Bariatricexercise (1)

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Bariatric Exercise Program The day after your surgery, or possibly the same day, a physical therapist will evaluate your ability to move. He or she will help you begin to move again through exercises such as moving in bed, sitting at the edge of your bed, standing up and then walking. You may need a walker for assistance, but most patients find it is not necessary. For the first week following your surgery, you should perform “normal� activities such as walking, sitting, grooming, or more. DO NOT begin abdominal exercises until two weeks after your surgery. Other than pain, you should have no limits on your mobility or exercise program. As you exercise, pay attention to your body. If you develop aches and pains, cut down on your activity and exercise until the pain decreases.

Walking Walking is one of the best and most effective ways to start an exercise program. Wear good walking shoes. There is no substitute for the support and cushioning good shoes provide. Be sure your shoes fit well and try to break-in new shoes before your old shoes wear out.

Warm up before you walk. Five to 10 minutes of stretching exercises can make your walk more enjoyable and help prevent aches and pains. Don’t worry about how far you walk. The length of time you walk is more important than the distance. Don’t push yourself. It is better to take two fiveminute walks without pain in the morning and in the afternoon without pain than to take one ten-minute walk with pain. Be consistent. Walk everyday. Set goals for yourself and keep a log of your progress. Walking with a partner is more fun and makes you more accountable. Cool down after you walk. Five minutes of stretching is adequate. Your muscles have increased blood flow, are warm and supple and will respond well to stretching. Set a goal of a 25 to 30 minute walk. See The 25Minute Anti-Stress Walk handout.

Weights Weightlifting that focuses on upper body is recommended for several reasons: Many overweight people have already developed strong leg muscles because of the extra weight they have lifted and carried. Because of their extra weight, many obese people suffer from injury and pain in their hips, knees and ankles. The added stress of weightlifting may be counterproductive. Many women do not emphasize strengthening their upper body and neglect that part of their body.

You’ll need a pair of inexpensive dumbbells to begin. Women should start with two, three or four pound dumbbells, while most men should start with three, five or seven-and-a-half pound weights. You should be able to lift the weight or perform each exercise 10 to 15 times without pain or fatigue. If you are unable to do that, you are probably using a weight that is too heavy. Each time you go through the complete range of motion of a weightlifting exercise, it is called a “rep” or “repetition.” Each series of repetitions is called a “set.” For example if you lifted a weight 10 times, you performed “one set of 10 repetitions.” Your goal should be to perform each exercise for three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions. Your body needs time to recover, you should only lift weights every other day. As with walking, pay attention to your body. You should feel muscle soreness but not pain. As each set becomes easier and you can perform 15 to 20 repetitions for three sets, you may increase the amount of weight you are lifting.

Stretching Stretching should be a gentle, slow and prolonged activity. Stretching should be smooth and should not include bouncing. Hold each stretch for approximately 30 seconds. Breathe in and out deeply and slowly while performing a stretch. Imagine the muscles lengthening and the tension decreasing as you stretch. You should NOT feel any pain. If you do, reduce the amount of force and/or change positions. Stretch before and after walking or lifting weights.

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