Heat News n°8 - english

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Number 08

Johanna beckett’s case standwithapencil Artwork A closer look at your favorite episodes


STAFF editor Poling writers Erin, Poling, Kat, RedJane, Vero, Mariane, BN sub-editors Poling, Kat, Megan, Redjane, Mariane, Lau Translators Vero, Megan, Lau, Castle3 Illustrations Amro, standwithapencil comic Isasoto Design Nono layout Erin, Nono


ay : The month of spring and renewal. Flowers are returning and birds are making their nests. However, we, as television fans, are either in front of our TV watching reruns of our favorite series, surfing the net, and furiously seeking out information on their futures. It is usually around this time that the future of our series is determined : renewed or canceled? The first fills fans with joy and the other angers them. During this time, the fans are waiting, biting their nails and rushing to every rumor or suggestion they see about their show. It is sometimes difficult to be a fan!Because hiatus is not enough, fans also have to deal with the fate of their series fluctuating. Castle is no exception to the rule, but we still believe that the series is on track for a seventh season. Castle continues to produce high ratings. It won the People’s Choice Award for Favorite TV Crime drama. Also, Stana Katic won for Favorite Dramatic TV Actress this year ! This year started out well, so it can only be a good omen for the future. To think, the exhaustion of the writers’ imaginations is the only possible ending of the series. From that side, I think we do not have to worry! So fingers crossed. With the renewal announcement pending, what’s better than another issue of Heat News !


Contents 11 23


25 02 Agenda 04


News flash

Last tweets from the cast&crew


In the paper


Package file


Summary of recent press articles

Johanna Beckett’s case

News A closer look Underfire Limelight Little girl lost

15 17



Restricted Area




Jackson Hunt

Last spoilers

«A en devenir fou» Standwithapencil artwork XNewYorksFinestX

Follow the geek Hannibal Lecter Pocahontas


Cofee talk


Ze 12th Dimension


The latest gossips on your favorite characters Horoscope

Don´t Forget : 17 6x18 The Way of the Ninja Mars 24 6x19 The Greater Good Mars

Stana attended the Writers Guild Awards on February 1, to present an award. On February 3, Jon Huertas performedwithhis band at a concert in Los Angeles. Penny and Susan attendedthe Winter ABC TCADisney Party on January 17. Nathan held a party athishouse on February 15. Molly and the Deverswereamong the guests.



Richard Castle’s last book was released in March. It includes a Derrick Storm adventure in three parts: a brewingstorm, a raging storm and a bloody storm

Mai Juin

Nathan Fillion willbeat Dallas Comic Con from May 16-18 , the Saint Louis Comic Con from April 4-6 , the Atlanta Comic Con from June 30 – July 1, and the Philadelphia Comic Con from June 19-22. All tickets are for sale: http://www.wizardworld.com/nafisfbcstto.html

Nathan Fillion & Stana Katic April, 27 1971 & April 26, 1978

Richard Castle April 1 ..................................................................

Monet Mazur April 17, 1976


Terry E. Miller : May 13, 1956 ...................................................... Rob S. Bowman : May 15, 1960

“@AndrewBikichky: We ARE one family :) http://www. facebook.com/slatesforsarah #slatesforsarah pic.twitter.com/wuHHBiraz5 ” ...Awareness is key!

Just heard Castle’s #InTheBellyOfTheBeast was trending worldwide!!! YOU guys are amazing! Enjoy, everyone, & have a great night. X s

My sprinklers turned on during a rainstorm. Automatic doesn’t mean smart.

Wrapped! Great first day on the set of #Castle ! And they’ve asked me to come back tomorrow! Thanks again to all!

Great people accomplish great things ! Greatness is when you can pull greatness out of others to… http:// instagram.com/p/liiT7ot06S/

Flash News

What’s up on Twitter ??

In the papers Télé Loisirs

15th-21st February

Télé Loisirs decided to headline our favorite couple with the title “They get married in the show and hate each other in real life!” There is nothing new at the core of this article. The journalist decided to tell Rick and Kate’s story and their future wedding while mentioning the rumors of discord between the two actors. Moreover, the journalist mentions the rumor of a love affair between Stana Katic and

James Brolin. Finally, as a bonus, the magazine gives some information on the season including the role of House actress, “Elsa” Edelstein – a name mistake made by the journalist. Her real name is, of course, Lisa Edelstein. This is a mystery Kate Beckett will have to solve.

January 25th to February 7th As part of the “Grand prix des séries 2014” (2014 Best TV shows), the Télé 2 semaines magazine from January 25th to February 7th dedicated an article to the winners. Stana Katic and Nathan Fillion were named Best Actress/Actor in a Foreign TV show. The show was second in the Best Foreign TV show category,surpassed by Games of Thrones, one of Nathan’s favorite shows. For this occasion, Franck Rousseau spoke to the winners. Nathan expresses his joy and thinks that what attracts the French audience is the fact that he is playing an anti-hero and that it is

Super Télé

Télé 2 semaines

a pleasure for him to play a “cool guy”. As for Stana, she thanks the readers and loves to play a strong woman because she grew up in “a family and social background in which it was not acceptable to let people walk all over you”.


For Valentine’s Day, the Spanish magazine, Super Télé, decided to write an article on couples in TV shows.

show’s success. A photo of Kate in a wedding dress announces the future Caskett wedding.

Castle and Beckett are on the cover. They come back to the couple’s story and the reasons for the

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In the papers National Enquirer


This is an article on the alleged affair between StanaKatic and James Brolin (Castle’s father) that you obviously did not miss. It made you feel:

and the remarks are mean(she has bad hair, her swimsuit makes her fat...). You can immediately feel that you can’t trust what you are going to read.

❏ uspet ❏ made you laugh out loud ❏ made you think that your last writing (report, essay, article...) was worth a Pulitzer Prize ❏ irritated you ❏ disgusted you ❏ made you wish you did not read it... (Well, the most important is that you did not buy into it!)

That is why we are not going to concentrate on the content of the article, based on “anonymous sources”,because it is not important. We refuse to address anything that interferes with the actors’ privacy.

(For those of you who would think that all of the propositions are negative, that is not true... Laughing is positive!)

The positive point is that, even in this kind of magazine, Stana is still beautiful!

In brief, the article was reprinted in the French magazine, Closer, but which was originally published in the American magazine, The National Enquirer. A quick glance at the cover is enough to realize that if you turn the first page, you will enter into another dimension. There, all the photos are awful

January TV Guide magazine often talks about Castle. This time, it is Castle’s father who is at the center. James Brolin answers the journalist’s questions on his appearance in the 12th episode of the sixth season. Four questions allow us to realize that Hunt is both a good man and a bad man and that he will meet Martha again. He wishes for a closer


TV Guide

relationship with his son and especially for family dinners. Finally, there is a more

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In the papers January- February Castle is at the core of the latest SériesMag since anarticle is dedicated to the show, along with an interview of Stana Katic and Nathan Fillion. The magazine comes back to the relationship between Kate and Rick and analyzes the similarities and differences of it. The article compares it to one from a soap opera, although the show couldn’t be further from that genre.

Séries Mag

“The Young and the Restless”. The second part gives the actors the opportunity to speak about the sixth season, the challenges their characters will face, and the actors’ point of view on their craft. For example, Stana is delighted to be able to do her own stunts because she took martial arts classes during her studies while Nathan says he is too old for that kind of physical strain.

The show follows its own path and has a good storyline without getting too close to

20 Minutes

February 13th

20 minutes, the free magazine, got an interview with actress Maya Stojan, a Genevan who plays Tori Ellis, the computer geek that all Esplanie fans hate because Espo is looking too closely at her.

her quick entrance into a nice team and thanks them for welcoming her. Interview available online : http://www.20min.ch/ro/entertainment/ television/story/27180348

Through fifteen questions, the actress tells about her career, how difficult it is to break in Hollywood. Her two passions are golf and theatre. She talks about her role in the show and describes herself as someone who is not good at informatics. She then mentions

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In the papers US Weekly


We have all dreamt of being able to see what Stana Katic keeps in her purse. Well, it is now a possibility thanks to US Weekly magazine, who dedicated an article to her bag. The actress explains right away that she wants to keep her bag simple.

Therefore, you will neither find a coin lying around nor a makeup case, but rather facial cloths and her day cream. She can be sent wherever in the world in a short period of time because of her job, so she always carries her toothbrush and some toothpaste with her. As for sweets that she loves, she has Hi-Chews, a Japanese fruit candy.


StanaKatic is at the center of TV Weekly (January, 27th). After a quick look at the series’ success, the actress talks about the beginning of the season and Kate’s departure to DC. She explains that she particularly liked the FBI-centered storyline and that she thought it would last a bit longer. According to her, Castle’s success is also because of the development of secondary

TV Weekly

characters, which gives more depth to the show. What Stana likes more than anything is to play her character while sharing the screen with other actors and technical staff.

Erin - Poling - RedJane


number 08

Press Pack Johanna Beckett 48505250854-JKL, these numbers and letters will probably tell you nothing and yet they correspond to the record number of the connecting thread that holds us spellbound since the first season: the death of Johanna Beckett. Although resolved since the beginning of the fifth season, the editorial team decided to reopen the case starting at the beginning ...

In the 1990s everything involving this character began when people had to pay bribes to the right people to get by. In this injustice, John Raglan, Gary McCallister and Roy Montgomery begin a rogue demanding of ransom for their release. Everything went wrong in 1992 during the attempted abduction of Joe Pulgatti. In fact, an undercover FBI agent, Bob Armen, tried to prevent this abduction by seizing the weapon of one of the three kidnappers. A gunshot goes off and Bob Armen falls dead. A man, the Dragon, learns what happened and develops a contract with 3 men: he gets the money from the ransom and their secrets are kept. Joe Pulgatti pleads guilty to murder and gets a life imprisonment. Over the years, all four men kept the deal... until 9 January 1999. Johanna Beckett, a lawyer, was killed by multiple stab wounds in a small alley. Directed

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b y John Raglan, the investigation is marked classified. Not believing the official version, her daughter, Katherine Beckett, became detective and decides to shed light on her mother’s death. Meanwhile, the Dragon, uses the ransom money to gain power and become what it is today: a feared, untouched man. A few years later, the young woman meets Richard Castle, who will become her partner. She confided in him with her mother’s death. With the help of Esposito, Castle decides to find the Johanna Beckett case file from the archive (1x05) and reopen the case without Kate’s consent. He discovers that three other people were killed in the same manner as Johanna a few months after her death. When the writer tells the detective about it, she doesn’t want to know. A few months later, a murder is committed with the same modus operandi (2x13). The culprit turns out to be Dick Coonan, a professional killer and a


Press Pack that had gone wrong. There were three kidnappers : John Raglan, Gary McCallister and a third unidentified man. The motive for the murder of Johanna is clarified when it’s revealed that Pulgatti had contacted a lawyer to help prove his innocence. drug dealer who was hired to kill Johanna Beckett and the other victims. (photo: Dick Coonan) Unfortunately Coonan takes Castle as a hostage and Kate is forced to kill him before he could say the name of the one who order the killings. The detective, having no solid leads, pursues investigations continuing her quest for justice. In early 2011, John Raglan, dying from lymphoma, called to tell her that there are things she needs to know about the death of her mother (3x13). She learns that her mother’s death is only the result of a series of deaths beginning in 1992. This is all she learns when someone kills Raglan. The investigation leads to Gary McCallister who will lead them to Vulcan Simmons, the biggest drug dealer in the city. There is a link discovered between Simmons and Beckett. He worked in Washington Heights, where Johanna had launched the campaign : «Take back our neighborhood». It’s purpose was to get rid of the dealers. This campaign could have hurt Simmons business. During Vulcan’s interrogation things go wrong and Beckett loses control and pushes him against the mirror. Facing her behavior, Kate is forced to release him. Continuing her research with the writer, Kate discovers that when she died, Johanna was investigating an event that happened in the alley where she was murdered: the death of Bob Armen. They go to prison to meet Joe Pulgatti who maintains his innocence. He tells them that he witnessed the murder of Bob and it was originally kidnapping


Ryan and Esposito discover that Raglan’s murderer is named Hal Lockwood. He takes both as hostages to find out what they know about him and his employer. Castle and Beckett save them and Lockwood was arrested, but never confesses. A few months later, Lockwood kills McCallister in prison (3x24). He then obtaines a court hearing during which he escapes on a helicopter. Looking for the name of the third cop, they find Napolitano, but the writer realizes that the documents were forged. Too involved in the case, Montgomery asks Castle to convince Beckett to stop the investigation. When Castle talks to Beckett their discussion escalates and she said that their partnership is over. Lockwood then visits Montgomery because he has not fulfilled his part of the contract: prevent Beckett from reopening the investigation. The killer made it clear to Roy that he has to set a trap and bring her to a warehouse in order to kill her. Before going to the meeting, he puts documents in an envelope, compromising the person behind all of it. Ryan and Esposito are still looking for the third cop and they eventually find his name. They don’t believe it when they discover that it is their captain: Roy Montgomery. Arriving at the hangar, Beckett receives a message revealing the identity of the third cop.

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Press Pack Kate demands an explanation. Montgomery tells her everything, but refuses to give her the identity of the Dragon. He also admits that he has driven her here to trap Lockwood. As she tries to dissuade him from sacrificing himself, Castle takes her away and the Captain confronts Lockwood alone. They kill each other. Castle, Ryan, Esposito and Beckett then make a pact to hide the truth about his role. Just when things were suppose to calm down, Kate becomes a sniper’s targe tat Montgomery’s funeral. Left between life and death, she narrowly survives. Richard Castle is then contacted by a man named Smith. He used the evidence sent by Montgomery to strike a deal with the Dragon: Beckett’s safety in exchange for the end of her investigation. Smith sought help from Castle to help keep her away from the case. Having no other choice, Castle agrees, but continues the investigation on his side. Aside from an investigation in which Smith had to interfere to protect Beckett (4x12), nothing else happens until Spring 2012. A Hispanic named Orlando Costas is assassinated after robbing Montgomery’s house (4x23). The killer is none other than Cole Maddox, who tried to kill Kate a year earlier. She started to pursue him, wanting nothing more than to catch him, even if that puts her in danger. After having a fight with Maddox, which she emerges from unscathed, Kate decides to resign. With Montgomery’s files, Maddox goes back to Smith to obtain the location of the evidence held on by the Dragon (5x01). Roy’s friend did not give it away and is left in poor condition before being found and put under protection in the hospital. Before being taken, he has time to inform the duo of the records they found, along with Maddox. Smith put the records, and Maddox, who’s real is Cedric Marks, in the explosion. Recovering all the small pieces of the files, they manage to restore some number 08

clues, such as an account number for the ransom money. After some research, they go back to the account owner, who is none other than Senator Bracken. Kate seeks out the help of Smith to stop the Senator, but he refuses to help because he owed Roy and not her. He doesn’t want to die in this fight. He will, however, be killed shortly after. Wanting to confront the murderer of her mother, Kate meets him at a fundraiser. He defends himself by saying that he has done great things since the killing and has improved many people’s lives. Knowing that if she reveals the information he will kill her, Kate makes a deal with him: she keeps his secret if he doesn’t go after her loved ones. She will do justice for her mother later, but in the meantime she will return to work and continue to catch killers. Kate is brought to meet Bracken again when he becomes the target of a killer (5x13). Kate and her team are responsible for his protection. She even saves the life of her mother’s murderer, throwing herself on him when a bomb, placed by his driver, explodes. To thank her, he offers to help her if she ever needs it. About a year later, Kate is driven out of spite into an undercover mission (6x17). The narcotics detectives investigate a new drug cartel that exists in the city and has already killed six drug traffickers. They find themselves in trouble when Elena Markov, their informant and messenger from a low-level cartel, is found in the hospital after a suicide attempt when she was suppose receive a promotion. Beckett is sent to replace Markov to catch the members of this cartel, especially their leader, Lazarus. However, things don’t go as planned as Kate is kidnapped and taken to one of the people running the network. Unable to communicate with


Press Pack the rest of her team who knows nothing of where she is, she «plays» the role of Elena, which becomes much more important than she thought. Elena is a contract killer and is the one that killed the smaller dealers. After she succeed in the mission they had entrusted with her, Kate can finally meet Lazarus as she had previously asked. However, their paths had already crossed three years ago. Instead of Lazarus, Kate is taken to Vulcan Simmons, who recognizes her immediately. Wanting to know what she knows about Lazarus, he begins torture her putting her head in ice water. Refusing to speak, he sends one of his employees to kill her in the woods. Kate is saved by the real Elena who was sent by the real Lazarus, who was indebted to her. The case is resolved and the network is dismantled. This account was emptied when their hideout was discovered by the police and the money had disappeared. That same evening, Senator Bracken announced his candidacy for Presidency. Rumors say that he would have substantial funds for his campaign donated by major donors. He hides behind Vulcan Simmons and pulls the strings of a network of drugs and money laundering while continuing to eliminate anyone who gets in his way, as Johanna Beckett did. Beholden to Kate, he let her live, but now they’re even and he will not hesitate to kill her next time. Will Kate Beckett manage to punish the one responsible for her mother’s death (and so many others) or he will catch her up before? Stay tuned.

BN- Poling


number 08

News Doublé pour les PCA


n January 8th, the People’s Choice Awards took place at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles.Its purpose is to give awards to artists who have entertained the public in 2013. As a reminder, the stars of the show were nominated in 4 categories: Stana Katic for Favorite Dramatic TV actress, Seamus Dever and Jon Huertas for Favorite TV Bromance, Stana Katic Nathan Fillion for Favorite On-Screen Chemistry, and finally Castle for Favorite TV Crime Drama.During the ceremony, the series was shown in two of these categories. Stana Katic and the series have won their awards.The Bro’s lost to Sam, Dean and Castiel from Supernatural, and Caskett lost to Damon and Elena from The Vampire Diaries.It was a little late for Stana Katic to recieve her award.

She recieved it backstage and said she was filming until late into the evening for the 15th episode of season 6 of Castle. However, she went on stage to present an artist and took the opportunity to say a few words to thanks her fans and the fans of the series.

M.A.A.N. in Paris


n Tuesday, January 21, the latest Joss Whedon film, Much Ado About Nothing, was previewed with Whedon in the audience on the Champs Elysees, a long street in Paris filled with shops. Whedon participated in the traditional autograph signing with the crowd gathered outside the cinema. At the end of the screening, he was given applause from the fans in the audience. Some even wore the famous attirefrom Firefly. At the end of the screening, the audience were given information on the staging, casting and

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the story of the film. Whedon confided that his wife, the film’s producer, advised him to make a film rather than take vacations. He says that work takes up most of his life and that he has few friends. It can safely be said that Nathan Fillion is one of the privileged friends of the Avengers’ director. Through this film adaptation of Shakespeare’s comedy, Vocable magazine encourages English teachers to engage their students by starting a contest based off of questions from the film. The award : a private screening of the movie!



Nathan on Jimmy Kimmel


n February 12th, Nathan Fillion was a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live. He talked about his home country, Canada, the Olympics, why you should not eat with him, and the success of Castle’s sixth season. The cheerful personality of Nathan emerged while he shared anecdotes that were amusing. Everyone knows Nathan’s love for all kinds of gadgets. Here, it’s the Vitamix 5200, a high-powered blender used to make smoothies. Nathan added that he had recently used this blender at one of his parties. His beverage ended with weird taste, but he didn’t say anything. Once his guests left, Nathan realized the reason for the strange taste : a serving spoon that was inside the blender when he used it. In order to get all these gadgets, Nathan has applications on his phone that he uses to search through Amazon where he recently bought a Bug Gun.

The end of the interview was dedicated to Castle with a sneak peek from the 16th episode of season 6. Through social networks, the actor is aware of the series success and what fans are willing to do to show their addiction. He is surprised that some fans have a tattoo of his face, Serenity, Firefly, or Castle. Nathan, meanwhile, is not ready to tattoo his fans’ faces on his body!

Jon at the theater


n January 30, Jon Huertas participated in «The Blind Date Project.» Everyweek, an actor is partnered with actress Bojana Novakovic to improvise a play. Bojoana Novakovik is a Serbian actress who spent her childhood in Australia before coming to the United States to pursue an acting career. They play was eccentric and took place in a small room, which allowed the audience to be amazed.



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A closer look Under Fire

Episode 6x11 Castle and Beckett must find a serial arsonist as Ryan and Esposito struggle for their life in a building set on fire.

9 / 10 The tone of this episode is set from the opening credits. A building on fire, firemen running around, Beckett and Castle on the scene, and Jenny worrying about her husband, Ryan. There are no words needed for the audience to understand. Kate’s glance toward the building in flames explains it all: Ryan is in there with Esposito. Then there is a twelve-hour flashback taking us to the beginning of the case where a burned body is found in the remnants of a building. This body is Blake McCann, a fire investigator, who wastrying to find a serial arsonist named “phantom”. The interesting part of this episode is not the case, but later, when two members of the 12th precinct get in the middle of a building fire. The friendship between Ryan and Esposito is put in the front lines giving us the feeling that these two think of each other as brothers. The fact that Kevin would, if his child were a boy, name him after Javier proves how deep he cares about his partner. The waiting is terrible outside the building. Beckett and Castle are on the scene. Beckett is tearing up and we can only feel that she would rush in to the blaze if she could, but her reasoning prevails. She can’t do anything. She becomes overwhelmed by a helpless feeling, which she hates. She also proves that Ryan and Esposito are also a part of her family because she would do everything for them, including threatening Mark Kimball, the arsonist, that, “If they die, you die”.

Castle is Kate’s support. He hides his fear a little better than she does, but through the gazes they share, they both are very worried about their friends in the building. Lanie and Jenny join them on the scene. For Jenny, this is when the worst blends with the best. The fear of loosing her husband is combined with the joy that she is about to give birth to their child. For Lanie, she is the friend doing her best to help Jenny to deliver. The audience can only see the fear that she has for her friends, especially Esposito. The end of the episode confirms her feelings when she rushes into his arms when they are freed. Gates also plays a role while interrogating Milo Pavlik, who is the only one that is able to help the NYPD identify the arsonist. She does not hesitate to bully him and to make him face the ultimate consequences if he remains silent. He would be an accessory to murder. This episode ends with a touching scene: a family “picture” when everyone is reunited and the ships are returned: Esplanie, Caskett, and Kenny surrounding Sarah Grace. Tension remains all through the episode. The fear that these two might die is present, even though we knew Marlowe would never kill them (although he did kill Montgomery). This was almost perfect episode.


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A closer look Limelight

Episode 6x13 When a rising young pop star is found dead in an alley, Castle and Beckett delve into the victim’s outof-control hard-partying lifestyle.

8 / 10 In this episode, we dive into the murder of a young celebrity double in Hollywood, Mandy Sutton, who seemed to be living a party life. This character seems to be a parody of the actress Miley Cyrus, who is known for her good stunts, but also bad ones. Need proof? The episode’s character was an idol to a lot of young girls because of her famous television show that looks a lot like Hannah Montana. At the beginning of the episode, everybody thinks it’s the famous actress that has been killed. However, once evidence arises everyone realizes that this isn’t a celebrity, but her famous double that was used to fool the paparazzi. From here, the team looks for the target behind the murder. Was the killer after the decoy or the actress? Finally we learn that the actress’ mother was the guilty one. The reason: she didn’t want to destroy her daughter’s fame. The case is quite banal. What makes this episode

interesting is Alexis. After an unfortunate phone exchange, Alexis finds herself caught up with the actress who is believed to be dead. Even though they both have totally different personalities, they help each other, without necessarily wanting to, to open their eyes on what kind of life they really want. The episode ends with Alexis not seeing Pi in her future anymore. “Limelight” has two kinds of celebrities under the microscope: Mandy and Castle. On one side there is the supposed death of a celebrity. The news about it is quickly on every channel. On the other side there is Castle who has to live with rumors about him, including one that suggests that he is back with his ex-wife. Beckett acts like it doesn’t bother her at all. However, by the end of the episode, we discover that Castle and Beckett’s engagement has been published in the newspapers. Beckett published it and appears to be more influenced by the rumor than she had said.



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A closer look Little lost girl

Episode 1x09 Beckett is called to work with the FBI when a 2 year old girl disappears. However, the FBI agent she must work with his a past boyfriend.

6 / 10 The episode begins with a beautiful sunset over the buildings of Manhattan and Kate’s arrival at the crime scene. Castle, in teasing mood, joins her with coffee and pastries. This episode is a delightful mix between an exboyfriend, a «partner», and an unusual investigation. Marlowe plays the typical card of the sexy FBI lover back in his hometown, but it works very well. Kate’s character is revealed a little more when she accidentally says that she subscribes to Castle’s fan site. She also reveals that she has a passion for ice skating, she likes donuts, and Castle’s books have helped her get through her mother’s murder. Sorrenson, the ex-boyfriend, is presented as the one that got away. He didn’t forget Beckett, who he had left six months earlier, and plans to win her back. Of course we see jealous Castle throughout the episode because he feels like his muse might be escaping him. Castle is at the top of his game. His antics bring a touch of lightness to a story of a child abduction. Castle shows that he knows Beckett when he gives her the coffee she always orders and a bear claw. He takes a relaxed tone as he agrees to stay out of the interrogation room and return to his home as Kate asked. Castle finds a link

between the kid’s stuffed animal and the location of the child. For the first time, Kate defines her relationship with Castle when Sorensson asks about her feelings for him. Kate says, « I don’t know. He’s interesting. » She presents herself as not as hostile towards Castle as she once was. She’s getting to know the man behind the writer. At the end of the episode, Kate nears her connection to Nikki Heat when she rejects Sorensson and leaves Castle in a state of mystery about their date. The case is not a usual one for the series. The subject of a child abduction can often lead to a severe type of episode with no place for fun. In this episode, although the urgency is present in the agony of the parents, the team comes together to find the child, but with some humor along the way. In addition, the episode revisits several other classical themes :child custody through adoption, blackmail and deceit. This mixture gives a picture of complexity in family relationships and in a lack of communication. The ending is happy for the child because she is found in good health, but she will now have her life changed because of the actions of her parents.


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Cat Fight Late on a Friday, the Heat News team is still working hard into the late hours of the night, something that is not surprising. When there is nothing new to discuss, the conversation turns into the previous events on Castle. This time, Jackson Hunt, aka Castle’sDad, was at the center of the debate. Subject to the approval of the society of cat fight, the eigth session is now open!

Kat: Honestly, I don’t think he puts the job before his family. He still arrived just in time to save Castle in the two-parter episode in season five and he had a plan to save Alexis. Mariane: Yes, he watches and protects them in his own way : FROM AFAR. It shows he cares about his family, but it also sticks with the idea that he abandoned them . . . Redjane: Okay, he saved Rick, but he has never made an appearance in his life before ! Kat: But it’s not surprising. He didn’t really have a choice. He wasn’t supposed to « fall in love » with Martha or have a child with her. He has pictures of Alexis when she was a child. It’s not nothing. He has followed their life. Mariane: He could have quit his job. It’s not as simple, I agree, but… Redjane: If Alexis had never been kidnapped (because of him) he might have never met his son. Kat: I don’t think so. He would have made it happen one day. Mariane: Perhaps. He tries to keep a clear conscience, but he loves them. It’s his family. Redjane: He still chose his job. He could have done something else …


Kat: In my opinion, once you’re in this type of work, you can’t easily escape it… Mariane: It’s too risky, in his opinion, to meet them. I don’t know if would have gone to see the mother wise… Kat: And then he said the word « always » to his son. It’s not nothing. It’s THE word. THE promise. Redjane: Yeah ... Kat: I think Castle’s Dad would do anything for Rick, Martha, and Alexis – even Kate. He has a sense of family with them, even if he is not near them. He maybe afraid of not being worhty of happiness with them. By following the lives of Martha, Castle, and Alexis, he might have been ashamed of who he was. Redjane: He gave him two books in 40 years. It’s still not much of a relationship – even if Castle was moved by them. Mariane: He combines the two lives in his own way. He « stays close » to his family, watching over them, while continuing his work. He’s still putting the mat risk of danger because of his job, with Alexis in Paris. After that, he could have questioned what he was doing and say that this could happen again and worse. Redjane: I don’t think he is ashamed. On the contrary, it is true that it is difficult for him to come back, but does number 08

Cat Fight

he want to ? Kat: That’s a good question. At the same time, if he came back, Kate would have no other choice than to arrest him. Mariane: He might come back. It wouldn’t be easy, but I’m sure they would all be happy to see him from time to time. Kat: Kate’s a cop. He’s a fugitive. Mariane: She’s his daughter-in-law. He’s her father-inlaw. Redjane: Remember that he didn’t hesitate to put Caslte and Beckett in danger to achieve his goal in « DeepCover ». Kat: I think, if here ally took his place in the Rodgers’ family, he would have his hands tied. He wouldn’t really be able to protect his famiy. Redjane: I don’t think he will come back. He made his choice a long time ago. Mariane:If there ally thought about his family more than his job, he would try to quit now. If that’s even possible. We don’t really know what he did throughout his life. Kat: It would benice to learn his backstory. Mariane: He’s a spy, Kat. Redjane: That’s his job. Kat: Yes, but the pictures he has are quite personal. He had to try to get close several times to get them. He gave books to his son. He was still a part of Rick’s life in someway.

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Redjane: Yes, because he was the one that triggered the passion for writing in Rick. He had an influence, for sure. Mariane: It’s like he was there during his childhood. Redjane: What is funny is that neither Martha nor Castle were angry that he had those pictures or that he was there the entire time. Kat: They did not really have time. I think Rick is happy that he has his father and he is trying to figure out what he is feeling. He does not want to spend the time he has with his Dad just arguing with him. However, Rick does have a reason to hate him. Mariane: Sure. He must feel strange because he can’t really consider him his father - apart from the blood relationship. They have nothing in common. Redjane: I think Rick has suffered from not having his father in his life. He just has never confessed it. He has always hide his deepest feelings. Kat: I also think he was hurt, but maybe his out let was his writing. It was a strong image at the end of the episode when Castle and Martha were close to each other and Hunt was looking up at them before leaving. It was like he wanted to make sure that Caslte and Martha will always be there for each other, regardless of what he has to do in life. Redjane: He probably asked himself in that moment what he would do if he could be with them, but it’s too late. Mariane: I think we will see him again. Maybe on their wedding day sitting with everyone ? That would benice !


Cat Fight

Kat: Maybe not sitting with everyone, but off to the side ? Like leaning against a tree or something. Maybe he was at Rick’s previous marriages ? Redjane: Don’t you think he would like to be with Martha ? Mariane: Maybe. Martha seems to have accepted him back, but it does surprise me that she wasn’t more upset with him. Kat:Same. But she loved him. When you see the man you love suffering you only think of how to help him. But, if one day, he had to choose between his job and his family, I think he would choose them. He can’t be that bad. I think the job made him like that. Redjane: He won’t choose his family. Not now. He can’t have a family. He can’t have a normal life. He might be killed in an episode if he did that. Mariane: He could have told Martha why he had to leave. It wouldn’t have endangered her too much.

Radjane: We don’t know what here ally thinks. I think he’s disappointed now. Kat: He idolized him. At the same time, he doesn’t know anything about him. With the arrival of Hunt, Marlowe has opened doors for these characters. Now there are sever always for episodes to focus on Hunt. Mariane: He must deal with his business. It’s not a matter of choice. Despite his choices, he must love and protect them above all else. I think I’m alone with this one. Redjane: Okay, we said we wouldn’t have any more coffee after a certain hour. But what did you put in your hot chocolate ? Mariane: Nothing, I swear. Kat: I think Marlowe loves to scramble fans’ minds. Hunt had his job before his family. Nothing allows us to tip the balance more to one side or the other. We don’t know enough about him.

Kat: If his job kept him away from them forever, then yes. But he has always been there and Rick knew, subconsciously. So he hasn’t thought about it. At least not too much.

Redjane: We will probably see Hunt again and gradually we may have some answers ... In Marlowe we trust!

Redjane: The main thing is that he thinks of his father as a good guy…

Mariane: In chocolate we trust !

Kat: He doesn’t think that anymore. Even if he can’t trust him, his father will always be there to save his life.

Kat:He’s our God ;)

Redjane:Huh ...

REDJANE, kat, mariane


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Restricted area

Les z’amours Now that the dress and the music are picked, the venue and the wedding date still have to be defined. Unfortunately, no information concerning the wedding came out. Will it happen this season or will we have to wait until next season?

There is nothing on the other relationships neither and especially the one between Esposito and Lanie for which people do not know where they stand.

Les z’amitiés et la Castle family In the latest Heat News issue, we told you that we would discover Ryan as a father. Besides his return from paternity leave, nothing was said about that and so we wish the spoilers we already have will be for the next episodes. There is no spoiler available about Martha or Alexis and a possible (why not?) new relationship to replace our favourite fruitarian, Pi who, as a reminder, was “dumped”.

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Restricted area

au 12th The title of the next episode will be “The Greater Good” but at the time this article is being written, no news was available about this episode, we only know that it will air on March 24th. In the episode 20, “That 70s show”, the 12th team will look into the 70s. Harold Metzger, the former right-hand man of the crime chief in the 70s, Vince Lamotta, is still convinced that he lives at that time. Even though he is a gangster, they will all have to pretend it is still the 70s to obtain further information from him. This will then include the hairstyle and clothes of that time for everyone – but especially for the boys according to Stana Katic. The episode will therefore give us an insight of the New York of the seventies.

find out that the Captain’s sister is a District Attorney and that there is no great love between the two of them. Victoria even never talks about her sister, but the victim being an informer for the District Attorney’s office, everyone will have to team up to find the killer. Andrew W. Marlowe, the creator of the show, made it official: this year, he broke with his two-parts tradition of the second half of the season. However, do not be disappointed since we got one at the beginning of the season with the first two episodes.

In one of the next episodes, we will get to know Captain Gates’ sister, Elizabeth Watts. She will be impersonated by the Eureka actress, Salli Richardson-Whitfield. We will


Poling Rédactrice

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Artzone Coup de coeur de Mariane: Standswithapencil

Can you present yourself to our readers in... we will say approximately thirty words ? Hi, I’m Arlene and I’m a pencil artist from the Netherlands. Besides drawing I have a huge love for films, television, archaeology, architecture and basically anything that allows me to be creative. I guess it’s genetic because I have a very creative family. My mom can create basically anything out of nothing, my late grandfather could draw really well, my cousins are also really artistic, so I’ve basically always been surrounded by creative people. Is drawing more a passion, a hobby or a work for you ? For me, drawing started out as a hobby. I have drawn basically all my life, but I drew my first portrait when I was 17. Then I didn’t draw for two and a half years, but I came across a website of an amazing pencil artist and I wanted to be able to do what she did. That’s when my passion for drawing really started. I bought the right pencils, the right paper and I just drew. I don’t see it as a work but I’m beginning to earn a little money with it. It’s great to know that people actually like your drawings enough to buy them.


Did you studied in a spinneret of art and do you want it to become your future work ? I didn’t have any specific art classes for drawing, just the regular art classes in high school during which I painted, sculpted, etc. All I know about drawing came from reading about it, looking at other artworks and then I would just try it myself (in a museum I would stand so close to a painting that I could see the brush stroke). I would love to have a job in which I can be creative and in which I’m surrounded by creative people. But I’m not sure if I want drawing to be my work. At least not the way I currently draw. I want it to remain fun and once I start to see it as something I have to do to get bread on the table, I’m not sure if it would still be that much fun. Do you stay conventional with traditional art or do you sometimes opt for digital art ? I really love working with pencils, I’m like a kid in a candy store when it comes to art supplies and always have been. I’m really a hands-on kind of artist, but I do sometimes draw digitally. That is, until my tablet stopped

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Artzone working. Pencils are so much more reliable. What is your primary aim when you create a new drawing ? The only thing I’m currently aiming for is to get a portrait as lifelike as possible, plus I find expressions really important. Which is one of the reasons why I started up the “Many Faces of Kate Beckett” project. I want to capture those exact expressions, or get as close to it as possible. It’s great to draw actors, because of their array of facial expressions. I love it! Where does your inspiration came from ? These are usually scenes in Castle that had an impact on me, so I want to capture that in a drawing. I drew a scene from the episode Killshot, the one where Beckett was at the psychologist saying “I want to be more than who I am”. That scene practically broke me, hence it’s special to me in a way and I had to draw it. I do tend to go for dramatic moments, so the last drawing I did was of the interrogation scene in Knockdown. While I was drawing that, my thoughts went: “Man, I really need to draw a happy face after this!” In your gallery, we can mostly see Stana’s drawings. Is she a model for you ? I love drawing her, she inspires me. Besides, it’s great to work with a familiar face when trying out new techniques. So far I’ve drawn her with coloured pencil, graphite pencil, white pastel on dark paper, coffee, watercolour paint. So the face may be the same, but the mediums differ. How do you usually imagine and create a drawing, step by step ? When I begin a drawing I start out with a grid, which is considered to be cheating by some, but I find it a great tool to get the proportions and placement of my drawing right. It’s especially helpful with coloured pencil work since it allows you to make less mistakes and coloured

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pencil is very difficult to erase. I then “map out” the drawing. After this I start to colour it in layers. (Insérer hyperlien image “killshotprogress”) Since when do you know Castle and how did you discovered it ? I’ve watched it since day one. About two weeks before the pilot aired I was notified by a friend because I was talking about how I missed those 80s shows and how they didn’t make that kind of television any more. This girl came up to me and said, “Did you hear about that new show coming up called Castle ? They say it’s a lot like those 80s shows!” So I watched it and fell in love with it. What is the little spark or the big crush that makes you love this serie ? I love the dynamic between the characters and I love how it is sometimes serious and sometimes not. It exceeded my expectations, it’s better than those 80s shows I had fallen in love with before. They not only use the leads, who have amazing chemistry, but also make use of the supporting cast very well, which makes it a much more three dimensional environment. The writing is amazing, they’re not afraid to challenge themselves, and I love the fact that it’s a romance, detective, drama and also comedic show. Let’s do a fangirls’ talk. What do you hope for the next episodes of Castle ? Wow, good question ! I really enjoyed seeing the Alfred Hitchcock inspired episode, “The Lives of Others”. I enjoy his movies a lot and a few days before the news of this episode came out I was actually thinking: “How can these characters be stuck at home and still have a case to solve? Rear Window!”. Plus having Terri and Andrew appearing in it was typically Hitchcockian. So, being the obvious old movie buff that I’m here, I would love to see a “Murder on the Orient-Express” episode or something that involves Broadway, considering the story takes place in NY. They could call it “Kiss Me, Kate”, after the musical about the production of Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew”.


Artzone Do you also draw other things than Castle ? I’ve drawn other tv-shows and I’ve a drawing of The Hunger Games in my works. I’m also an artist for an organization called “heART for Charity”, which has been created by a couple of friends of mine. We create artworks and these will be auctioned to raise funds for charity. 100% of money raised will go to an organization called SA-YES. For example, last September I drew an XFiles drawing for this project. Gillian Anderson (appears in X-Files) signed all our heARTworksfor.

Have you got any advice for our readers who want to follow an art way ? My advice is: don’t be intimidated by great artists, use it more as an inspiration. Keep practising your skills and raise the bar with every piece you draw, don’t hold back. It’s a learning process, but with dedication you can get very far.

Do you think you will continue to make drawings connected to Castle for long ? I honestly have no idea. But probably, considering the project I’m working on. I also really want to draw architectural pieces, but I haven’t gotten around to it yet, and I’ve a few projects laying around for family members. So my guess is that in the near future I’ll be drawing lots of children too.


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FANFICTION To Become Crazy Writer: Iliana Genre: Romance Rating: NC-17 (M) Language: French Read

With the success of 50 Shades of Grey, this writer decided to enter into a world with Castle : NC-17. « To Become Crazy » takes place during season three with some of our favorites : Castle, Beckett, Esposito, Ryan, their exs, and Castle’s family. We find Esposito on alert, Ryan with a few late nights, and our favorite couple more playful than ever. The action takes place exclusively from a sentimental point of view. There is no investigation in progress. During an investigation, Rick receives a blow to the head. It has quite an effect on the writer’s perceptions as he begins to hallucinate and fantasize in his hospital room about Beckett being a sexy nurse. When Beckett realizes what is happening, she decides to have fun at the writer’s expense, making things interesing. She sets up a seductive game to trick her

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partner. Kate doesn’t hesitate to enjoy her partner’s charms before with drawing and leaving him unfulfilled. Gradually, Rick starts to wonder what is happening. Kate betrays herself with a single sentence. From that moment, the two decide to give up and live together in overwhelming passion. The last chapter was surprising, as the author added an epilogue.

original, it’s bold, and it leaves the reader frustrated and confused. It’s the right mix between the awakening of the senses, staging and feelings, which creates a good experience in the fanfiction universe.

I chose this fanfiction because it’s



Lire la vidéo

Castle Cast ~


In My Veins

t became official in « SmellsLikeTeen Spirit » (6x15) that Castle and Beckett finally have their song !

(S4 Tribu te C


+ vidéos

However, the Castle fandom did not wait for a specific episode to confirm that « In My Veins » was THE Caskett song. After searching for the song, I discovered many fan videos were made with the music of Andrew Belle. Most videos were made following the «Always» episode, (4x23), of course, but some are more recent. Almost all show the «story» of the relationship between the writer and his muse. The one I have chosen to highlight is a little different since it is a tribute to season four. There is obviously the Caskett element, but there is also the Esplanie and Kenny side as well. It is a collaboration between several talented creatives united under the single name :XNewYorksFinestX. They have managed to convey emotion through a beautiful video.


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Follow the geek

Hannibal Lecter


t is definitely not the first time that Castle has referred to a cult phenomenon and a well-know element of cinematic art. From the famous ET and its bike to the movie Jaws, the references are numerous and most of the time they come from various origins. But some of these references are noticeable because of the number of times they are mentioned in the show. We already know that Richard Castle knows a lot about the Geek universe. Thus, the question we have to ask ourselves is how could he have missed the biggest protagonist of the history of serial killers: Dr Hannibal Lecter. Even if it would be for the best to miss this character,who is at the same time disgusting and addictive, Castle does not hesitate to show that he has already yielded to the “mouth-watering delight” of savouring the adventures of this charismatic character (pun of the day, here we are!). He therefore shares with us in the 17th episode of season five, entitled “Scared to Death”, a more than explicit comparison. Remember this famous - but deceased - serial killer, Nigel Malloy, who swore to carry on with killing from beyond the grave. But remember more particularly his charming brother, Leopold? He seems charming at first sight, if you are into psychopaths smiling from ear to ear, and locked

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in a glass cage. As the meeting with the “man” is coming close, Castle is less and less certain that he wants to face “the 21st century Doctor Lecter”. He even asks the nurse who comes with them what precisely is his mental state “on a scale of one to Hannibal Lecter”. This is a reference to the movie The Silence of the Lambs and its main subject, Doctor Hannibal Lecter. In this scene we see a visit similar to the one in the film where the suspect is kept behind a glass wall. The recommendations the nurse makes to Castle and Beckett are the same ones that were given to Clarice Starling, played by Jodie Foster. She is an FBI agent and a very important character in the movie. Standing in front of this glass, Kate acts similarly to Clarice to remind the viewer of the scene between her and


Follow the geek Hannibal. And instead of Anthony Hopkins, who embodied Hannibal Lecter, we have the actor Sean Whalen playing a very convincing psychopath as far as my taste is concerned (a last pun to end the day). This episode has even been described in a headline as “Castle and Beckett in a scene of The Silence of the Lambs”, therefore showing that it is one of the most striking scenes of the episode. So, we have seen a murderous DVD, which really looks like a remake of The Ring, and many other references to horror movies. “Scared to Death” is a creative tribute to all the horror characters of history. However, this is not the first time that The Silence of the Lambs, and its famous Hannibal Lecter, are mentioned in Castle. Remember when, in the 7th episode of the first season, “Home Is Where The Heart Stops”, a certain Caine Powell, a former jewellery thief and former lover of Martha Rodgers, appears and says a line directly from the movie, said by Hannibal Lecter himself: “Seeing comes before wanting, Rick”. But I will not mention all the times there were hannibalian references in Castle, because there is not enough room. First of all, The Silence of the Lambs is the adaptation of the second novel of a tetralogy written by Thomas Harris. His stories feature the main and fictional character, H a n n i b a l


Lecter, a brilliant psychiatristbased off a reallife Mexican psychopath, Doctor Salazar. Clarice Starling, a young and bright intern of the FBI in Quantico (Virginia), is chosen to question Hannibal by her boss, Jack Crawford.Hannibal is a very talented psychiatrist, but there is more. He is also a cold-blood murderer who is urged by his cannibalistic drives. “Hannibal the Cannibal” has been in jail for eight years, condemned to a lifelong sentenceand locked in a high security cell in the Baltimore psychiatric hospital. An investigation on a succession of murders committed on women in the mid-west is at the heart of the story. These murders were dramatized in an awful way and a serial killer, known as Buffalo Bill, committed them. Jack Crawford hopes that Clarice will be able to get crucial information about Buffalo Bill from Hannibal. The movie won many Oscars and other important awards thanks to the director, the adapted screenplay, and the main actors. It has made a name for itself in the cinematic culture being successful enough to immortalize the cannibalistic serial killer and psychiatrist. A TV show, Hannibal, inspired by the movie, is currently airing on Canal +. But be careful: you have to have a strong stomach to watch this movie and to go into this specific world where only the fact of watching this serial killer’s actions is enough to be disturbed or even traumatized.


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Follow the geek

Pocahontas Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon Or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned? Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? Can you paint with all the colors of the wind? Everyone knows the lyrics of the famous song «The Colors of the Wind» from the animated film Pocahontas. But before becoming a Disney film, Pocahontas was primarily a legend told from generation to generation. Let’s take a closer look at the life of this young woman. Daughter of the chief Powhatan who ran several Native American tribes, Amonute, her real name, was born around 1595. Her nickname « Pocahontas » came to her in her youth meaning «mischievous little girl» in her clan’s language. When the British colonized Jamestown, Virginia in 1607, Pocahontas saw white men for the first time. She was very young, but she quickly sympathized with one of the settlers : John Smith. He described her as an intelligent child. A few years later Pocanumber 08

hontas was kidnapped by the settlers who wished to exchange her for several British prisoners held in her clan. Her father responded by sending only part of the ransom asked, asking for them to treat her well while she was imprisoned. While with the British, Pocahontas was taught manners, courtesy, English and Christianity, which she converted to later in her life. In 1613, during her captivity, Pocahontas met a tobacco planter, John Rolfe, who she married on April 1614 after being newly baptized as Rebecca Rolfe. Later, she had a son, Thomas. This marriage brought some peace between the Indians and the settlers ... at least for a few years. In 1616, in order to promote life in the colony, she went to England with her son, her husband and several other Indians. In March of the following year, the family decided to return to Virginia, but Pocahontas health had deteriorated during the


Follow the geek travel. On March 21, 1617, at the age of 22, she died of complications from pneumonia or tuberculosis.

for Castle as well.

Although her life was short, the young woman played an important role in the communications between the Native Americans and the settlers. She saved many lives by doing this. Pocahontas inspired the writers of Castle in 6x10, « The Good, the Bad and the Baby ». Forever a prankster, Castle had fun with Kate by making her belive that his family dressed up for Thanksgiving. To pay tribute to the Native Americans, he would be John Rolfe and her, Pocahontas, his wife. Kate doesn’t take to it at first, but she eventually arrives dressed as the Native American woman. She admits that she was not sure if he was being serious so she brought along a costume



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Coffee talk The wedding is coming and booking wedding venues is not easy during this time. When Beckett reads an article saying that Castle and his ex-wife are getting back together, the topic of a press release of their engagement is questioned. Even though she is reluctant to this idea, Kate changes her mind and tells the press, herself, about their future wedding. Thanks to Matilda King, the editor of a famous magazine, Kate has her wedding dress, but she is sad that her mother cannot plan the wedding with her. They also found their song, which is none other than “In Mys Veins” by Andrew Belle.

As Ryan pointed out to Castle, instead of looking for a name for his child, Castle should be looking for a wedding date! The couple tried to solve this problem, but it becomes more difficult than they expected. Wit book tours this spring, the summer being too hot, and the winter being too cold, the dates become a problem. They choose October, but Beckett’s father, Jim, is in Europe

There is still the problem about the date and the venue. Despite all of these issues, Kate met her future father-inlaw that she never expected to see. The encounter between the future father-in-law and the future daughter-in-law did not go as well as any fiancé would wish. Kate wanted to arrest him and does not trust him. Thankfully, once the case is solved and she realizes he is not the killer, she (slightly) changes her mind about him.

Family reunited As a good mom and a future mother-in-law, Martha does not hesitate to advise them (even if they do not ask for her opinion) on their wedding plans. She tells them that there is no perfect moment for a wedding and to just choose a date.They are thankful for the advice, even if both parties don’t like it. Castle’s Dad also came back. Castle did not hesitate to tell them that they will only talk about work, but he wants to talk about their lives. His father says that it’s not possible because it will put Castle and his family in danger. When Castle learns that his father is no longer a CIA agent because he was fired, he turns to his mother. She reminds him that they do not know this man. With those works, Jackson arrives after he has been shot. Martha sees him for the first time in 40 years and she helps him without asking anything. Before disappearing again, he clarifies things and says that their findings on him and his exclusion from the CIA are only a cover. In the eyes of the law he no longer exists.

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We had not heard about our favorite fruitarian and his relation with Alexis for a while. She realizes that moving in with him was a big mistake and dumps him. She finally puts her pride aside and returns to live at home.


Coffee talk The Bro friendship’s stronger The Bromance between Ryan and Esposito is put to the test when the guys are trapped in a burning building. They show great bonds towards each other. We can see it when Ryan tells Jenny to name their unborn child Javier if it’s a boy. While Espo responds with a joke about that child being the only Irish man with a Latin name, he is still showing that he really is touched by it. With this tragic episode (with a happy ending) behind them, the Bros have fun by teasing Castle whenever they can. They have a mocking attitude towards Castle, who is on page 6 of the newspaper. Espo plays with Kate’s feelings while Ryan takes pleasure in reading the article about their private life. Castle is not left behind in this friendship. He took advantage of Ryan to tell him theories about telekinesis while Esposito sided with Kate and her rationality.

job to heart to quickly dismantle the case to see Kate again, healty and safe, which the managed to do.

Finally, the friendship of the four team mates is very strong when Kate must go undercover. Each takes the

Gates, the new mummy Life at the precinct is shaken when Ryan and Esposito find themselves caught in a burning building. Gates takes the case to heart to find all of the possible officers to help save them. She begins to theorize with Castle over the phone in order to ensure their survival. She even goes as far as to allow Kate to refuse an undercover mission to keep her safe in the 17th episode of this season. We feel that «Iron Gates» really cares for her men. Her moments are few, but when she assumes her leadership role, she supports her team. During routine investigations, the life of 12th is not highlighted. However, the « tech girl » (whoishated by the Esplanie fans) helps solve many cases. Also, Dr. Holloway, a character we have not seen since season two (in the case about vampires), reappears to assist in an ongoing investigation. This time, he does not ask Beckett to train Castle as if it were their first interview.

Erin & poling


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The 12th dimension

FANDOM 03/21 - 04/20

Love: Birth, marriage, family reunion .... aww that is so CUTE!!!!!! Work: Even during exams, Castle comes first. Health: You may start to realize that the snow melts, the birds sing and we enter into SPRING.

Ryan & Jenny 06/22 - 07/22

Love: You have a new little woman in your life ! Work: Don’t be too brave. There’s a little angel at home that needs you. Health: Don’t forget to sleep. It’s good for you and the baby.

numéro 01

Beckett 04/21- 05/20

Love: Normally when you select a date you start to send out invitations… Work: You should decide whether or not to invite your colleagues because this is mixing work and friendship. Health: Continue to eat well and tone your body for your wedding dress !

castle 07/23 - 08/22

Love: You have no resentment towards your daughter. You’re a great Dad. Work: You can’t find a theory for your latest phenomenon ? Get to work !

Bromance 05/21 - 06/21

Love: A bro always supports another bro in times of need. Even during periods of insomnia. Help a bro out even if he has an extra mouth to feed. Work: Keep an eye on your bro, he may not be 100%. Health: Make sure your bro thinks of himself even if he has a new addition.


03/23 - 09/22

Love: He was just a fish in the ocean. Work: Continue to focus on your school work.

Health: Living back at home ? Remember to avoid your GrandmoHealth: Maybe your brain is lacking ther’s cooking. nutrients ? Eat a healthy diet.


The 12th dimension

Gates Lanie


10/24 - 11/22

11/23 - 12/21

09/23 - 10/23

Love: Are you still satisfied? Work: You are working very well. Don’t forget your best friend’s wedding ! Health: Don’t stand too close to the bride !

Dragon 12/22 - 01/20

Love: We wish you all the happiness.

Love: YO! KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! Is there someone?

Work: Continue to create a positive Work:Good to see you again, but maybe you can add a little more atmosphere in the precinct. spice to your life ? Health: During periods of stress, maybe avoid Castle and his crazy Health:Keep in shape ! theories.



01/21 - 02/19

02/20 - 03/20

Love: We know you’re married, but do you have children ?

Love: Do you exist in marriage form ?

Love: Here we are again ! The whole family under one roof !

Work: You have to work with your campaign and prepare your « business ».

Work: You always do your job, yet fewer people notice you.

Work: You have a wedding to plan ! We all know a good mother is involved in the wedding of their child.

Health: Warm up your voice. You will need it for your speech.


Health: Ryan is probably going to need you over the next year.

Health: You live with your granddaughter, your son, and your future daughter-in-law. Keep your stress levels down !

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