Roundabout 42: July 2009

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July 2009 Issue 42




free To A GOOD HOME!

Inside this month...

77 Suffolk people: Peter Hughes 77 Discover a hidden Indian restaurant! 77 Travel tips and recommendations 77 Fiction: End of Empire - part 2


3 Welcome to the July issue Well what a month it’s been – I feel as though I’ve been on a roundabout myself! All the bright colours and merry music of Suffolk is whirling around me. Promoting business, culture and lifestyle in Suffolk is a wonderful job, and I am thrilled that we are meeting so many business owners and artists that are getting up and doing it for themselves. This month we are proud to be featuring The Swan Inn in Alderton, who have taken the unusual step of converting their traditional English Restaurant into quite an exotic experience – read all about it on pages 8 & 9. Last month’s competition was won by Mr & Mrs A Aldous of Ipswich, they picked up their copy of Roundabout at the Woodbridge tourist information office and here’s what they had to say about their evening at the Aldeburgh Music Festival.

Tel: 01394 412160 Published by: Seaglass Collective Ltd. Greenacres Mill Lane Alderton, Woodbridge IP12 3DB Send your news to: Gemma Thompson To advertise contact: Abi Gagen on 07949 560487 or Please note the deadline for the next issue is 10th July

“We arrived at the Snape Maltings on a pleasantly, warm evening. Many people were outside enjoying the picturesque surroundings with drinks from the bar. We made our way into the concert hall where we were treated to a mixture of different musical styles, very interesting. This was the first time we had attended a classical concert and found it to be enjoyable and stimulating. If you have never been, give it a try, we shall be going again.”

Competition time

We are very pleased to announce that Rendlesham Sports Centre are giving us 3 months gym membership to pass on to the lucky winner this month! The questions are along the bottom of each page (Hint go to if you can’t answer them!) and send your answers to us either by email or to our mailing address, both of which are just next to this column. Last month we only had a few entries so PLEASE enter – you have a great chance for a great prize after all!

Stop Press

You may remember last month we appealed on behalf of the Little Hen Rescue Foundation to try and find homes for battery hens. Many of you wanted to help but are not in a position to do so. In response to this my sister Emma has set up a website full of fun chickeny things to buy. 50% of all profits will go to the Little Hen rescue centre so go online to and grab chickeny gifts for all the family!

4 Suffolk People Our Roving Reporter Jeff Short interviews Peter Hughes, an everyday hero hired Working on the beach can’t always be fun. That’s true, in the winter we faced freezing gale force winds, with a wind chill factor of fifteen Fahrenheit below freezing. Not a lot of fun.

Does your team stay in local digs?

We have a couple of centrally heated portable accommodation blocks on site. Because our work is dictated by the tides the unsocial hours we work would make it impossible for us to live in digs.

What does the job involve? The massive 2.2 million pound Bawdsey East Lane sea defence project has finally been completed. These defences have been constructed to stop the coastal erosion that was likely to destroy a two hundred year old Martello tower, and also threatened to flood hundreds of acres of highly productive farmland, turning the village of Bawdsey into an island. The sea defences at East Lane are unique in several ways. They are the first sea defences to be privately funded; they are the biggest construction project on the peninsula since World War II, and they involved so many high tech systems that the whole job, which consisted of placing 6,500 six ton boulders (A total of 39,000 tons), was completed by just seven men in only eight months. In charge at the sharp end of this project was Engineering Foreman Peter Hughes Peter came into civil engineering ten years ago when he worked on the emergency sea defences at Bawdsey. He loved the job “Where better to be on a glorious summer day than working on a beach?” As a result he has specialised in sea defence work ever since. “I’ve never forgotten the warm welcome I had at Bawdsey when I first came into the business and I was delighted when the opportunity came for me to join the current project. It was like coming home.”


The boulders arrive from France and Norway by barge, which is beached at high tide. They’re bulldozed onto the beach and the lightened barge floats off. Our job is to dig a trench at the low tide mark so that the first few rows of boulders can be partially buried, stopping them from being swept out to sea. Then we build on this base. Each boulder is carefully and precisely positioned. We have a satellite positioning system that by using thirteen satellites is accurate to within one millimetre.

But it must be hard to get a uniform and reasonably level face on the sea wall? These boulders are all different shapes and sizes. Yes, despite all that technology has to offer, a few old fashioned techniques of ‘dry stone walling’ come in useful at times.

It must be very dangerous shifting these huge boulders, have there been any accidents? Health and safety is the number one priority on a job like this. There has only been one minor accident on the whole project. A boulder was dropped on top of another which shattered and although I was standing 20 feet away and was wearing a hard had and safety goggles, a piece

1: What time does Rendlesham Sports Centre close on a weekday evening?

5 By: Jeff Short

by The East Lane Trust Sea Defences Project to save the Suffolk Coast. of shrapnel managed to find a gap between them and embedded itself in my temple! I guess that just goes to prove that no matter how safety conscious you are, accidents will happen.

This construction was privately funded. How did that come about?

sale, plus a substantial personal contribution from John Fell-Clark the owner of the Martello Tower, was gifted to the Council to fund the work.

What happens next?

Peter has a couple of week’s holiday back in Lincoln before his next contract, but he’s hoping that the extension of the defences will be approved, bringing The Environment Agency is usually responsible for him back to Bawdsey soon. We hope to see him funding coastal defence work. But because of the again soon too, the Suffolk coast needs saving! sparse population and isolation at Bawdsey the scheme was not considered to have high priority. Landowners joined together with other members of the community to form a Trust to which they donated a few small parcels of land on high ground in Bawdsey, Alderton and Hollesley, which were then sold. The money raised from the land

Before (right) and after (above)

A | 10pm        B | 9pm        C | 9.30pm


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2: How many cardiovascular, resistance and free weight machines does Jets Gym have?


A | 55          B | 44          C | 45

8 A Cobra, a Curry and a Kip!

By: Gemma Thompson

A traditional tandoori restaurant hidden in a Suffolk country pub... Lots of village pubs have to diversify to survive these days, some operate the post office, some contain a store and some even run the local mums and toddlers group. Pete Saxon, owner of The Swan Inn at Alderton has recently taken the unusual step of renting out the restaurant of his cosy village pub to become an Indian tandoori restaurant, complete with a traditional clay oven! When I talked to him about this unique concept it all made perfect sense. He told me “There are a lot of pubs around that offer bangers and mash or basic English food – particularly country pubs – so why would anyone choose to come to mine not theirs? However, I haven’t heard of a country pub with an Indian restaurant in, and it’s the most popular cuisine in England!”

The newly opened Indian Harvest is owned by Shammim Uddin, with almost 20 years experience in the restaurant business he is as passionate about customer service as he is about good food. This restaurant is one of the few where I have seen a customer comment card since I’ve been back in England. I persuaded Shammim to hand over some of the comments guests have made in the 3 months they have been open and he very shyly passed me them. There wasn’t a single bad comment! Here’s a few that seem to sum them all up “Amazing food!!! Fantastic staff!!! 10/10” “Delicious fresh food & friendly service. Best Indian food we have tasted in this country” “4 visits in 2 weeks says it all – we love it” I live in Alderton myself and I must say I think that Pete and Shammim make a winning team, I remember the night the restaurant opened and you couldn’t get in it was so busy, but the proof of its success is in the final comment shown above; people come back. I haven’t had the pleasure of eating in yet as I usually take away, but even this is a pleasure compared to the usual take-away. It’s much nicer to be able to sit and have a drink and a chat while you wait than to sit on a sticky PVC sofa surrounded by copies of old magazines. I have to admit that the fact you get 20% discount off their already reasonable prices is also a serious draw with a family as big as mine! This take away option is also great for holiday makers staying in local cottages. Customers have come from all over the area to sample the joint delights of The Indian Harvest and The Swan Inn. They’ve flocked in from Hollesley, Rendlesham, Melton, Sutton, Shottisham, Felixstowe, Orford, and Tunstall and even from Woodbridge. I asked Pete why he thought this was “Well I think there’s a couple of


3: When did Rendlesham Sports Centre first open?


“Delicious fresh food & friendly service. The best Indian food we have tasted in this country.” reasons really, obviously the food is great – the chef here trained with an award winning chef – and everything is freshly prepared to order. Of course there’s the free car parking too, and we’ve even got accommodation here, so if people want to have a few drinks they don’t have to worry about driving home!”

The Swan Inn 01394 411366 The Indian Harvest Restaurant 01394 410555 The Street, Alderton, Woodbridge IP12 3BL

A | March 2000        B | May 2000        C | August 2000



4: What range of weights will you find in Jets Gym’s dumb bells?


A | 1 – 50 Kg       B | 5 – 75 Kg       C | 1 – 75 Kg

12 Travel tips

By: Michelle Thake

Hints and tips from an experienced traveller My name is Michelle Thake and I have worked in the travel industry for 15 years. I’d like to pass on some of my extensive knowledge and experience whilst offering you honest and impartial advice. So here are my top travel tips and my destination of the month!

Travel Insurance

Make sure you have adequate cover and where possible top up your medical insurance with the E111 card which gives you free medical treatment in EU countries.


Talcum Powder

Great for getting sand off of your body especially hands and feet. Rub some on your body and the sand comes off. Great one for the children!

Passports and visas

I can’t explain it, but somehow bags seem to hold more if you roll your clothes rather than fold them. It also helps minimise creases. Try it, I guarantee it works!

If you are travelling overseas, you’ll require a valid passport. For some countries, your passport will need to be valid for at least six months after your intended return date. Some countries require a visa too so be sure to check!

What to pack

Protect your health

Try and pack as lightly as possible and coordinate your wardrobe so you can mix and match. Keep the shoes to a minimum too. (Ladies!)


Unless you’re staying in hotels and resorts for the duration of your trip, it pays to pack a towel. Whatever you do, don’t get sucked into buying one of those chamois towels or one that resembles a hand towel. I can tell you from experience that it won’t dry your hair, it won’t cover your modesty, and, if you’re in a cold climate, you’ll freeze before you dry yourself!


Oh don’t you just hate them! Don’t forget your repellant and invest in a plug for your hotel room.

The last thing you want on your holiday is to get sick, so make sure you visit your GP at least eight weeks before travelling overseas. They’ll be able to provide you with the most up-to-date information on vaccinations.

Foreign currency

The most important rule when it comes to money is not to rely on a single form of currency – take a credit card, some cash and perhaps some travellers cheques.

Do your homework

Other countries sometimes have strict rules, regulations and religions so read up on your chosen destination so you are fully in the know. That way you wont find yourself in any awkward situations! If you are thinking of taking a holiday or a break of any kind I provide an unmatched service. I am happy to talk to you anytime including evenings and weekends. So if the time has come to start planning your next trip give me a call and let me turn your holiday dreams into reality. Michelle Thake, Travel Counsellor 08450 587973 / 07501 720113


5: How many squash courts are there at Rendlesham Sports Centre?

13 Greece

Few countries can honestly boast that they have had a profound effect on shaping the world as we know it. But Greece has earned the privilege, having influenced art, language, politics, theatre and even sports. This is the birthplace of the Olympics and great thinkers like Plato and Socrates. It also happens to be a stunningly diverse country with abundant attractions from north to south. Your holiday may start in Athens, the capital city of 3.7 million inhabitants. The Acropolis is an absolute must. Skipping it would be like going to Paris and not seeing the Eiffel Tower. Perched high on a rocky hill, the Acropolis looks out over the modern city below. Most of its ancient buildings represent Ancient Greece from its Classical period. The Parthenon is the most iconic, a tribute to the goddess of the city Athena, dating back to 447 BC. Check out the new Acropolis Museum designed by Swiss architect Bernard Tschumi. Open fully in

early 2009, it houses impressive relics and artifacts and temporary exhibits. Do roam the neighbours of Athens. Have coffee and dessert at a café in Kolonaki; hang out in the lively Omonia and Exarheia areas, and see the opulent restored 19th century neoclassical homes in Plaka and Thissio. Of course, the islands are star attractions themselves. Each offer something a little different, but all have the same high calibre of hotels and hospitality. Honeymooners flock to Santorini, famous for its quaint charm and picturesque views of the turquoise sea. Meanwhile, Rhodes is a favourite among beach lovers and history fans who want to see more Ancient Greek architecture. Corfu, a large island, has it all, from nightlife to food tours, in one place. There is always something new to explore, always something amazing that will make a lasting impression on your holiday memories.

Three reasons to love Greece 1. When it comes to seeing top-notch archaeological sites, Greece is one of the best destinations to visit. 2. Even simple joys like sipping Greek wine at a typical taverna is a pleasant way to spend an evening. 3. You just have to love the warmth of the local people. You’re welcomed like a long lost cousin, not a foreign tourist.

A | 1         B | 2         C | 3         D | 4

14 End of Empire

By: 2401580 Norman Sanders Cpl (Retd.)

Getting Kitted Out So you know how it all ended, with me as an Official Failure. But two years earlier I had been dead keen, and I would have stayed dead keen had it not been for the KRs and ACIs. King’s Regulations and Air Council Instructions. The laws that governed our every act. Had the King himself had to abide by these rules he’d have got into trouble. Possibly not as much trouble as I, but trouble nonetheless. Had it not been for the KRs and ACIs, I’d probably have been a fairly successful airman. When I joined, the war had been over three years; The RAF was high in numbers of men, but very low on flying. Hence there was little chance of my destroying anything of any real value.

It started in the hot summer of 1948 at Liverpool Street Station, with a one-way ticket to a place called Padgate. The strange thing about being moved about by the Air Force was that you never knew where you were. To this day, I still haven’t a clue where to find Padgate on a map. Several carriage loads of new recruits disgorged themselves on to the platform of Padgate station and were whisked away in trucks to the tender mercy of the Corporals. The Battle of Britain was still fresh and stirring in our memories, the Air Force still an object of glamour, and we couldn’t wait to don uniform and share in the glory. However it soon became clear that the RAF consisted almost entirely of Corporals. It was the function of the Corporal to interpret the KRs and ACIs to the Airmen, and because Airmen weren’t thought to be terribly bright, there had to be lots of Corporals to ensure compliance. There were higher ranks, but they were essentially shielded by a strange system of pseudo invisibility based on Communication. Communication went from rank to adjacent rank, in one of two directions. My first contact then with my new social structure was Corporal Webb and he stood to greet us on an upturned bucket. He was in charge of a hut of twenty two recruits, and it was his job each week to oversee the kitting out of his charges and to introduce them to the Ways of the Air Force. And it was the business of getting kitted out that brought me face to face with the KRs and ACIs, and with Woofer Moe, He of the Deficiency Chits. Deficiency chits were little bits of beige cardboard conveying the fact that an airman lacked this or that article of clothing. When Woofer Moe arrived in the summer of 1948 the staff there had never before set eyes on a man of such shape. The RAF had existed thirty years, and had had to outfit men of every sort, imaginable and unimaginable. They had an astonishing range uniform! They


6: What are cardiovascular machines least useful for?

15 could have kitted out pygmies in Africa, Watutsi warriors, American baseball players and Japanese wrestlers. But they could not kit out Woofer Moe. The only article of clothing that fitted Woofer Moe was his tie. You retained your deficiency chit until the specially tailored article arrived. In the interim you wore whatever bits of uniform fitted, together with your own trousers, boots, cap, or whatever. And on Kit Inspections you arranged your kit in the Official Pattern on your bed, with whatever deficiency chits you might have had in place of the missing items. The Inspecting Crocodile was a very impressive procession. And an expensive one. It was a much be-medalled and be-striped galaxy of senior RAF material that went from hut to hut inspecting newly kitted out recruits standing by their beds at various attempts at the position of Attention. Each recruit would be subjected to a comprehensive scrutiny and often a penetrating question. “Why is this man standing like this?” the Station Commander might ask - not of the man himself but of the Wing Commander. As though the Wing Commander would know why the man was standing with one shoulder higher than the other, face all twisted and back arched as though carrying a heavy load. The Wing Commander would ask the Squadron Leader, who would pass the question down the line until it reached the Corporal. The Corporal would then ask the victim, “’Ere you, why are you standing like that?” The airman would then explain, having heard the question several times and so being well prepared. “I’m trying to be a smart airman standin’ to attention Corporal”, would be the reply. “ ’E’s trying to be a smart airman standing to attention, Sergeant”, the Corporal would say to the Flight Sergeant, who would repeat the reply along the length of the crocodile until it reached the Station Commander, who would appear not to have heard a word during this extraordinary display of Human Communication. Woofer Moe stood there on that first kit inspection wearing his own suit and his RAF tie with a complete set of deficiency chits arranged around his bed. The Station Commander was not quite

Heavens & Earth Art making your words look good Graphic design is not mere decoration but is an essential form of communication, one that conveys your message more powerfully than words alone could.

Emma Aldous 01394 412160

prepared for the sight awaiting him. Neither was the Wing Commander, nor anyone else in the Inspecting Crocodile. He had arrived at Padgate in a fifty guinea pink suit, red and white shoes, a black shirt and broad brimmed trilby hat. And that is what he stood up in that day in July, 1948, relaxed by his bed unencumbered by any suspicion of kit other than his RAF tie. “Where is this man’s kit?” demanded the Station Commander. The question travelled the crocodile to the Corporal, who knew the answer but had to ask the question anyway. “Deficiency chits”, said Woofer. “Nothing fitted except me tie, so I got deficiency chits for the rest. There they are on the bed, Corporal”. The reply went back up the line. (Try saying deficiency chits ten times quickly.) Woofer Moe received his kit after many months in his pink suit, but my curious mind was never to recover from this early exposure to KRs and ACIs, somehow all the others had adapted themselves to them, but I was set for trouble …

A | Building muscle    B | Building stamina    C | Losing weight


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7: Which class takes place on a Wednesday at Rendlesham Sports Centre?


The Turks Head HASKETON A hidden gem B ri n g th isn g a d v er t a lo a n d cl a im r 50 p of f y ou fi rs t d ri n k The Turks Head (just off the A12 near Woodbridge) has just been taken over by a group of villagers keen to see their pub survive and attract new customers. A 15th Century wooden beamed building offering traditional local ales, a good selection of home cooked food from Wed to Sun (including Sunday Roasts), large garden area and regular events such as live music, karaoke, themed food nights, Bar-B-Q’s etc. Good prices and a warm welcome for all - including children and dogs! Please come along and give us a try!

Low Road, Hasketon IP13 6JG -- 01394 610907

A | Yoga/pilates   B | Step aerobics   C | Spinners indoor cycling

18 How to use advertising effectively It has been said that the average customer needs to have contact with a product or service approximately 7 times before they will seriously consider buying it. Is this true? And if it is how can we make contact with our potential customers? From my experience it is important that a person feels they can trust a product before they buy it, and that trust can be formed by repetitive contact and can take some time to build – this is where the traditional wisdom of ‘7 contacts’ comes from. There are three main ways of reaching your potential customers, Advertising, Networking and PR. However when we look more closely it is easy to see that some forms of contact are more likely to build trust than others. Here we’ll look at Advertising and how to use it effectively. Advertising is wonderfully effective at reaching a large amount of people with the minimum amount of effort on your part. However it does take time for this to pay dividends. How long it takes depends on the type of advertising you use. To illustrate this let’s look at how a company advertising yoghurt would make it effective. They could place the advert in a classified section of local magazine; this is likely to make people think that it is a very small company, possibly only just starting up, with not a lot of money to spare. They are unlikely to think it is even possible to buy the yoghurt in their local supermarket so would be less likely to look out for it. The exceptions to this are the people that really want to support small local businesses and if this yoghurt happens to be organic they are likely to get a few orders. However if they have taken a half or full page advert in a national glossy magazine and have requested to have it placed in either the ‘food’ or the ‘health & wellbeing’ section they are likely to make a much more trustworthy impression straight away. Why? Because the advert is bigger it is first of all more noticeable, it also suggests


that the company can afford to advertise, meaning that they are an established company and other people already buy this yoghurt. This is reassuring for potential customers. The placement of the advert can also add gravitas to it, the articles on either side are written by experts and the very fact of being placed amongst such allows the yoghurt to bathe in the reflected glory. There are other ways of advertising too, one is the ‘advertorial’ when a ‘feature’ on the yoghurt would be inserted in place of a regular advert, although in most glossy magazines this will have the heading of advertising feature so customers will know that this is paid for. However, as an advertorial can contain so much more information that a regular advert, it can be an excellent way of building trust within the customer base. And magazines are not the only places to advertise, there are also billboards, radio and television. Billboards are likely to be seen by the same people over and over within a short space of time so can be very valuable, however as these customers are usually whizzing past it may be that they have passed it several times before the information has been absorbed. And the more information on this kind of advert the less likely it is to be absorbed – it’s much better to put a web address than a phone number on here for people to find out more. Radio and television adverts both build trust more quickly when they are done well, why? Well this kind of advertising usually relies on actors ‘recommending’ the product, talking about it the way your friends or family would talk about it. Products with a large advertising budget will usually go out of their way to hire celebrities that are already perceived as trustworthy by the public to endorse their product such as Gary Lineker for Walkers Crisps. The design of the advert will also make a difference to how the product or service is

8: Which kids class is on a Monday morning at Rendlesham Sports Centre?

19 By: Gemma Thompson

perceived, this does not mean it has to look ultra professional, but it does have to look right to your ideal customer base, if you are trying to attract big business it is best not to use a daisy as your logo, likewise if your ideal customer base is female and creative, having heavy block initials may also have an off putting effect. Now you know almost everything you need to take into consideration before placing an advert, but there is one last point you need to consider, how many times do you run the advert? Particularly with print advertising it will take a certain amount of repetition to build trust with your customer base. 1 advert, whether it be full page or classified will not work well. The larger the advert the more noticeable it is so you will find it works more quickly. However in order

to not be forgotten you will still need to run it regularly – once you are established look at entering an advert at least once every 3 months to stay in people’s minds. If you are running a classified advert you will need to run it every month for at least six months for it to be effective, and to continue to run it every month for it to stay effective. This can be expensive. Generally for small businesses or soloprenuers I recommend taking a minimum of a quarter page advert for a six month run, followed by repeating the advert every other month. Local magazines are much cheaper than national magazines but before you decide which is for you look at where your customers are, if they are national then you should aim to advertise nationally as soon as you can afford it.

Ever wondered what happened to the life you were supposed to have? Fed up with spending so much of your life working for other peoples success? Feeling uncomfortable because the work you do is not in line with your values or beliefs? Not sure what you want from life, or believe that it's too late? You need to find your purpose, and live to it!

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A | Hip Hop     B | Total Fitness Fun     C | Karate

20 Lightfoot O’Brien Westcott S OL IC I TOR S Contact:

Glen Carey for advice on Divorce & Disputes Jeremy Westcott Conveyancing

James Lightfoot Wills & Probate

WOODBRIDGE 01394 386336 Barton House, 84 The Thoroughfare Woodbridge IP12 1AL e-mail:


9: Who was using the Rendlesham Sports Centre building in 1987?


Send your answers to: Roundabout competition, Greenacres, Mill Lane, Alderton, Woodbridge IP12 3DB to arrive by 27th July 2009. All the correct entries received will be put into a hat and two lucky winners will be drawn on 30th July 2009

22 What’s on... If you have a listing you’d like to appear here email it to us at: or visit our website and add it there! 4th – 5th July: Woodbridge Horticultural Society’s ‘Woodbridge Flower Show’ at the Community Hall, Station road. Refreshments and Raffle. Entries from non-members welcome. For schedule and entry form contact Alan Wylding on 01394 388293. Admission £1.00 Exhibitors, Disabled and Children Free. 8th July: Bentwaters Cold War Museum Open day Building 134, Bentwaters Parks, Rendlesham, Woodbridge £4 adults, £2 concessions 8th July, 10am – 12pm: Walk with the Warden at Dunwich Heath 2 hour guided walk with the Warden exploring and learning about the site and it’s amazing flora and fauna. Adult £5 Child £5. National Trust. Outside Tearooms. 9th – 12th July: The 42nd Snape Maltings Antiques & Fine Art Fair A fabulous display of fine antiques and works of art valued at more than £5 million will be going on sale. Fifty leading dealers take part with exhibits from £10 to £20,000 for sale. Snape Maltings, Snape, near Saxmundham 10th – 22nd July: Bridging the gap – Textile Art Group Suffolk 16th Annual exhibition The Pond Gallery, Snape Maltings 11th July, 7.30pm – late: 1st Woodbridge Scouts James Bond evening, Felixstowe at Landguard Fort in Felixstowe, featuring internationally renowned Jazz singer Polly Gibbons & the Fat Band ( to raise funds for the 1st Woodbridge Scout Groups new Building. Tickets £38 (include welcome drink, meal and fun Casino) Dress Code: Black tie or Bond Theme – Bond Girls and Villains equally welcome! Tickets & Enquiries 07542016556 12th July, from 1pm: Woodbridge Regatta & Riverside Fair 12th July, 10am – 5pm: Ufford Bygones and Fun Day Crown Farm, off Crownfields, Woodbridge, Suffolk. For the benefit of St Elizabeth Hospice, Ipwich. Adults: £2.50, Children: £1.00 A wide range of games and activities for the whole family, steam engines, tractors,150+ classic cars, 40+ arts/crafts stalls, giant slide, bouncy castle, and much more. Tel. 07812037150

16th – 19th July: Latitude Festival, Henham Park Getting bigger and better every year, this year you can see the likes of Little Boots and Grace Jones. Day tickets are £60, for more info go to 19th July, 11am – 4pm: Peasenhall Pea Festival Fun for all the family. World pea podding championship, pea shooting, pea throwing, and other pea related competitions. Parade for Queen Pea, Miss Sweet Pea, Captain Birds Eye. Pass the parcel, grand draw, music, pork & pea sausages, beef & pea burgers etc etc. Peasenhall Assembly Hall Suffolk 19th July, 3pm: Fun Dog Show at Butley Flower Show at Butley Village Hall. Does your dog have talent? Can he/she sit and smile? Come along to Butley Flower Show, it starts at 2pm with the dog show kicking off at 3pm. Varied classes to suit all ages, shapes and sizes – some are even suitable for dogs! £1 per class payable on the day. Prizes and rosettes for winners. It really is a FUN dog show perfect for everyone and every dog. Come and try your luck. Call Susie: 01394 450042. 19th July, 12 – 6pm: Jazz at The Pavilion, Orford For the benefit of local good causes. Picnic Jazz will be presenting better value than ever this year! There will be twice as much good music from the world of jazz. Bring a picnic and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of Orford with the best in jazz from Clive Carroll, Toby Allen and Ben Scarce. Adults £15 Children Free. Contact Jacki Maslin Tel. 01394 450799 24th July – 29th August: Suffolk Summer Theatres 25th July, 7 – 9pm: ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ Sutton Hoo Award winning Illyria presents Shakespeare’s most popular comedy an effortlessly magical and gloriously silly comedy. Adult £13.50 child £9.50 26th July, 1 – 4pm: Book, Record & Plant Sale at “JAYDENE”, Main Road, Martlesham. Admission Free 26th July, 11am – 5pm: Xtremefest 2009, Felixstowe Brackenbury Fort, Felixstowe 31st July – 2nd August: Hatchfest Mutimer’s meadow, Hatcheston Suffolk.


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