ch,:r~y tl11k li~ ,_ricn J'~<l~: \V/l1i1~ l'olySlmnk Pl:i.<uc, 11/4 and 118 lJn.:I.1
Holiday S,nnplcr Set; Forest Foliage, Rose Red, and Clu.sc m Cn,()a S1ampirt' PaJs; Ulir.0,1110\lrh White Girt 'lag; ·1:111pc C rosgrai11 Ribbon 218 P
Li1tlc lnspiraiions Ser, Chcckerbo:ml £\ackgro11ntl S1nr11p; Lurgc· Uhras111001h \Xlhite Bookm:irk; lhsic Black. Nm Qui,~ Navy. !l(l.st Romance, ,ind G,rdrn c.. :rccn Swmpin' Pad.ii\ Uold Brights ibOio: Blender Pen
218 F
Gif'1·1a!;S Set; ll:isil' Black S,ampin' 1':iJ; !'Jue 13icczc Kalri,bcolor Pad: Rccrangle S1id,er,. Foam L\r.iyn
Li1Lk l11spira1ion.< and Ponfol in 11Sets: l~1rge Ultr.mnomh \Xlhite Bookmark t :rcolc Spice Kaldd:icolor Pad; Cold OrgaJ1dy Ribhon, Srnmping Sponge
2 18G
S1dla S1a111per Set: Sr.unpin' Samµlcr Card: Rcoily Rust. More Musrnrtl, l.,1w11dcr Lice, Pretty in l'ink, Sagi.' Shadow, and llortleri,,g llluc Srampin' Wr,rc Markers; lllcnJcr Pens 218 H
O u1r:1gtuu., Alph:ibl.'t :111J Holiday Sampler Sets; Srampin' Sampler C:ird; ll:um111c llurgundy. For.,~, 1:oliage, R11.S< Red, :J nd Nm Q ui,c Navy Srnmpin' l'aJs/· flamc111c_ Burg1111J y, Forest Folfogc. Real y Rust. <.lose to Cocoa. l'rcuy in Pink, and NOi Q uite Navy S1ampin' \Xlrirc· Markc·rs: BknJcr I'~'" 2181
218 R
Going St1mewher,-. lny Bi11y liackground,, Alphabet Appeal Upper. 1\lpl1:ib,-r Appeal Lower. and llllld fllomm, Greetings S,:1.1; More Mu, iartl, Mellow Mo,.,. Rc;1J Red, Brilliant lll11c-, Surnrncr Sun, and c;1orim1s Grc,:n
Sr~mpin' l'ad.s; Mini flookmark Sampler, Grosgrain Ribbon 219 A
Alplrnbc, Auitutk- lA>wcr Sn: F.1.stor Blocks ~rnrnpin' J\rnund Wlted; Ulrmsn1<)01h \Xlhi•~ and Ro,c Romance Card Stnt'k; Ulir;1.1niood1 \Xll1irc Fun l~rames & ~fogs; Rm;c Romance. Stam pin~ Pad; Rose Rom:m t:<.' C:u-ttidgt.:; Comer
Posr & Ile" ~ct: Real Black, llcony Purple, \Xlisrcria. f'mcr.,ld, Spri ng C":cn, 1'11j>Pl' Rc-d, Cherry Pink, a11d Lemon Ye low l'abrico l':1<\s; Ck·Jr l'oly,hrin k 1'1:ls1ic, S~nding lllock,. Pttsh Pin,. Flown l',,1, l'loral foam. Shrnl,k•d Grce11 Paper
l'rtitc Posic'$ Set: Ultra~111umh White Fun Frall)es & Tag.s; Rose Rornant:c Siarnpin' l':id; Rose Romance S1ampin' Wri1c Marker
218 J
Da rk Bear: Buuon llcar Sm: ll:isic llbck Sm mpin' P:.d: Top 13ms Clear Fn1bussing Pnd, ·1i·Jn,luu:m Poly.dir1nk Plns1ic. An l'cncils. C rysrnl C:lcar S1.im1,in' L:inhM~ l'mv,kr, 1/4 '' Circle I't111c 1. Un~mbosscd I,it,:ht l\,,.trc l\um111 lkir Set: 'l\w,·d PcJ,d 1'11in1 Pac~ Re-al lllack Fabrico Pad; "\%tcrcoior Brush, \Xlhitt· Poly.sh rink Plastic, I /4" <.irdc 1'1111ch. Embusscd l.i~l11 Bear: ll111111n Bear $e1~ 'lwced Peral Point Pad; Real l\brk bhrico l',id; 'fi>p llo~, Clc:ir rmho,-...,i1w Pad. \"(/atercolur Hrush, Wl1i1c l'o~shriuk l'l:is1ic. C:rym.1 Clear Sta mpin' Emho~s Powder. 1/4 " Circle
Petite Pos1es;1ncl Alphabcr 1\nr:i,111e, l»wcr ScLs; Uln11., moo1h \Xlh i,c Fun Fr.imc.s & 'fags: Prc11y 111 Pink a11d Green Galqrt S1nrnpi11' Pods: Green Golurc Srampin' Wrire Marker; S1..1111ping Sponge
219 8
219 D
Mini Medleys and l'.vcry<lay Exprcssitlll~ Sc1s: (; re-en (;alore ,1nd Ultrasmrioth \Xllthc Card ~,uck; UlcrJ,111001,h Wh i1t l'un Fram,,; & -lhg.s: Blu., h Blvssom and G reen G:uore St,irnpin' P:id.s; Stamping Spon~c
219 e
1 18 K
Holiday Sarnplcr S«; Cu11fi: tci Whi1c Clrdc 0.if1 ·n,g: Ro.<c Red. C:lnsc t<> Coc<,a. anJ Really Ru.~t S1:11npi,,' Pads; SrttmpingSpcmgc, Red Ori;~ndy Rihbon
llil/i,,._)o !>il(l11s,·llcr S1itchccl Snowm>1t1 Sci: llli» Bh1e G ird Swck: 15:1.iic Black. and I\Jiss llltw Sta1npi11· I'"d; White Polyshrink l'l.u;1ic, Arr Pl'ncils. P:1pcr C,,rn1garor
P1111ch 218 ~ 218 8
Drhbf,, H,m,11
Ir's n Girl! S1<1mpiil' Around \Xlh~d; Pretty in !'ink and Uhrasrrmo1h \Xlhirc c;,ml Stock: White Lunch Bog; $111,dl S-,!luarc I ?oily, Prt ny i11 Pi1~ k.~~trtriJgc; Clowr Corner 1'11nch. I/ll t.irdc Pnnch. Stamping Sponge, Light Pink Ort,111dy Rthbon
Fabltlou, f'lourishcs Set; Cltc1·rv l'ink. Emcr~ld. and Ltmon Yellow F,;b,ico l'ad,: 'lb nsl11tcn1 l'olyshrink. l'la.stit
218 M
FL1d1 Frolic,.,; ~c..•t: Clo~(! w Co-cnti S,an,pi11' l'ad, N:nur:il Magnt\lL l'lu,w Pmml.'.!\--: ~wmpinµ Spon-g,c
219 F
Pc:1cc & CQmfon Scl: l.:avl'.ntk·r l .!IC(,.' and Bordy 8:onana C1rtl Srock; 1.,vcnJer L1Ct1 Srompin' l~1d; IIll" Cirdc 1>unch; l.avcndcr Grosgrain Ribbon 219G
l'orrfoli,l II Sec; Swirl lhckgrounJ Siamp: Ulcr:ismooch \Xlhire Dour I lan!(cr l'9 11d1, I .ovrly I iloc ~ud M:iuvc Min' Srnmpiu' Pads, Sr:1111pi11g Spuni,c:
219 H
Space Ser; Calypso Kalci<l:itolor PaJ: Rccumglc l'uzzk wiih Envelope: Srarnpi11g Spong~
Posy & Ike ,u,d WQn<lcrful Wishes Sets; Ultr.ismood, Wl1i1c Card Stock; W hire Kmf1 Gifr Sack; Yoyo Yellow, Only Orange. c;arJcn Green, 13:rsic Black, :md Rose Red Srnmpin' J'mls; Wave Scissors
Kid Prims Sci; Pouch Box; Balle, Blue, Sage Shad(lw, and C1mco Coral Srnmpin' Pads: Scamping Sponge, Whirc Organdy Ribhon
2 19 J
220 l
llug• & Slug~ Set; Creole Spi_cc and Cdypso _Kalcuhcolor l'ud,; c.los.sy '\Xlhicc Door Hanger: Srn.rnpi11g Sponge
l-'1: 11dful rilnwcrs Set: Bcourif·ul Blossoms Srnmpio' Around Wheel: Uhrasmoorh Whi,c Card Srock; Die Cu, Basket Box: l.uvdy Li lac Srampin' Pad: Viole, Cattri<lge; Sr:1mpio' l'asrds. Bold Brights ll:tffia, 1/8'' Circle Punch
Hedgd,og J lappiness and Alphabtr Appeal Lower SeL<; 1-icdgie Play Scampi11' Arouru.l Wheel; Nigl11 urN,wy. Kraft, and Ulm1<moorh \'ilhi1c Card Srock; Black ColorBox Ink Pad; Nigl11 of Navy Srnmpi n' Pad; Nigln of Navy l,1k C..anridgc; Wa1crcolor Pencil.s. \%cercolor Brush. Crystal Clear St:impin' l!111boss Powder. Small Krnft Cable l~ox, I/8" Cird~ Pu11ch. Rich Reg.ii, Raffo, 220 B
l'o~y & lk,; and Pccitc Posies Sets; Summer Sun anti G'3rdtn Gr'-"cn
Stampin' Pads; Sm:dl Cube Box, Hunrcr Green Organdy Ribbon 220 C
Posy & Ike and l'eti1e Posies Secs: Basic lllJck, L1vcndcr l~cc, and Summer Sun S1ampi11' P:i,L,; Hl:l<agon Box 220 D
ShoOlin~ S1ars Ser: Eggp~1n1 Envy, More Musrard, Baro'luc Burgundy, Brillil1111 Blue, and G:irJen Green S1.11npin' l\1d~ Large Kraft Gable Box
!JI) Wildflowers Sci; Porholdcr:
225 A
Misr, Spring Green, Cherry Pink, forest, Emerald, L.ernoa Yellow. C hocoln,e, Midnight. a.nJ Burgundy l'stbrlw Pad., 221 H
Holiday Sampler Sci; Forcsr r:nliage. Only Orange. Brilliant Bh,c, Rost Red. ,md More Musrar<l Scampill' Pads; Krafc Christrn:is Greeting.,: R.cd Organdy Ribbon; S'lu:irc:s & Posies C~11oy Brass Template, Scunping Sponge
220 A
221 G
220 K
f'un Flowers ~ml Alphabet A11itud,· Upper Ser,; Maga,.ine Filt; Wildnowcr Peral Point Pad 220 N
Posy & Bee Ser: Kr.if, ,ind Ruse Red Card S1ock; Krafr Brown G,fc Sack; Garden G rccn, Basic Black, Ros<· Red, O nly Orange, and Summer S11n Si,mpin' Pads; Sramping Sponge, Bold Bri~l11s Raffia. 1/8'' Circle Punch 220 0
Bugs & S lugs Ser; llggpbnt Envy, llarO'(UC Burgundy, Close to Cocu3 , and Rc3lly Rmr Ancient Page Pads; Blender Pens 221
The Shape ufThi11gs, Aloha!, Bol<l-Li11c A lp'1:1bi:r Upper, :1nd LcueM: from
Friends Sets; Old WorlJ Map l:lackgronnd Stomp: Days co Rcmcmhcr Calendar: Taken wi,h 'li:al , Clos,· 10 Cocoa. More Mustard, a11d Baroque Burgundy Stampin' Pads; Stamping Sponge. L\lcnrkr Pi:ns
220 E
M:irvdous Morning Glory, J<cy 10 My Heart, Fao1:,.,;1ic Foliage, Fabulous Fruits, Ornamcn"1ls, P:ipa·~ rockers, I..:11crs from Friends, and The Sha pc of Thi ng.< $c,s; Vicwria.n L,ec, ( lid Wurl<l Map, and Scripr llackground S,amps; S,ipplc B1mcrfly Srnmp; C hocolar,· Chip, CIQSC ro Cocoa, Pale Plum. More Muswd. Mdluw Moss. and Old Olive S1:1mpin' Pads; Scamping Sponge. Blender P,·ns 2211
Pon.folio II Ser; Night of Novy. Nor Qi1i1«: Navy. More Mu!itard~anJ Baroqne llurgu.nJy S1a111pin' l':,ds; Nor
Quire Navy $1ampin' Wri1c .M ,rkcr; lnkwqrx 1\ ir An Gun. Blender Pm,. $ramping Sponge 221 J
l'onfolio II Sci; Swirls Background Sramp: Barely llanan:i. !\ordering llluc, More Mustard. Sage Shadow. Rose Romance, (>ale Plum. and Mellow Moss Srnmpin' 1',tl,; Bk·n<lcr Pens, S1ompinl\ Sponge 221 K
Ll1111d1 o' llugs Set; Fore.« foliage. Rose Red. Nil/,hr of Navy, and Eggplan1 Envy Srnmpin Pads; Srnmpabk Memo C uhc: WaLcrcolor Brush, Hunrcr Grcl."11
Organdy Rihbon
Bunch o' l\ugs and In)' Billy Backgrounds Sers; Reali)' Ruse, 11aroquc Burgundy. Yoyo Ydlc)w, and C lose "' G.,coa Ancicn1 Pagt P:id~: Srnmping Sponge-, Portra it Aa:;ordion Frame
220 F'
Sponge Brush
221 D
fonc;fid Flowers S,·t: Ulir.ismooth White M,·dium Rosme Gif, 11ox: Sage Shadow, l.ovdy 1.il~c. 5unum.:r Sun, and Pink P;ission Scampin' Pads; S1amping Sponge
Funky favorites Sec: Barely Banana C:ml Stock·; Vinyl Crcdir Carel Case: Almos< Anwthy.,, Yoyo Ydlo,v. Minr Melody. a11d Prcuy in Pink Stampi11' Pa,ls 221 E
220 H
Shoming Srars Ser: '\Vhirc Medium C,il,le Box; Mure M11surJ anJ Brillian, Blue Scampin' l'<Jds; Wind(lw Shett, Smmping Sptrnge
Punky 1',w,ri«-s and Alph:1he1 Appe:,I l.mver Sets; Ulm1<111oor.l1 Vau ilb Card Swck; Vinyl Chcckhook Cover; Almost Amcrhysr. Yoyo Yellow. Minr Mclody. a11d Prell)' in l'ink S~unpin' Pads. S1amplng Sµongc
220 I
Fabulous Fruir., Sec and Checkerboard Rackgrnuncl Stamp: Whirc I .und, flag: Summer Sun, Garden Green, R(l~C Red. L.uvdv [jlac, llasic lllack, and RQSC Ro111l11cc S1:1mpin' Pads: Sc:imping Spong~·, Rectangle Pur1ch, Hunrcr Grct!n
221 F
Fabulous 1'ruiis Sec; Bottle Bag; Peony Purple, Burgundy. l.cmun Yellow; Emei,tld, Tongcr,nc, Poppy Red. and Spring G reen Fabrico Pads
Peace & G,,111furr Set; l(cal Rc<l anJ Ult ras111ootl1 Whir< Card Scock; [\lack Srnrnp & Scmtch l'apcr; Top Boss Clc.1r Emho.ssing Pad; Woolly White Sr.,mp,n' ErnhosS p;,11: l)L-cklc Scissors 226 B
llrushsrrokc I lummingbird and ll.ickground Basic, Sers; Green (;afore. Gable Grcc·n. and Ulirasmu<J.1h \'(/hire C..,rd S,ock: Whi1c S,amp & Scr,11ch J'aper; Grs\."1 Cal<,>rc Swmpin' Pad; '[hp Boss Embossi11g Pad; Gold Glory Scampin' Emboss Powder. Decklc Scis..~ors, Srnmpin' Diml·n."ilonal!li 228 A
Joyce 8011011c Cuddles & Ticklc-s Sci; Ulcr:tsmoorh Whit,· and Ballet Blm· Card S1ock, Ballet Bh,e and Hasic Black Srampi11' Pads; Decklc Sdssors, Creative Papcrclay. St:1n1pi11' l'as,ds. Whi,c Organdy Rihhnn
Rinrns1ic Foliage. Key ro My Hearl. Bunch o' Bugs, and Fine Vine Sel5; Scrip, Background, Vicrorian I.ace Background, and S1ipplc BuucrAy Stamps; Bbck Acrylic i'ain1; I .argt•
f-ish Frolics Sec; C1ribbe;rn Sea Kalcidacolor 11ad: Sramp-a-M11g, Rich Regals Raffi;i
226 A
folinbc /\ncicut 1':igc Pads; llknder Pms; Sramping Spuni;c. l;1ndsc.1pc /kcorcliun
221 B
22 1 C
Powder, Sr.a.rnpin' Olnu:nsio11:1ls
221 l
Flutwbys Sc,; Burccrfly Smmpin· Around Wl,cd; Uhro,mnoth \'ilhi1c ,rnd Pcrfcc1 Plui11 Card $10ck: Bordy lhn:tn,1 and Eggplant Envy Stampin' Pads: Mellow Moss Ink Camidge: White Krnfr Gifr !lack. Olive Organdy Ribbon
fonciful Flowers Sci; Ul1r.1.,muod1 \X'h ir,· Lirgc Roselle Gih llns; S:igc ShaJo,~. Yoyo Yellow. Summer Sun , ~nd Lovely Lilac Scampin' Pad~: Stamping Spvng.c
225 B
Topiary Sci; Conleui and Basic Black C,rJ S1ock; l'inwlicd, 'liv,·cd. :tnd Wi lJnowcr l'eral Poinr l'ads: Black Cplor6ox Pad; 1op Boss bnbussing Pad; Cold Dcr;,il Si:unpin' Emhos., Powder , Crys1al Cl,-.1r Siampi11' l'.111bt1,.,,
Summer Sunnuwt'.r and Per he Po~ic-s Sets; Rca.lly R,m, Closc· 10 Corna, Y,,yt> Yellow, Glorious Grec11, anJ fort:St
221 M
Ponrair Frame, S(::unping Sponges,
Shoming Scars Ser; ll"-sic Bbck, Ulir.15moorh V:milla, and Cold Mc~1llic Ca r,I S1nck: ·li,l B11., s Ckir Emh,1.lliing Pad: An,iquc (,old Cb,e and Block Gla,.c$1ampin' Emhos.< Enatnel; Gold Or~ancly Ribbon, Rcccanglc Punch
221 N
.Anri<1uc Colle,ribko;, Kanji. J4•11er, front l'riemb, :ind Musical Medley Secs; Musical Srme Backgrou nd Stamp; Really Rust, Yoyo Yellow, Brillian, Blue, ~nd Cli)se c.o Cocoa Ancicn, ]'age l'ads; Sramping Sponge.:-, lJ110..Pnnrai1 Frnmc. 222 A
Warm Wishes Set; Ro111:1111ic Ros~ Sramp: Uhr.1~m1101h Van illa, Mellow Muss. and O ld Oli,•e C.,rd Stock; Mauve Mis,. Marvelous Magcnm. Mellow Mos.,. Ol<l O live, Alinosr Amcchysi. :ind I.owly Lila, Srnmrin' l'ads: lop Buss- Ernh<issing P:id: Sour Lemon, Ab,,Jnnc GrJy, Fandango Green. Pernl Pink, a.nd l'nmy Iris Ra<liam Pearls; Cold Dcmil Srampin' Embos.s Pow<lcr, Col<l/Silvcr 1/.ig Pain1y Pen. \'ilarcrcolor Brush. 1/16'' Circle l'unch, Gold Tlin:ad 222 B
Mini Mcdlcvs Set; Rose Pink :llld l'as,d Fahrico P:ids; llrighr Pink Org:mdy Rihbon. I.ear her ·renni.s Shoes
Orgnndy Ribl,on
Wouldn't you love to make 1no11ey
while stamping? How about the
.~...I •
convenience ofsetting your own hou;s? With Stampin' Up!"', being a I
demonstrator means you'l l enjoy all ofthis and more: It means sharing your lo~ o.(
stamping iuith friends andfornily, and
>' ·.~
having.fim through workshops as you , teach others to create hand-stamped artwork. You'll appreciate the financial benefits and inuntives you ti receive as you conduct your stamping business. Becoming a Stampin' Up! demonstrator is easy. Our starter kit
,; ,
contains everything you need. from ~-· training video to 11 product manual, catalogs to ortkrs forms, and ofcourse, , ·.
wts ofrubber stamps and accessories to help get you on your way. So call your demonstrator or Stampin~; · Upf' today and begin doing
whatyou wve.
stamp up
The contents of chis catalog are protected by federal trademark and copyright registrations. Reproduccion of che catalog or any ponion thereof is striccly prohibited. Purchasers of the products shown in chis catalog are authorized to hand scamp the copyrighted designs solely for noncommercial use, and items made by using any of che scamped designs in chis catalog may not be sold or used for commercial purposes. Stampin' Up! hereby grants co purchasers of its Business Memos stamp sec a royalty-free license under Stampin' Up!'s copyright co use hand-scamped images from chis scamp set in a business context. Permission is nor gr:inced co mechanically reproduce scamped images or to create stamped images chat may be sold commercially or for profir. The granting of this royalty-free license for this one sec does not in any way limit ou r ability co enforce our rights regarding ocher secs.
All produces in chi.s catalog may be purchased only through a Stampin' Up!â&#x20AC;˘ demonstrator. Demonstrators arc independent contractors and arc not employees of Stampin' Up!* To help your demonstrator ensure accuracy in ca.king your order, always include item number, description, and price of each icem ordered. Yom demonstrator will provide you with two copies of your order. Please remember 10 retain these copies for your personal records.
We ship rhrough VPS or the best carrier available. Produce is usually shipped ro deliver within seven business days from che date the order is received by the company. Stampin' Up!'" shall not be liable for any delay in shipmem chat is caused in whole or in part by circumstances beyond Sc:ampin' Up!*'s control.
yua¡Uz,n,Ue We guarantee products ro be free from manufacturing defeets for a period of90 days after the shipping dace. Missing items, incorrcc1 sh ipments, and defective or damaged merchandise muse be reported to your demonstrator wit hin 90 days of the shipping date. This guarantee does not cover merchandise damaged ch rough accident or misuse. If you should require assisrance, please conrnc1 your demonstrator.
New, unused merchandise. may be exchanged at no charge within 90 days of che shipping date. The merchandise muse be in the current catalog and in original shipping condition. Scamps thar have been assembled cannot be exchanged. Sorry, we do not offer cash refunds. lf you should require assistance, please contact your demonstrator.
Scam pin' Up!" reserves the right co substirucc merchandise ofsimilar qualiry and value for items rhac are discontinued or out of stock. The items sold are craft icems, and your results may vary from the examples shown. Also, actual scamps may vary somewhat in size from the images shown in chis catalog, and chis difference in si¡u: shall not be deemed a manufacturing defect.