Dear Stamp~rs, I'm so pleased to present Scampin' Up! 's 2002 Holiday Mini Catalog! In addition ro several new scamp sers, chis mini catalog introduces a terrific new p roduct: Simple Scncimenrs"' card-making kits. With Simple Sentiments, you can quickly assemble cards with a handmade look and personal t0uch using art created for you by Scampin' Up! artists. Each kit is based on a popular Scampin' Up! srarop set and
includes enough materials ro make l 2 cards. If you have a long Chriscmas card list (and even if you don't!), you'll love how easily you can create cards witli your personal touch with Simple Sentiments! This mini catalog also introduces a new H ostess Appreciacion Special
stamp sec. When you accumulate $400 us ($650 CAN) or more in coral nee workshop sales from September I through November 29, you'll receive die wonderful ser shown here-for free!.. Hostesses who have a single workshop with nee sales of $500 or more will be emered in a drawing co win an Alaskan cruise for two!~ And thac's in addi-
cion ro Srampin' Up!'s generous hoscess plan. Now is the rime co begin to think creatively about the upcoming holidays. For cerrific new ideas, call your Scampin' Up! de monsa:acor co host a workshop or co place an o rder for the producrs you need co stan your season's holiday scamping! Or, call 1-800-STA.MP UP for the name of ademonstracor in your area.
Best holiday ,VJSbes,
Cofouoder and CEO
' Limit OM H- = Appttciation Spcci..l per automa po- quv m Set .h1prcJ Jim:tly to tho hosrc:so from Sttmpin Upl
Holiday Min.is (Set of 8) 9976-HS G,rd ""'' Harkqui,i barkgrowulswnp (i,wui on pau l 6- ontl Link Lrttns m fouiul1m page I76; p.ttge llUS Alphaba Fu,i Upper ur fomul "" p.ttg~ 177 t>[rheScampin' Up! 2001- 2003 Idea Book & Catalog.
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Happy Fall, Y'all (Set of7) 9968-00 $19.95 us I $31.95 CAN
Halloween Hedgehogs (Set of 6)
9972-00 $19.95 us I $31.95
Box 111a All-Yrflr Chm· II srt fo,md on P,:U 158; !,,,,wr r11r,/ uses All-Year Chen- I ser-,;,1111,/ 011 JH'g~ 157 ofthe Stampin' Up! 2002-2003 !.b Book & Caulog.
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l Etruscan (Set of 14) 9974--00 S2.S.95
$45.95 CAN
Upper card usa Ha,uqu · b k knuer card uu, Filigm ,firnmJI f,und ()11 page 167; np '""'" an '""" J 64 o,ftl . • .,. ~r Srn.mpm Up'. 2002- 2003 Idea Br~~ OOJ< & CaiaJog.
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© 2002 STAMPIN' Ul;'l
© 2002 STAM.PTN' UP!
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Newborn King (Ser of 4) 9970-00 Sl7.95 us/ $28.95 CAN
0.Jrd 1J<t'1AJI-Yt.1r ~er I r<tfowul on ~ q 157; pj[Jqw hox um GodJJ!ns ll «t fo11,ttl on µ gr 152 ofrk Stampin Up! 2002-2003 Idea Book & Caialog.
Wmter Foliage (Set of 6) 9977-00 $19.95 US I $31.95 CAN Pagt i.1a Bn,slmroke Alphabet m.fo,mJ on page 175 a,ul.Alphabtt p,,,. Upp srt found "" page Jl7; card uses Htirkqi.in background stamp found on pagr 167 and Seasons Grtt-ri,rgr r<t found 011 pagt 63 ofthr Scampin' Up! 2002-2003 Idea Book & Catalog.
8203-00 Srampin'Aro,md Holly & Berries $5.95 us I $9.50 (\f')x:d only. Handle and i,,J, cnnridr;,. u,!t/
© 2002 STAMPIN' UP!
© 2002 STAMPIN' Ur!
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Simple Sentiments"" Simple Sentiments"' card-making kits allow you to
quickly assemble cards wich a and
handmaoe looK
persona~ touch using art creaced for you by
Stampin' Up! artists. Each kic is based on a popuJar Stampio' U p! stamp set and includes enough materials to make
12 cards. Simple Sentiments help you create
cards with a hand -stamped look in half the
Simple Sentiments"' Heaven & Nature
7202-00 S19.95 us I $31.95 CAN
â&#x20AC;˘ I
Simple Sentiments"' Oriental Paintin~
Simple Sentimencs"" O ld-Fashioned Christmas 7
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7204-00 $19.95
200-00 $19.95 US J $31.95 CAN
US/ $31.95 CAN
Upprr two ,tmls "" Kauji w found en page J26; /qu,q fW() cards use Simple Saying, sn-found 011 pag~ 154 ofthe Sampin' Up! 2002- 2003 ldea Book & Catalog.
â&#x201A;Ź;) 2002 STA.\.1VI.N' UP!
0 2002 STAMPlt-:' UP!
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free cruise