Landscape Plug Specification Manual (6/15)

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North Creek Nurseries Landscape Plug Specification Manual LP32 | LP50

North Creek Nurseries, Inc. 388 North Creek Road Landenberg, PA 19350 1-877-ECO-PLUG

Quick Spec Tool 4.00"

LP50 Specifications

LP50 Tray Specifications

Cell depth: 5.00” Cell width: 2.00” Cell volume: 11.90 in3

Cell-count: 50 Tray length: 20.00” Tray width: 10.00” Tray height: 5.00” 20.00"



5.00” 5.00”

10.00” 2.00”

LP32 Specifications

LP32 Tray Specifications

Cell depth: 4.00” Cell width: 2.22” Cell volume: 10.07 in3

Cell-count: 32 Tray length: 20.00” Tray width: 10.00” Tray height: 4.00” 20.00”


4.00” 4.00” 20.00"

10.00” 2.22” See pg. 15 for more LP specification details

Table of Contents Why Use Landscape Plugs? Defintions and History 7 Compliance with the Sustainable SITES™Initiative and Beyond 8 Accomodating Root Morphologies 9 Root Guiding and Air Pruning 10 Soil Media and Easy Installation 11 Landscape Plugs vs. Containers 12 Landscape Plugs vs. Smaller Liner Plugs 13

How to Use Landscape Plugs Dimensions and Specifications 15 Design and Spacing with LP’s 16 Installation 17 Establishment and Long Term Management 20 Additional Resources 21


Appendix A - LP50 Species List 22 Appendix B - LP32 Species List 23 Appendix C - Pricing Tiers 24

Why Use Landscape Plugs?

Defintions and History

North Creek Landscape Plugs - Definition Landscape Plugs (LPs) are the minimum plant size needed to successfully transition nursery-grown plants into the landscape.

Landscape Plugs - History North Creek Nurseries introduced the first Landscape Plug to the market over 27 years ago. This revolutionary vehicle has facilitated the development and growth of stunningly beautiful, ecologically rich and highly functional vegetated environments. Since inception we have continued to improve performance and perfect design to the current specifications of two robust sizes, the LP50 and LP32 Landscape Plugs. This document provides essential information on why and how to design and manage Landscape Plug projects. We’ve included lessons learned over years of growing and installing Landscape Plugs – to make working with them a breeze for you!

Landscape Plugs - Trialed and True All species we offer in LP’s have been tested in our expansive trial gardens. Our Research & Development staff evaluates garden and landscape performance in a broad range of garden environments in the mid-Atlantic region. Only locally adapted species make it into our plant catalog. Furthermore, we evaluate the reproductive behavior of plants and ensure that the species we offer do not possess the potential to become invasive in our region.


Compliance with the Sustainable SITES™Initiative and Beyond

Why Use Landscape Plugs?

Working with North Creek Nurseries will help you meet the SITES™ credit 5.10 - Support sustainability in plant production. By supporting producers that meet at least 6 of the 10 requirements listed SITES™ V2, you may be able to earn up to 5 credits. Here is how North Creek Nurseries meets those producer requirements:

SITES™ Credit 5.10 Sustainable Practices in Plant Production

North Creek Nurseries’ Sustainable Practices in Plant Production

Reduce use of potable water or other natural surface or subsurface water resources

• • • • •

Precise, automated boom irrigation systems Micro-mist nozzles Overnight pulse irrigation Shading techniques Hand-watering based on plant needs/weather

Reduce runoff from irrigation

• •

See above for targeted watering techniques 100% of irrigation and stormwater runoff is captured through our network of stormwater management and erosion control systems

Choose sustainable soil amendments and growing media

We use a locally mixed and biologically rich soil mix and are working to reduce our use of peat with an addition of 10% PittMoss

Recycle organic matter

All vegetation and other organic waste from our nursery production is composted on-site

Reduce waste

• • •

LP Trays use minimal plastic LP’s require less soil media 100% of consumables from offices and production are reused or recycled

Use integrated pest management

General Manager is an IPM Specialist and we employ a full-time IPM specialist in addition Neonicotinoid-free environment

Prevent use and distribution of invasive species

• •

Education to our customers on invasives New Plant Introduction Policy focuses on regionally appropriate plants and prohibits our adding invasive or potentially invasive species to our production Removal of invasive species in our gardens

Reduce energy consumption

Use renewable energy sources

We have purchased “green”energy from our local provider in the past. We currently use natural gas and are exploring solar options

Provide safe and fair working conditions

• • • •

Monthly Safety Committee meetings Lean Management principles Employee vegetable garden Community outreach and education Vernalization: the process of propagating during summer months and overwintering plants in cold frames. This saves energy inputs, results in vigorous and climate-adapted plants and brings happiness to us and our customers. Ask us about other sustainability practices that go beyond SITES™!

Beyond SITES™

Additional North Creek Practices that promote healthy plants, healthy people and a healthy planet

Our newest greenhouse has allowed us to increase our efficiency and reduce energy use Various other energy saving measures throughout our existing greenhouses


Why Use Landscape Plugs?

Accomodating Root Morphologies

4.00" Most herbaceous perennials fall under one of the following root morphologies:

Deeply Rooted Systems

Laterally Rooted Systems

Generally forb and grass species with taproots or deep fibrous roots


Generally more fibrous and shallowly 10rooted .00" species, often but not always plants of the woodland understory Examples: Mertensia Polystichum Carex

Examples: Baptisia Panicum Asclepias

Individual plug chambers are designed to accomodate the differing root morphologies, which encourages optimal root development. The result is two Landscape Plug sizes.

Deep LP50 - Deeper and Narrower

See Appendix A for a complete list of deeply rooted LP50 species we offer (p. 22)

LP32 - Shallower and Wider

See Appendix B for a complete list of laterally rooted LP32 species we offer (p. 23) 9

Why Use Landscape Plugs?

Root Guiding and Air Pruning

Root Guiding Container grown plants can be subject to root circling, especially if a plant becomes root bound with age. Circling roots must be removed prior to planting to ensure a plant’s roots leave the root ball, connect with the surrounding soils, and allow the plant to establish in its new location. The process of ripping or cutting apart circling roots can massively damage a plant’s foundation. The process of healing and growing new supporting roots can set plant development back by several weeks. Prevention of root circling leads to quicker establishment on site as well as lower plant losses during the establishment phase. Our Landscape Plugs are designed to prevent root circling by providing four recessed root channels – one on each side of every plug. Roots follow these guides straight down, preventing root circling altogether.

The LP’s recessed root channels prevent root circling by directing root growth downward

Air Pruning Air is a natural root barrier. Our growers take advantage of this fact by keeping the bottom of Landscape Plugs off the ground in our greenhouses. This air pruning technique prevents root clumps at the bottom of the plug. No roots will be damaged during the shipping process and plants arrive in excellent condition.





Landscape Plugs are naturally air pruned to prevent root circling and root damage during production, shipping and installation


Why Use Landscape Plugs?

Soil Media and Easy Installation

Soil Media

Landscape Plugs are grown in bio-active and locally sourced soil media. Our soil blends ensure plants grow well in our greenhouses and adjust quickly to on-site soil conditions after installation. We minimize the use of peat moss and fertilizer to reduce our footprint on the environment. Soil ingredients include coir, local compost and composted pine bark. We are working to reduce our use of peat moss by using a 10% quantity of peat moss alternative, PittMossÂŽ, in our soil mix.

Easy Installation

Landscape Plugs are designed to make working in the field easy for everyone. The tapered and open bottom design allows installers to easily push LP’s out of their flats without damaging root systems. This design is especially helpful when working with tender species or partially dormant plants. It helps prevent plant losses at the very beginning of a project.

The large opening at the bottom of each LP cell allows for easy removal 11

Why Use Landscape Plugs? Landscape Plugs

Landscape Plugs vs. Containers Containers

Less Soil Media - Quicker Establishment

More Soil Media - More Time Needed for Establishment

Higher soil volume is not directly proportionate to planting success. Our Landscape Plugs don’t have the luxury of rooting into an abundance of ideal growing media. The soil media available to a plant within each cell is limited, encouraging them to up their game and root down deeply into surrounding native soil shortly after installation. The roots quickly connect with the surrounding soil providing the plant with water and nutrients. These guys are survivors!

Large containers are often installed with large amounts of growing media around their roots. If soils on site are compacted or plants have been overly pampered by typical nursery growing media that is often substantially different from what they are planted into, those plants may have difficulty pushing their roots through those less than ideals native soils. We have observed that these root systems sometimes continue to circle within the growing media instead of establishing into the native soils- even years after installation!

More Cost Effective Purchasing flats of Landscape Plugs is often much more cost effective than purchasing containers. The cost per plant is generally reduced, leading to an overall lower input cost and often a higher success rate!

Higher Cost Per Plant Larger container sizes are often more expensive per plant, and do not neccessarily lead to higher success rates, faster establishment or quicker client satisfaction!

Reduced Plastic Waste - Lower Shipping Costs

More Plastic Waste - Higher Shipping Costs

Landscape Plug flats are made from 100% recyclable material. You get 32 or 50 plants per plastic flat so that is much less plastic waste! Since the Landscape Plug flats are smaller and lighter than containers they generally require lower freight and handling costs- a win logistically, economically and ecologically!

Large containers, which sometimes come with undertrays, can add up to a large amount of plastic waste at the end of a planting project. These larger containers with more soil media are also heavier leading to higher freight and handling costs.

Easy and Efficient Installation

Cumbersome and Slower Installation

Landscape Plugs are quick and easy to plant. Holes can be dug quickly and easily with various tools from a hand trowel or weeding knife to an auger. Flats are efficient to carry throughout a planting site and easy to stack and remove once planting is finished. The holes in the bottom of each cell make removing each plant a breeze. Their small size helps make planting projects easy and shall we also say, fun?

Containers can be heavy, difficult to move around in large quantities, and time consuming to plant. They require larger holes to be dug and who has the time for that! Sometimes the plants are only partially rooted and some of the soil media falls on the ground or is left stuck in the bottom of the pot. Think of all the cumbersome annoyances. 12

Why Use Landscape Plugs? Landscape Plugs

Landscape Plugs vs. Smaller Liner Plugs Smaller Liner Plugs

Vigorous and Healthy Root System - 100% Success

Inferior Root Systems - Higher Plant Losses

We believe that our Landscape Plugs have the most appropriate root size needed to make a successful transition from nursery to landscape. We advise carefully specifying Landscape Plug dimensions to avoid having contractors substitute smaller plug sizes. A minimal root depth of four inches is essential for good plant survival rates.

If plugs with lower than required root depth and volume are installed directly into the ground, plant losses are more likely to occur.

Deeper Plugs Hold Moisture Better

Smaller Plugs Dry Out Quickly

The top two inches of any soil media often dry out relatively quickly, but the bottom two or three inches of Landscape Plugs hold onto moisture for longer. While shallower liner plugs might dry out completely , LPs can remain moist (as well as alive and happy!) in the same conditions.

Smaller root systems are prone to drying out more rapidly than LPs. They require consistent, reliable and more frequent irrigation. The result is often higher plant mortality and an increase in the time needed for plugs to establish.


How to Use Landscape Plugs

Dimensions and Specifications 4.00"

LP50 Specifications

LP50 Tray Specifications

Cell depth: 5.00” Cell width: 2.00” Cell volume: 11.90 in3

Cell-count: 50 Tray length: 20.00” Tray width: 10.00” Tray height: 5.00” 20.00"

Additional LP50 and LP32 Specifications Trays and Cells • Each tray cells includes root channels • Each tray cell is tapered at the base • Trays are constructed from 100% recycled and 100% recyclable material



Soil and Roots • Soil media is bioactive and locally sourced • Fully developed root systems which are air pruned • Compliant with ANSI standards and Sustainable SITES™

5.00” 5.00”

10.00” 2.00”

LP32 Specifications

LP32 Tray Specifications

Cell depth: 4.00” Cell width: 2.22” Cell volume: 10.07 in3

Cell-count: 32 Tray length: 20.00” Tray width: 10.00” Tray height: 4.00” 20.00”


4.00” 4.00” 20.00"


10.00” 2.22”

How do LP’s relate to ANSI container sizes? LP’s are compliant with ANSI plug standards and their volume falls between SP#1 and SP#2 container sizes.

Container Type: Volume:

ANSI SP#1 6.5-8 in3

LP32 10.07 in3

LP50 11.9 in3

ANSI SP#2 13-15 in3

Size (Small to Large)


How to Use Landscape Plugs

Design and Spacing with LP’s

Designing with LP’s Landscape Plugs can be the backbone of a perennial planting design. They can also be beautifully integrated with shrubs, trees or seed mixes. They are versatile and can withstand tough conditions, providing both aesthetics and a variety of ecosystem services. For assistance in Where Meets Ecology™species for your project please explore our Species Selection Chart. selecting theHorticulture most appropriate This chart allows you to find appropriate LP species based on various characteristics including: • Soil Moisture Gradient and Wetland Indicator Status • Bloom Time and Color • Mature Height • Hardiness Zone Obligate (OBL) Facultative Wetland (FACW) Facultative (FAC) • Optimal pH • Attributes such as sun/shade tolerance, salt and deer ability control erosion, – light requirements sowing season season ss – selftolerance, rh – rhizomatous C3 – cool to C4 – warm etc Species

Common Name





Plant Attributes

S E rh C3 softstem bulrush OBL 6-8' 3-9 5.4-7.5 Scirpus validus rh C3 S E narrowleaf cattail OBL 4-5' 3-11 3.7-8.5 Typha angustifolia S E rh C4 broadleaf cattail OBL 4-5' 2-11 5.5-8.7 Typha latifolia C3 S E longhair sedge OBL 4-5' 4-7 4.6-7.5 Carex comosa E rh C3 Emory’s sedge OBL 18-24" 5-9 Carex emoryi E C3 shallow sedge OBL 2-3' 3-8 4.9-6.8 Carex lurida C3 upright sedge OBL 3-4' 5-8 3.5-7 Carex stricta E C3 fox sedge OBL 2-3' 3-7 6.8-8.9 Carex vulpinoidea E rh C3 sweetflag 3-4' 3-6 5.6-7.2 Acorus americanus rh swamp milkweed OBL 3-5' 3-9 5-8 Asclepias incarnata EP E yellow marsh marigold OBL 8-12" 3-7 4.9-6.8 Caltha palustris S crimsoneyed rosemallow OBL 3-7' 5-11 4-7.5 Hibiscus moscheutos S E harlequin blueflag OBL 2-4' 2-7 6-7 Iris versicolor E Virginia iris OBL 2-3' 5-7 4.8-7.3 Iris virginica Allegheny monkeyflower OBL 1-3' 4-10 Mimulus ringens C3 Muskingum sedge OBL 2-3' 4-8 4.7-6.9 Carex muskingumensis white turtlehead OBL 2-4' 5-8 6-7 Chelone glabra rh royal fern OBL 4-6' 4-7 4.3-5.2 Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis Virginia chainfern OBL 18-24" 3-10 Woodwardia virginica Above is a sample of the Species Selction Chart. Please contact us for the entire document. ss C4 S bushy bluestem FACW+ 2-5' 5-9 5-6.3 Andropogon glomeratus E rh C3 bluejoint FACW+ 3-5' 5-9 4.5-8 Calamagrostis canadensis ss C3 S E common rush FACW+ 2-5' 2-9 5.5-8.8 Juncus effusus E ss C3 Woolgrass FACW+ 4-6' 4-8 4.8-7.2 Scirpus cyperinus C3 Gray’s sedge FACW+ 2-3' 4-8 5.7-7.2 Carex grayi C3 eastern star sedge 1-2' 4-8 Carex radiata Spacing with LP’s pink turtlehead FACW+ 2-3' 4-7 Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips' E ss cardinalflower FACW+ 2-5' 3-8 5.8-7.8 Lobelia cardinalis There is generally a gradient of spacing which is appropriate for2-3'any given site. 6.1-7.5 The closerssyour spacing the more quickly E great blue lobelia FACW+ 4-8 Lobelia siphilitica gaps willvirginica be filled- alleviating issues such as erosion and weed 18-24" pressure.3-8 Plant spacing shouldEP not be determined by Virginia bluebells FACW 4.5-8 Mertensia E ss FACW golden ragwort 1-4' 3-9 4.5-8.5 Senecio aureus container size but by considering many factors including: nodding lady's tresses FACW 1-2' 4-8 4.5-6.5 Spiranthes cern. var. odorata • Dryopteris existing site conditionsDixie Wood Fern FACW 3-4' 5-9 × australis • Onoclea eventual spread rh sensitive fern FACW 1-2' 2-10 sensibilis plant height and S cinnamon fern FACW 3-5' 3-7 4.5-7 cinnamomea • Osmunda plant morphology E rh ostrich fern FACW 3-4' 3-8 Matteuccia struthiopteris • Eupatorium challenges (ex: weed pressure, steep slopes) FACW coastal plain joe pye weed 4-5' 5-9 dubium 'Little Joe' trumpetweed FACW 5-8' 4-8 Eupatorium fistulosum spotted trumpetweed FACW 5-6' 4-8 Eupatorium maculatum cv. For specific questions on spacing, please contact our Ecological Sales team. We6-7 are working in our trial gardens to examine FACW+ common boneset 3-4' 3-9 Eupatorium perfoliatum

our LP’s in the landscape over time so we are happy to discuss this further with you! Month:











How to Use Landscape Plugs


Tips for Highest Survival Rates When to Plant •

• • •

Install LP50’s and LP32’s while they are in active growth only. Depending on temperature most species will break winter dormancy in early spring. Installation windows vary by species and plant metabolism–consult our ecological sales team for guidance on proper species selection. Installing outside optimal planting windows may require higher initial management inputs and result in plant loss. In order to plant efficiently and reduce soil compaction, monitor weather conditions and (unless planting into hydric soil) avoid planting if soil on site is too wet.

Site Preparation •

• • •

If planting into a dressing of mulch, apply prior to planting to save time. To protect plant crowns, only apply an appropriate layer of mulch (2-4”). Avoid all unnecessary soil compaction while preparing and planting the site (foot traffic, machinery, etc). Water plug trays thoroughly prior to laying out plants. Maintain the site’s hydrologic functions: http://

How to Plant • • • • • •

Remove plugs from trays by pushing up through bottom of liner. Do not pull the plant by the vegetative material. Do not ‘tease’ the root system apart. Ensure that native soil level evenly matches up to the top of the soil of the Landscape Plug. Tamp in soil around Landscape Plug to increase soil-root contact and minimize potential for frost heaving. Water immediately to reduce air pockets and maximize contact between LP roots and soil nutrients.


How to Use Landscape Plugs


Typical Tools for Planting LP’s Earth Auger (3”)

Power Drill with Auger Attachment (3”)

Hand Trowel

Weeding Knife

Trenching Spade

Pick Axe

Dividing Up the Labor

One technique often used for large plantings is division of labor: a crew member drilling holes, a crew member (or designer) laying out plants, other crew members planting, and a crew member watering in.


How to Use Landscape Plugs


Working Through Common Challenges Highly Erodable Sites

Steep and erodable sites can be challenging. Many of the species we sell are excellent at controlling erosion. However, like all other plants, they need a secure start through installation and establishment. We recommend using biodegradable erosion control matting or sowing a cover crop to help stablize the site as LP’s establish. • Secure erosion control matting prior to planting. • Plant Landscape Plugs through the erosion control layer. • Consider using vernalized LP’s to stablize the soil more quickly. • For more information, refer to our Species Selection Tool for appropriate species or contact our Ecological Sales team.

Crews Unfamiliar with LP’s If it is a crew’s first time installing a Landscape Plug project it can be helpful to spend a few minutes getting the crew familiar with what LP’s are and the planting process. If you have questions about this please feel free to contact our team for advice!

Initial Irrigation For Landscape Plug success, we absolutely can’t stress enough the importance of the first initial irrigation. Immediately after LP’s are in the ground they should be thoroughly watered. Having a person water the area surrounding each individual plug not only saves water but delivers the irrigation more directly and efficiently to each LP than will a sprinkler system. This ‘watering in’ will diminish air pockets in the soil, allowing the roots of your LP’s to connect with the surrounding native soil and establish more quickly and successfully! In warm and sunny conditions it is helpful to also water the LP flats prior to planting to reduce to chance of drought stress while LP’s wait for their important watering in. 19

How to Use Landscape Plugs • •

• •

Establishment and Long Term Management Successful Landscape Plug Establishment

Monitor the new planting on a regular basis for signs of diseases, pests and water stress. Irrigate as needed, but as infrequently as possible, until Landscape Plugs are well rooted and able to fully access groundwater resources. Keep planting free from undesirable species. If there are plant losses, replace plants with same or similar species as soon as possible. Planting areas left unvegetated will be at higher risk of weed invasion.

April 2008

July 2008

One of our North Creek rain gardens: LP’s to blooms in less than one season!

Adaptive Management - Site and Species Monitoring

Even as your Landscape Plug installation matures, monitoring will continue to be crucial. Your project’s long-term success depends on many factors including its management into the future! You will be happy to hear that the need for irrigation, weeding and mulching will lessen over time but you will be best prepared for any arising challenges if you continually observe how your planting evoles. If you have any questions about this please contact us! • As during establishment, monitor the planting regularly for signs of stress and weed pressure. • Examine trends and patterns such as: which species are thriving, which species spread and how, which species stay put and which species come and go.

Invasive Species Control

Annual Cutbacks, Mowing or Burning

Supplemental Irrigation In Severe Drought

Fertilizing and Amending Soils

It is important to determine early on what plant species you consider undesireable and what tolerance you and your client have of these species. Strategically removing and cutting back these is key to success. Consider not just the undesirable species within your planting area but in the surrounding context.

If signs of drought stress are observed irrigate Landscape Plugs. Over time irrigation should be less and less neccessary.

Our Landscape Plug installations like much other herbaceous vegetation, performs best if cut back annually. This is generally recommended in the later winter or early spring. However, it is ultimately dependent on your management goals, be they based on aesthetics, biodiversity or anything else. For larger installations, mowing or burning are other beneficial management options.

Sites with stable soils and appropriately chosen species should not require additional fertilizer or amendments. When performing annual cutbacks determine if it is appropriate to remove cuttings or leave in place according to soil fertility goals.


How to Use Landscape Plugs

Additional Resources

Shipping and Delivery •

Avoid shipments during very hot or cold temperatures.

Consult with us to determine the most plant-friendly shipping method for your needs.

Landscape Plugs are guaranteed to be protected from envionmental conditions upon delivery. Check for any damage to plants immediately upon their arrival.

Irrigate Landscape Plugs as neccessary.

Lay out and install Landscape Plugs as soon as possible upon arrival to site.

If Landscape Plugs must be held due to constrution delays, move them to a shaded staging area, irrigate as needed and protect from damage.

Custom Grow Options •

Having us custom grow your landscape plugs for a specific project and installation time can be a great option for ensuring availability and planting success.

If there are herbaceous plants that you have specified for a site and they are not on our current availability we may be able to custom grow them for you.

Most Landscape Plugs require at least 16 weeks of lead time. This may vary depending on propagation method, time of year, seed availability or species requirements of certain sophistocated species.

Species Selection and other Professional Assistance Consultation services are available. We are happy to assist you in selecting species for your design or in developing a plant palette for a challenging site. We draw knowledge from our past experiences with Landscape Plug installations and the information we collect from our three-acre trial gardens here at the nursery. We are happy to assist you with any other questions you may have. Contact us!

North Creek Nurseries, Inc.

388 North Creek Road Landenberg, PA 19350 1-877-ECO-PLUG 21

Appendix A Acorus americanus Agastache foeniculum Allium cernuum Amsonia hubrichtii Andropogon gerardii Andropogon glomeratus Andropogon glomeratus ‘Red October’ PPAF Andropogon virginicus Asclepias incarnata Asclepias syriaca Asclepias tuberosa Asclepias tuberosa ‘Gay Butterflies’ Asclepias tuberosa ‘Hello Yellow’ Asclepias verticillata Aster cordifolius Aster divaricatus Aster laevis ‘Bluebird’ Aster novae-angliae Aster novae-angliae ‘Purple Dome’ Aster novi-belgii Aster oblongifolius ‘Raydon’s Favorite’ Baptisia australis Baptisia ‘Carolina Moonlight’ Baptisia ‘Midnight’ Prairieblues™ PP20432 Baptisia ‘Purple Smoke’ Baptisia ‘Solar Flare’ Prairieblues™ PP20408 Baptisia sphaerocarpa ‘Screaming Yellow’ Baptisia tinctoria Baptisia x bicolor ‘Starlite’ Prairieblues™ PP19971 Baptisia x variicolor ‘Twilite’ Prairieblues™ PP19011 Bouteloua curtipendula Bouteloua gracilis ‘Blonde Ambition’ PP22048 Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’ Caltha palustris Carex comosa Carex emoryi Carex lurida Carex muskingumensis Carex stricta Carex vulpinoidea Chasmanthium latifolium Chelone glabra Chelone lyonii ‘Hot Lips’ Chrysopsis mariana Coreopsis verticillata Deschampsia cespitosa Deschampsia flexuosa Echinacea paradoxa Echinacea purpurea Echinacea purpurea ‘Ruby Star’ Elymus virginicus Eragrostis spectabilis Eryngium yuccifolium Eupatorium coelestinum Eupatorium fistulosum Eupatorium hyssopifolium Eupatorium perfoliatum Helenium autumnale Helianthus divaricatus

LP50 Species List Heliopsis helianthoides Hibiscus moscheutos Iris versicolor Juncus effuses Juncus tenuis Liatris spicata Lobelia cardinalis Lobelia siphilitica Lupinus perennis Mimulus ringens Monarda bradburiana Monarda didyma ‘Jacob Cline’ Monarda fistulosa Monarda fistulosa ‘Claire Grace’ Monarda punctata Oenothera fruticosa Oenothera fruticosa ‘Fireworks’ Packera aurea Panicum amarum ‘Dewey Blue’ Panicum ‘Cape Breeze’ PP24895 Panicum virgatum Panicum virgatum ‘Northwind’ Panicum virgatum ‘Shenandoah’ Penstemon digitalis Penstemon ‘Husker Red’ Phlox paniculata ‘Jeana’ Physostegia virginiana ‘Miss Manners’ PP12637 Physostegia virginiana ‘Pink Manners’ PP23482 Pycnanthemum flexuosum Pycnanthemum muticum Ratibida pinnata Rudbeckia fulgida ‘Goldsturm’ Rudbeckia fulgida var. fulgida Rudbeckia laciniata Rudbeckia triloba Ruellia humilis Schizachyrium scoparium Schizachyrium scoparium ‘Standing Ovation’ PP25202 Scirpus cyperinus Scirpus validus Scutellaria incana Solidago caesia Solidago graminifolia var. graminifolia Solidago odora Solidago rugosa ‘Fireworks’ Solidago sempervirens Solidago shortii ‘Solar Cascade’ Sorghastrum nutans Sporobolus heterolepis Thermopsis caroliniana Tradescantia ohiensis Verbena hastata Vernonia glauca Vernonia lettermannii ‘Iron Butterfly’ Vernonia noveboracensis Veronicastrum virginicum Zizia aurea


Appendix B Actaea pachypoda ‘Misty Blue’ Adiantum pedatum Amsonia ‘Blue Ice’ Aquilegia canadensis Aquilegia canadensis ‘Little Lanterns’ Asarum canadense Aster ericoides ‘Snow Flurry’ Aster tataricus ‘Jindai’ Athyrium angustum forma rubellum ‘Lady in Red’ Athyrium filix-femina Athyrium filix-femina ‘Victoriae’ Carex amphibola Carex appalachica Carex cherokeensis Carex dolichostachya ‘Kaga-nishiki’ Gold Fountains™ Carex eburnea Carex flacca ‘Blue Zinger’ Carex flaccosperma Carex laxiculmis ‘HOBB’ Bunny Blue® Carex morrowii ‘Ice Dance’ Carex morrowii ‘Silver Sceptre’ Carex oshimensis EverColor™ Everest PP20955 Carex oshimensis EverColor™ Everillo PP21002 Carex oshimensis EverColor™ Everlime PPAF Carex oshimensis ‘Evergold’ Carex pensylvanica Carex plantaginea Carex platyphylla Carex radiata Caryopteris ‘Dark Knight’ Caryopteris divaricata ‘Snow Fairy’ Caryopteris ‘Longwood Blue’ Caryopteris x clandonensis ‘Inoveris’ Grand Bleu® PP17837 Chrysogonum virginianum var. australe Dennstaedtia punctilobula Deschampsia cespitosa ‘Goldtau’ Dicentra eximia Dryopteris erythrosora ‘Brilliance’ Dryopteris erythrosora ‘Radiance’ Dryopteris goldiana Dryopteris marginalis Dryopteris x australis Erigeron pulchellus var. pulchellus ‘Lynnhaven Carpet’ Eriogonum allenii ‘Little Rascal’ Eupatorium dubium ‘Little Joe’ PP16112 Eupatorium ‘Phantom’ PP18354 Eupatorium purpureum var. maculatum ‘Gateway’ Geranium maculatum Geranium maculatum ‘Espresso’ Geum fragariodes Hakonechloa macra ‘Albovariegata’ Hakonechloa macra ‘All Gold’ Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’ Helianthus x multiflorus ‘Sunshine Daydream’ Garden Candy® Heuchera americana ‘Dale’s Strain’ Heuchera longiflora Heuchera macrorhiza ‘Autumn Bride’ Matteuccia struthiopteris

LP32 Species List Meehania cordata Mertensia virginica Onoclea sensibilis Osmunda cinnamomea Osmunda claytoniana Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis Pachysandra procumbens Phegopteris decursive-pinnata Phlox divaricata ‘Blue Moon’ Phlox pilosa Phlox stolonifera ‘Blue Ridge’ Phlox stolonifera ‘Sherwood Purple’ Polemonium reptans Polemonium reptans ‘Stairway to Heaven’ PP15187 Polystichum acrostichoides Polystichum polyblepharum Porteranthus trifoliatus Porteranthus trifoliatus ‘Pink Profusion’ Rubus calycinoides Rudbeckia laciniata ‘Autumn Sun’ Rudbeckia maxima Rudbeckia subtomentosa ‘Henry Eilers’ Rudbeckia subtomentosa ‘Little Henry’ PP23590 Sedum ternatum ‘Larinem Park’ Spigelia marilandica Spiranthes cernua var. odorata ‘Chadd’s Ford’ Stylophorum diphyllum Tiarella cordifolia Tiarella cordifolia ‘Brandywine’ Tiarella cordifolia ‘Running Tapestry’ Tiarella cordifolia var. collina ‘Oakleaf’ Viola walteri ‘Silver Gem’ Wisteria frutescens ‘Amethyst Falls’ Wisteria macrostachya ‘Blue Moon’ Woodwardia virginica


Appendix C Sedum ternatum 'Larinem Park' LP32 $1.03 Aster tataricus 'Jindai' LP32 $1.04 Eriogonum allenii 'Little Rascal' LP32 $1.04 Rubus calycinoides LP32 $1.04 Eupatorium dubium 'Little Joe' PP16112 LP32 $1.07 Eupatorium 'Phantom' PP18354 LP32 $1.07 Eupatorium 'Gateway' LP32 $1.07 Rudbeckia subtomentosa 'Henry Eilers' LP32 $1.07 Agastache foeniculum LP50 $1.13 Allium cernuum LP50 $1.13 Aster cordifolius LP50 $1.13 Aster divaricatus LP50 $1.13 Aster laevis 'Bluebird' LP50 $1.13 Aster novae-angliae LP50 $1.13 Aster novae-angliae 'Purple Dome' LP50 $1.13 Aster novi-belgii LP50 $1.13 Aster oblongifolius 'Raydon's Favorite' LP50 $1.13 Caltha palustris LP50 $1.13 Carex comosa LP50 $1.13 Carex lurida LP50 $1.13 Carex muskingumensis LP50 $1.13 Carex stricta LP50 $1.13 Carex vulpinoidea LP50 $1.13 Chelone glabra LP50 $1.13 Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips' LP50 $1.13 Coreopsis verticillata LP50 $1.13 Deschampsia cespitosa LP50 $1.13 Deschampsia flexuosa LP50 $1.13 Eryngium yuccifolium LP50 $1.13 Eupatorium coelestinum LP50 $1.13 Eupatorium fistulosum LP50 $1.13 Eupatorium hyssopifolium LP50 $1.13 Eupatorium perfoliatum LP50 $1.13 Helenium autumnale LP50 $1.13 Helianthus divaricatus LP50 $1.13 Heliopsis helianthoides LP50 $1.13 Hibiscus moscheutos LP50 $1.13 Iris versicolor LP50 $1.13 Juncus effusus LP50 $1.13 Juncus tenuis LP50 $1.13 Liatris spicata LP50 $1.13 Lobelia cardinalis LP50 $1.13 Lobelia siphilitica LP50 $1.13 Mimulus ringens LP50 $1.13 Monarda bradburiana LP50 $1.13 Monarda didyma 'Jacob Cline' LP50 $1.13 Monarda fistulosa LP50 $1.13 Monarda fistulosa 'Claire Grace' LP50 $1.13 Penstemon digitalis LP50 $1.13 Phlox paniculata 'Jeana' LP50 $1.13 Physostegia virginiana 'Miss Manners' PP12637 LP50 $1.13 Physostegia virginiana 'Pink Manners' PP23482 LP50 $1.13 Pycnanthemum flexuosum LP50 $1.13 Pycnanthemum muticum LP50 $1.13 Ratibida pinnata LP50 $1.13 Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm' LP50 $1.13 Rudbeckia fulgida var. fulgida LP50 $1.13 Rudbeckia laciniata LP50 $1.13 Rudbeckia triloba LP50 $1.13 Ruellia humilis LP50 $1.13

Pricing Tiers

Tier 1 $1.00-1.15/plug Scirpus cyperinus LP50 $1.13 Scirpus validus LP50 $1.13 Scutellaria incana LP50 $1.13 Solidago caesia LP50 $1.13 Solidago graminifolia var. graminifolia LP50 $1.13 Solidago odora LP50 $1.13 Solidago rugosa ‘Fireworks’ LP50 $1.13 Solidago sempervirens LP50 $1.13 Solidago shortii ‘Solar Cascade’ LP50 $1.13 Tradescantia ohiensis LP50 $1.13 Verbena hastata LP50 $1.13 Vernonia glauca LP50 $1.13 Vernonia noveboracensis LP50 $1.13 Veronicastrum virginicum LP50 $1.13 Caryopteris ‘Dark Knight’ LP32 $1.13 Caryopteris divaricata ‘Snow Fairy’ LP32 $1.13 Caryopteris ‘Longwood Blue’ LP32 $1.13 Caryopteris ‘Inoveris’ Grand Bleu® PP17837 LP32 $1.13

Adapted from 2015-2016 Price List 24

Appendix C Erigeron pulchellus 'Lynnhaven Carpet' LP32 $1.16 Rudbeckia subtomentosa 'Little Henry' PP23590 LP32 $1.16 Acorus americanus LP50 $1.16 Andropogon gerardii LP50 $1.16 Andropogon glomeratus LP50 $1.16 Andropogon virginicus LP50 $1.16 Bouteloua curtipendula LP50 $1.16 Chasmanthium latifolium LP50 $1.16 Echinacea paradoxa LP50 $1.16 Echinacea purpurea LP50 $1.16 Echinacea purpurea 'Ruby Star' LP50 $1.16 Elymus virginicus LP50 $1.16 Eragrostis spectabilis LP50 $1.16 Panicum virgatum LP50 $1.16 Schizachyrium scoparium LP50 $1.16 Thermopsis caroliniana LP50 $1.16 Aster ericoides 'Snow Flurry' LP32 $1.19 Carex emoryi LP50 $1.20 Phlox pilosa LP32 $1.21 Rudbeckia laciniata 'Autumn Sun' LP32 $1.21 Rudbeckia maxima LP32 $1.21 Asclepias incarnata LP50 $1.21 Asclepias syriaca LP50 $1.21 Asclepias tuberosa LP50 $1.21 Asclepias verticillata LP50 $1.21 Baptisia australis LP50 $1.21 Baptisia tinctoria LP50 $1.21 Chrysopsis mariana LP50 $1.21 Lupinus perennis LP50 $1.21 Oenothera fruticosa LP50 $1.21 Oenothera fruticosa 'Fireworks' LP50 $1.21 Packera aurea LP50 $1.21 Penstemon 'Husker Red' LP50 $1.21 Zizia aurea LP50 $1.21 Aquilegia canadensis LP32 $1.24 Helianthus 'Lemon Queen' LP32 $1.24 Helianthus 'Sunshine Daydream' Garden Candy® LP32 $1.24 Carex flacca 'Blue Zinger' LP32 $1.31 Carex flaccosperma LP32 $1.31 Carex laxiculmis 'HOBB' Bunny Blue® LP32 $1.31 Carex morrowii 'Silver Sceptre' LP32 $1.31 Carex plantaginea LP32 $1.31 Carex platyphylla LP32 $1.31 Carex radiata LP32 $1.31 Chrysogonum virginianum var. australe LP32 $1.31 Meehania cordata LP32 $1.31 Phlox divaricata 'Blue Moon' LP32 $1.31 Phlox stolonifera 'Blue Ridge' LP32 $1.31 Phlox stolonifera 'Sherwood Purple' LP32 $1.31 Polemonium reptans LP32 $1.31 Amsonia hubrichtii LP50 $1.31 Carex amphibola LP32 $1.37 Carex eburnea LP32 $1.37 Carex morrowii 'Ice Dance' LP32 $1.37 Heuchera longiflora LP32 $1.37 Porteranthus trifoliatus LP32 $1.37 Viola walteri ‘Silver Gem’ LP32 $1.37 Bouteloua ‘Blonde Ambition’ PP22048 LP50 $1.40 Carex appalachica LP32 $1.42 Carex pensylvanica LP32 $1.42 Stylophorum diphyllum LP32 $1.42

Pricing Tiers

Tier 2 $1.16-1.49/plug

Amsonia ‘Blue Ice’ LP32 $1.46 Dicentra eximia LP32 $1.47 Baptisia ‘Purple Smoke’ LP50 $1.47 Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’ LP50 $1.47 Panicum amarum ‘Dewey Blue’ LP50 $1.47 Panicum ‘Cape Breeze’ PP24895 LP50 $1.47 Panicum virgatum ‘Northwind’ LP50 $1.47 Panicum virgatum ‘Shenandoah’ LP50 $1.47 Schizachyrium ‘Standing Ovation’ PP25202 LP50 $1.47 Sorghastrum nutans LP50 $1.47 Sporobolus heterolepis LP50 $1.47 Vernonia lettermannii ‘Iron Butterfly’ LP50 $1.47

Adapted from 2015-2016 Price List 25

Appendix C

Pricing Tiers

Tier 3 $1.50-1.89/plug

Heuchera americana 'Dale's Strain' LP32 $1.51 Heuchera macrorhiza 'Autumn Bride' LP32 $1.51 Athyrium filix-femina LP32 $1.58 Athyrium niponicum 'Regal Red' LP32 $1.58 Athyrium niponicum var. pictum LP32 $1.58 Athyrium x 'Ghost' LP32 $1.58 Carex cherokeensis LP32 $1.58 Carex dolichostachya 'Kaga-nishiki' Gold Fountains™ LP32 $1.58 Dryopteris erythrosora 'Brilliance' LP32 $1.58 Dryopteris goldiana LP32 $1.58 Dryopteris marginalis LP32 $1.58 Dryopteris x australis LP32 $1.58 Onoclea sensibilis LP32 $1.58 Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis LP32 $1.58 Polystichum acrostichoides LP32 $1.58 Polystichum polyblepharum LP32 $1.58 Geranium maculatum LP32 $1.63 Carex oshimensis 'Evergold' LP32 $1.68 Carex oshimensis EverColor™ Everest PP20955 LP32 $1.73 Carex oshimensis EverColor™ Everillo PP21002 LP32 $1.73 Carex oshimensis EverColor™ Everlime PPAF LP32 $1.73 Dryopteris erythrosora 'Radiance' LP32 $1.73 Andropogon glomeratus 'Red October' PPAF LP50 $1.73 Baptisia 'Carolina Moonlight' LP50 $1.73 Baptisia 'Midnight' Prairieblues™ PP20432 LP50 $1.73 Baptisia 'Solar Flare' Prairieblues™ PP20408 LP50 $1.73 Baptisia sphaerocarpa 'Screaming Yellow' LP50 $1.73 Baptisia x variicolor 'Twilite' Prairieblues™ PP19011 LP50 $1.73 Asarum canadense LP32 $1.79 Tiarella cordifolia LP32 $1.79 Tiarella cordifolia 'Brandywine' LP32 $1.79 Tiarella cordifolia 'Running Tapestry' LP32 $1.79 Tiarella cordifolia var. collina 'Oakleaf' LP32 $1.79 Adiantum pedatum LP32 $1.84 Athyrium angustum forma rubellum 'Lady in Red' LP32 $1.84 Athyrium filix-femina 'Victoriae' LP32 $1.84 Deschampsia cespitosa 'Goldtau' LP32 $1.84 Geum fragariodes LP32 $1.84 Matteuccia struthiopteris LP32 $1.84 Osmunda cinnamomea LP32 $1.84 Phegopteris decursive-pinnata LP32 $1.84 Polemonium reptans 'Stairway to Heaven' PP15187 LP32 $1.84 Woodwardia virginica LP32 $1.84 Baptisia x bicolor 'Starlite' Prairieblues™ PP19971 LP50 $1.84 Osmunda claytoniana LP32 $1.89

Adapted from 2015-2016 Price List 26

Appendix C

Pricing Tiers

Tier 4 $2.00-3.99/plug

Spiranthes cernua var. odorata ‘Chadd’s Ford’ LP32 $2.00 Hakonechloa macra ‘Albovariegata’ LP32 $2.05 Porteranthus trifoliatus ‘Pink Profusion’ LP32 $2.10 Wisteria frutescens ‘Amethyst Falls’ LP32 $2.10 Wisteria macrostachya ‘Blue Moon’ LP32 $2.10 Geranium maculatum ‘Espresso’ LP32 $2.26 Dennstaedtia punctilobula LP32 $2.36 Actaea pachypoda ‘Misty Blue’ LP32 $2.44 Mertensia virginica LP32 $2.63 Spigelia marilandica LP32 $3.41 Pachysandra procumbens LP32 $3.68

Adapted from 2015-2016 Price List 27

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