10 Commandments of
Weight Loss 1. Thou shall not put fad diets before a balanced eating plan
Many factors go into a proper diet – getting plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and legumes.
2. Thou shall get adequate amounts of sleep
Sleep is more important for weight loss than you may think. Not only do our bodies use this time to repair tissues, we burn calories in the process.
3. Thou shall consume water liberally
6. Thou shall not do it alone
Surround yourself with people who will be there to encourage, motivate, and support your healthy endeavors.
7. Thou shall cheat – occasionally Life is more than tracking every single calorie that enters you all of the time. A balanced life leads to a balanced diet.
8. Thou shall treat oneself as thy would a neighbor
News flash – we all make mistakes. It’s how we handle them that will make or break us.
It makes us feel fuller, so we don’t consume as 9. Thou shall celebrate little much food. It prevents dehydration (which can victories cause fatigue). You got up early this morning and went to the gym instead of going back to sleep. That is a 4. Thou shall burn more calories big deal. Celebrate it! Simply put – get active! Shoot for 150 minutes of moderate (or 75 minutes of vigorous) exercise weekly.
5. Thou shall increase lean body mass This increases the number of calories you burn, even when you’re at rest.
10. Thou shall stay current
As with all avenues of science, it is important to keep yourself abreast of new information. Make sure to check back here frequently for new ideas, workouts, recipes, and information.