Roundabout 47: December 2009

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Issue 47

December 2009




free To A GOOD HOME!

Inside this month

77 Local artist at Tate Britain 77 We talk to Abi Titmuss 77 Are you descended from royalty? 77 Help choosing your festive tipple...



Welcome to the December issue

Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la, la la, la la, let’s all buy some local holly, fa la la la la, la la, la la!! Yes that time of year is upon us again and here at Roundabout we’ve gone Christmas bonkers!!!!! It seems that most people hate how commercialised Christmas has become whilst still wanting to find and give beautiful personal gifts, a tall order when so many supermarket shelves are laden with mass imported gifts! So this issue we decided to find some local artisans and experts offering unique and personal gifts that capture the imagination. Using our advertisers will also help support local businesses so please have a good look through; they can offer you everything from phones to photographs, holidays to holistic massage and much, much more!

Tel: 01394 412160

Published by: Seaglass Collective Ltd. Greenacres, Mill Lane Alderton, Woodbridge IP12 3DB Send your news to: Gemma Thompson To advertise: 01394 412160 Having problems getting hold of Roundabout? Subscribe now for just £8, that’s a whole year of magazines posted direct to your door. Simply send us a cheque made out to “Seaglass Collective Ltd” with your address and we’ll do the rest. Please note the deadline for the next issue is very early! 11th December 2009

We’ve also cajoled local expert Karen Cannard into advising us on reducing our waste this Christmas and were thrilled to get advice on wine selection from Andrew Baker of Adnams Wine shop. Of course we are still featuring the best of local culture too, I visited inspired local artist Simon Wild who will be exhibiting at the Tate next month, and also interviewed John Hales and Abi Titmuss ahead of the Seagull Theatre’s production of Macbeth. The revival of the Seagull’s fortunes is a massive testimony to the people of Lowestoft and proves once again that us stubborn Suffolkers will always triumph! Christmas has also made us more charitable. Here at Roundabout we try to feature local charities and spread the word about their wonderful work, this month you can read all about Activities Unlimited on page 21. We have also found a cause that we will be supporting, from January we will be donating 5% of all our advertising revenue to Suffolk’s Coast and Heaths Connect scheme. This goes towards funding conservation projects within our AONB. We’ll tell you more about this from January onwards but if you want to find out more now please go to our website where you can link to an information page and even donate directly if you like!


Our competition this month is fantastic – turn to page 38 to find out more!


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Q 1 Where is Vineyard Fine Foods based?


Wild at Art!

By: Gemma Thompson

Our local talent is taking on the Tate! Meeting Simon Wild was a surprise, looking at his work I was half expecting to be greeted by someone with a jovial face, sporting a large moustache and covered in colour – think the Red Baron meets Timmy Mallett! Instead the man that meets me is soft and dreamlike, modest and quiet. He talks passionately about his work, both as an artist and as a teacher of art but yet never once comes across as arrogant in spite of his success. And he is enjoying success in spades; he is incredibly prolific and has featured in a variety of exhibitions over the last couple of years, including becoming a customary exhibitor at the Lielow and Sketch exhibitions at the Graham & Oldham Gallery in Ipswich. He gets regular commissions from the likes of the

Orient Express to create illustrations for various exclusive retail items. His work has appeared in Made and Sold by Lawrence King (978-1-85669628-9) and Illusive: Contemporary Illustration Part 3 (978-3-89955-250-8) a book described as ‘the definitive reference for contemporary illustration’. In 2007 he won the Egmont Children’s Books Award for being the Student with most promise in the children’s book industry, and indeed he has recently finished a commission for a children’s book to be published by Macmillan’s late next year, I was allowed a sneak peek and it is fantastic! Quite a range of achievements for someone who was told he wasn’t skilled or talented enough to do art at school!

It is obvious from his work that still waters run deep – but his waters don’t just run deep, they bubble and gurgle up images every second



B Manningtree

C Clacton

6 However his next exhibition is the most exciting to date, for our local talent is taking on the Tate! On Friday the 8th of January 2010 Simon, together with John Rixon, Animat, Alucidnation, Roger Eno and Dom Theobald, Laura B and Grainy, Jon Hopkins and Another Fine Day, take over the Tate with ‘Quiet Voices’; an ambient audiovisual feast. Expect beautiful aural soundscapes and lush cinematic projections to experience, absorb and get lost in. The perfect antidote to the excesses of the festive season. The inspiration behind this exhibition comes from a week long residency with John Rixon, the instigator of this exhibition, in the Southeast glacial region of Iceland. A country where creative thinking is promoted and where 54% of the population of Iceland believe in “The huldufolk,” or the hidden people. More commonly known here as elves or pixies. Simon believes that these are seen as a symbol of nature and by retaining respect for these myths the Icelanders have retained a respect for the sacredness of the land they live in. He has

Q 2

attempted to make work that investigates Icelandic folklore and myths, and creates an oasis where visitors can ‘sit and be reflective’ It is obvious from his work that still waters run deep – and his waters don’t just run, but bubble and gurgle up images every second, much like the hot springs in Iceland. He says “I like to make work that is colourful, decorative and inspired by imaginary worlds, interesting places, toys and unusual objects. I am interested in capturing the fantastical through a combination of observation and imagination.” His ideas first take shape as written notes and doodles in sketchbook, before “merging unconnected ideas to form what becomes the concept for an image or an illustration. I work with pen and ink, collage, screen print, and the computer, but always opt where I can for an immediate handmade approach as part of the working process.“

Which of these is not a Vineyard Fine Foods brand?


‘Quiet Voices’ a Late at the Tate Exhibition. Tate Britain, Millbank Entrance Free, tickets available on the night, no bookings taken, 8th January 2010, 18.00–22.00 See more of his work at or go to if you are interested in buying his work

A Suffolk Mud B Bromley’s Pickle Co. C Vineyard Fine Foods


Christmas Wine Guide

By: Andrew Baker

Tis the season……

Picking wines for food is a great way of bringing out the best in both

Q 3

What is Vineyard Fine Foods name on Twitter?

9 As the nights draw in and thoughts turn to the one day of the year when we can self-indulge, the thought of what drinks to have on the Christmas table is starting to enter the mind. So I have decided to step up to the plate and offer some assistance. Here I sit, poised on the laptop, glass of red in hand and too many thoughts of what to write whizzing round in my head! I have decided to keep it simple and give you a small guide of what to consider when choosing wines for foods. A great way to begin is by considering the weight or richness of the dish. Rich heavyweight foods like game or roast meats go well with full-bodied wines and the same for light foods going with light-bodied wines. If there is a sauce you will need a wine of sufficient body to compliment it. The next thing to consider is the intensity of flavours in the food. This is often confused with weight but a good tip is to think of how the dish is cooked. A meal that has been steamed would go well with a light wine where as a roasted or braised dish would need a wine with more intensity. Acidity and sour flavours in foods can make wines taste less acidic and the result is less vibrant and refreshing. Ingredients like pineapple, tomatoes, lemons and apples are all high in acidity and require a wine to balance them. This is a difficult part of the wine choosing process and even I can get it wrong now and again so be careful. If in doubt look at the origins of the food and pair it with a wine from that country (a tomato pasta dish with a good Italian red never fails.) Tannins in wines are created from the skins of the grapes and their presence in a wine depends on the amount of contact with the juice during winemaking. A great way to taste tannins is not



with wine, but instead by drinking black tea. A bitterness can be felt on the back of the tongue and the astringent sensation on the gums. Tannins react with proteins in foods and dishes with high proteins, like red meats, can make tannins softer. Look for high tannin wines made from Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah/Shiraz grapes to go with roast meats and low tannin grapes like Gamay and Valpolicella to go with pork and you’re almost there. Another point to note is that high tannin wines do not go well with oily fish and can result in a very unpleasant metallic taste. Finally comes matching the sweetness of foods. Using a dry wine with a sweet dish can leave a rather tart and over-acidic taste in the mouth so always try to match a wine with a similar or greater degree of sweetness. Late harvest wines are my favourite, try to look for a wine that has been Botrytis-affected to go with the Christmas pudding as they are especially sweet – trust me you’ll be going back for more! Renowned botrytised wines include Hungarian/Slovakian aszú (commonly called Tokaji, Tokajské or Tokay), French Sauternes, German and Austrian Beerenauslese or Trockenbeerenauslese, Italian Amarone, Romanian Grasă de Cotnari, French Monbazillac, Austrian Ausbruch and South African Noble Late Harvest (NLH). I hope this advice is useful when you’re diving down the wine aisles this festive season. Remember picking wines for food is a great way of bringing out the best in both, and following these few simple tips can ensure a really great meal. I wish you all a very Happy Christmas and happy drinking. Andrew Baker is Assistant Manager at Adnams Cellar and Kitchen, Woodbridge

B Vineyard Fine Foods C Chutneymaker


Q 4

What won’t you find in any of Vineyard Fine Foods products?


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B Sugar

C Gluten


A very personal Christmas gift From Trace Your Ancestors

Have you ever wondered if you are descended from royalty? Or would you be prouder to know that you come from the salt of the earth – agricultural labourers, sailors or maybe miners! Amanda Cornwell has been researching family history since the age of fourteen when she was set a school project and researched her own ancestors. Friends were impressed with the results of her efforts and requested that she research their family for them and the word soon spread to others. Following the birth of her children she left the corporate world behind and turned her pastime into a business forming ‘Trace Your Ancestors’ which she runs from home. She is based in the lovely historic Suffolk town of Framlingham and since forming Trace Your Ancestors she has researched nearly 300 family lines for people and has really enjoyed helping them to discover their roots. Although she enjoys every search and loves connecting people with their histories she has had a couple of very special cases recently, one in which she found a gentleman’s ancestor had recently passed away and as his will was intestate he was shocked to find himself the recipient of £7,000! She stresses this isn’t normal however and she doesn’t specifically

This knowledge, and the sense of completeness that comes from it, is priceless. research these angles. More common is the sheer joy that her clients find through finding out about ‘missing’ relatives. Another of her clients was over the moon when Amanda traced her grandad and found he was a famous travel writer in America. However it wasn’t his fame that caused such joy, it was that because of this there was film footage of him so her client actually got to see the grandad she had never known. “Family history research is a very absorbing pastime but for some people, maybe due to the time and some times

Q 5

Which of these is not part of the Vineyard Fine Foods range?

13 By: Gemma Thompson experience that is involved, they would prefer that it was completed for them. This is where I am able to help.” When you ask her to research your family for you she will start by confirming the information you know is correct by going through the General Register Office. Then she’ll start delving back in time for you. Of course the census returns form a large part of her initial research as these are very useful to work out where people were living, their occupation, approximate age and whether they were married and had any children. Once she has found your ancestors in the census records she then tracks down birth certificates, marriage certificates and where applicable death certificates. But the search doesn’t end with the first census (1841) as you might suspect! She then turns her attention to parish records. Unfortunately success can’t be guaranteed past the census as this depends upon factors such as how common your family name is and where they were residing. But if anyone can find them Amanda can! She also looks to see if any of your relatives appear in any military, migration, probate, apprenticeship, and other documents to add a fuller picture of your family to your research. All of these findings are printed and bound depending on the level of service and package that you commission her to complete for you. She offers three levels of research service so there is something to suit everybody! The most reasonable is the Bronze Package at just £60. Amanda explains that this is best for someone who is ‘interested in their direct blood lines and isn’t bothered as to who their second cousin three times removed might be’. All of the information that she can find on your ancestors is collated together and presented within a bound booklet. This will include various charts and copies of all sources used together with one Birth, Marriage or Death certificate.


Plum Gumbo

The Silver Package sees her working in exactly the same way as the Bronze package, then taking all of that information and researching back down and across the generations detailing your ancestor’s children. She researches each individual person to find out where possible whom they married and if they had any children. This leads to a very comprehensive family tree detailing as many individuals as she can find, all bound together into a book accompanied by a scrolled family tree tied with ribbon. Some of these scrolls can be 3 or 4 metres in length! All for only £120, amazing when you know how many hours she might have to put into it! Then there is the Gold Package, this is the same as the Silver package above but researching two lines, usually your mother and your father’s to give you a much more comprehensive view of who you are and where you came from. At only £200 this is incredible value for money, after all this knowledge and the sense of completeness that comes from it, is priceless. It can take up to 6 weeks to gather this wealth of information so Amanda offers gift vouchers for a unique Christmas present for a loved one, however, a couple of years ago she did manage to complete a tree in just 2 days for a young lad who wanted to give his mother a special Christmas present!

Advertising feature To find out more why not take a look around at her website Or you can reach Amanda on 01728 724196 07950 363601 Write to her at: 1 The Limes, College Road, Framlingham, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 9ET or email:

B Red Pepper Relish C Bramble Jelly


Saturday 5 Dec - Cool Remedy th

Fridaty 11th Dec- Curt 'N Rod Saturday 19th Dec- Mr Toucan Xmas Eve - Mark Anthony New Years Eve - Redwood COME & DINE IN OUR NEWLY REFURBISHED RESTAURANT

Q 6

Which of these is not part of the Bromley’s Pickle Company range?


Magical memories & Colourful Cushions By: Gemma Thompson She can even turn your child’s art into cushions! It is such a simple idea, I know how hard it is to part with clothes that hold precious memories of time with my daughter or other special times, but keeping them can mean them being left in a box rarely to be seen! But meeting Jenny Cooper has shown me the solution! Jenny was taught to sew and knit by her mum while she was a child. 10 years ago she began quilting after taking one of Karin Hellaby’s (owner of Quilters Haven in Wickham Market) renowned courses, her talent was swiftly recognised, in fact so swiftly that her first quilt was actually featured in Karin’s next book! She was still working at the time so at first it was just a hobby, then she made her first memory quilt from her daughter’s baby clothes and straight away she had people asking if she could do the same for them. She’s been producing memory quilts and cushions ever since. So taking these outgrown clothes to Jenny means you can enjoy these treasured memories, as she can turn them into beautiful, unique quilts that can be used everyday. She can even turn your child’s art into cushions! She is always happy to provide a no obligation quote as she finds it very rewarding to produce custom pieces for a quilt just as you would like it. She offers a range of off the peg soft furnishings too. Her newest cushions will certainly brighten up the winter months to come. Made from 100% cotton they come in three different colour schemes complete with a feather pad for just £15 each. You can find Jenny’s work every Saturday at Orford Country Market, Orford Town Hall from 9.30am 12.30pm. Her stall comprises of a selection of her cushions, kits, and a quilt or two. She also sells her homemade cakes, chutneys, and pickles as well as free-range eggs from her lovely chickens!

Advertising feature You can contact Jenny on 01394 459490 or through her website



Onion Chutney B Tomato & Chilli Jam C Sticky


Review: Untold Tales from the Suffolk Sandlings Valerie Fenwick and Vic Harrup Untold Tales from the Suffolk Sandlings focuses on an area of Suffolk about which little is known, apart from the ship-burial at Sutton Hoo. It commemorates dramatic and tragic events in the lives of men and women in this corner of East Suffolk. Valerie Fenwick and Vic Harrup have produced a book of twenty historical stories set in the area between the Deben and the Ore. Piecing together scrappy information from old documents, maps, archaeological finds, their knowledge of the landscape, and the anecdotes and memories of old folk to create a fascinating insight to this remote and beautiful part of Suffolk. From the founding of the Butley Priory onwards their research has uncovered a treasure trove of information, distilled into a work full of beautiful illustrations, fascinating facts and longer tales. This book is a must for anyone interested in the way people lived, and made their living here, from medieval to modern times. Price: £25, hbk. 240 pp. 200+ illust. 978-0956282903

Contents The Prior’s Tale: Good priors and scandalous ones ran Butley Priory for 367 years. Continuity and Change: The last Prior and the Priory staff; What happened to the Priory silverware? The Forths, Winthrops and America: A clothier buys the exPriory and its lands; His son builds a mansion there. The Fateful Marriage: Disaster follows the secret love of a Protestant boy and Catholic girl. Excess of Wives and Daughters: The Forth family ruined by wardship and the cost of providing for widows and daughters. The Wily Lawyer: The last Forth marries Walter Devereux; Their eldest daughter elopes and is disinherited. Sport for the Master: A Rendlesham heiress marries a duke; The Priory Gatehouse becomes a shooting lodge.

Q 7

The Surveyor’s Tale: Men who recorded the transformation of a landscape; Great havoc in Staverton Park. Tales from the Courtroom: Old records reveal village greens; The ‘lost’ Domesday manor of Carleton is identified. Orford’s Turbulent Bailiff: Violence erupts over fishing and shackage; fish stocks decline; effect of sea-level rises. Two Widows Wronged: Richard Wingfield dispossesses one widow and cheats another of her grandson’s inheritance. The Great Oyster, the Ferrywoman and the Landlady’s Tale: The origins of Butley’s oysters and the history of its inn; Murder in Thicks Cottage? Trade and Extraction: the Coprolite Rush: Export of rare white clay and other minerals; Village craftsmen and traders. Farmers of the Manor: Farmers of Priory land after 1538; The role of the heavy horse; Catlin and Crisp’s success.

Mrs Youngman and other tenant farmers: Tudor farmers and decline of sheep-farming; Conditions imposed on farming leases. Pastimes for the Men: ‘Camping’ and steel quoits; Tug o’ War and tennis for the women; Singing in pub and school. The Harvest… a Quarter less than Needed: Vulnerability of the poor; ‘A notorious bastardgetter’; Unrest in 1381 and Lockout in 1874. Baptism in the Pond, Marriage in the Porch, Burial in the Orchard: Butley church and parsons; Tunstall Quakers persecuted; Sudbourne Baptists and the Larges. Story from the Gravestone: A pressed Boyton man witnessed the horrors of battle; His youthful escape from drowning. Smuggling and the Wrong Side of the Law: Smugglers from Sandlings villages; Excisemen; New evidence supports the Catchpole story.

What shape is the Vineyard Fine Foods logo?

17 By: Emma Aldous


After the smugglers were gone, the officers Smuggling and the Wrong Side of the Law made another seizure of goods out of the cutter, lodged them in a house in that town, and sent to The Suffolk coast faces the Low Countries. Lacking Saxmundham for a party of dragoons; but about access roads, the deserted little creeks especially twelve at night, a gang of about thirty smugglers, all lend themselves to smuggling. Today it is drugs armed, broke into the room where the goods were and illegal immigrants, but in the past, wine and lodged, and carried them off in triumph.’ It is clear brandy, tobacco, silks and lace – that the boat was so heavily luxuries desired by both men and In one night six vessels laden that when she grounded women. The Excise stationed ran cargoes and her sides opened up, ‘bulged’, soldiers here to intercept three hundred men forcing the smugglers openly to smugglers, but so many people were waiting ashore rescue their contraband. benefited from the contraband to receive them The following month no fewer that smugglers could rely on than 6,380 gallons of recovered being tipped off when they were about. No doubt, ‘foreign Geneva’ were auctioned at Southwold, as on the Sussex coast at Rye, fishing boats were Colchester and Aldeburgh, plus nearly 1,000 constructed with secret spaces where small items gallons of brandy, 13 gallons of rum and 39 lbs of could be stowed. Liquor was not so easy to conceal roasted coffee. or carry. The tracks of carts taking it to inland ... Inland at Earl Soham near Framlingham, the destinations could be obliterated by flocks of sheep surgeon William Goodwin, had plenty to say driven by complicit shepherds. about smuggling in his journal. In February 1785 There were certainly smugglers in the Sandlings, he recorded that no fewer than 3,700 gallons of and their activity escalated in the course of the spirits passed through the village. Almost everyone 18th century ... by 1720 smuggling had reached ‘from the highest to the lowest’ was involved in such a height on this coast that in one night six smuggling or buying contraband. Liquor and vessels ran cargoes and three hundred men were tea merchants no longer sought further orders waiting ashore to receive them. because so much was being smuggled. At this ... On 28 February it was reported [that]: ‘a time private gin and tea shops were to be found in seizure of 160 half ankers of gin [680 gallons] was every parish. In Butley the Ferry-house probably made at Orford, being part of a cargo of a smuggling fulfilled this function, since in 1776 a pensioner cutter that bulged near that place; upon which the from the Boyton almshouses was fined one smugglers rescued their goods, and in the scuffle two shilling for tippling there. of the officers were much wounded.

The upper reaches of Butley Creek and the Froize were reputed to be the haunt of smugglers. Watercolour painted by Anne Paterson Wallace who lived at Ferry Farm.



B Circle

C Chilli


SORREL HORSE Christmas day menu £39.95 per head

Slow roasted vine tomato and purple basil soup

Spinach and leek tartlet with rocket & basil pesto


Goose and red currant terrine with Melba toast


King prawn cocktail with granary bread and pink champagne dressing

A refreshing lemon sorbet

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Nut roast with stuffing, roast potatoes and gravy


Grilled sea bass with a crayfish risotto & wild rocket


Pan fried duck breast with a cranberry and orange sauce and rissole potatoes

All main meals are served with seasonal vegetables

Christmas pudding with brandy sauce


Home made apple pie with cream, custard, ice cream or all three


Trio of local Suffolk ice creams


Chocolate brownie with chocolate sauce and vanilla pod ice cream

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Q 8

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What is the minimum number of cases a retailer must order?


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2 cases

B 6 cases

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Q 9

Essential IFA Ltd is an appointed representative of The Whitechurch Network Ltd, which is authorised & regulated by the Financial Services Authority. The FSA does not regulate tax planning.

Which of these does not appear on their weblinks page?


Activities Unlimited!

By: Gemma Thompson

Short breaks service in Suffolk that Aims High for Disabled Children: Aiming High for Disabled Children is a Government programme aimed at transforming services for disabled children and their families. Activities Unlimited is Suffolk’s response to this programme, providing a ‘travel agency’ style online service for people to select and book a wide variety of short break activities, whilst working to improve their quality and diversity. The Activities Unlimited team have spent a lot of time over the last few months, travelling around the county to find out what people want. Kevin Filby, Activities Unlimited Project Manager at Scope said “Following on from the delivery of the summer and October programme’s, the team are focusing on the development of services that take place throughout term time, and not just when the schools are closed. To do this, we need to know exactly where people are so we get them set up in the right places. One of the ways people can help with this is to enrol on the website and fill out some details. This gives us a much better idea of how many people live where, and what type of service they will need”. As well as urging disabled children and young people to enrol, Kevin and the team are always on the look out for new and innovative providers to join the programme. He said, “We have been working hard to develop many new and exciting short break activities. There were significantly more breaks available this October half term than last year, but there is still much work to do. We need to make sure we reach all parts of the county, so anyone who provides services for children and young people that would like help to become more inclusive to those with additional needs should get in touch, there are many ways that we may be able to help.”

Activities Unlimited, Unit 7 Hill View Business Park, Old Ipswich Rd, Claydon, Ipswich, Suffolk IP6 0AJ


Tastes of Anglia

For the first time Activities Unlimited have developed a Christmas programme! You can find more details about all the activities by enrolling at or by calling 01473 832971.

B Food glorious food C Roundabout


Have yourself a merry, waste-free, Christmas Did you know that every year the UK throws out an estimated 4,500 tonnes of tin foil over the Christmas period? This is enough to cover around 1500 square miles – which apparently is roughly the size of Suffolk! It will be of no surprise that Christmas is the time of year when our rubbish bins take a real beating, often requiring householders to use that extra bit of force to squeeze it all in, but with some extra planning, households can help keep their rubbish as low as possible over the festive season. From food waste to packaging, there are simple ideas that most people can try out at home and some may save some cash too.

Christmas shopping

SS Take a smart reusable bag off to the shops to avoid plastic bag clutter and look for gifts with packaging that can be recycled easily, such as glass or cardboard. Books are fabulous as they come with no packaging at all, as are treats such as club memberships or spa days. SS While shopping, also consider presents and greetings cards that are made from recycled materials, including toys, gadgets and clothes. This really helps to demonstrate that recycling is truly worthwhile. SS If buying online, look for companies that are actively working to reduce packaging. Amazon has increased its commitment recently and even smaller online stores are making great in-roads too.


SS If leftovers are a regular problem at Christmas, try reducing the amount of food you cook and serve. There’s lots of advice on portion sizes at plus recipe ideas from the country’s top chefs. SS To minimise plate-waste allow guests to help themselves at dinner parties and invest in reusable containers to store remaining leftovers, which can be repurposed for meals the following day. If using foil, remember to wash and recycle it. SS If you don’t have a food waste collection, consider using a wormery or a Bokashi bin for food scraps as well as composting peelings in a garden composter. They’re a great gift idea for the waste-conscious household and don’t require much space. SS Save plastic food wrappers, e.g pasta or rice packaging as most Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs) across Suffolk now accept plastic film such as this, as do many supermarkets. It is always worth checking at the customer services desk. SS Don’t forget your recycling bins over Christmas, especially for glass jars and bottles that can be rinsed then dropped off at your nearest collection bank, when you’re next passing. And if you buy juices in cartons, contact your local council for the nearest recycling bank. But remember to squash them first, so more can fit into the containers.

SS Swap expensive Christmas wrapping paper for reusable gift bags. Of course, the smaller your gifts, the less wrapping paper you will need. Wrapping presents in reusable fabric is now a growing trend, as is brown paper or pages pulled from people’s favourite magazines.

Q 10

How many stockists are listed on the Vineyard Fine Foods website?

23 By: Karen Cannard

Christmas Unwrapped

SS When unwrapping gifts, Christmas paper can be kept for reuse as can any wire ties that often come with gift packaging. Gardeners are often keen to collect them for garden ties.

SS Remember unwanted presents can be returned to the shops for a credit note or refund, or sold at a car-boot sale or on ebay. If you’re feeling generous, try Freecycle, Jumble Aid ( or offer it to your favourite charity. And if you’ve treated yourself to new furniture this Christmas, why not donate your redundant items to furniture reuse shop. There are several centres in Ipswich.

Further information

Your local recycling offices will be pleased to advise you regarding their recycling services over the Christmas period and beyond.

Collections • 01394 444000 • 01473 432000 Household Waste Recycling Centres • 0845 606 6067 Karen Cannard is a regular guest on BBC Radio Suffolk and author of The Rubbish Diet blog,

SS If you’re lucky enough to have a new mobile phone in your stocking, you may be able to get a good price for your old one. Check out for details. SS And don’t forget your old Christmas lights. If they break and can’t be repaired, they should be taken to the HRWC and recycled accordingly. By following the tips above, you’ll soon find the after-effects of the Christmas spirit aren’t as heavy as you think – as far as waste is concerned at least. Festive hangovers are another matter altogether. But in the words of Lenny Kravitz, “It ain’t over till it’s over” and you’ll soon be recovered in time to take your Christmas tree off for shredding and to drop off your cards at your nearest Woodland Trust collection, which you’ll find located at WH Smith, Tesco, TK Maxx and Marks & Spencer, throughout January. So festive greetings to you all and if you’re in need of more inspiration on how you can help Suffolk landfill have a lighter new year, you’ll find even more hints and tips at and at



B 34

C 44


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B Offers

C Flowers


End of Empire Mick Symonds and the Kit Inspection The sequel occurred in the autumn of 1949. Mick’s friends in Higher Places had arranged to launch him at last on a career in the Air Force. The one in which he could do least harm was Personnel Selection. No chance of crashing a plane, losing a barrage balloon, poisoning or shooting anyone. So it was off to RAF Hornchurch to learn how to select personnel; how to determine whether a chap would make a good cook, radar operator, pilot or lorry driver. He was to be posted. This meant he had to undergo a Kit Inspection. Your kit belonged to the King of England and the Empire, and you had to look after it for him (the kit as well as the Empire.) Airmen were not to be trusted, so they were subject to frequent Inspections of one sort or another, by the King’s hired Inspectors. And so it came to pass that Mick’s name appeared on the posting roster, with instructions to Stand by his Bed at 12.30 with kit laid out thereon, arranged according to King’s Regulations and Air Council Instructions.

“What’s this?” inquired the Flight Lieutenant slowly, as though he had never seen boots before.

Mick’s face became a mask of grief. “‘Ere Sandy,” he said. “I got a problem.” “What is it?” I asked. “Kit inspection”, he replied, his throat dry, the words escaping in a strange, choked hiss. “Ole Hayler’s going to kill me.” “He’s not allowed to,” I replied encouragingly. “It’s against KRs and ACIs” Not encouraged, Mick replied, “But there are other things covered by KRs and ACIs I’ve got Kit Inspection, but I’ve got no kit.” “No kit?” I asked incredulously. Even Mick was supposed to have kit. “Whatever happened to it?” I asked. “I had to sell it. It wasn’t only the boots. It was me shirts, the socks, me Best Blue, the lot. And I didn’t get much for it. If I hadn’t cleared my debts certain parties were going to perpetrate evil things upon my person. So the Day of Reckoning is upon me, and it ain’t just me boot laces that is undone.” We rallied round, and by lunchtime Mick had assembled a complete set of Kit. Shirts from Robin, shorts from Les, and from me a pair of boots. My Best Boots. The ones I was supposed to use on Sundays. The shiny ones. The ones I, too, would have displayed on a Kit Inspection. We laid it all out on Mick’s bed in the middle of hut 43, Pool Flight, and waited outside. At precisely 12.30 His Majesty’s team of Inspectors arrived consisting of Sergeant Hayler, the Warrant Officer, a Pilot Officer and a Flight Lieutenant. They took their responsibilities for the King’s Property seriously. They marched in and Sergeant Hayler screamed at the top of his voice, three feet from the only occupant of the hut, “Stand by yer beds.” Plural, note. Only one A.C. 2 Symonds, M., owner of only one bed, but it would have sounded pathetic had it been admitted that the order was barked out to one solitary airman. So beds it was, and Mick Symonds stood by it, at the position of ahten-sharn. The Flight Lieutenant led the way, followed by the Pilot Officer, the warrant officer and Sergeant Hayler. They examined the socks very carefully. Mo Mo’s socks. All three pairs. They counted the

Q 12

Which of these doesn’t Vineyard Fine Foods produce?

27 By: 2401580 Norman Sanders Cpl (Retd.)

buttons on the two shirts. Ali Ben’s shirts. Not all buttons blue, but buttons just the same. Best Blue jacket and trousers, beautifully ironed. Woofer Moe’s Best Blue. All was going well, until they came to the Best Boots. My Best Boots. “What’s this?” inquired the Flight Lieutenant slowly, as though he had never seen boots before. “Boots, Sir,” Mick replied. “Best boots.” “Well, if they’re your best boots, God only knows what your worst boots look like.” The Flight Lieutenant held the boots at arm’s length, and then let them fall on the floor. Actually, Mick was wearing his worst boots. They were some of the worst boots ever seen, though they were laced up (albeit with brown lace and string). But the strange thing about the RAF was that what you were wearing was not regarded as part of the Kit Inspection, and was therefore not inspected. Had Mick’s worst boots, however, been inspected they would have compared favourably with my best ones.

him much since he never got any anyway. And leaving me with no Best Boots, forcing me to nip smartly down to the war surplus shop and part with a couple of weeks’ pay. Mick left empty-handed for RAF Hornchurch, reporting the theft of all his kit upon arrival. He had the most innocent of faces, suffused with a seraphic smile, and his story was believed without question. For a brief moment of A.C. 2 Symonds’ life he was the owner of a complete set of kit, and was able to retain his entire pay on his first pay day at his new camp. But we mortals are immutable. No matter where we are, nor the circumstances surrounding us, we always revert to type. Mick Symonds was no exception, and his life of pianistic poverty soon resumed, while life at Cardington was all the poorer. Beer still flowed into the No. 3 Wing NAAFI piano, but no music emerged. The soul of the Wing had departed.

Mick Symonds passed his Kit Inspection on all counts save the boots. I hadn’t tried to sabotage the event. Had I realised that my boots were not up to prescribed standard I would have leant him something else. Best Boots were for going to church parade in, whereas I had worn mine in the Welsh mountains. Be that as it may, the Flight Lieutenant decided that it was a matter for Higher Authority, and Mick was marched unceremoniously to the No. 3 Wing Headquarters to face the Wing Adjutant. The Wing Adjutant spoke to Mick in a manner not really befitting a Wing Adjutant, and marched him into the next room, the office of the Wing Commander. More language not covered by K.R.s and A.C.I.s, which included the casting of unkind aspersions on Mick’s mother, and severe doubts about his fitness to wear any item at all of the King’s Uniform. But they were happy to post him and his kit elsewhere, so he survived. However they burned the boots, my boots. Requiring him to replace them, the cost of which was docked from his pay – not that that troubled



B Sauce

C Chutney


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Q 13

Which of their product ranges is Vegetarian Society approved?


Unique Retirement Opportunity Honeysuckle Cottage is a fully staffed private residence. Surrounded by open farmland and natural woodland, it is an active community with a thriving shop and post office.

The owners, being of retirement age, have decided to share their sumptuous well appointed surroundings with friendly like minded people.

If luxurious family living in retirement appeals, please telephone 01953 681006 or email

A Bromley’ Pickle Co. B Vineyard Fine Foods C Suffolk Mud

30 The Indian Harvest


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Q 14

Which major supermarket stocks their products?


The Seagull Soars

By: Gemma Thompson

Ambitious Director brings community theatre back from the brink The Seagull Rep finished it’s first I also asked what she thought of season with its most ambitious "Things without all remedy people suggesting it was stunt production of the year – William should be without regard: casting, she said “Well I don’t Shakespeare’s Macbeth, starring blame them, if I didn’t know what’s done is done." celebrity and award winning me I probably wouldn’t take me actress Abi Titmuss as Lady Macbeth. This seriously either. It’s very interesting if you had a dynamic, modern dress production made full man that had modelled underwear you wouldn’t use of music and audiovisual projection, and assume that he didn’t have a brain, but people even incorporated specifically commissioned do make that assumption of women a lot more. I animation. This is all combined to make understand that and that I am partly to blame for Shakespeare’s tragedy as thrilling, powerful and that in some ways, but I just try to make the best accessible as it was for the audience that would of things really. have seen it in his time. I could have gone into a cameo part on TV and The theatre was saved from closure in February built my career that way but I wanted to do it this this year and has already re-established itself as an way because the parts you can get are better, I important performing arts venue, offering a diverse wanted to hone my craft as an actress and I’m range of shows, classes and workshops. Despite loving it. In the words of Lady Macbeth “Things the fact that it is a ‘not for profit’ organisation and without all remedy should be without regard: is not currently funded in any way. what’s done is done.” I just have to work that little bit harder that’s all.” The Seagull’s Artistic Director John Hales said “We were delighted to have Abi on board for this For information on what’s coming up next for the production. The publicity is fantastic for us as we Seagull Theatre, call 01502 589726 or go online rebuild the theatre, but more importantly, we’re to lucky to have such a dedicated, talented, powerful and classy actress working with us. In all respects Abi is perfect casting. She’s bringing power and sensuality but also genuine depth to the role.” I caught up with Abi as she started rehearsals and asked her how she felt going into such a huge role in such an intimate setting. She told me excitedly “What they’ve done with it is incredible, it’s very exciting, John’s using film projection, animation, an incredible soundtrack and a fantastic cast! This play will lend itself really well to the intimacy of the theatre because the audience will feel really involved, they’ll see every nuance of emotion on our faces. It’s going to be great to be close to the audience, you can feel the audiences reaction and I love that, I love the moments when you can hear a pin drop you know people are listening or the laughter and you know people are involved.”



B Sainsbury’s

C Tesco


Canny Computing

Ever wanted to throw your computer out of the window? You’re not alone! As a computer expert I spend my days saving computers from destruction and people from the unnecessary expense of a new computer. I also see a lot of people doing things the hard way so here are some tips to ease your pain!

Q 15

What sized jar does Ginger & Apple Pickle come in?

33 By: Local computer expert John Ballance

A Time Saving Tip – Copy and Paste

This is a way to take text from one document (or web page) and copy it to another. First highlight the text you want to copy by getting the cursor to the beginning of it, clicking on the left hand side of the mouse and running the cursor to the end of your chosen text. Now click the right hand side of the mouse to bring up the menu and choose ‘Copy’. Move the cursor to where you want the text to go, right click again and choose ‘Paste’. You can also do this from the keyboard. Press the ‘ctrl’ key and the ‘c’ key at the same time to ‘Copy’ and ctrl-v to ‘Paste’. On a Mac, use the command (apple) key instead of the ctrl key.

An Internet Tip – Tabs

All the main Internet browsers now support tabs, but most people don’t use them. Do you get frustrated when you click a link only to lose the original search page? If so, click the link with the middle mouse button (wheel). You should see a new tab open containing the page you want, whilst leaving the original page open where it was. The same can be achieved by holding down the ctrl key (or the command key on a Mac) whilst clicking the link.

Windows 7

Windows 7 is now launched with great hype – but is it worth it? If you’re buying a new machine and have the choice of Vista or Windows 7, then I recommend Windows 7. But if you are wondering whether to upgrade there are a few things to consider. Hardware wise, most existing Vista machines will probably benefit from Windows 7, but if you have an ‘entry level’ machine then NO. The minimum spec you need is: 1. A dual (or more) core processor; 2. At least 2GB of RAM; 3. 160Gb hard disc minimum - with about a third of it spare. XP machines with a similar hardware spec will benefit, but see below about the upgrade process.

inside’, or ‘AMD64’. If this does not specify dual core then it is not! Another way is to right click the MyComputer icon then ‘properties’ it should tell you there. A more definitive way is to start the task manager and look at the ‘performance’ tab. If there are 2 or more ‘cpu usage windows’, then it’s fine, if only 1 then it’s a single core processor. To easily start the task manager, click the start button and select run (in XP) or the search box (in Vista), type the word taskmgr and click run. Upgrading from XP comes with a caveat; it will copy all your data and programme settings, BUT none of your actual programmes. These will need reinstalling and from original sources. If you have programmes you need that you have not got the installer for, then DON’T upgrade. (I personally found this a real nuisance). The upgrade path from Vista is claimed to be easier and includes transferring programmes. I have no personal experience here though. I hope you find these tips useful; To see what else I can do to help, including repairs, upgrades, getting rid of viruses, and installation of appropriate anti-virus software, please contact me on 07976 295923, by email as jwb@rosery. net, or at You can also find me at as Ipswich Computer Expert

So how will you know the hardware spec? There may be a label on the machine saying ‘Intel



B 227g

C 200g


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Q 16

What was the first product in the Vineyard Fine Foods range?


What’s on... If you have a listing you’d like to appear here email it to us at: or visit our website and add it there! Comedy

3rd December: 6.30pm – 10.00pm

Christmas Fair - Bart’s Hall, Orford

6th December: 7.30pm

Jokers Comedy Club: David Hadingham, Anthony King, Gerry K and MC John Newton.

5th December: 1pm – 4pm


Rendlesham Primary School’s Christmas Fayre. Santa will be making a very special appearance so bring the family and come and enjoy the start of the festive season!

26th November – 30th January

5th December: 1pm – 5pm

ALADDIN - The Wok ‘n’ Roll Panto! This not-so-traditional Panto includes over twenty rock & soul classics including I’m A Believer, Born To Be Wild, Lean on Me and Dancing in the Street all played live before your very eyes – book early to avoid disappointment! The New Wolsey Theater, Ipswich • 01473 295900 3rd – 5th December: 7.45pm

HAROUN AND THE SEA OF STORIES New Wolsey Studio Salman Rushdie’s 1990 novel is an effervescent mix of fantasy and adventure that despite being a children’s book has very adult things to say about a free imagination trapped in a world of thought control. 4th December – 19th January

Jack and the Beanstalk Fee-fi-fo-fum! I smell two hours of panto fun! Be ye young or old and merry come see the panto here in Bury! Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds. 01284 769505 • 6th December: 7.30pm

Hansel & Gretel This production is a piece of musical theatre that will appeal to the whole family old and young alike. A touching, uplifting, comical and vibrant show which includes an enchanting musical score, magical masks and giant puppetry. Seckford Theatre 01394 615015 9th December – 2nd January: 11am & 2pm

THE ENORMOUS TURNIP! A Christmas show for ages 6+ and their families with puppets, comedy and musical carrots!!! New Wolsey Studio. • 01473 295900 23rd December – 2nd January: 2.30pm & 7.30pm

Sleeping Beauty Deben Players This Christmas pantomime promises to be a highly colourful comedy, Seckford Theatre. Tickets can be booked via The Deben Players website:, by telephoning on 01394 382240, or by visiting the Woodbridge Tourist information centre. 3rd December: 3pm – 7pm

Christmas Craft Fair Basepoint, Ransomes EuroPark, Ipswich. £1 entry fee, all proceeds go to Out & About

Dowerhouse Chutney

6th December: 10am – 4pm

Christmas Street Fair Woodbridge Over 100 stalls with an amazing range of festive gift ideas and tempting treats. Santa 12 2pm plus a Punch & Judy show in Cumberland Street. Thoroughfare & Cumberland Street. FREE parking available in the town’s public car parks and at SCDC Melton Hill car park. 12th December: 9.30am – 4pm

Woodbridge Festive Market. Vintage finds, contemporary homewares, gifts, jewellery, handbags and a tempting array of locally produced foods. Shire Hall and Market Hill. 17th – 23rd December: 10.00am – 5.00pm

Roger Hardy Exhibition. Sculptures and retrospective sale of paintings, Peter Pear Gallery, Snape Maltings, Aldeburgh. 19th December

Snape Christmas Farmers Market Snape Maltings, Snape 20th December: 2pm – 2.30pm

Father Christmas sails into Snape Maltings on the majestic Thames Barge whilst the Royal British Legion Brass Band play. Snape 7th December – 16th January

John Russell Gallery, Ipswich 30th ANNIVERSARY WINTER SHOW Celebrating the Gallery’s 30th year, a choice selection of new and period pieces. GLYNN THOMAS R.E. The region’s most popular etcher makes a welcome return.

Heritage & Historical Events 11th & 14th December: 6.30pm – 9pm

Arts, Crafts & Fashion


Sue Ryder Care - Christmas Fair. Crafts stalls, a festive Santa’s grotto and plenty of refreshments (including Mince Pies) for you to enjoy. The Chantry, Chantry Park, Hadleigh Road, Ipswich Suffolk IP2 0BP

Otley Hall Christmas Tour. Experience a Tudor-style Christmas with a guided tour of this stunning 15th/16th century Hall, followed by mulled wine and festive nibbles in the Great Hall. £12 per person. Otley Hall, Hall Lane, Otley Suffolk IP6 9PA •

B Piccalilli C Classic Apple Chutney


What’s on... 17th December: 7.30pm

5th December

Taff Gillingham Presents: “Remembrance and The Great War – A Very British View”. The Suffolk Family History Society The Red Cross Hall, Chevallier Street, Ipswich (entrance via the Bramford Road Car Park of Lloyds Bank). New Family History Researchers, members or not, are warmly welcomed to our Meetings Entry costs only £2 per person.

Xmas Soul Jam Regent Theatre, Ipswich 01473 433100

Nature, Health and the great Outdoors!

Joe Longthorne in Concert Regent Theatre, Ipswich 01473 433100

5th December

Althea Brown at The Olde Bell and Steelyard Woodbridge. Soul Motown & More! 6th December 11th December

12th December: 10am – 1pm

Constable Country Ramble: Walking In the Footsteps of Constable Join a 3 hour (4 mile) guided ramble to visit some of the places and views which inspired the artist John Constable, Booking Essential 01206 298260. National Trust Adult £5 Child £2.50 Bridge Cottage, Flatford. 26th December

CLIC Sargent Boxing Day Dip with a Nip Come and join us on Boxing Day morning for a Dip in the River Deben followed by a wee nip of Whiskey and a cup of hot soup. £50.00 minimum sponsorship, for further details please call 01284 829090. Registration from 9.45am, Dip takes place at 10.30am Waldringfield Sailing Club Suffolk IP12 4QL Website

In The Flesh Pink Floyd Laser Spectacular Regent Theatre, Ipswich 01473 433100 11th December: 7.30pm

Carols by CandleLight – The Locrian Ensemble Catch these charismatic performers in the intimate surroundings of the Seckford Theatre. Featuring top London musicians in lavish period costumes and evocative period setting. Seckford Theatre Tickets; £15, Contact Box Office on 01394 615015 11th December

Mike Solo at The Olde Bell and Steelyard Woodbridge. 12th December

The Beatles on Tour Xmas Show Regent Theatre, Ipswich 01473 433100 12th December

Kids Stuff

The Aldertones at The Olde Bell and Steelyard Woodbridge. Best of the 50’s 60’s & 70’s

12th December: 10am – 12noon

13th December

Family Morning, ‘Christmas Creations and Winter Wildlife’, Children £3.50, Adults £1.50 Suffolk Wildlife Trust Education Centre, Foxburrow Farm, Melton 01394 380113 21st December: 10am – 12.30pm

Children’s Activity Morning - ‘Not a Creature Was Stirring’. Activities on hibernation for 6 - 10 year olds. £4 each Suffolk Wildlife Trust Education Centre, Foxburrow Farm, Melton 01394 380113

Music, Festivals, Food & Drink 1st December

Ian Brown plus Special Guests. Regent Theatre, Ipswich 01473 433100 2nd December

The Royal Air Force in Concert Regent Theatre, Ipswich 01473 433100

The Barry Kingston Trio at The Olde Bell and Steelyard Woodbridge. Jazz n’Lunch 19th December

Buckshee Brown at The Olde Bell and Steelyard Woodbridge. Folk, Salsa & Bluegrass 21st December: 6.30pm

The 58th Open Air Carol Service The event is free, with a collection in aid of the East Anglian Children’s Hospice Ipswich, and Sure Start Suffolk. Market Hill in Woodbridge 24th December

Saltshaker (Acoustic Blues) at The Greyhound Pub, Lavenham, Suffolk, CO10 9PZ

3rd December

Workshops Education & Training

Jake & Elwood’s Christmas Party. Regent Theatre, Ipswich 01473 433100

9th December: 6pm – 7.30pm

4th December

"The Power of Colour". The image2day studio, 6 Bramley Close, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7HP Price: £25 per person

Thank You For The Music. Regent Theatre, Ipswich 01473 433100

Q 16

If you wanted to buy Vineyard Fine Food products in Orford which shop would you go to?

37 The Bond invests, after initial charges, in properties and securities. Properties are booked for a no profit ‘User Charge’ and Points issued with the Bond. There is a quarterly fee of around twenty-five pounds including VAT linked to RPI, with all other management fees paid from securities. Investment is from £4,000. You may encash after two years at a value linked to that of the properties and securities but you may not see a profit and may incur a loss because of initial charges and fluctuations in asset values. You may also encash under the “Holiday Satisfaction Guaranteed” offer. In exceptional circumstances encashment may be deferred for up to twelve months. No medical examination required. This advertisement is issued by HPB Management Limited (“HPBM”) of HPB House, Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 8EH. HPBM are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority and are the main UK agent for Holiday Property Bond (“HPB”), issued by HPB Assurance Limited (“HPBA”) registered in the Isle of Man and authorised by the Insurance and Pensions Authority there. Holders of policies issued by the company will not be protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme if the company becomes unable to meet its liabilities to them but Isle of Man compensation arrangements apply to new policies. The Trustee of HPB is HSBC Trustee (Guernsey) Limited registered at Park Place, Park Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel Islands, GY1 1EE. The Securities Manager is Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management Limited registered at 25 Cabot Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 4QA. The Property Manager is HPB Management (International) Limited (“HPBMI”) registered at Ground Floor, Neptune House, Marina Bay, PO Box 67, Gibraltar. HPBM, HPBA and HPBMI are part of the HPB Marketing Group and are not independent of each other. HPBM is able to advise only on HPBA’s products. Prize draw: No purchase necessary. Drawn 30th October 2009. Winners notified, winners list available 9th November 2009. Claim prizes by 31st December 2009. Cash alternative may be offered. Those under 18, HPB investors, employees, associates or those in their households are not eligible. One entry per household. Full rules on request.

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What’s on... Christmas & New Year Parties 4th December

Evening with a Lionel Richie Tribute & Revival Disco, 2 course carvery £40 per person 77 Bar & Eatery 10th or 11th December

Evening with Irie J & Revival Disco, 2 course carvery £40 per person 77 Bar & Eatery 5th, 12th & 18th December

16th December: 12pm – 2pm

Athena Monthly Networking Lunch for Women Belstead Brook Manor Hotel, Ipswich, Contact Jackie Clifford at or on 08458 335204 • 16th December: 11.30am – 2.30

CoastalNet Christmas Networking Meeting, Ufford Park. Enjoy good company and a buffet lunch for £10 per person or £15 for two!

7.30pm - midnight 2 course carvery & Dancing with Revival Disco £35 per person 77 Bar & Eatery

Faith, Spiritual & Charitable Events

31st December

Coffee Morning in the Shire Hall hosted by the Mayor of Woodbridge, Councillor Les Binns. Proceeds will go to Kyson Community Association, Woodbridge Entry: £1.00 includes coffee and biscuits. All welcome.

Colin & Harry at The Olde Bell and Steelyard Woodbridge. New Years Party.

Business & Networking 2nd December: 9.30am – 12noon

Friends in Business Monthly Networking Meeting, Basepoint, Ransomes EuroPark, Ipswich, 10th December: 7am

People Buy People Networking Breakfast. Glasswells Ipswich 01473 722723 10th December: 7.30pm

Quills December talk ‘Through the Green Room Door’ by Maureen Miller behind the scenes theatre anecdotes with a seasonal flavour. Quills ladies meet monthly at Seckford Hall. Non-members £3. For more information call Caroline on 07775 620226.

Competition Answer the questions along the bottom of the pages and either post or email us the answers and you could be in with a chance of winning a fantastic hamper from Vineyards Fine Foods worth over £50! We will be drawing this on the 20th of December so don’t delay enter today!

4th December: 10am – 12noon

7th December: 7.30pm

The Monday Talks Speaker: Mojilum Khan, literary critic, researcher and writer on Muslim history and faith. St. Mary’s Church Centre, Market Hill. Admission free. 13th December: 10.30am (11am start)

Ipswich Santa Run in aid of EACH Get dressed up as Santa and join us as we dash around Christchurch Park in Ipswich to raise money for EACH!! The route is approx 3 km , £10 entry fee including a santa suit, and register online at Christchurch Park, Ipswich Suffolk 21st December

Carols on Rotary Hill Woodbridge


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