Commencement 2021 COMMENCEMENT 2021
Every single person here has a story; every single one of us has their own way to deal with their challenges. But I am sure that at one point or another, the relationships we have with the people of our surroundings are the reasons why we keep going. Tough times don’t last, but tough people do. —Mathias Ouellet, Class President
It is always a joy when Commencement morning opens on a beautiful Maine spring day, but perhaps this year more than ever our graduates and visitors to campus delighted in the perfect temperature and abundant sunshine. After a year of so many changes from the norm, the graduating class of 2021 reveled in the same commencement traditions as had others before them: Bagpipes. The Hebron Cup. The singing of the Hymn. Best of all, they saw happy and unmasked faces of (fully vaccinated) friends and family greeting the newly graduated after they rang the Victory Bell.