National Teaching School
The Heath National Teaching School
The Heath National Teaching School
CONTENTS Principal
Head of Sixth Form
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to The Heath Sixth Form. It has been our ambition for many years to open a sixth form and to be able to do so for our community fills me with great excitement and pride.
We are very excited to be able to open our doors to the first sixth form students in September 2014 and see this as a fantastic opportunity, not only for our own students, but those in the local area. With an extensive curriculum choice, outstanding care and support and fantastic new state of the art facilities we want your future to start here with us.
High quality teaching and learning along with strong support and guidance are at the heart of any educational establishment and I can assure you that at The Heath Sixth Form they are our highest priorities. We are able to offer a wide range of courses to suit all learners, as I am sure you will see, as we believe that education should be truly inclusive. We expect the highest standards from all in application to their studies, their dress and their contribution to our community. I hope you enjoy reading our prospectus and please do not hesitate to get in touch for further information.
Jamie Jardine Principal
Choosing where and what to study after Year 11 can shape the course of your life and could be one of the most important decisions you’ll ever take. We want to make sure you get it exactly right for you. If you want to do something great with your life let your future start here at The Heath Sixth Form. We will set high standards and encourage ambition and achievement for all. We will expect real academic commitment and responsible behaviour as well as an engagement not only in your own personal success, but also in the life of the school as a whole. At The Heath Sixth Form, the sky’s the limit. Together, we can do great things for your future and whatever your academic aspirations, we’ll help you to get there.
OPENING SECTION Welcome 2 Sixth Form Life 4 The New School 6 HUMANITIES, MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES French and Spanish 8 Government and Politics 10 History 12 Law 13 Sociology 14 Psychology 15 Philosophy and Ethics 16 SCIENCE & MATHS Applied Science 17 Applied Science (diploma) 18 Biology 19 Chemistry 20 Physics 21 Mathematics 22 Further Mathematics 23 TECHNOLOGY Graphic Products Food Technology Fashion & Textiles Product Design
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ENGLISH English Combined English Literature
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SPORT Sport 30 ICT BUSINESS MEDIA Business Studies 31 Economics 32 Media 33 ICT 34 ART AND DESIGN, PERFORMING ARTS Art 35 Dance 36 Drama & Theatre Studies 37 Music 38 Music Technology 39 ADDITIONAL COURSES Extended Project
Jane Gargan Assistant Principal - Head of Sixth Form
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SIXTH FORM LIFE AT THE HEATH Sixth form students are expected to be in school for the whole day and will be dressed in smart business attire. They will be members of a tutor group and will meet daily with their form tutor. Form tutors will always be available to provide support and academic guidance, either on an individual basis, or through group sessions.
There will be a real focus on developing leadership potential at The Heath Sixth Form and tutor groups will be a very important aspect of this process. The Heath Sixth Form Leadership Team will be responsible for supporting day to day activities in the Sixth Form as well as planning key events throughout the year.
This programme will be designed to offer opportunities for students to broaden knowledge and experience as well as improving physical, practical and presentation skills.
As well as the lessons that students choose to follow they will be expected to take part in the enrichment curriculum on Wednesday afternoons.
The sixth formers will have the privilege of having their own common room and study area and these can be used during study periods. These facilities will allow students access to computers as well as offering a place for relaxing, reading newspapers and researching careers and university information.
All students will also be encouraged to take part in a range of extra-curricular activities including sport.
Throughout the year opportunities will be provided for students and parents to meet with staff. Action planning will form a very important part of post-16 education. Targets will be set and monitored with the aim of increasing student motivation and improving personal achievement. As part of a structured programme of careers guidance, all students will have the opportunity to benefit from some form of work experience and will also attend university open days and Higher Education conferences.
The progress of all sixth form students will be reviewed throughout the year. Students will share in this evaluation with their subject and form tutors, and you will be kept informed in writing of the outcome of this process.
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Sixth Form Life
Sixth Form Life
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The Heath National Teaching School
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Our New School
TAKE A WALK THROUGH THE NEW SCHOOL Download the FREE AR People app from the IOS app store or Google Marketplace. Hold your device over the page to see our fantastic new school.
Our New School
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The Heath National Teaching School
A LEVEL Modern Foreign Languages
FRENCH AND SPANISH Awarding body: WJEC Course Outline: Students will study a series of topics which will be assessed in all four skills. At A2 you will choose a topic upon which to focus your spoken presentation and essay. How will I be assessed? AS: Speaking - Conversation Listening, Reading and Writing exam (Combined exam) A2: Speaking - Conversation and Presentation Listening, Reading and Writing exam (Combined exam) What will I study? AS: Leisure and Lifestyles, including travel and tourism, sport, hobbies, entertainment, customs, traditions, healthy and living. The Individual and
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You will study social and political issues, including the media, racism and immigration.
Society, including relationships and responsibilities, gender issues, youth culture, education and future careers. A2: Environmental Issues, including technology, pollution, global warming, transport, energy, conservation, recycling, sustainability. Social and Political Issues, including the media, racism, immigration social exclusion and integration and terrorism Guided Study : Either: A The World of Cinema B The World of Literature C The Regions of France and Spain Where will it lead me? Tourist industry, Law, Accountancy, Education, Translation Services. Who to contact for further details?
Humanities and Modern Foreign Languages
Humanities and Modern Foreign Languages
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The Heath National Teaching School
GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS Awarding body: AQA Students will study the politics of Britain and the USA and develop a critical awareness of the nature of politics and its effect on people. Students will compare the UK system to that of the USA. They will also acquire knowledge and understanding of the rights and responsibilities of individuals. How will I be assessed? Two 1 hour 30 minute written examinations at the end of each year, one for each unit.
What will I study? AS: AS has two units: People, Politics and Participation – focusing on individual involvement within the British electoral system, Governing Modern Britain – focusing on how Britain is governed and who governs us. A2: A2 has two units: The Politics of the USA – focusing on how people are involved in US politics, The Government of the USA – focusing on how the USA is governed. Where will it lead me? Careers in local and national government, Law, Journalism and Education. This is helpful for students considering degrees in Politics, History, Economics and Philosophy.
Who to contact for further details?
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Humanities and Modern Foreign Languages
Humanities and Modern Foreign Languages
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The Heath National Teaching School
The Heath National Teaching School
HISTORY Awarding body: AQA Course Outline: History is an interesting and varied course which develops skills valued by universities and employers. It is a chance for pupils to extend their enthusiasm for History, studying the significance of events and individuals, considering how societies change over time and affect the world in which we live. How will I be assessed? Year 12: Two examinations (Units and 2) Year 13: One examination (Unit 3) and Coursework unit (Unit 4) What will I study? AS Unit 1: USA 1890-1945. An overview of US history, looking at responses to a series of challenges both from outside and within the USA.
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AS Unit 2: Life in Nazi Germany 19331945. This provides an opportunity to investigate the impact of a dictatorship upon a complex modern society. A2 Unit 3: The Making of Modern Britain 1951-2007. Studying change and continuity over approximately 50 years during which Britain enjoyed a period of post-war affluence, followed by an era of reaction. A2 Unit 4: Historical Enquiry, A personal study of approximately 3,500 words, analysing a historical issue over 100 years. Where will it lead me? History A Level provides excellent preparation for degrees in History, English, Law, Politics or Philosophy. History develops skills of analysis, independent enquiry and evaluation and is therefore an excellent platform for future careers in law, journalism, teaching, social work and research.
Who to contact for further details?
Humanities and Modern Foreign Languages
Law provides an excellent academic and skills base to access a range of courses at University and careers
LAW based in substantive law, and Section C a dilemma based question.
Awarding body: WJEC Course Outline: AS Unit 1: English Legal System AS Unit 2: Sources of Law A2 Unit 3: Criminal Law A2 Unit 4: Criminal Law Special study How will I be assessed? Two written, externally assessed examinations are taken at the end of each year. AS Unit 1: A 2 hour paper made up of two sections. Section A is an essay based question and Section B is an application style question. AS Unit 2: A 1 hour paper based on the English legal system of source based questions. A2 Unit 3: A 2 hour paper which is comprised of 3 sections. Section A is essay based, Section B a problem
A2 Unit 4: 1 hour 30 minutes written paper on pre released source material. What will I study? As the course outline suggests we look at English and European Law, the judiciary and many other features. When we look at criminal Law we look specifically at murder/ manslaughter and other offences against the person. Where will it lead me? A level Law is relevant to most aspects of everyday life and any legal knowledge will be useful. Law provides an excellent academic and skills base to access a range of courses at University and careers.
Who to contact for further details?
Humanities and Modern Foreign Languages
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The Heath National Teaching School
The Heath National Teaching School
SOCIOLOGY Awarding body: AQA Course Outline: A Level Sociology consists of different social theories and research theories of leading sociologists. You will cover topics of the family and how families have changed over time, education and how different aspects of school can influence and affect achievement. You will apply research methods to the education unit. How will I be assessed? Families and Households 40% Education and Social Methods 60% What will I study? Within the family and households unit you will study the relationship between families and society, the changing patterns of marriage, divorce, cohabitation and childbearing. You will investigate the different roles within families in
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relation to gender and reflect on changes within the family over time. In the education and social methods unit you will address the role and purpose of education, how specific groups achieve, educational policies and the impact they have on learning as well as the relationships between education and other organisations. For social methods you will analyse and evaluate different research methods using qualitative and quantitative data for a sociological study. Where will it lead me? Degree level such as: Criminology, Social Policy, Politics, and Law. Careers in the care profession, media work and personnel.
Psychology is extremely valued by employers because it uses the skills of statistical analysis.
PSYCHOLOGY Where will it lead me?
Awarding body: AQA Course Outline: Unit 1: Unit 2: Unit 3: Unit 4:
Social and Cognitive Psychology (20%) Understanding the Individual (30%) Applications of Psychology (20%) How Psychology Works (30%)
How will I be assessed? Two examinations (Units 1 and 2) at the end of Year 12 and two examinations (Units 3 and 4) at the end of Year 13. What will I study?
Who to contact for further details?
Humanities and Modern Foreign Languages
Within each unit there are studies, theories and research methods that you need to understand. Each unit has a practical element where students need to carry out research and analyse this using statistics.
Psychology is an A’ Level that works well with all subject combinations. It is a Science but the essay writing and evaluation involved support Humanities subjects and English. Career paths directly related to Psychology include Clinical Psychology, Counselling Psychology, Educational Psychology, Sports Psychology, Criminology and Occupational Psychology. Psychology is valued by employers because in the study of human behaviour it uses the skills of statistical analysis along with extended writing, attributes which almost all employees need.
Who to contact for further details?
Humanities and Modern Foreign Languages
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The Heath National Teaching School
The Heath National Teaching School
BTEC Subsidiary Diploma
PHILOSOPHY AND ETHICS Awarding body: WJEC Course Outline: The A Level covers numerous aspects relevant to society today: Introduction to Religion & Ethics, addressing issues of Natural Law, Situation Ethics, Utilitarianism, and Applied Ethics to sexual relationships. Introduction to Philosophy of Religion, addressing arguments for the existence of God, Evil & Suffering and looking at Religious Experience & Mysticism.
How can we measure pleasure in life? The morals behind sexual orientation and sexual relationships. Can God exist when evil occurs in the world? Beliefs about God’s existence and how far does TV programmes enhance or harm perceptions about religion? Can Religion and Science work together?
APPLIED SCIENCE (One A Level equivalent) Awarding body: AQA BTEC A two year vocationally based course broadly equivalent to one A-Level. How will I be assessed? 100% coursework assessed. Grading and equivalent UCAS points: Distinction* – 140, Distinction – 120, Merit – 80, Pass – 40.
Where will it lead me? The course is suitable for those thinking of a career in Teaching, Politics, Medicine, the Police, Journalism, Acting and Law.
How will I be assessed? Students will answer two questions from each paper at both AS and A2. There is no coursework.
The course is suitable for those thinking of a career in Teaching, Politics, Medicine, the Police, Journalism, Acting and Law.
Who to contact for further details?
What will I study? In Year one (AS level) there are three mandatory units:
• Fundamentals of Science • Working in the Science Industry • Scientific Practical Techniques
In Year two (A Level) there is the option to specialise in one of six areas:
• Applied Science • Biology • Chemistry • Physics • Medical Science • Forensic Science Where will it lead me? Applied Science will provide the foundation for a wide variety of choices in either degree courses or straight into a scientific sector workplace. Who to contact for further details?
What will I study? You will investigate whether there is a purpose to life on this earth? Does the situation you are in have an impact on a decision you might make about life?
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Humanities and Modern Foreign Languages
Science and Maths
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The Heath National Teaching School
The Heath National Teaching School
BTEC Diploma
APPLIED SCIENCE (Two A Levels Equivalent) Awarding body: BTEC
In year two you will complete a further six units in one or more of the following areas:
Course Outline: A two year vocationally based course broadly equivalent to two A Levels. This course is only suited for students with a genuine passion for Science as this will make up two of their four options.
• Applied Science • Biology • Chemistry • Physics • Medical Science • Forensic Science
How will I be assessed? 100% coursework assessed. Grading and equivalent UCAS points range from 280 to 80.
Where will it lead me? Applied Science will provide the foundation for a wide variety of choices in either degree courses or straight into a scientific sector workplace.
What will I study? There are six mandatory units: • Fundamentals of Science • Working in the Science Industry • Scientific investigations • Scientific Practical Techniques • Perceptions of Science • Using Mathematical Tools in Science
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Science and Maths
Who to contact for further details?
Biology can lead to a career in Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Ophthalmics and lots of other important industries.
BIOLOGY Awarding body: AQA Course Outline: This is a course which combines a study of basic biological topics with consideration of some recent advances, is scientifically and intellectually rigorous, but fascinating. How will I be assessed? Unit 1: 1 hour 15 minutes written paper 33% of total AS mark. Unit 2: 1 hour 45 minutes written paper 46% of total AS mark
What will I study? We begin by looking at biological molecules including enzymes and DNA. Other topics include transport systems in animals and plants and how these systems allow organisms to grow in size and complexity. Where will it lead me? Biology can lead to a career in Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Ophthalmics, Biotechnology, Psychology, Agriculture, Conservation, Teaching and Biological Research.
Who to contact for further details?
Unit 3: Practical Skills Verification (PSV) 20% of total AS mark
Science and Maths
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The Heath National Teaching School
The Heath National Teaching School
Awarding body: AQA Course Outline: The above course covers the key chemical concepts of Atomic structure, Bonding, Redox, Organic chemistry and the Chemistry of specific groups in the Periodic Table. How will I be assessed? Unit 1: 1 hour 15 minutes written paper 33% of total AS mark Unit 2: 1 hour 45 minutes written paper 46% of total AS mark Unit 3: Practical Skills Verification (PSV) 20% of total AS mark What will I study? You will build on your knowledge from GCSE chemistry with the topics of atomic structure and various reactions that take place in industry.
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Science and Maths
Where will it lead me? A level Chemistry is a course requirement for university education in the following areas: Chemistry; Metallurgy: Chemical Engineering; Biology; Pharmacy; Medicine; Veterinary Science and Dentistry.
Who to contact for further details?
Chemistry can lead to a career in Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry and lots of other important industries.
Awarding body: AQA Course Outline: Physics involves the study of the laws and principles that govern the natural world. Essentially we investigate the properties of matter and energy. How will I be assessed? Unit 1: 1 hour 15 minutes written paper 33% of total AS mark Unit 2: 1 hour 45 minutes written paper 46% of total AS mark Unit 3: Practical Skills Verification (PSV) 20% of total AS mark What will I study? The first year of the Physics AS course consists of three Units:
Where will it lead me? A job related to any physical science, engineering or applied mathematics. Examples vary widely from structural engineer through to research scientist, investment banking to geophysicist in the oil industry.
Who to contact for further details?
Physics involves the study of the laws and principles that govern the natural world.
1. Particles, Quantum Phenomena and Electricity 2. Mechanics, Materials and Waves 3. Centre Assessed unit
Science and Maths
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The Heath National Teaching School
The Heath National Teaching School
Awarding body: AQA Course Outline: Year 12 (AS): Core 1 and Core 2 – plus one Applied Module Year 13 (A2): Core 3 and Core 4 – plus one Applied Module How will I be assessed? Three exams at the end of Y12 and three exams at the end of Y13. The exams are equally weighted; 1hr 30 minutes in length. There is no coursework element. What will I study? Core Mathematics further develops the algebraic and Mathematical skills required for problem solving. You will build upon topics from GCSE, as well as learning new topics including differentiation, integration and logarithms.
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Science and Maths
Statistics involves analysing data, and again builds upon topics from the GCSE course. You will also be introduced to new topics such as Regression and The Normal Distribution. Where will it lead me? Mathematics is a highly respected subject that demonstrates students’ ability to think clearly and solve problems. Mathematics will provide students with the opportunity to progress to a variety of Further Educational courses. Mathematics can also lead into a myriad of careers.
Who to contact for further details?
Mathematics is a highly respected subject that demonstrates students’ ability to think clearly and solve problems.
Awarding body: AQA Course Outline: Year 12 (AS): Three Additional Further Mathematics Modules Year 13 (A2): Three Additional Further Mathematics Modules How will I be assessed? Three exams at the end of Y12 and three exams at the end of Y13. The exams are equally weighted. There is no coursework element.
Why study Further Mathematics? If you have achieved at least a grade A at GCSE then you should consider studying Further Mathematics. This course is for those students wishing to study Mathematics or related subjects at degree level eg Engineering. It is also beneficial for those students considering applying for competitive degree courses, for example Medicine, Veterinary Science or an Oxbridge entry.
Who to contact for further details?
What is Further Mathematics? Mathematics is a vast subject and it is impossible to cover it all in one A-Level. Further Mathematics extends Mathematical understanding by building upon the units met in A level Mathematics.
Science and Maths
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The Heath National Teaching School
The Heath National Teaching School
GRAPHIC PRODUCTS Awarding body: AQA Course Outline Graphic Products enables students to design and make products with creativity and originality, using a range of graphic and modelling materials. How will I be assessed? This course has 60% controlled assessment in order to recognise the importance of practical work within this subject, with 40% examination. What will I study? You will use the design process to design, manufacture, test and evaluate practical solutions to design problems. To support your design work, you will study a number of Design Theory topics.
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These range from the study of materials, manufacturing processes, printing and packaging, through to the work and influence of design movements and professional designers. Practical design forms a major element of your work. During both years of your course you will produce a design portfolio and product models. Where will it lead me? The course can lead to higher education and/or careers in design. An example of some are: Graphic Design, Product Design, Model Making, Furniture Design, Visual Merchandising, 3D Design.
Who to contact for further details?
Possible career paths include: Food Industry Food Science, Product Development, Design and Manufacture.
FOOD TECHNOLOGY Awarding body: AQA Course Outline: Food Technology involves study of nutrition, design and making food products. Knowledge of food science and the wide range of materials used in the making of food products are developed as well as an understanding of industrial and commercial practices.
AS Examination Year 1 Unit 1: Food Unit 2: Designing and Making A2 Examination Year 2 Unit 3: Design and Manufacture Unit 4: Designing and Making
How will I be assessed? AS Examination Unit 1: Materials Components and Application - 2 hour Written Unit 2: Designing and Making Coursework approx 50 hours A2 Examination Unit 3: Design and Manufacture 2 hour Written Paper Unit 4: Design and Making Practice Coursework approx 60 hours Where will it lead me? Possible career paths include: Food Industry Food Science, Product Development, Design and Manufacture, Retail, Management, Hospitality, Catering, Chef Health/Education Nursing, Dietician, Health Worker, Teacher.
Who to contact for further details?
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The Heath National Teaching School
Awarding body: AQA Course Outline: This course is for those wishing to follow an art-based approach to Fashion, Textiles and Design, concentrating on experimentation with a diverse range of specialist techniques and processes. You will need to have a skill and passion for creativity and be prepared to use drawing and recording of primary research as a starting point for designs. How will I be assessed? You will be assessed through the production of a coursework portfolio, personal investigation and two externally set assignments. What will I study? You will develop your understanding of how elements such as colour, pattern, composition, line and tone can be used to express ideas.
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You will also have the opportunity to explore a range of materials and processes to help you record and develop your ideas. You will be required to develop ideas from a given starting point towards final innovative Textile outcomes. You will be expected to research through a series of ideas usually from observational starting points towards well made final outcomes. You will also produce a written, illustrated study of an aspect of historical or contemporary Textile or Fashion Design of your choice. Where will it lead me? Fashion and Textile avenues are an obvious career path. It can also be a component part of a degree course in wider technology areas.
Who to contact for further details?
Product Design offers you the exciting opportunity to develop modern technological skills through the design and manufacture of high quality products. You gain great personal satisfaction from developing your own ideas into real products and will be inspired by working with a range of materials of your choice.
What will I study? Study methods revolve around a hands on approach, where students work on individual and group design and manufacturing assignments. Students develop their skills through a range of teaching strategies which include the use of CAD, workshop manufacturing exercises, high level graphic tasks and the use of a range of ICT applications. Students will participate in group and course tutor discussion topics, presentation of work and written assignments.
How will I be assessed? The course has 50% course work and is assessed in four units:
Where will it lead me? A design and build career in STEM industries awaits successful candidates.
Awarding body: AQA Course Outline:
Unit 1: Materials, components and application Unit 2: Learning through designing and making Unit 3: Design and Manufacture Unit 4: Design and making practices
Who to contact for further details?
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The Heath National Teaching School
The Heath National Teaching School
Awarding body: EDEXCEL Course Outline: A two year course, 40% of which is assessed internally, which encourages you to develop your interest in the enjoyment of English. How will I be assessed? There are four units to this course; two are internally assessed and together are worth 40% of the final mark, and two, 60% of the final mark, are externally assessed. What will I study? Year 1 AS Unit 1: Exploring Voice in Speech and Writing AS Unit 2: Creating Texts A2 Unit 3: Varieties in Language and Literature A2 Unit 4: Presenting the World
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Where will it lead me? A Level English Language/Literature is a highly regarded qualification and it will lead into a range of Higher Education opportunities. The qualification is acceptable to universities as the English element of ‘A’ Levels on BA English Language or Literature courses and many others including Law, History and Humanities, Criminology, Business and Journalism.
Who to contact for further details?
A Level English Literature is a highly regarded qualification and will lead into a range of Higher Education opportunities.
Awarding body: WJEC Course Outline: A two year course, 40% of which is assessed internally, in which a wide and engaging range of literature is studied. Over the course of the qualification, we study Poetry, Drama, Shakespeare and Prose from a range of time periods and genres. How will I be assessed? There are four units to this course; two are internally assessed and together are worth 40% of the final mark, and two, 60% of the final mark, are externally assessed. What will I study? Year 1 LT1: Poetry (post 1900) and Drama (post 1990) (exam) LT2: Prose study and Creative Reading (internally assessed)
LT3: Prose and Genre study (internally assessed) LT4: Critical Reading of Poetry, Shakespeare and Related Drama (exam) Where will it lead me? A Level English Literature is a highly regarded qualification and will lead into a range of Higher Education opportunities. At University, in addition to English and related subjects, students can go on to study for degrees in Law, Politics, History, Criminology, Modern Languages, Psychology, Theatre, Film and Television. Career-wise, English Literature can lead into a range of careers including Teaching, Social work, Media, Law and the Civil Service.
Who to contact for further details?
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The Heath National Teaching School
The Heath National Teaching School
BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Sport
SPORT (One A Level Equivalent)
Awarding body: EDEXCEL Course Outline: The aim of the course is for students to gain knowledge and understanding about a variety of areas involved in and around the world of sport. The students will be expected to produce a number of assignments working to strict deadlines. How will I be assessed? In BTEC Nationals, all units are internally assessed in both practical and written work. Each unit within the qualification has specified assessment and grading criteria. It is awarded either a pass, merit or a distinction.
What will I study? There are three mandatory units, one mandatory specialist unit and three optional units that must be covered: Unit 1: Principles of Anatomy and Physiology Unit 2: The Physiology of Fitness Unit 3: Assessing Risk in Sport Unit 4: Mandatory Specialist Unit Unit 5: Fitness Testing for Sport and Exercise Principles Unit 6: Practices in Outdoor Adventure Unit 7: Optional Units Where will it lead me? Degree courses in Sport Science, Sport Development, Sports Nutrition, Sports Management and other sports related degrees. Students could also use this qualification to enter into full time employment in the sports industry.
Who to contact for further details?
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Awarding body: AQA Course Outline: This course gives you an insight into what it takes to become an entrepreneur. It will provide you with an essential understanding of starting and running your own small business at AS and builds a deeper understanding of larger business at A2. How will I be assessed? Unit 1: Short answer questions and extended responses based on a case study Unit 2: Compulsory, multi part response questions Unit 3: Questions require extended answers based on an unseen case study Unit 4: Pre release research tasks leading to the first section of a two section examination. Second section will consist of a choice of essays drawing upon knowledge from all units
What will I study? AS Unit 1: Planning and Financing a Business AS Unit 2: Managing a Business A2 Unit 3: Strategies for Success A2 Unit 4: The Business Environment and Managing Change Where will it lead me? Many students go on to study Business Studies at University, with a view to a career in Marketing, Management, Media, Accountancy or of course the possibility of setting up a business. Throughout the course we will aim to give students a real insight into how a business is run, combining theory with real life business scenarios.
Who to contact for further details?
ITC Business Media
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The Heath National Teaching School
Researching and planning a new media product for TV is part of the first year.
BTEC Subsidiary Diploma
MEDIA STUDIES (One A level Equivalent)
Awarding body: EDEXCEL Course Outline: AS and A Level Economics aim to give an insight into the key issues in the news affecting everyday life. The course will allow you to understand the forces driving things like the price of oil, exchange rates and the level of unemployment in an economy. The course is comprised of 4 units Unit 1: Competitive Markets Unit 2: Managing the Economy Unit 3: Business Economics and Economic Efficiency Unit 4: The Global Economy How will I be assessed? A variety of assessment styles are used from multiple choice, data response questions and essay style questions to develop an argument.
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ITC Business Media
What will I study? During the course you will study topics like:
• Does income and wealth matter? • The impact of economic migrants into the UK • The performance of the UK economy in a European and Global context Where will it lead me? The skills you develop studying economics can be built upon and used throughout the rest of your life. The career paths are many and varied. (Just look at Arsene Wenger, an Economics graduate!).
Who to contact for further details?
Awarding body: BTEC Course Outline: The course is made up of three mandatory units plus one optional unit. Mandatory: Unit 1: Pre production techniques Unit 2: Communication skills for creative media production Unit 3: Research techniques Optional units for example could be: • Stop motion animation • Music video production • Computer games design • Page layout and design
What will I study? You will study a wide range of skills and techniques. Researching and planning a new media product for TV is also looked at in the first year. Where will it lead me? The course will be right for you if you have an interest in Media and wish to study this at degree level. The main career opportunities lie in Film Production and Journalism.
Who to contact for further details?
How will I be assessed? Like all BTEC options, producing a portfolio of evidence is the key component to the assessment.
ITC Business Media
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The Heath National Teaching School
The Heath National Teaching School
Art A Level is an accredited course for University entrance, for Foundation Art studies and Art related degree courses.
This specification sees students develop a wide range of ICT skills together with an in-depth knowledge and understanding of ICT. During this course, students develop the capacity to think creatively, innovatively, analytically, logically and critically. They look at ICT in a range of contexts to solve problems and develop an understand of the effect of ICT in individuals, organisations and society.
What will I study? Unit 1: Application Software/ Hardware; Communication and and the impact of ICT on society. Unit 2: Explore, design, develop software, test and document. Unit 3: The systems cycle; designing information systems; networks/communication; computer-based information systems. Unit 4: Explore, define, investigate/ analyse; design; software development; test/implement and evaluate through a clientdriven project.
How will I be assessed? Unit 1: 2 hour exam, AS level - 60%, A level - 30% Unit 2: Coursework, AS level - 40%, A level - 20% Unit 3: 2 hour exam, A level - 30% Unit 4: Coursework, A level - 20%
Where will it lead me? A foundation for learners who want to pursue ICT at degree level or as a career, i.e. Games Development, Animation, Web Authoring, Technical Support, Network Manager, Communications, Digital Marketing, Digital Development, Web Developer.
Awarding body: OCR Course Outline:
Who to contact for further details?
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ITC Business Media
Awarding body: AQA Course Outline: Skills based workshops, one to one tutorials, independent work, extend existing knowledge in a range of drawing, painting, printing, sculpture, ceramics and mixed media, presented in a portfolio. How will I be assessed? All Units are assessed by art staff and moderated by the Exam board externally. AS Unit 1: Practical unit set by the Art Department. 50% of total AS mark. 25% of total A Level. AS Unit 2: Practical Externally Set Assignment, choice of five starting points set by Examination Board preparation work, final outcome, five hour practical exam, a piece of developmental work. 50% of total AS mark. 25% of total A Level.
Unit 3: Personal investigation chosen by you, practical coursework element, a 1000–3000 word written investigation closely linked using a range of media. 25% of total A Level. Unit 4: Practical externally set assignment with eight starting points, set by Examination Board, preparation work, 15 hour exam to produce a final outcome. 25% of A Level. What will I study? You will take part in a series of workshops, gallery & museum visits, opportunities to mentor and assist within year 7-11 art lessons, as well as studying topics in the course outline. Where will it lead me? It will lead to careers such as: Advertising, Animation, Archivist, Art Historian, Architecture, Cinematography, Fashion, Games Design, Graphic Design, Illustration, Interior Design and many more. Who to contact for further details?
Art and Design, Performing Arts
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The Heath National Teaching School
BTEC Level 3
Awarding body: EDEXCEL Course Outline: BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma extends the specialist work related focus of the BTEC Level 3 Certificate and covers the key knowledge and practical skills required in the dance sector. It is broadly equivalent to one GCE A Level. How will I be assessed? Most of the assessment will be through practical work and performance, either with external or internal moderation. However, there are areas within different units that are assessed through written projects and presentations.
What will I study? During the course you will study a variety of different units. These include two core units: Performing to an Audience Dance Performance And four developing units: Developing Classical Ballet Applying Contemporary Dance Dance Appreciation Choreographic Principles Where will it lead me? Having completed an Edexcel BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma, students will be ideally placed to progress to level 4 or 5 BTEC Higher Nationals in Dance or to other Higher Education provision to complete a degree.
Who to contact for further details?
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Art and Design, Performing Arts
Awarding body: EDEXCEL Course Outline: AS Unit 1: Exploration of Drama and Theatre Studies AS Unit 2: Theatre Text in Performance A2 Unit 3: Exploration for Dramatic Performance A2 Unit 4: Theatre Text in Context How will I be assessed? AS Unit 1: A unit exploring two play texts practically with written coursework AS Unit 2: Students must contribute to a performance of a play and offer a monologue/ duologue from another play. Written response also required. Taken under exam conditions.
A2 Unit 3: Unit based on devised practical work and written coursework A2 Unit 4: A written examination What will I study? Devising theatre, the performance of published plays, the evaluation of theatre and the critical analysis of all the drama studied. Where will it lead me? Students may go on to study Drama, Performing Arts or Drama School Training. Having skills in Drama can lead to a variety of careers within the Performing Arts industry.
Who to contact for further details?
Art and Design, Performing Arts
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The Heath National Teaching School
The Heath National Teaching School
Awarding body: EDEXCEL Course Outline: AS Unit 1: Performing Music AS Unit 2: Composing AS Unit 3: Developing Musical Understanding A2 Unit 4: Extended Performance A2 Unit 5: Composition and Technical Study A2 Unit 6: Further Musical Understanding How will I be assessed? Units 1 and 4 (Performance – 30% AS/15% total) and Units 2 and 5 (Composition - 30% AS/15% total) are externally moderated and completed under controlled assessment conditions. Units 3 and 6 (Musical Understanding – 40% AS/20% total) are both written examinations.
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Art and Design, Performing Arts
What will I study? You will study theory, analysis, performance and composition to develop as a musician. Where will it lead me? Students can go on to study Performance, Music Technology, Performing Arts and many more. A Level Music is highly valued by many institutions as an academic course. Careers in Media, Performance and Teaching are accessible with music qualifications.
Who to contact for further details?
Awarding body: EDEXCEL Course Outline: AS Unit 1: Music Technology Portfolio 1 (Sequencing, Recording, Arranging) AS Unit 2: Listening and Analysing (aural discrimination of popular styles) A2 Unit 3: Music Technology Portfolio 2 (Sequencing, Recording, Composing) A2 Unit 4: Analysis and Producing (production tasks under examination conditions)
All internal assessments are taken under controlled conditions. What will I study? You will develop skills such as sequencing, recording, analysing and listening in a theoretical and written context. Where will it lead me? Sound engineering, production and performance are all exciting prospects in the ever-changing world of Music Technology.
Who to contact for further details?
How will I be assessed? Unit 1: (70% AS, 35% GCE) is externally moderated. Unit 2: (30% AS, 15% of GCE) is a written examination. Unit 3: (60% of A2, 30% of GCE) is externally moderated. Unit 4: (40% of A2, 20% of GCE) is a written examination.
Art and Design, Performing Arts
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The Heath National Teaching School
The Heath National Teaching School
EXTENDED PROJECT Awarding body: OCR Course Outline: The opportunity to explore an area of study not covered by the normal specification for a particular subject. You must show the ability to organise, plan and research independently.
Where will it lead me? The Extended Project is proof of the ability to work independently and plan effectively and consequently is very popular with universities.
Who to contact for further details?
How will I be assessed? Students must produce: • A Learner commentary • A dissertation • A presentation What will I study? This qualification is skills not content based. Projects take different forms and reflect a passion for a specific area of a particular subject that you have.
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Additional Courses
Projects take different forms and reflect a passion for a specific area of a particular subject that you have.
Introduction Our Sixth Form is designed to serve The Heath community and to be as inclusive as possible. The maximum number for admission in each year will be 150 applicants. Priority will be given to applicants from The Heath School who meet the entrance requirements. In the event of under-subscription, places will be made available to applicants from any school who meet the entrance requirements. In the event of over-subscription, internal and external applicants meeting the entrance requirements will be placed on a waiting list and, should any further places become available, offers will be made on a first-come first-served basis. Entry Requirements Applicants are normally required to have at least five A*-C passes at GCSE, including English and Mathematics.
• All applicants must meet the minimum requirements for the AS / A level / BTEC subjects which they wish to study. For the majority of subjects applicants are required to have achieved at least a grade B at GCSE in that subject (or a related subject where the chosen subject is not offered at GCSE) and it is expected applicants will have obtained the higher tier of entry where applicable.
• All applicants are required to have a strong work ethic and commitment to our ethos, standards and code of conduct. This will be determined from the application form, school reference and interview.
• Entry into Year 13 relies upon success in the Year 12 assessments. As a minimum all applicants are normally required to achieve a D grade (or the equivalent) in each of the subjects they continue to study in Year 13.
Admissions Policy
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New School
THE HEATH SIXTH FORM Clifton Road, Runcorn, WA7 4SY Telephone: 01928 576664 Fax: 01928 568703 Email: