What is Kripalu Yoga?

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I'm sorry, but Yoga cures people, and that is a fact...have you ever wondered why? I mean, I put an arbitrary disease in the title, it might be Back Pain or diabetes, or whatever, but whatever it is, when people start doing yoga, and especially Yogata, they start throwing pills away and feeling like they are twenty years old again. Let me tell you why this is so. You assume a pose, maybe it's the mountain, or the dog looks down, or whatever, and it takes a certain amount of effort to stay in the pose. Your muscles shake, you break out in perspiration, and you make it through the posture. The first thing to consider is what you are doing by going through the yoga discipline. As you continue to practice the posture gets more and more effortless. You actually start to relax, or achieve an effortless attitude within the body. In doing this you are becoming cognizant of the space of your body. Space is the key of it all. The entire cosmos is nothing but space, and objects occupy space, and even have their own space. Now, here is the key to it all: you can be aware through space. So you stop looking at your body as a solid object in which traps you, and start realizing that it is a space within which you can have life. You don't need senses to perceive, you can just see it directly. Of course, it may take time to realize this simple truth, but having read these words your progress should be much faster. Now, moving through the space that is occupied and defined by your body is the awareness of you...the 'I am.' You are the point of perception, but to say it in that manner is just plain backwards. You see, you are not perceiving, you are the light. Your awareness is light, and it illuminates the universe. This is why yoga works, and why, aside from strengthening the body to resist whatever disease you might encounter, you might actually just cure your disease strictly by the strength and brilliance of your awareness. You are you, that is at the heart of your awareness, and that is what Yoga is, and why and how it does what it does. I don't care if you study Kripalu yoga, Svroopa Yoga, or whatever. I don't care if your postures are from Bikram or Viniyoga. You are the truth, and this thing called yoga is what joins you to the truth.

The logic of these words, how easy they are to understand, this is the truth of Yoga. Head on over over to Learn Yogata and know that I love you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Al_Case

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