Introduction: Ch 1

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Welcome to Introduction to Psychology PSY 101


A Li%le True False Quiz

1.  Psychology is the study of the


2.  The human brain is

completely understood

3. Some people never dream 4. Reinforcing a subject indefinitely maintains behavior

5. Our memory tends to decay as we grow older 6. Intelligence is largely due to heredity 7. We are born with all our emoJons 8. Psychoanalysis is the most common form of therapy

Write down a quesJon you would like to ask.

Top 10 Most Popular College Majors (areas of study)

1) Business AdministraJon and Management



 Psych = soul  ology = study of  The ONLY subject about you!

What is Psychology? Chapter 1

What is Psychology? Hybrid science natural science + philosophy = PSYCHOLOGY(social science)

What is Psychology? Defining Psychology: scienJfic study of behavior and mental processes.

Approaches to Psychology

The Behavioral Approach scien9fic study of behavior & that behavior is shaped by the environment Observable behavioral responses interac9ons with the environment that can be seen & measured

John B. Watson & Behaviorism

What was his subject ma%er? Observable Behavior

Environment shapes us

nature vs. nurture

The Li%le Albert Story

BF Skinner

(follower of Watson)

PSY should be about what ppl do (acJons & behaviors)

Punishments determine our behavior What we do is who we are

The CogniJve Approach Emphasizes the mental processes involved in knowing: how we direct our aEen9on perceive remember think solve problems

View the mind as an ac9ve & aware problem-­‐solving system

Albert Bandura

(1925 -­‐ )

Social CogniJve theory


View the mind as an acJve & aware problem-­‐ solving system

The Psychodynamic Approach Emphasizes the unconscious aspects of the mind, conflict between biological ins9ncts & society's demands, & early family experiences

Sigmund Freud

(1856 -­‐ 1939)

What really influences behavior?

How do you find out?

unconscious thoughts and desires


“I have found little that is ‘good ’ about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash. . .” Sigmund Freud

Freud says:︎

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

The great question . . . which I’ve not been able to answer despite my 30 years of research into the feminine soul is,

“What do women want?”

The HumanisJc Approach a persons capacity for personal growth, freedom to choose a des9ny, & posi9ve quali9es

Abraham Maslow capacity for personal growth

The Sociocultural Approach the influences of culture, ethnicity, & gender on behavior

The Biological Approach the body, especially the brain & nervous system Neuroscience = scien9fic study of the structure, func9on, development, gene9cs, & biochemistry of the nervous system

The EvoluJonary Approach Ideas: adapta9on, reproduc9on & natural selec9on as the basis for explaining specific human behaviors

Psychology Careers

Areas of Specializa9on (14) Clinical & Counseling Psychology Psychiatry

Community Psychology Environmental Psychology

Behavioral Neuroscience & ComparaJve Psychology Developmental psychology

Social Psychology Personality Psychology

School & EducaJonal Psychology Industrial/OrganizaJonal Psychology

Cross-­‐cultural Psychology Psychology of Women

Health psychology Forensic psychology

Sports Psychology

Jobs with an Undergraduate Degree in Psychology

Jobs with an Undergraduate Degree in Psychology

Jobs with an Undergraduate Degree in Psychology

“What’s madness, but nobility of soul at odds with circumstance?”

Theodore Roethke

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